Ps 230 Flashcards
What is a nation?
A nation is a constellation of individuals such that they shared characteristics such as language, religion, custom, bloodlines.
North Korea is a state. Most people are Koreas . But the US is so many different people.
What is international relations?
Events taking place in the real world.
What are the elements of statehood?
- ) Population: no minimum number of people required
- ) Territory: territorial disputes, when two or more states assert sovereignty over same surface.
- ) Government or central decision making machinery
- ) Ability to enter in foreign relations: most important!!! Indispensable sine qua non
Note need all 4 elements
Why is the fourth element of statehood indispensable?
- ) Possession of external sovereignty = accepts not outside entity as superior. IL accepts US
- ) Possession of international legal personality = ability to incur obligations and enjoy rights
What is the mechanism under which states take obligations?
What are the two aspects of sovereignty ?
- ) External sovereignty: state acknowledges no outside superior.
- ) Internal sovereignty: state recognizes to equal internally.
the rest of the states do not have international legal personality. passport US
What is a state?
A territorial based political unit, characterized by central decision-making and enforcement machinery(government)
Most important actors in the real world.
What is International Relations?
This is the academic discipline that studies the relations.
What are brute facts?
Lake Michigan, Chicago river. They exist independently of our ability to perceive them.
What are social facts?
Democracy, war, sovereignty they have no natural existence and are essentially contested.
What is orthodox?
Widely accepted means prevailing.
What is heterodox?
Those which are not acknowledged.
What is a country?
A Territorial element or concept of the concept of state. Overarching
What is hood?
Quality of being something elements present for some entity to be a state.
What are the characteristics of a system?
- ) Interaction
- ) sufficient impact of one another’s decision making.
Every system is a set but not every set is a system.
For how long has ir has existed?
For as long as state-like units have existed. Rome and ancient China.
When did IR emerge?
As the result of world war 1 (1914) atrocities.
What was the question that animated or spurred of what was the catalyst?
What should we do to Obviate war? Obviate= prevent.
Where was the first department of IR form?
University of Aberystwyth, Wales.
What are the three Paradigms of IR?
- ) Liberalism
- ) Realism
- ) Groatian: English school.
Why was liberalism the first dominant paradigm?
- ) IR emerged in the USA and UK or Great Britain less devastated by the war
- ) The dominant approach was classical liberalism and liberal traditions.
What is liberalism?
Refers to Utopian, trust in education, reform, and the sporadic use of force.
What is realism?
Believes the world is imperfect, imperfection results in forces inherent in human nature.
What is Groatian?
Intellectual history: modern political thoughts: ideas