Project+ Extra 12 Flashcards
??? all roles and skills have been identified, all required resources are available and committed to project, and high performances are set. All project documents have been completed, reviewed and signed off on, including business, functional, and technical requirements, project charter, scope statement, all project plans, and SOW. All issued in regard to planning have been resolved. Project is still feasible. Expectations of stakeholders are aligned w/project plan.
During Meeting (Review Meeting from Planning to Executing Phase) :
??? automated or manual system used by project team to gather, analyze, communicate, and store project info. PMIS collects info on work that has and hasnt been accomplished in each work package and how that work result compares to planned schedule, cost, quality and scope.
??? tool used to communicate official permission to being work on activity or work package. Is component of PMIS. Is integrated w/communications plan. purpose ensure work is done appropriate time, by appropriate individual or group, w/in specific time, and in proper sequence.
Work Authorization System :
??? document used to list, track, and assign project items that need to be addressed by project team. Useful for regular follow-up w/project team and must be updated regularly. Serves as important organizational process asset. Can be used to track project issue, each issues unique no., issue status, and persons responsible for resolving certain issues by specific date.
Issue Log (Issue Register) :
??? any piece of work that needs to be performed by a resource. Not important enough to be in issues log and doesnt qualify as activity in project schedule. Happen throughout the project and may or may not be formally documented. They can result from meetings or be related to any project objective.
Actions Items :
??? vendors approved to deliver products, services, or results based on procurement requirements identified for project. Can be obtained from historical info about different vendors who delivered resources required for prior projects executed in your org.
Qualified Vendors :
??? meetings conducted by buyer after issuing RFP but prior to submissions of a bid or proposal by vendors. During meeting buyer explains requirements, proposed terms, and conditions, and buyer clarifies vendors queries.
Bidder Conferences :
Term Contract : engages vendor to deliver set amount of service-measured in staff hours or a similar unit-over a set period of time.
Completion Contract : stipulates that work will not be considered complete until vendor delivers product to buyer and buyer accepts the product.
??? compare and evaluate project performance, w/project plan, recommend actions. Analyze, track and monitor risks to make sure they are being recognized and reported, and response plans are being executed. Maintain accurate info about project as it unfolds. Maintain integrity of baselines ensuring that only approved changes happen. Provide info to support status reporting, progress reporting, and forecasting. Provide forecasts to update recent cost/schedule info. Monitor execution of approved changes when they occur.
Monitor and Control Project Work :
Change identification -> change documentation -> analyzing impact of change -> course of action (involves coordinating w/appropriate stakeholders, to select necessary actions to be taken, and implementing approved changes), Updating Related Plans.
Change Control Process :