Prose: ATSS - Chpt 6-10 Flashcards
6- What did Jalil do at Nana’s funeral?
make sure the villagers saw him being sympathatic and looking after Mariam
6- Where did Mariam stay after Nana’s death? And why is ironic?
She stays in Jalil’s spare room, and it is ironic because it has always been there
6- How is the description of Jalil’s house different from the kolba?
uses bright colours and vibrant patterns, which contrasts the kolba’s description
6- who comes to visit Mariam at Jalil’s house?
Bibi Jo and Mullah Faizullah
6- What does Mullah Faizullah say to Mariam about Nana’s death?
“You stop that. These thoughts are no good, Mariam jo. You hear me, child? No good. They will destroy you. It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t your fault. No”
6- What happens at the end of the chapter?
Afsoon comes in and tells Mariam needs she needs to wash up and comes downstairs as they need to talk to her, setting up an enigma code for the next chapter.
7- What do the wives and Jalil have to tell Mariam?
that she has a suitor
7- Factual infromation about Mariam’s suitor
called Rasheed
lives in the Deh-Mazang district in Kabul
shoemaker to important people
he is 40-45
lost wife due to childbirth and child drowned in lake
8- What does she wear?
she wears a dark green dress she was given, and a green hijab
8-How is Rasheed initially introduced?
Mariam can smell him, she saw his tall figure and broad shape
8-Is the wedding more traditional or not?
No, the Mullah has cut a few bits of the ceremony out as Rasheed and Mariam have to catch the bus to Kabul
8-What happens at the vows part?
Rasheed agrees, whilst Mariam doesn’t at first, before finally agreeing after some persuading from Jalil mainly and his wives
8- How does Mariam describe herself compared to how she describes Rasheed?
She never comments on her appearance before this chapter, however in this chapter, she acknowledged that she is “Not unpleasant to look at either” whereas she describes Rasheed as “[having a] big, square, ruddy face; the hooked nose; the flushed cheeks that give the impression of sly cheerfulness; the watery, bloodshot eyes; the crowded teeth, the front two pushed together like a gabled roof; the impossibly low hairline, barley two finger widths above the busy eyebrows; the wall of thick, coarse, salt-and-pepper hair.”
8-How is their interests in their marriage shown through the description of the ring?
“Her own band was a little tight, but Rasheed had no trouble forcing over her knuckles”
8- What happens at the end of the chapter?
Rasheed waits on the bus, whilst Mariam talks to Jalil, who she shouts at for abandoning and not caring about her, before climbing onto the bus before saying goodbye, “And when the bus pulled away, she did not look back to see him receding, to see him disappear in the cloud of exhaust and dust.”
9- how is Rasheed’s house and setting described?
“wooden front gate”
“narrow, unpaved road”
“crowded together”
“shared common walls, with small, walled yards in front buffering them from the street”
“front roofs”
9- what does Mariam say about being in Rasheed’s house
“The space suffocated Mariam”
10- how does Mariam feel about her new life
She doesn’t leave bed
Doesn’t unpack
10- What does Mariam do to start being a wife?
upacked clothes
got water
washed windows
swept floors
opened windows
cooked dinner
10- What happened when Mariam visited the tandoor?
she got overwhelomed by the other women, and ran off and cut her leg.
10- What does Rasheed buy for Mariam?
he buys her a sky blue burqa