Procedure 707 Crash Investigation Flashcards
If the crash results in a death or the probability of a death, the first officer arriving on the scene and/or the officer handling the crash will request _______ to make the scene of the crash.
On the investigator Panel in the TxDOT Web Based CR-3 ensure that “__________” is selected in the District/Area box. This will forward the crash report to _______ for final approval.
Traffic Investigation / Traffic Investigations Detail Detective
On all crashes involving a death or a probability of a death, submit all reports to the handling ________ or ________ for review and approval.
TID Detective or Supervisor in the Homicide Unit
Officers shall advise the reporting parties that a ______ report instead of a crash report will be prepared, and document the crash using an N-Code _____.
CFS / (21)
The electronic submission of the Web based TxDOT CR-3 is considered the ________.
Original Report
On Hit-and-Run crashes, a member from the Traffic Investigation Detail or a member from the Night CID Unit and ________ are requested to make the scene of the crash if serious bodily injury or death occurred.
Crime Scene Unit Investigator
Hit-and-Run crashes with property damage (only) of $200 or more is advised to contact the _________ .
Traffic Investigation Detail
Hit-and-Run crashes with property damage (only) of less than $200 is advised to contact _______ .
Municipal Court
When a complainant obtains a damage repair estimate and the estimate is $200 or more, he should be advised to contact the _______ .
Traffic Investigation Detail
Impound hit-and-run vehicles found abandoned in a public place or on private property as ________.
Police Vehicles: Sergeants are assigned to investigate the damage to property incident and will complete the AFR information report. Copies of the incident report are routed to the _______ and the _______.
TID / Risk Management Office