PS 230 EXAM 2 Version 2 Flashcards
What are the 6 tenents of realism according to E.H. Carr?
- ) hard and ruthless analysis of reality
- ) assume critical and somewhat cynical aspect
- ) realism places “emphasis on the acceptance of facts and on the analysis of their causes and consequences
- ) depreciate the role of purpose
- ) emphasize the irresistible strength of existing forces and the inevatibale character of existing tendencies
- ) highest wisdom = accepting and adapting onself, to these forces and these tendencies.
What is independence?
External sovereignty.
Why not be neutral?
Because it is a sign of weakness
What is the difference between right and wrong according to
There is no difference between right and wrong.
Why Athenian?
Because it’s a proxy for realist argument.
What is the knowledge of men leads us according to realists?
To conclude that it is general and necessary law of nature to rule whatever we can.
What are the salient points? Points realists make (3)
- ) Power need it or else someone else will exploit you.
- ) balance of power= equality to compel
- ) emphasize the use of no fine phrases.
What is original power according to Hobbes?
Natural power: faculties of mind and body. Such as good looks, strength, prudence, eloquence, generosity, and nobility.
How are instrumental powers such as money acquired?
Through our natural power or through luck.
How can a weak person kill the strongest?
Through secret machianation (cleverness) or confederacy (alliance).
What does equality of ability rise?
Equality of ability = equality of hope + scarcity = enemies.
What are the three principles of quarrel(war) in nature of man?
- ) men invade for gain, people wives and children
- ) for safety: to defend them
- ) for reputation: to have glory
What happens when there is war?
- ) no letters
- ) no arts
- ) no society
Because of constant fear of violence and death.
What is the life in war?
- ) solitary
- ) poor
- ) nasty
- ) brutish
- ) and short
What is standard of justice?
Equality of power to compel=balance of power.
What is Athenian used for?
Proxy for realists argument.
What do the strong do?
Do whatever they want and weak have to accept it.
What is self-interest? According to realists
Be strong.
According to Michaeveli, how are humans?
- ) ungrateful
- ) fickle(change loyalty)
- ) false
- ) cowardly
- ) covertous(greedy)
How is loved preserved?
By a link of obligation, which is base(morally low no value, lack of higher values)
What is anticipation?
The most reasonable way for any man to secure himself.
Difference between Thomas Hobbes and John Lock?
Unlike John Locke, Thomas Hobbes argue that in absence of government. Life would be hell on Earth.
What is Hobbes starting point?
- )On average we have the same intelligence and physical abilities
- ) out of this emerges equality of hope in getting what we want. But if two individuals want the same thing then we are enemies. Best way to deal with enemies is anticipation strike first.
Why do the strongest fear the weakest according to Hobbes? Two reasons
- ) because you can be clever and strategic secret mechanism
- ) confederacy, which is just alliance and together can take down the stronger indivual.
Hobbbes we find human nature 3 principles of quarrel?
- ) Competition: use of force to make master
- ) defidence: use of force to defend what is yours
- ) smallest things insignficant
Thomas hobbes is war always there?
The desire to content to fight is always there unless there is government.
What does Hobbes say about accusing humans saying we are no good?
Only lived based on their actions. Lock your doors. Gov keep in awe.
What are the 3 essential tenents implicit in Machiavelli’s doctrine of foundation-stones of the realists philosophy?
- ) history is a sequence [pattern] of cause and effect, Carr refers to this sequence as “the determinist aspect of the historical process” meaning history is a sequence observable regularaties. Can be analyzed by intellectual effort, but cannot direct it. Imagination= liberals. Realists argue the course=sequence of pattern.
- ) theory does not ( as utopians assume) create practice, but practice creates theory
- ) politics are not (as utopians pretend) a function of ethics, of politics.
Liberals politics is a function of ethics.
Realists inverse function, ethics is a function of politics.
What is the difference between Liberals and Realists?
Liberals politics = politics is a function of ethics.
Realists argue that ethics will be the mirror of politics. Do what we are going to do, and then our ethics will be a reflection of our practice.
Exam 2
What does oustanding achievement mean most important argument make according to Carr?
Outstanding achievement means that in the view of Carr, most important argument realists make is to reveal, not only the determinist aspect of the historical process. BUT
The relative and pragmatic character of thought(intellectual processes) itself.
What do realists and liberals agree on?
Everything begins with human nature. IMPORTANT, whereas liberals believe human nature is good and infinitely malalbale. Realists, jealous. Opposite.
In what sense is thought relative? In what sense is thought pragmatic.
Thoguht(intellectual theories) and ethical standards are historically condition theories are not abstract, but product of circumstances and interest. relative
Pragmatic in the sense that we use our theories to accomplish our purposes. And use ethical standards to cast a negative light on our opponents. And cast a positive light on our actions. Carr argues theories are pragmatic because we can mold them for our own interests.
How are politics governed?
By objective laws. Not subjective not dependent on our preferences.
What are laws?
Patterns, observable regularities, NOT human-made rules empirical
What is the main signpost that helps political realism find its way through the landscape of International politics?
The concept of interest defined in terms of power.
What is the key concept?
Objective which is universally valid.
What is power?
Anything that established and maintains control of man over man. Power covers all social relationships, from physical violence to the most subtle psychological ties by which one mind controls.
Can universal moral principles be applied to actions of states?
No, but must filter through circumstances of time and place.
What cause the Rationalist theories of IR= neorealism and neoliberalism to emerge?
1.) Intellectual History field two-way street between academia and the real world. IR and ir.
2.) WW1 emergence of IR
First homes of liberalism U.S. and UK
No destruction US. Dominant paradiagram liberalism
- ) After WW2 realism contd dominance, Hans Morgenthalw politics among nations
- ) 1960s changes in the real world challenged the post-world war 2 realistic shift from high politics
- ) changes in the area of low politics
- ) not taking too much in the state
- ) parties were relax
What were the events in the real world that cause changes in the World academia?
- ) Hitlers ascension to power, popular support, liberals belief in power of democracy, and public opinion.
- ) League of Nations Fail of collective security. (Italy and Japan Invasion)
- ) autarky(Hitler economic independence) during the 1930s Great Depression
- ) E.H. carr 20 years crisis 1919-1939
What happened after WW2 to realism?Politics among nations. Hint 2
- ) US and Soviet cold war
2. ) nuclear age
What happened post WW2 that challenge the shift in nature of high politics? Hint 3
1.) Cuban Missile crisis-detente
2 U.S disaster in Vietnam. U.S had upper hand
3.) power of high politics becoming less important.
What do realists value above everything else? And what is it?
Realists value high politics. And its the most common way in which states interact which is war.
Change to post WW2 diplomatic-strategic relations of states are the core of actual international relations.
What changed from High Politics?
Change to low politics.
What happened as the Cold war decline from a hot war?
The significance of international and social and economic relations increased. Spread of MNCs( Multinational corporations)
What is diplomatic-strategic relations of states?
High politics.
What is the only one channel to access to power according to realists?
State to state power
What is Keohane and Nye argument?
- ) multiple channels of access
- ) force if of low salience
- ) no hierarchy of issues
What is Realists three different arguments from Keohane and Nye?
- ) one-channel of access
- ) force is the ultimate ratio
- ) there is a hierarchy of issues
What is the timeline of liberalism, realism, complex interdependence, and neorealism?
1919- Liberalism
1930- Realism
1960s- Complex Interdependence
Then Waltz- Neorealism
What is sensitivity vs. vulnerability?
Sensitivity: extent to which adverse event negatively affects a state.
Vulnerability: ability to react to the adverse event and mitigate the effects.
Who are political actors?
Individuals or states
What does self-interested mean?
To be concerned primarily with the pursuit of own interests. Utility maximizers.
What does it mean to be rational?
To be able to establish the most effective and efficient ways to realize their interests within the environmental constraints they encounter.
What are the levels of analysis or images? Hint 3
- ) Individual
- ) state = inside out
- ) system = neorealism + neoliberalism
Who is considered the father of neorealism?
Kenneth Waltz.
On the third image of Kenneth Waltz, what are the three most important characteristics?
- ) Ordering principle
- ) character of the units of the system
- ) distribution of capabilities of the units in the system
What are the two kinds of possible systems according to the ordering principle?
Hierarchical= different kinds of units organized under a line of authority
Anarchical = units are similar in nature+ absence of any overarching authority
Assumptions of a rationalist theory on the distribution of power?
- ) states differ vastly in their capabilities
2. ) there is an unequal and constantly shift distribution of power across the international system.
Name the five assumptions about political actors?
- ) atomistic the source of their own conceptions of good
- ) self-interested, concerned primarily about their own interests, utility maximizers
- ) rational means most effective and efficient way to realize their own interests with few constraints
- ) interests are assumed to be separate from social interactions
- ) Society is understood as a strategic realm which means chess.
What are the three levels of lenses
- ) Individual
- ) state
- ) international system (system of states)
On the third image, what are the three most important characteristics?
- ) ordering principle
- ) character of the units in the system
- ) distribution of capabilities
What is the 5 components of the ordering principle?
- ) anarchy
- ) self-help environment
- ) no international 911
- ) states are socialized in mutual distrust and quest for survival
- ) because states do not want to be selected out of the system
What is the book of Kenneth Waltz in 1959 called?
Man, the state, and War.
What is Kenneth Waltz 1979 book called?
Theory of international politics.
What are the character of Units?
- ) functionality similar
2. ) anarchic realm imposed discipline on states.
What are John Measheimer three thoughts on neorealism?
- ) realists point a “grim picture of world politics
- ) not a constant state of war, but possibility of war always being in the background (aka Thomas Hobbes)
- ) genuine peace = states do not compete for power
What are Mearshiemer’s five assumptions?
- ) anarchy = ordering principle does not equal chaos
- ) states inherently possess some military capabilities to destroy each other
- ) states can never be certain about the intentions of other states
- ) most basic driving motive driving states is survival
- ) states think strategically
What are Mearsheimer three main patterns of behavior resort?
- ) states in the international system fear each other
- ) aim to guarantee own survival
- ) states in the international system aim to maximize their relative power positions over states.