Endocrine And Metabolic Disorders Flashcards
Inborn errors of metabolism
Class of genetic disease involving numerous dx of met primarily due to genes that affect enzyme activity causing build up of toxins that interfere with normal metabolic fxn (CHO met, AA met, organic acid met, lysosomal storage disease)
Why is early screening for metabolic disorder important?
Risk for cog and developmental delays
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
- inborn genetic error
- absence of phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme
- can’t b/d phenylalanine (Phe) so can’t b/d and use protein so they build up in body and cause brain damage
- autosomal recessive
- males and females equal
What happens when people with PKU ingest protein?
They can’t b/d protein into tyrosine so it creates abnormal metabolites that cause phenylpyruvic acid in the urine
Sx of PKU
Brain damage, sluggish, lack appetite, rashes, diarrhea
Normal phenylalanine Level vs PKU level
- usually 1
- PKU 60-80, usually about 30
PKU management
- diet low in PA
- breast-feed or PA free formula
- restrict PA in diet for life; only very limited amt of meat, limit fruits and veg, limit grains and starch
- use milk substitute
- on PA-free formula for life—gives protein
PKU Dietary goals
- meet nut needs for optimum growth
- maintain PA levels w/i 2-6
CM untreated PKU in kids
- restricted ht/wt
- musty odor to urine and sweat
- hypopigmentation (fair skin, blue eyes, blond hair, eczema)
- vom
- irritable
- seizure
- hyperactive
- mental retardation
Adults with untreated PKU
- short attn span
- poor short term memory
- visual perception probs
- poor motor coordination
- mood disorders
- brain structure Chx (Dec gray brain matter)
NC for PKU
- proper testing
- teaching
- referral for genetic counseling
- supportive
- flexible feeding schedule
- encourage early tx
- G/D fine if they adhere to diet
- lack enzyme to convert galactose (in milk) to glucose
- auto recessive
Galactosemia CM
Vom, wt loss, jaundice (hepatomegaly), lethargy, hypotonia, cataracts (galactalose accum)
Long-term consequences of galactosemia
Learning disabilities, lower IQ, short attn span, behavior probs
Galactosemia Therapeutic management
- lactose free diet like soy
- no breast feed UNLESS mom is completely dairy free
- calcium supps
- mediations cautions—can be sensitive to vitamins and penicillin (sometimes they have galactose)
Dx of thyroid fxn
Main action of thyroid is regulation of basal metabolic rate
- hypo or hyper thyroid
- may be disturbance in secretion of TSH
Congenital Juvenile hypothyroidism
Hypoplastic thyroid gland
- auto recessive
- major cause of childhood cog delays
Acquired juvenile hypothyroidism
- can follow radiation for Hodgkin or other cancer
- can follow partial or complete thyroidectomy for CA or thyrotoxicosis
- rarely occurs from dietary insufficiency in US
S/S Hypothyroidism
- hypothermia
- large, protruding tongue
- short, thick neck
- delayed dentition
- hypotonia
- poor feeding
- prolonged jaundice
- constipation
- missed or delayed diagnosis may lead to mental defects
Congenital goiter
Hypertrophy of the thyroid gland from maternal ingestion of antithyroid drugs during pregnancy
Acquired goiter
Hypertrophy of the thyroid gland resulting from neoplasm, inflammation disease, dietary deficiency (rarely in kids), or inc secretion of pit thyrotropic hormone