Preschool Lecture Flashcards
Preschoool ages
Preschooler biological growth
- avg weight gain 5lb/Y (avg weight for 4Ys—40lbs)
- height grows 2.5-3 in/Y (avg height for 4Y—40 inch)
- baby teeth all in, may start losing baby teeth but not too likely
- general growth—lengs elongate before the trunk; muscle dev and bone growth immature, prone to injury from rigorous sports especially with older kids
Preschooler motor dev by age 3
- rides tricycle
- broad jump
- balance on tiptoe
- balance on foot for a few sec
Preschooler motor dev by age 4
- skip and hop on one foot
- catches ball reliably
Preschooler motor dev by age 5
- throws and catches ball well
- balances on alternate feet
- begins to skate and swim
- inc strength and refinement of fine and gross motor abilities
3 year fine motor skills
- assembles simple puzzles
- manipulates clay—finger paints
- copies simple shapes like cross or circle
- stack blocks up to nine high
4 year old fine motor skills
- copies crosses and squares
- prints some letters (common to write backwards)
- uses table utensils well
- cuts on a line
- gluing but can’t use conservatively
5 year old fine motor skills
- hand preference is established
- laces but can’t tie shoes
- grasp pencil like an adult
- color w/i lines
- cuts and pastes simple shapes
Preschooler drawing and functions
Used to assess cognition and in therapy
- 3Y—copy circles
- 4Y—draw stick figure
- 5-6Y—draw several body parts (head, arms, legs, body and facial features)
Preschooler sources of stress
Separation from parents, supernatural beings, ghosts, monsters, noises, “bad people”, injury—poor coping mechanisms
Magical thought process
Crazy imagination, not a good understanding of cause and effect so think something crazy causes something else
Preschooler play
- associate play—group play without rigid rules
- begin cooperative play (most characteristic play is IMAGINATIVE play and IMITATIVE play like dress up dolls, brooms, vacuum cleaners, saws)
- like to help with cooking, cleaning, moving items
- may have imaginary friends and incorporate them but don’t but everything on the imaginary kid
- sex typing occurs at this phase
- develops behavior, personality, attitudes, and beliefs appropriate for his or her culture and sex
- occurs through imitation and childbearing practices
- “boys shouldn’t” and “girls shouldn’t”
Preschoolers and TV
- limit screen time to 2 hours
- ask kids about what watching, the characters, make interactive
Kohlberg for preschool
Preconventional—stage 2; rules are followed when in their immediate interest; right action consists of what satisfies their needs; “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine”
Erickson for preschool
Initiative vs guilt
- want to try all, guilt may come in when the child tries, then fails and feels incapable or when parents fuss at them for making a mess/failing
- feel guilty for wishing negative things like sibling gets hurt or dies and feel very guilty for these thoughts if they occur
- clarify wishes can’t cause things
- conscience developing
- verbal warnings good
- safely explore world
- active imagination
- need little guidance in play
Piaget for Preschool
2 stages of preoperational
- preconceptual 2-4 years
- intuitive thought 4-7 years (play important especially fantasy/imitative and child begins to recognize others POV, reality not firm, use simple DOs and DON’Ts, change the rules often)
- understand less than we think bc imitation
- don’t understand causality
Preschooler social development
- ind and separation complete
- cope well with changes in routine but may develop new fears
- can work thru difficult situations and new situation thru play
Preschool lang development
- over 2100 words by age 5
- age 3-4–converse in 3-4 brief sentences and use I and me correctly
- age 4-5 can use all parts of speech
- can begin to make classifications
- stutter and stammer is normal but encourage to slow down
- struggle with “th”
- read by 5 or 6
- listen to stories
- begin to read words
- encourage to share da
Preschool personal development
- need little assistance with eating, dressing, toileting
- more sociable, willing to please
- may compare self to others “if Johnny can why can’t I”
- aware of own position in family
- silly humor