Prev Med 6.10 Flashcards
Characteristics of the House fly
-most widely distributed insect of important to mankind
- Gray in color and thorax
-4 equally broad, dark longitudinal stripes
-Nonbiting spongy mouth parts
diseases from the house fly
good Mechanical vector
walks in trash
vomits on food to eat it up
Characteristic of the blow fly
blue bottle or green bottle fly
large metallic shining blue/green abdomen
Disease concern of the blow fly
rarely public health concern (surgical maggots) may cause Myiasis
Sand Fly characteristics
only females bite with piercing mouth parts
invade dwellings to bit man at night
Disease from sand fly
Bacterial (Bartonella)
Viral (Sand Fly/Pappataci fever)
Protozoal (leishmaniasis)
Characteristics of the TSE fly
scissors like fold of their wings while resting
both sexes bite
prominent biting mouthparts
disease of the TSE fly
Characteristic of the Black fly
dark in color (black)
feeds on man and domestic/wild animals leaving large bite wound
diseases of the black fly
onchocerciasis, River Blindness
Characteristics of the Horse or Deer fly
large insects with exceedingly painful bites
disease of the horse/ Deer fly
Helminthic (lola infections)
African eye worms
Characteristics of the eye Eye gnat
very small
attracted to wounds, puss and sebaceous secretions
swarm the face and stuff
disease from eye gnats
no significant disease occurrence/ mostly troublesome
How to control house and blow fly
remove garbage or by controlling nearby breeding sources Screens Fans Flypapers baited traps
Controls for sand fly
Elimination of nearby breeding sites near infested areas
residual sprays recommended for house fly’s and mosquitos are suitable to control
Controls for TSE fly
difficult to control due to free living larval forms
Natural enemies
control of host game animals
entablement of fly barriers
aerosol space sprays to control adult population
Controls for black flys
application of larvicides to streams where immature forms are developing
PPE should be used
but net and fabris
Controls for horse flys
difficult and frequently ineffective
applications of insecticides similar to mosquito control may be effective
control of eye gnats
efforts to control them through aerial or ground delivered sprays have been generally ineffective
describe the aedes aegypti
spread through southern us and southern CA
Lyre shaped silver shite lines on thorax
White bands on tarsal segments
lays eggs on side of container at or above water line
prefers blood of man over other
bites ankles under sleeves and back of neck
Diseases carried by Aedes Argypti
dengue fever
yellow fever
filarial nematodes
Describe the Anopheles mosquito
most have spotted wings
rest with body in straight line at 45or 90-degree angles
laid singly in water supported by lateral floats
Found in alot of water but most fresh
active at night and need blood before egg production
diseases carried by the anopheles
Describe the Culex species
mostly in tropic and subtropic regions
prefers quiet water/ with organic materials
eggs in rafts of 100 or more
mostly bites at night
disease of the culex species
Control methods for mosquitos
control methods are either permanent or temporary depending on how they target the breeding are or present populations
drain water
dispose of artificial containers
treat water with larvicides
window screens, mosquito nets, insect repellent, treated uniforms, chemoprophylaxis