Professional Standards and Responsibilities (Ch4) Flashcards
the midpoint of all scores
Medicare plan that pays for inpatient hospital, SNF, home health, rehab facilities, and hospice care
Part A
a parametric test used to compare two or more treatment groups or conditions at a selected probability level
analysis of variance
a determination of variability of scores (difference) from the mean
standard deviation
Sampling method: individuals are selected from a population’s identified subgroups based on some pre-determined characteristic that correlates with the study
Medicare plan that covers 3 days per week outpatient services
Part B
Sampling method: individuals are selected from a population list by taking individuals at specified intervals
Treat clients, colleagues, and other professionals with respect, fairness, discretion, and integrity
Medicare plan that pays for hospital outpatient physician and other professional services including OT services provided by independent practitioners
Part B
Sampling method: study participants provide names of other people who can meet study criteria
a parametric test of significance used to compare two group means and identify a difference at a selected probability level
descriptive categories established by CMS that determine the level of payment at a per case rate
diagnostic related groups (DRGs)
a nonparametric test of significance used to compare data in the form of frequency counts occurring in 2 or more mutually exclusive categories (subjects rate treatment preferences)
Chi-square test
a parametric test used to compare two or more treatment groups or conditions while also controlling for the effects of intervening variables
analysis of covariance
failure to do what other reasonable practitioners would have done under similar circumstances
Sampling method: individuals are selected who meet population criteria based upon availability to the researcher
the nationwide payment schedule that determines the Medicare payment for each inpatient stay of a Medicare beneficiary based on DRGs
prospective payment system
Intentionally refrain from actions that cause harm
the arithmetic average of all scores
the degree to which a study’s conclusions are based on the data
the most frequently occurring score
Sampling method: individuals are selected through the use of a table of random numbers
the inclusion of the full range of data, including outlier or atypical findings
Demonstrate a concern for the safety and well-being of the recipients of services
the average cost of specific health care procedures in a geographic area. this is the maximum amount the insurer will pay for a service
usual and customary rate (UCR)
the researchers level of confidence that her findings truthfully reflect the reality of a study’s participants and the study’s context
Respect the right of the individual to self-determination, privacy, confidentiality, and consent
Sampling method: individuals are selected purposefully and deliberately (all consumers of a program for a QI study)
the null hypothesis is rejected by the researcher when it is true
Type I error
a negotiated, per day free for service. typically used for inpatient hospital stays and SNFs
the null hypothesis is not rejected by the researcher when it is false
Type II error
Medicare plan that requires services for a minimum of 5 days per week
Part A
public bodies created by state legislatures to assure the health and safety of its citizens
state regulatory boards
Provide comprehensive, accurate, and objective information when representing the profession
Promote fairness and objectivity in the provision of services
the medicaid form a PCP must complete to document the need for requested medically necessary covered services with a supporting rationale
treatment authorization request (TAR)