Prompting & Transfer of Stimulus Control Flashcards
Definition of prompting
Giving stimuli before or during performance of a behaviour to increase the likelihood that a person will engage in the target behaviour at the correct time
Prompts supplement..
The normal S^D or modify it to make it more salient
Types of prompts
Response prompt
Stimulus prompt
What is a response prompt
Behaviour of another person that evokes the target behaviour from the target person when S^D is also present; prompts may vary in intrusiveness
Types of response prompts
- Verbal prompt: instructions, commands, spoken to guide/direct
- Gestural prompt: physical movement indicating how, where, what beh
- Modeling prompt: demonstration of the entire target behaviour by another person
- Physical guidance prompt: another person physically assists in execution of beh
- Three-step prompting: use prompts progressively, verbal->modeling->physical guidance
What is stimulus prompt
S^D is changed (within-stimulus), or stimulus is added (extra-stimulus) or removed to encourage the target beh
extra vs within stimulus prompt
- Within stimulus prompt: involves changing the S^D in some way (size, intensity, location)
- Extra-stimulus prompt: adding a stimulus to the S^D
Picture vs auditory vs environmental prompt
- photos or drawings
- sounds other than words
- alterations or additions to physical surroundings in which the S^D is present
Definition of transfer of stimulus control
Prompts are faded, reduced or eliminated so that the target behaviour occurs to the normal S^D alone; beh continues to be reinforced
What is fading
Gradual elimination of prompting so that eventually it is no longer needed; stimulus control transferred from prompt to S^D
Types of fading
Response prompt fading
Graduated guidance
Stimulus prompt fading
What is response prompt fading? AKA?
Response prompt is gradually lessened
AKA prompt fading
Types of response prompt fading
- Fading within prompt: same prompt used, decrease in magnitude
- Fading across prompts: prompt is changed, according to a prompting hierarchy
Types of fading across prompts
- Most-to-least prompting and fading (decreasing assistance): prompts change from more intrusive to less intrusive
- Least-to-most prompting and fading (increasing assistance/system of least prompts): prompts change from less intrusive to more intrusive until beh performed
Example of most-to-least prompting and fading
Physical guidance -> modeling -> gestural -> verbal
Describe least-to-most prompt fading
Start with least intrusive
Provide more intrusive IF REQUIRED in the same session
What is graduated guidance
Used in fading physical guidance prompts; teacher provides as much physical guidance as required, then gradually reduces it
Types of graduated guidance
- Shadowing: teacher’s hand follows learner’s movement without contact
- Spatial fading: focus of guidance changes from fingers to hand to wrist to elbow etc
What is stimulus prompt fading? AKA?
Stimulus prompt is decreased in magnitude or frequency
AKA stimulus fading
What is prompt delay
Present S^D. wait a certain number of seconds, and if target beh does not occur, provide the prompt
Seven steps of prompting and transfer of stimulus control
- Chose most appropriate prompting strategy
- Get learner’s attention (S^D more salient)
- always present the S^D to start learning trial
- Prompt correct response if S^D does not evoke it
- Reinforce correct behaviour
- Transfer stimulus control
- Continue to reinforce unprompted responses
When are response prompts most useful? Stimulus prompts?
Response = helping person learn specific action or sequence of actions e.g. tying shoelace
Stimulus = helping person learn to discriminate stimuli e.g. letters of the alphabet
When are prompts given
Before or during performance of a beh
Rank response prompts from least to most intrusive
(least) verbal < gestural < modeling < physical (most)
When would prompting and transfer of stimulus control not be useful
If the person has exhibited the correct behaviour in the correct situation in the past but now refuses to do it (won’t do instead of can’t do)
Types of stimulus prompts
Within vs extra stimulus
Picture, auditory or environmental prompts