Drama: H- Act 2 Flashcards
Scene 1- How does the theme of surveillance show through at the beginning of the scene and act?
Polonious orders Reynaldo to “make inquire of his behaviour”
Scene 1- How does Polonious sum up the lack of trust going around the royal courts of Denmark at the moment?
“Having ever seen in the prenominate crimes the youth you breathe of guilty,”
Scene 1- What is the first example of Hamlet acting mad?
Ophelia comes into where Polonious and Reynaldo are, distressed, and reocounts how Hamlet came into her room quite undressed, appeared dirty, and pale. Ophelia described Hamlet as “been loosed out of hell”, which is a word used with great significance at the time of writing/setting.
Scene 1- How does Ophelia’s account of Hamlet’s behaviour change Polonious’ mind?
He believes he is madly in love with his daughter, and wants Hamelt to confess it, as Polonious now sees a way to go up through social circles.
Scene 2- What does Claudius do in a bid to protect his position?
He has invited two of Hamlet’s closest friends to go and spy on Hamlet and figure out what is wrong with him, and then to report back to him.
Scene 2- What moment in this scene juxtaposes the fact that has been presented by the ghost, and therefore Shakespeare, about Gertrude so far?
She also manipulated Rosencrantz and Guildernstern, saying “As fits a king’s remembrance”
Scene 2- What does Polonious say to Claudius in this scene that shows that Hamlet’s plan is working?
He says “that I have found the very cause of Hamlet’s lunacy”
Scene 2- What device has Shakespeare used in this scene in relation to Denmark and Norway that has been used to pass off something better than it is?
Shakespeare has used Voltemand as a messenger coming back from Norway, with news that old Fortinbras didn’t know of these men on the borders, and apologises, and asks that as they are so good friends, if they can send their soldiers through Denmark to Poland, which has obviosuly been used as a decoy to distract Denmark and invade them instead.
Scene 2- How does Claudius respond to Norway’s proposition? And why might’ve Shakespeare done this?
Claudius accepts Norway’s offer, which seems nieve of him and shows a shift in his leadership form competant leader to a dellusional one. Also, Shakespeare uses this moment in the play to remind audeinces that Claudius is more of a ‘politician’ leader, as opposed to Old Hamlet’s ‘soldier’ leadership style.
Scene 2- What does Polonious tell Claudius and Gertrude?
That he believes that Hamlet is madly in love with Ophelia, and that he will be happy being beheaded so if he is wrong.
Scene 2- When Hamlet enters, how does he play with and insult Polonious, and why can this be used in an argument as to wether he is mad or pretending to be mad?
He insults Polonious by asking him if he is a “fishmonger”, which shows he could actually be mad, as he would know he is a member of the royal court and works for the King and Queen of Denmark, or shows he is pretending to be mad and wants to mess with Polonius, knowing he is trying to prove he is in love with Ophelia.
Scene 2- How does Hamlet act when Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
He begins by gauging their feelings with “how do you both?”, before moving on to “What’s the news?” in which he is using as he knows they will give up their true intention, as he knows they are false friends. Next, Hamlet tests their loyalty to the crown and to Denmark by saying “Denmark’s a prison” “A goodly one, in which there are many confines,wards and dungeons; Denmark being one o’th’worst.”, before asking in a concealed, secretive way with “But, in the beaten way of friendship, what make you at Elsinore?” before being up front and asking them “Were you not sent for?”
Scene 2- How does Hamlet react to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern when they reveal they have been sent by Claudius?
He doesn’t get mad or angry with them, but instead asked them why, showing his inquistive nature. He finishes with making them feeling guilty.
Scene 2- What do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern surprise Hamlet with?
With ‘players’ (actors), which immediately sparks Hamlet’s interest, and makes him inquisitive.
Scene 2- What does Hamlet use the player’s arrival as a moment for?
To make a dig at Gertrude and Ophelia, as well as Claudius, essentially calling him two-faced.
Scene 2- How does Hamlet’s respect differ between the players and Polonious? and why would this abhor a Elizabethan audience?
Hamelt holds lots of respect and authoritive ideals to the players, whereas he mocks and belittles Polonious, which would be a problem for Elizabethan audiences as they would see that, as a royal advisor, Polonius would require more respect than what Hamlet gives him.
Scene 2- How does the players performance impact Hamlet?
He is besotted with them, and figures out his plan for proving if Claudius actually killed his father, as he doesn’t want to just off what a ghost has told him. Hamlet seems enthralled by the players, clearly showing his academic side, understanding and interpreting the messages within the play.
Scene 2- What are the key messages of the soliloquy in Act 2? How is this different from the soliloquy in Act 1?
Hamlet becomes angry and infruiated at his inaction over what has happened to his father. He admits he likes being alone and feels he is not worthy or ready to be king. He also calls Claudius a “remorseless, treacherousm lecherous, kindless villain!”. He also builds upon the sexist language he uses in the soliloquy in Act 1. This soliloquy proves to the audience that Hamlet has dysfunctional mood swings. This differs from the mood of the soliloquy in Act 1, where Hamlet is nihilistic and pessimistic, fuelled of grief and sorrow