Prose: TD- Chapter 6-10 Flashcards
6 What happened on the train journey back from Tantridge?
The other passengers point out that she has flowers in her hats and down her top, and flowers and strawberries in her basket
6- What does Tess notice on the train?
She thought that herself being covered in “fancies and prefigurative supersitions” was a ill omen, which would alarm the readers as we have saw dangerous indications and red flags from Alec D’Urberville all day.
6- What occurs when Tess arrives back to her family home in Marlott?
Joan D’Urberville has said that a letter has arrived from the D’Urbervilles, saying that they want her to go and work on their poultry farm
6-Why is Tess not initially convinced of the letters authenticity?
because she didn’t even meet Mrs D’Urberville and only met Alec.
6- What happens when a response isn’t initially sent back to Tantridge, and what does it foreshadow?
Alec comes to visit to see what Tess’ decision is, which Hardy uses to foreshadow that he isn’t a very nice person.
6- What is Tess’ decision about going to the poultry farm?
After much pressure and manipulation, Joan and John convince Tess that she should go, which she decides to do, and is told that a cart will fetch her from the top of the hill in a couple of days.
7- How does Tess dress up for going to the poultry farm, and how does her mother react?
she puts on her working clothes, which Joan is appalled by, and thinks she should dress up more, and is being delusional thinking this will speed up him claiming her kin, and marrying her, whilst Tess is being practical.
7- How do John and Joan Durbeyfield both reaction to Tess leaving, and how do they differ?
John wants her to be safe and get their family to move up the social ladder, whereas Joan starts regretting it, thinking if she did it again, she would find out more about Alec before sending her daughter off, but she focused more on claiming kin and getting more money.
8- What does Alec does that Hardy highlight to foreshadow future events?
Hardy says that Alec begins “chatting compliments” to her, which Hardy shows that Alec doesn’t care about her, which creates a dangerous picture for their future.
8- how do they descend the hill?
Alec horse begins to descend rapidly, which shakes Tess up as it hasn’t been too long since the traumatising events of Prince being killed under her watch. Which Hardy also does by deciding to describe the landscape in not a Pastoral setting. She also says there was “flinty sparks from the horse’s hoofs”, which is her hyperbolising the situation, due to her again being traumatised from her situation with Prince.
8- After Tess gets off and Alec tries to coax her back, what does her do and say that makes her feel uncomfortable?
He asks her to put her arms around his waist again, and is misogynistic because he calls her a “young witch” and says she is “mighty sensitive for a farm girl!” She retorts saying that he shouldn’t say words like that which upsets him, and she is the first to retract her statement
8- What is mentioned again in this chapter?
the colour red
9- what signs are there that the D’Urbervilles have adopted the name rather than by bloodline?
That they have “enlarged the space”, which shows they didn’t initially fit
9- what does Tess say about Mrs D’Urberville knowing all her chickens by touch?
That it was like a “confirmation” and that Mrs D’Urberville acts like a “bishop”.
9- what do we learn about Mrs D’Urberville?
That she doesn’t like Alec
9- what actions by Alec occur at the end of the chapter which Hardy uses to deepen our suspicions about him?
Tess says she is “more pliable under his hands than a mere companionship would have made her”
9- What happens at the end of the chapter?
Alec hides in Mrs D’Urberville’s bedroom to spy on Tess whilst she sings to the chickens
10- How is Hardy mocking working class people at the beginning of the chapter?
He calls them “Smocked-frocked arithmeticians” and “philosophers” about saving money when they just drink and “drink hard” instead.
10- What religious language is used and what does it signify?
their weekly evening when they go drinking is described as their “weekly pilgrimage”, which signifies that instead of going to church, they rely on drinking
10- Why does Car Dach get mad at Tess?
because she laughts at her, whislt she’s sober, as she spills treacle all down her back
10- How does Tess get out of the sitaution?
Whilst Car Dach challenges her to fight, Alec has been stalking Tess, and comes in and swoops in and safes her. Car Dach is constructed by Hardy to say “Out of the frying pan into the fire!”, which Hardy uses to foreshadow future events