Professionalism Flashcards
ADA compliance: sink height and the countertop should be x - x inches from the floor
30 to 34
optimal turning radius is x - x feet
5 x 5
best kitchen floor plan is what shape for ADA?
U-or L-shaped
as a licensed healthcare provider, any ===== must be reported to the appropriate authorities for further investigation.
suspected elder/child/Domestic abuse
T/F: per Medicare guidelines, a therapist can only bill for treatment that is rendered 1 on 1 with a patient. Anything that is supervised is not billable.
Along with a physical therapist’s full name, all documentation must be authenticated with the provider’s xxx and the provider’s xxxx
license number + appropriate designation (ie. PT, DPT)
All errors should be corrected by ….
drawing a single line through the error and initialing and dating the error.
1 - don’t be an asshole!
Principle #1: Physical therapists shall respect the inherent dignity and rights of all individuals
Includes what types of behavior?
1A. Physical therapists shall act in a respectful manner toward each person regardless of age, gender, race,
nationality, religion, ethnicity, social or economic status, sexual orientation, health condition, or disability.
1B. Physical therapists shall recognize their personal biases and shall not discriminate against others in
physical therapist practice, consultation, education, research, and administration.
Physical therapists shall adhere to the core values of the profession and shall act in the best interests of patients and clients over the interests of the physical therapist.
What principle?
Principle #2: Physical therapists shall be trustworthy and compassionate in addressing the rights and needs of patients and clients
Physical therapists shall protect confidential patient and client information
What principle?
Principle #2: trustworthy and compassionate
Physical therapists shall provide the information necessary to allow patients or their surrogates to make informed decisions
+ collaborate with patients and clients to empower them in decisions about their
health care.
What principle?
Principle #2: Physical therapists shall be trustworthy and compassionate in addressing the rights and needs of patients and clients.
- demonstrate independent and objective professional judgment in the patient’s or
client’s best interest in all practice settings. - make judgments within their scope; refer when necessary
- not engage in conflicts of interest.
What principle?
3 = accountability
Principle #3: Physical therapists shall be accountable for making sound professional judgments.
- provide truthful, accurate, and relevant information
- shall not make misleading representations
- shall not exploit
- shall not engage in any sexual relationship within working relationships
- shall not harass anyone verbally, physically, emotionally, or sexually.
- discourage misconduct by other checks professionals
- report illegal or unethical acts, suspected abuse
What principle?
Principle #4: integrity
- comply with applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations
- encourage colleagues with physical, psychological, or substance-related
impairments that may adversely impact their professional responsibilities to seek assistance - Report any colleague is unable to perform their professional responsibilities with reasonable skill and safety
- refer when terminating care
What princicple?
Principle #5: fulfill professional/legal duties
- evaluate the strength of evidence for practices
- achieve and maintain professional competence
- cultivate practice environments that support professional development, lifelong
learning, and excellence
What principle?
Principle #6: Lifelong learning
Principle #7: Physical therapists shall promote organizational behaviors and ^^business^ practices^^* that benefit patients and clients and society.
Includes what?
- promote practice environments that support autonomous and accountable
professional judgments. - seek $$$ as is deserved and reasonable for physical therapist services.
- not accept gifts
- disclose any financial interest they have in products or services
- ensure that documentation and coding for physical
therapist services accurately reflect the nature and extent of the services provided. - refrain from arrangements that prevent you from fulfilling professional obligations to patients and clients.
- provide pro bono physical therapist services
- support organizations that meet the health needs of people who are economically disadvantaged, uninsured, and underinsured.
- advocate to reduce health disparities and health care inequities, improve access
to health care services, and address the health, wellness, and preventive health care needs of people. - avoid overutilization or under- utilization of physical therapist services.
- educate members of the public about the benefits of physical therapy
What principle?
Principle #8: Physical therapists shall participate in efforts to meet the health needs of people locally,
nationally, or globally.
(Core Value: Social Responsibility)
8 = be great!
x are problems in body function as a significant deviation or loss.
Impairments (WHO)
Mild impairment means a problem that is present less than x of the time, with an intensity a person can tolerate and which happens rarely over the last 30 days.
Moderate impairment means that a problem that is present less than x of the time, with an intensity, which is interfering in the persons day to day life and which happens occasionally over the last 30 days.
Severe impairment means that a problem that is present more than x of the time, with an intensity, which is partially disrupting the persons day to day life and which happens frequently over the last 30 days.
Complete impairment means that a problem that is present more than x% of the time, with an intensity, which is totally disrupting the persons day to day life and which happens every day over the last 30 days.
x is the execution of a task or action by an individual.. x is involvement in a life situation
The x qualifier indicates the extent of Activity limitation by describing the person ability to execute a task or an action.
The x qualifier focuses on limitations that are inherent or intrinsic features of the person themselves. These limitations should be direct manifestations of the respondent’s health state, without assistance
The x qualifier indicates the extent of Participation restriction by describing the persons actual performance of a task or action in his or her current environment.
Because the current environment brings in the societal context, performance can also be understood as “involvement in a life situation” or “the lived experience” of people in the actual context in which they live.
The qualifier measures the difficulty the respondent experiences in doing things, assuming that they want to do them.
ICF is based on this model, an integration of medical and social.
biopsychosocial model.
x are difficulties an individual may have in executing
x are problems an individual may experience in
involvement in life situations.
x make up the physical, social and attitudinal
environment in which people live and conduct their lives..
Activity Limitations
Participation Restrictions
Environmental Factors
There should not be, explicitly or implicitly, a distinction between different
health conditions as ‘mental’ and ‘physical’ that affect the structure of content of a
classification of functioning and disability. In other words, disability must not
differentiated by etiology.
What principle of disability does this represent?
Wherever possible, domain names should be worded in neutral language so that
the classification can express both positive and negative aspects of each aspect of
functioning and disability
What principle of disability does this represent?
A classification of functioning and disability should be applicable to all people
irrespective of health condition. Therefore, ICF is about all people. It concerns
everyone’s functioning. Thus, it should not become a tool for labeling persons
with disabilities as a separate group.
What principle of disability does this represent?
Carpet regulation ADA
- height shall be ½ inch (13 mm) maximum.
- Exposed edges shall be fastened to floor surfaces and have trim on the entire length of the exposed edge.
Level change in ADA - what level change req to be ramped?
Changes in level greater than ½ inch (13 mm) high shall be ramped
Clear floor/ground space req for ADA?
The clear floor or ground space shall be 30 inches (760 mm) minimum by 48 inches (1220
mm) minimum.
the clear width of walking surfaces
shall be x inches minimum.
Door openings shall provide a clear width of x inches + the door must open x degrees
Thresholds, if provided at doorways, shall be x inch (13 mm) high maximum.
36 clearance walking surface width
doorway = 32 in / door turns out min 90 deg/ ½ max threshold
Operable parts of such hardware shall be x inches
minimum and x inches (1220 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground.
34 inches (865 mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground.
for every inch of height change there must be at least ?? inches of route run
To coordinate your patient’s care with other providers, the HIPPA Privacy Rule lets you:
● Share information with doctors, hospitals, and ambulances for treatment, payment, and health care operations, even without a signed consent form from the patient
● Share information about an incapacitated patient if you believe it’s in your patient’s best interest
● Use health information for research purposes
● Use email, telephone, or fax machines to communicate with other health care professionals and with patients, as long as you use safeguards
Unless a patient objects, the HIPPA Privacy Rule lets you:
● Give information to a patient’s family, friends, or anyone else identified by the patient as involved in their care
● Give information about the patient’s general condition or location to a patient’s family member or anyone responsible for the patient’s care
● Include basic information in a hospital directory, such as the patient’s phone and room number
● Give information about a patient’s religious affiliation to members of the clergy
How does HIPPA rule about Incidental disclosures?
Sometimes, you can’t reasonably prevent limited disclosures, even when you’re following HIPAA requirements.
For example, a hospital visitor may overhear a doctor’s confidential conversation with a nurse or glimpse a patient’s information on a sign-in sheet.
These incidental disclosures aren’t considered a HIPAA violation as long as you’re following the required reasonable safeguards.
What is the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule?
When you experience a PHI breach, the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule requires you to notify affected individuals, HHS - no later than 60 days after discovering the breach
The nature and extent of the PHI involved, unauthorized person who used the PHI or received the disclosed PHI, Whether an individual acquired or viewed the PHI, and The extent to which you reduced the PHI risk