Head and Neck Flashcards
Facial group lymoh nodes include (5)
- Infraorbital
- node
- Buccinator
- Molar
- Mandibular
Causes of head and neck cancers (4)
- HPV (Himan papillomavirus) (oropharyngeal)
- Epstein-Barr virus infection (nasopgaryngeal)
- Preserved or salted foods (nasopgaryngeal)
- oral health
Inhalation of ___ lead to H&N cancer (4)
- Abestos
- Wood dust
- Paint fumes
- Other chemicals
Radiation to the H&N can also cause cancer of the ___ ___
Salivary Glands
Which ancerstory is at most risk of H&N cancer
Asian ancestory
Diets low in vitamin _ and _ can raise H&N cancer risk
A and E
___ into upper airway
may lead to increased H&N cancer risk
Reflux (GERD)
Prolonged ___ exposure
causes increased H&N cancer risk, especially
to the lip area.
___% of lip cancers
have outdoor ocupations
Oral cavity H&N cancer symptoms (2)
Swelling or ulcer that fails to heal
Oropharynx H&N cancer symptoms (2)
- Painful swallowing
- Reffered Otalgia (ear pain)
Nasopharynx H&N cancer symptoms (2)
- Bloody discharge
- Difficulty hearing
Larynx H&N cancer symptoms (2)
- Hoarseness
- Stridor
Hypopharynx H&N cancer symptoms (2)
- Dysphagia
- Painful neck node
Nose/Sinus H&N cancer symptoms (5)
- Obstruction
- Discharge
- Facial pain
- Diplopia
- Local swelling