Human Development (Ch5) Flashcards
Period of natal development: grasp reflex appears
second trimester
Which reflexes begin at 4-6 months and integrate at 5 years?
neck and body righting (NOB, BOB)
palmar-supinate grasp
Which reflex begins at 4 months and persists?
downward parachute/protective extension downward
Which reflex begins at birth-2mo and persists?
labyrinthine/optical head righting
Release: involuntary release
1-4 mo
Stimulus: place infant in supine Response: increased extensor tone
tonic labyrinthine supine
In supine: holds head in midline chin is tucked and neck lengthens in back legs come together lower back flattens against floor
3-4 mo
when does a radial-palmar grasp typically develop?
6 mo
Release: presses down on surface to release
7-10 mo
Standing: rotates trunk over lower extremities lower extremities are more active in pulling to a standing position pulls to standing by kneeling, then half-kneeling
8-9 mo
Jumping and hopping: hops on one foot, few steps
2.5 yr
Period of natal development: responds to tactile stimuli
first trimester
Stimulus: rapidly lower infant toward supporting surface while suspended vertically Response: extension of the lower extremities
downward parachute/protective extension downward
Period of natal development: sleep states occur
second trimester
at what age do we expect to see palmar-supinate grasp?
1-1.5 yr
Which reflex begins at 28 wks gestation and integrates at 3 months?
Sitting: Supports self in sitting Sits alone momentarily Increased extension in back Sits by propping forward on arms Wide base, legs are bent Periodic use of “high guard” Protective responses present when falling to front
5-6 mo
Stimulus: stroke the corner of the mouth, upper lip, lower lip Response: movement of the tongue, mouth, and/or head toward the stimulus
Creeping: creeps on hands and feet
10-11 mo
Stimulus: grasp infant’s forearms and pull to sit Response: complete flexion of UE
Sitting: Sits well without support Legs are closer, full upright with knees straight Increased variety of positions, including “w” sit and side sit Difficult fine motor tasks may prompt return to wide base of support
8-10 mo
Stair climbing: walks down stairs, alternating feet
3-3.5 yr
What age is this child?
- Child can build involved structures combining various planes, along with symmetrical designs
- Child is able to utilize spatial awareness, cause-and-effect, and mental images in problem-solving
48-60 mo
What kind of play is this?
- Participates in play with rules, competition, social interaction, and opportunities for development of skills
- Begins to participate in cooperative peer groups with a growing interest in competition
- Friends become important for validation
In supine: equilibrium reactions are present
7-8 mo
What kind of play is this?
- Engages in sensory, motor, cognitive, and social play experiences
- Explores combinations of actions on multiple objects
- Begins to master skills that promote performance of school and work related activities
Creative play
radial-digital grasp
Stair climbing: walks up stairs, alternating feet
2-3 yr
In prone: pivots in prone moves to prone position to sit
7-8 mo
inferior pincer grasp
Release: Clumsy release into small container hand rests on edge of container
10-14 mo
What age is this child?
Child links schemes into a complex script
36-42 mo
Walking: seldom falls runs stiffly with eyes on ground
18 mo
At what age do we expect symbolic play?
2-4 yr
What age is this child?
- Child attends to shapes of things and uses them appropriately
- Child begins to think before acting
- Child uses tool to obtain a favored object
- Child begins to replace trial and error with a thought process in order to attain a goal
- Child can operate a mechanical toy
- Child can predict effects and assume causes
18-21 mo
Walking: cruises around furniture, turning slightly in the intended direction
9-10 mo
Walking: takes independent steps, falls easily
9-17 mo
What age is this child?
- Child recognizes operations of several mechanisms
- Child matches circles, squares, triangles, and manipulates objects into small openings
21-24 mo
Which reflex begins at 3-4 months and integrates at 12-24 months?
Creeping: crawls forward on belly
7 mo
Stair climbing: walks up and down stairs without support, marking time
2-2.5 yr
Walking: walks with 2 hands held
8-18 mo
Stair climbing: creeps backwards down stairs
18-23 mo
Creeping: reciprocal creep
7-10 mo
Jumping and hopping: hops in straight line
5 yr
Which reflexes begin at 37 wks gestation and integrate at 6 months?
tonic labyrinthine supine and prone
Which reflex begins at 28 wks gestation and integrates at 4-6 months?
Standing: pulls to standing with legs only, no longer needs arms stands alone momentarily
9-13 mo
Vestibular system is functioning at the end of this trimester
first trimester
What kind of play is this?
- Child engages in play experiences through which the child formulates, tests, classifies, and refines ideas, feelings, and combined actions
- Associated with language development
- Objects that are manageable for the child in terms of symbolization, control, and mastery are preferred
- Mostly parallel play with peers
Symbolic play
In prone: turns head side to side lifts head momentarily bends hips with bottom in air lifts head and sustains in midline rotates head freely when up able to bear weight on forearms attempts to shift weight on forearms, resulting in shoulder collapse
0-2 mo
Release: mutual fingering in midline
4 mo
age of a fetus or newborn in weeks since conception
conceptual age
Walking: walks with one hand held reaches for furniture out of reach when cruising cruises in either direction, no hesitation
11 mo
What age is this child?
- Child discriminates sizes
24-27 mo
In supine: lifts head independently brings feet to mouth brings hands to feet able to reach for toy with 1 or both hands hands are mainly open
5-6 mo
when does a radial-digital grasp typically develop?
8 mo
At what age do we expect exploratory play?
0-2 yr
Scissor skills:
cuts circles
3.5-4.5 yr
at what age do we expect to see complex rotation?
6-7 yr
when does bilateral integration emerge?
Stimulus: suddenly tip infant forward toward supporting surface while vertically suspended Response: sudden extension of the UE, hand opening, and neck extension
forward parachute/protective extension forward
inferior scissors grasp
What age is this child?
Child links multi-scheme combinations into a meaningful sequence (putting food in bowl, scooping food with spoon, feeding doll)
24-36 mo
Stimulus: fully rotate infant’s head and hold for 5 seconds Response: extension of extremities on the face side, flexion of the extremities on the skull side
asymmetric tonic neck
Sitting: Gets to sitting from prone
6-11 mo
Stair climbing: walks up and down stairs while holding on
18-24 mo
fine pincer grasp
What age is this child?
- Child finds an object after watching it disappear
- Child uses movement as a means to an end
- Child anticipates movement of objects in space
- Child attends to consequences of actions
- Child repeats actions to repeat consequences
6-9 mo
Scissor skills:
cuts complex figure shapes
6-7 yr
Standing: bears some weight on legs, but must be held proximally head is up in midline, no chin tuck pelvis and hips are behind shoulders legs are apart and turned outward
3-4 mo
when does a palmar grasp typically develop?
5 mo
Jumping and hopping: jumps over objects
3-5 yr
Stimulus: place infant in supine, flex one hip and knee toward the chest, and hold briefly Response: segmental rolling of the upper trunk to maintain alignment
body righting (BOB)
Rolling: Rolls from prone to supine Rolls from supine to side with right and left leg performing independent movements Rolls from supine to prone with right and left leg preforming independent movements
5-6 mo
Jumping and hopping: jumps down from step
2 yr
Stimulus: quickly but firmly tip infant off-balance backward Response: backward arm extension
backward parachute/protective extension backward
Rolling: Rolls segmentally with roll initiated by head, shoulder, or hips
6-14 mo
when does primitive self-feeding emerge?
Which reflex begins at 4-6 months and integrates at 8-12 months?
symmetric tonic neck
What age is this child?
- Child can use tool after demo
- Child’s behavior becomes more goal-directed
- Child performs an action to produce a response
9-12 mo
dynamic tripod posture
Sitting: Rises from supine by first rolling to side then pushing up into sitting position
11-24 mo +
What age is this child?
child combines objects in relational play, such as objects in containers
8-9 mo
What age is this child?
child notices the relation between complex actions and consequences (opening doors, placing lids on containers) and differential use of schemes based on the toy being played with (roll a ball vs. push a train)
9-12 mo
What age is this child?
- Child begins to relate experiences to one another, based on logic and knowledge of previous experiences
- Child can make a mental plan of action without acting it out
- Child can see relationships between experiences
27-30 mo
Jumping and hopping: hops on one foot
3.5-5 yr
Sitting: Held in sitting Head bobs in sitting Back is rounded Hips are apart, turned out, and bent Head is steady Chin tucks, able to gaze at floor Sits with less support Hips are bent and shoulders are in front of hips
0-3 mo
Sitting: Trunk control and equilibrium responses are fully developed in sitting Further increase in variety of positions possible
11-12 mo
when is handedness considered stable?
age 5
Stimulus: rapidly drop infant’s head backward Response: first, arm extension/abduction, hand opening; second, arm flexion and abduction
how far from a newborn’s face should objects of high contrast be held?
10 in
Rolling: Rolls from prone position to side accidentally Rolls from supine to side
3-4 mo
at what age do we expect to see in-hand manipulation with stabilization?
6-7 yr
Scissor skills:
shows an interest in scissors
holds and snips with scissors
opens and closes scissors in a controlled fashion
2-3 yr
at what age do we expect to see dynamic tripod posture?
4.5-6 yr
when does a fine pincer grasp typically develop?
12 mo
pincer grasp
In prone: airplane posturing in prone position chest and thighs lift off surface
5-8 mo
What age is this child?
Child focuses on action performed with objects (banging, shaking)
3-6 mo