Prev Med 6.6 Flashcards
Define a Highly susceptible population
Persons who are more likely than other people in the general population to experience food borne diseases
examples of HSP
Immunocompromised Preschool age children older adults military and DOD in the field obtaining food from a facility like custodial and health care
Define Potentially hazardous food (Time/ Temp control for safety) (TCS food)
Food that requires Time and temperature control to limit pathogenic microorganisms’ growth or toxin formation
food that supports the growth of microorganisms
Define Regulatory authority
qualified DOD or civilians that work in prev med, public health, vector medical commands having jurisdiction over food establishments
Define PIC
individual presents at a food establishment who is responsible for operation at time of inspection
Medical Authrotiy
commander of the MTF or tactical unit who authority is above the Preventive medicine unit conducting audits
Define Food
raw, cooked or processed edible substances or ingredient used for wholesale or in part for human consumption or chewing gum
Color additives or dyes or other substances made by a process of synthesis derived from vegetable, animal mineral or other source
Define Hazard
As it relates to HACCP means any biological, chemical or physical property that can cause unacceptable risk
Define Foodborne illness
illness transmitted to people by food
what is DD form 2972
Food facility risk assessment survey
used to determine inspection frequency based on risk
What is the DD form 2973
Food Operation inspection report Pre-op inspections routine inspections follow up inspections used by food facility mangers to conduct self evals
What is the DD 2974
Tactical Kitchen Inspection report
use in tactical envviorment
What is the DD form 2971
- Conditional Employee or Food employee reporting agreement
- used to inform employees of their obligations to report any listed conditions to the PIC to preclude the transmission of food borne illness
The PIc should do what for self evals
perform weekly inspections using the guidelines
keep records of weekly inspections for 1 year
What is pre-operational inspection?
initial inspection conducted following an approval to operate a new food concession or newly renovated food establishment
What is a routine inspection?
regular scheduled or unscheduled inspection
What is a follow up inspection?
Supplemental inspection usually conducted after seven days of initial
Define complaint inspection?
inspection conducted due to customer complaint
Define walkthrough inspection?
unscheduled informal inspection
Fully compliant inspection rating means?
no deficiencies
sustainably compliant means
no imminent health hazards and two or less critical findings corrected on site and five or less noncritical
Partially compliant?
No IHH and three or more critical findings COS and or 6 or more noncritical findings
IHH is present or any critical findings not COS
inspector competency means?
an authorized representative shall have the knowledge, skills and ability to adequately perform the required duties
Capatilized means?
defined in the glossary and alert reader to
specific meaning assigned to it
Italicized words mean
provisions are not requirements
conveys relevant information about specific exceptions or alternative mean for compliance
usually has words like should, except and may
Critical categories for food inspection are marked how?
- Is located at the end showing all items are critical
anything not marked in a Asterix section are considered critical
Noncritical markings are shown how?
any provision followed by a bold Super scripted (N)
all provisions following tag line without a *
may or may not be critical depending on circumstances
Any provisions that are followed by bold superscripted S
“shall” means
the act is imperative
“may not “ means
means absolute prohibition
“May” means?
is permissive and mean the act is allowed
“Should” Means?
means the action is recommended
Debatable provision numbers
Non debatable provision
Blocks 1-3 of food safety insepctions
1 facility name
Block 4/5/6 of food inspection
4 Date
5 Inspection types
6 Inspectors name
Block 7/8/9 of food safety
7 start
8 end
9 PIC infor
Block 10/11/12 of food safety
number and type of deficiency
inspection rating
compliance status
Block 15/16/17/18
15 Inspection type
16 Temperature observation
17 remarks
18 Signature
food safety report distrubtuion
Original to CO having authority over food establishment via the COC
COPY to PIC and keep a record