Memory Forming Process - Unit 2 Flashcards
Iconic memory
Fleeting visual images
Echoic Memory
Auditory signals
Short-term Memory
Activated memory that holds a few items briefly.
Long-term Memory
Relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of memory system.
First step Information Processing Model
Encoding: Get information in
Second step of information processing model
Storing: store information
Third step in information processing model
Retrieving: get information back (recall)
Parallel processing model
Processing many aspects of a problem simultaneously.
Working Memory
Area of high speed memory used to store programs or data currently in use.
Automatic processing
Unconscious encoding of incidental information.
Procedural/implicit memory
Retention independent of conscious recollection. Located in basal ganglia and cerebellum. (muscle memory)
Effortful Though Processing
Conscious Encoding that requires attention and conscious effort.
Explicit Memory
Memory or facts and experiences that one can consciously know and “declare”.
Semantic Encoding
Meaning of something is encoded as opposed to the sound or vision of it.
Prospective Memory
Remembering to perform actions in the future.
Retrospective Memory
Remembering events from the past or previously learned information.
Semantic Memory
Impersonal memories that are drawn from everyday, common kinds of knowledge.
Episodic Memory
Story of our lives and experiences that we can recall and tell someone.
Flashbulb Memories
Refer to emotionally intense events that become as a vivid-seeming memory.