GI, Renal-Genitourinary, Endocrine, Immunological, Integumentary Disorders (Ch9) Flashcards
What group of pressure-reducing devices includes: dynamic, electric-powered devices for persons with nonhealing full thickness ulcers
Group 3
What group of pressure-reducing devices includes: dynamic, electric-powered devices for persons with full thickness ulcers or those at moderate to high risk
Group 2
How often should skin checks be done?
2x per day
What stage of pressure ulcer is this? involves full thickness tissue loss with subcutaneous fat possibly visible
Stage III
What stage of pressure ulcer is this? involves full thickness tissue loss with bone, tendon, or muscle visible or directly palpable
Stage IV
How often should weight shifts for pressure relief occur?
Every 30 min for 30 sec OR every 60 min for 60 sec
What stage of pressure ulcer is this? involves the dermis with partial thickness loss which presents as a shallow open ulcer that can be shiny or dry
Stage II
What stage of pressure ulcer is this? skin is intact with visible nonblanchable redness over a localized area, typically over a bony prominence
Stage I
What group of pressure-reducing devices includes: cushions or mattresses that use non-electrical means to distribute pressure
Group 1