Prostate Male associated malignacies Flashcards
Male associated malignacies (3)
- Prostate cancer
- Testicular cancer
- Penile cancer
Prosate galnd spurts (2)
- Puberty
- Age 50
Normal prostate size is the size of a
Function of urethra
Tube that carries urine and semen out of the body (runs through center of prostate)
Prostate cancer affects ___% of males over the age of ___
- 65
- 65
Prostate cancer is rare before ___ years old
Prostate cancer most common in ___ ___ (race). ___x more likely to die
-African American
___ 1 and 2 mutations can increase risk of proostate cancer
BRCA (1 and 2)
___ syndrome can increase Prostate cancer risk
Prostate cancer less clear risk factors (5)
- Diet
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Chemical exposure
- Vasectomy
Early detection methods (3)
- Screenign (PSA +/- DRE)
Early detection methods
- Screenign (PSA +/- DRE)
Screening ages (3)
- 50, average risk expected to live 10 more years
- 45, high risk (african americans), 1 relative with prostate cancer at 65 or earlier
- 40, higher risk, more than 1 degree relative with prostate cancer
When Prostate cancer develops PSA level is usaually above
If PSA more than 10 the percent of having cancer is
over 50%
Men with PSA on borderline (4 - 10) have a ___ in ___ chance to have cancer
1 in 4
Prostate cancer clinical presentation (4)
- decreased urinary system
- urinary frequency
- difficulty starting urinary stream
- Blood in sperm (dysuria)
- Extensive/ later disease (bone pain, extermeity numbness, bladder incontinence
DRE is a test that
feels for any abnormalities or enlargements
What is the gleason score
assigns grade based on how much the cells look like normal tissue
On gleason score 1 is ___ and 5 is ___
- looks normal
- looks very abnoraml
Grade groups are becoming more common to use. Ranges from 1 - 5
- Grade group 1 = gleaseon 6 or less
- Grade group 2 = gleason 3+4=7
- Grade group 3 = gleason 4+3=7
- Grade group 4 = gleason 8
- Grade group 5 = gleason 9-10
Prostate cancer prognostic factors (4)
- gleason grading
- DNA analysis
- PSA level
- Predicitve models for organ confined
Prostate cancer detection methods (5)
- Abdomincal and pelvic CT scans
- Chest x-ray
- Bone scan
- Liver function tests
- Serum PSA
Prostate cancer survival related to (3)
- Stage
- Grade
- Extent of tumor at diagnosis
Prostate cancer local disease median survival is
greater than 5 years
Prostate cancer metastic disease median survival time
1-3 years (may survive mkrw than 10 years)
Treatment ___ can be considered in lower grade
Prostate cancer treatment techniques (5)
observation (lower grades only)
Surgery (if tumor is limited to prostate)
Hormonal therapy
Prostate cancer external beam side effects (4)
- abdominal cramping
- rectal discomfort
- rectal bleeding
- pain and blood in urine
Bracchytherapy: Brachy means ___
Therapy means ___
- short
- treatment
(short distance treatment)
LDR (low dose rate) is referring to doses under ___ Gy/hr
Medium dose rates range from __ to __ Gy/hr
- 2
- 12
HDR (high dose rate) refers to dose rates higher than __ Gy/hr
higher than 12
Interstitial applications:
Placement of radioactive source directly into a tumor or tumor bed
Intraluminal application:
Placement of radiation sources with body tubes (catheters)
Intravascular application are:
Limited in practice and reserved for selected recurrent cases
Surface application:
Placement of radioactive sources on top of the area to be treated
Prostate brachytherapy LDR (3):
-Radioactive seeds are implanted into prostate by ultrasound guided needles
- Anesthesia requires
- Rad in pellets exhausted in one year
Prostate brachytherapy HDR (3):
- Tubes left in prostate and left in place for a few minutes
- May be repeating
- Anesthia required
Prostate Brachytherapy side effects (4)
- inflammation
- swelling
- urinary symptoms
- erectile dysfunction (rare)
Quadrament (samarium 153) (9)
- ___ seeking radioisotope
- ___ dose to hot area
- Can combine with ___
- May cause ___
- Can last ___ to ___ months
- Can be ___
- ___ to ___ responce rate
- Best for patients with ___ or ___
- bone seeking radioisotope
- systemic dose to hot area
- can combine with EBRT
- may cause flare
- can last 3-6 months
- can be repeated
- 60-75% responce rate
- best for patients with multiple or m
Management of prostate cancer bone Metastasises (4)
- prevent pain
- improve mobility
- prevent complications
- maintain acceptable quality of life
Prostate gland sits below the _______ _______ and in front of the ______
-urinary bladder
**Digital rectal exam (DRE)- feel for _______ as many prostate cancers begin in the ____ part of the gland
**DRE should be performed annually on all men over the age of __
**4 applications of brachytherapy