Cardiovascular and Pulmonary System Disorders (Ch8) Flashcards
inflammation of the distal conducting airways; associated with smoking
peripheral airways disease
METs level: typing, walking 2mph, light woodworking
clinical manifestation of ischemia characterized by mild to moderate substernal chest pain/discomfort most commonly felt as pressure or dull ache in the chest and left arm
angina pectoris
METs level: hoeing, table tennis, cycling 8mph
disorder characterized by poor expiratory flow rates
what is a normal infant heart rate?
120 bpm
amount of blood ejected from the heart per minute; dependent upon heart rate and stroke volume
cardiac output
records ECG signals over a 24-hour period while person engages in normal daily routine to determine heart function during various activities
holter monitor
diminished blood supply to affected extremities with pulses decreased or absent; occurs with walking and is relieved by rest
occlusive peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
atherosclerotic disease process that narrows the lumen of coronary arteries resulting in ischemia to the myocardium
coronary artery disease
classic exertional angina occurring during exercise; relieved with rest and/or sublingual nitroglycerin
stable angina
inappropriate elevation of blood glucose levels and accelerated atherosclerosis
diabetic angiopathy
clinical syndrome in which the heart is unable to maintain adequate circulation of the blood to meet the metabolic needs of the body
heart failure
what is a normal adult blood pressure?
110-140 systolic/60-80 diastolic
coronary insufficiency at rest without any precipitating factors or extertion; chest pain increases in severity, frequency, and duration; increases risk for MI; pain is difficult to control
unstable angina