Principles of perception - Unit 2 Flashcards
Objects close together will be viewed together visually.
The brain is good at filling gaps to create a whole.
Two items that share attributes are visually grouped together.
A line will always appear to continue traveling the same way.
Figure & Ground
The blank space is just as important as the filled space.
Selective Attention
Person select and focuses on a particular input for further processing while ignoring irrelevant or distracting information.
Cocktail Party Effect
Being able to focus on one’s auditory attention while filtering out other noises.
Sensory Adaptation
Reduce sensitivity into a continuous, unchanging stimuli.
Pattern of decreased response to a stimulus after frequently repeated exposure.
Inattentional Blindness
Failing to see objects when our attention is directed elsewhere.
Change Blindness
Failing to notice change in the environment around us because focus is on something different.
Choice Blindness
Failing to notice a change in a previously selected item.
Perceptual Constancy
Ability and need to perceive objects as unchanging even as changes may occur in distance, point of view, and illumination.
Color Constancy
Perception that the color of an object remains the same even if light conditions change.
Size constancy
Perceive objects as the same apparent size regardless of their distance.
Shape Constancy
Viewing angle changes or an object rotates we still perceive the object as the same shape.
Lightness Constancy
Perception of whiteness, blackness, or grayness of objects remain constant no matter how much illumination has changed.
Binocular Cues
Both eyes
Retinal Disparity
Binocular cue for perceiving depth: Comparing images from the retinas in two eyes, brain computes distance. Greater disparity between two images, closer the object.
Binocular cue: two eyes move inward towards the nose to see near objects and outward to see faraway objects.
Monocular Cues
1 eye
Relative size
Two objects are similar in size, but the smaller it looks the farther away.
Objects that block other objects tend to be perceived as closer.
Relative Clarity
Objects appear sharp clear and detailed to be seen as closer than more hazy objects.
Relative Height
Perceive objects who are higher in our field of vision to be farther away than those that are lower.
Relative motion
Objects closer to fixation point move faster and opposing direction to those objects that are farther away from fixation point, move slower and in same direction.
Linear Perspective
Parallel lines who converge in distance are seen as farther away.
Light and shadow
Nearby objects reflrect more light than distant objects. Dimmer one appears to be farther away.
Texture Gradient
Dense detail is farther away.
Perceptual Set
Tendency to perceive or notice some aspects of available sensory data and ignore others. Tendency given by expectations, culture, etc.