Prose: ATSS- Chpt 16-20 Flashcards
16- who/what are we introduced to in this chapter, and how is this introduction important?
We are introduced to nine year-old Laila, who is a direct contrast to Mariam, and is introduced as an enigma code, as we have to wait to find out what happens to Mariam.
16- How is this idyllic imagery of Lailas family shattered quite quickly into the chapter?
This is shattered when Laila informs us her parents are “fighting” downstairs
16- how is Babi described, and how is this a direct contrast to another character?
“Babi was a small man, with narrow shoulders and slim, delicate hands, almost like a woman’s”. This is a direct contrast to Rasheed
16- how is education presented differently in Laila’s version of Afghanistan?
-majority of girls go to school
-parents see importance of school
-female teachers
-equality rules for women and men to be equal
16- how is Babi’s statement used by Hosseini to highlight the advancements of Afghanistan?
“Because a society has no chance of success if its women are uneducated, Laila. No chance.” This shows how views of women being matriarchs of the domestic home shift to educated women with successful jobs
17- what event occurs at the beginning of the chapter that Hosseini uses to show that society still favours traditional ways?
Laila gets squrited with a water gun full of urine and remarks it wouldn’t have happened if Tariq was there, referecning needing a man for protection
17- How is mami described that shows the evolution of soecity in Afghanistan?
She is described as having depression, having good days and bad ones too, and somedays not getting out of bed, which wouldn’t have happened historically, a woman would have been expected to perfomr domestic tasks even if not feeling well.
17- How does Laila feel about Mami and her depression?
she describes her as a “mound” and reminds her of promises she has broken
18- How does Hosseini present Laila’s waiting?
He makes Laila become so bored she starts fixing stuff and driving herself crazy about waiting, hyperbolising the length of time
18- How does Hosseini build in the idea that 2 people of the opposite sexes hanging out should become a couple and get married?
Through Tariq’s dad calling Laila their aroos, or daughter-in-law, showing that he thinks they should get married
18- How does the chapter end and how does it foreshadow the next chain of events?
Babi says that “the only enemy an Afghan cannont defeat is himself”, which foreshadows some itnernal conflict in Afghanistan
19- How does the chapter open?
By an official telling Mami and Babi that rheir two sons had been killed in conflict
19- Who has a guest appearance and why might they feature in this chapter?
Mariam attends the funeral of Laila’s brothers, and its an important choice Hosseini makes by putting her in this chapter as it shows us that Mariam is still an important character in the novel and we can compare her, the protagonist in part one, to Laila, the protagonist in part two.
19- How is Laila’s complicated relationship with her siblings represented in this chapter?
she envies her brothers as they steal her mothers heart and she hardly knew them, so she favours Tariq over them.
20- despite mysterious illiness’, what was the one thing that Mami kept doing?
her five daily namaz prayers
20-How does Mami’s and Laila’s connection begin shifting in this chapter?
Mami talks to Laila that she hasn’t been much of a mother to her, and they begin to have a connection