Prose: ATSS- Chpt 1-5 Flashcards
1- What does Nana call Mariam at the opening of the book?
Harami- Bastard
1- What did Mariam do that upset Nana?
Drop the dragon sugar bowl part of her blue and white tea set
1- Where had Mariam been with Jailil that she can’t remember?
a pistachio tree with the poet Jami buried unerneath it
1- What does Nana say about ice cream?
“The children of strangers get ice cream. What do you get, Mariam? Stories of ice cream”
1- What had nana been before she was isolated?
A housekeeper to Jalil
1- What does Nana say about men?
“Learn this now and learn it well, my daughter. Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always. You remember that, Mariam”
2- What does Nana say about Jalil learning of their house when she was preganant?
“he sounded like a warden bragging about the clean walls and shiny floors of his prison”
2- why did Nana not get married before?
a jinn entered her body a week before the wedding day.
2- Why does Mariam learn about the day of her birth?
That Nana and Jalil have contrasting stories about the day, Nana more negative and isolated to make Mariam feel ashamed whilst Jalil’s is less isolated and more a team effort
3- What does Nana say aboout Jalil buidling the kolba and helping out/ sending people/things/ being involved?
that it is his idea of penance
3- what did Nana do on ‘ration day’?
be miserable and horrible to Jalil’s sons he had sent
3- What did Mariam do once to impress Nana? and did it work?
She shouted insults at one of her siblings. Yes it made her front rotten tooth be displayed through laughing
3- who were the regular visitors to the kolba?
Habib Khan- Gul Daman’s leader
Bibi Jo- daughter of Nana’s dad’s friend
Mullah Fazullah- village Koran tutor
3- What did she long to do?
Go to school
3- What’s a quote that shows Mariam’s longing to go to school?
“[She] longed to place a ruler on a page and draw important-looking lines”
4- How does Mariam act in the upcoming days before it is her day to see Jalil?
leap to her feet
chuck herself to him for him to catch her
4- How does Nana act when Jalil is there verus when he isn’t?
She ranted and calls him all the name sunder the sun when he isn’t there, howver she dresses up for him and remains civil and calm when he is present
4- What does Jalil call Mariam in response to giving her her birthday present?
A Queen
5- What does Mariam want for her birthday?
she wants to go to Jalil’s cinema and watch a cartoon with her siblings
5-how did Nana act to lead up to Mariam ‘going to the cinema’?
mocked her
guilted her
5-What does Mariam do with stones outside of the kolba?
create stacks of pebbles to represent her siblings and then adds “A solitary, 11th pebble”
5- What happens when Mariam enters the city?
Nothing. she “gave herself ober to the new life that awaited her in this city”
5-What are in the city that she isn’t familiar with?
5- What happened when she reached Jalil’s house?
she was refused entry by his driver
5- What happened after she was refused entry?
she slept on the street
5-What happened in the morning?
She tried to run into the house via the garden, but caught a face in the upsitars window for a flash of a second- it was Jalil
5-How did Mariam feel after sleeping on the street?
she was angry at Jalil as he made her “sleep [ing] on the street like a stray dog”
5-What happened when Mariam returned to the kolba?
she found that Nana had died- she had killed herself by hanging herself off of a tree