What are the different geometric characteristics?
1.Image sharpness
2.Image magnification
3.Image shape distortion
What is unsharpness?
- Fuzzy, unsharp margin of radiographic image.
- Penumbra or edge gradient
What are the 3 rules to maximize sharpness?
Rule #1.
- Radiation source should be as small as possible.
Rule #2.
- Source-to-object distance should be as long as possible.
Rule #3.
- Object-to-receptor distance should be as short as possible.
To maximize sharpness the radiation source should be as ____ as possible
What is a pneumbra?
edge gradient
- blurriness
To maximize sharpness the source-to-object distance should be as _____ as possible
To maximize sharpness the object-to-receptor distance should be as _____ as possible
Can you adjust the size of the radiation source to adjust sharpness?
No, the companies/manufacturers decide this
Why should the object-to-receptor distance be as short as possible?
photons will not diverge as much after they interact with the tooth before getting to the receptor
Why should the source-to-object distance be as long as possible?
photons will be less divergent and more parallel before interacting with tooth
What is magnification (equal enlargement)?
- Enlargement of radiographic image, compared to actual size of object.
- Image shows true shape of object
What are the two rules to minimize magnification?
Rule #1.
- Source-to-object distance should be as long as possible.
Rule #2.
- Object-to-receptor distance should be as short as possible.
To minimize magnification the source-to-object distance should be as _____ as possible
To minimize magnification the object-to-receptor distance should be as _____ as possible
What is distortion (unequal enlargement)?
- Variation from true shape of object.
- Unequal magnification of parts of object.
- Improper alignment of receptor, object, beam.