Motor Learning Flashcards
Practice of a given task under different conditions is what type of practice
Practicing components of a task is what type of training
Part training
What does blocked practice mean
Repetitive practice of a single task
Variety practice among different tasks is what
Variable practice
Massed practice is what
Practice time is greater than rest time between trials
Examples of non-associative learning
A single repeated stimulus: hibituation, blocked practice
Classical and operant conditioning are examples of what type of learning
Associative - understanding a relationship between two stimuli
Movement habits that can later be performed without attention is what type of learning
Mental practice, attention, awareness, reflection, knowledge that could be consciously recalled is what type of learning
The immediate stage of learning were persons able to more independently distinguish correct versus incorrect performance is what stage of motor learning
Associative stage
When is a controlled environment ideal for motor learning
The cognitive stage 
At what stage of learning should you avoid excessive external feedback
When can a person perform a task in a variable environment with interference in distractions
Autonomous stage
Controlled mobility: the ability to move within a weight-bearing position or rotate around a long access: two examples are
Activities in quadruped
What PNF techniques utilize control mobility
Agonist reversals, slow reversal, slow reversal holds
Stability exercises focus on what? give PNF examples
The focus is on the ability to maintain a position or a posture
 alternating iceometrics, rhythmic stabilization, slow reversal and slow reversal hold
Contract relax, hold relax, joint distraction, rhythmic rotation, and rhythmic stabilization all increase what
Range of motion
Rhythmic initiation and rhythmic rotation assist with what aspect of mobility
Initiation of movement
How to perform an agonist reversal exercise
alternate concentric and E centric contractions against resistance
Isometric contractions performed alternating from muscles of one side of the joint the other side of the joint to emphasize endurance and strengthening is what type of PNF exercise
Alternating isometrics, for stability
Resist antagonistic muscle contraction for 8 to 10 seconds, followed by relaxation and repeat until no gains in range of motion are achieved: what type of PNF exercise
Contract relax
This technique is used for muscle groups testing at one out of five strength: an isometric contraction is performed after extremity is passively placed into a shortened position. At relaxation extremity is moved into a lengthen position with a quick stretch followed by another isotonic contraction
Hold relax active movement
Resistance applied to pelvis hips or extremity during the day cycle in order to enhance coordination strength and endurance
Resisted progression
Rhythmic initiation includes what cues to the patient
Let me move you, help me move you, push me
What does rhythmic rotation look like
Passive movement slowly rotating an extremity around a longitude access
Slow and resisted concentric contractions of agonist and antagonist without rest between reversals is called
Slow reversals primarily for posture
What types of sensory stimulation techniques are used for facilitation of movement
Tapping, resistance, light touch, quick stretch, joint compression, approximation, traction
What types of sensory stimulation are used for inhibition
Deep pressure, prolonged stretch, warmth, prolonged cold
The inability to formulate a motor plan or sequence tasks is what type of apraxia
Approxia in which a person is able to plan a movement but cannot volitionally perform it to completion
Ideomotor apraxia
The inability to interpret stimuli and events on the contralateral side of a hemisphere lesion
Unilateral neglect
What state of consciousness is characterized by sleep reduced alertness and delayed responses to stimuli
Stupor is responsiveness to only what type of stim
What state of consciousness is characterized by disorientation and confusion agitation and loudness