Prep + Training Methods To Maintain Physical Activity + Performance Flashcards
key data terms
quantitative = Factual and numerical data
qualitative = is subjective, as it is based on opinions, feeling and emotions.
objective = based upon facts + is measurable
subjective = based upon opinions, assumptions, interpretations + beliefs
validity = making sure the test measures what it is supposed to
reliability = is the repeatability of a test
warm up - 3 stages
stage 1 = cardiovascular exercise to increase HR, breathing rate through vascular shunt, increases o2
stage 2 = stretching/flexibility exercises to increase elasticity of the muscles
stage 3 = movement patterns that are sport specific
stretching used in stage 2
- static stretching = stretching whilst not moving
- active stretching = stretching whilst moving
- passive stretching = stretches pushed further with the help of an external force - held in stationary position for 30 secs or more
- ballistic stretching = stretch with swinging or bouncing to push a body part further
physiological benefits of warming up
- reduces chance of injury
- adrenaline increases heart rate opens capillaries to allow more O2 to get to the working muscles
- increased muscle temp which allows O2 to dissociate from haemoglobin more easily
- faster reactions as increased speed of nerves
- smoother joint movement
- rehearsal of movement = more accurate game play
- more blood flow to heart (starlings law) = more efficient at getting blood oxygenated + back to muscles
cooling down + its benefits
- light exercises to get rid of lactic acid
-keeps skeletal pump working
- prevents blood pooling
- reduces the effects of DOMS
- reduces HR and temp
S - specificity = relevant to activity
P - progression = training harder as time goes on
O - overload = pushing body to force improvements
R - reversibility = ensuring breaks are not too long + preventing injury to stop deterioration
R - recovery = train hard for 3, rest for 1 (3:1) - if done correctly will cause adaptation of your body
FITT = to help ensure progressive overload
F - frequency = train more often
I - intensity = train harder
T - time = increase time to train for
T - type = mix up the type to stay motivated
is the process of dividing the training year into specific sessions
1. macro cycle = whole season - 1-4 years (long term goal)
2. meso cycle = splitting season into 4-12 weeks (focus on an element of fitness)
3. miscro cycle = few days - 1 week (work on weakness from previous game)
3 periods in a macro cycle
- the preparation phase = aka pre season - keep fitness levels up (general conditioning)
- the competition period = whilst playing (maintain fitness, refine skills + techniques)
- the transition period = the rest + recovery stage at the end of the season (mental + physical)
tapering + peaking
tapering = reducing training a few days before comps to reduce chances of injury + allowing time to mentally prepare.
tapering then helps lead to peaking = which is making the athlete be at their very best for competition = timing fitness training perfectly then working on skills leading up to an event followed by tapering
continuous training
Works on developing aerobic endurance
Involves low-intensity exercises for long periods of time without rest intervals
Results = improvements in cardiovascular systems + respiratory systems, therefore increases ability to take up, transport + use O2 more effectively
fartlek training
Different to continuous training as pace of run varied to stress both aerobic energy systems due to continuous nature + anaerobic energy systems through high-intensity bursts of exercise
Improves stamina + recovery times
interval training
Used by elite athletes to improve anaerobic power
Periods or intervals of high-intensity work followed by recovery periods
Versatile as can be adapted to suit variety of anaerobic needs
Take into account:
- duration of work interval
- intensity or speed of work interval
- duration of recovery period
- number of work intervals + recovery periods
circuit training
Series of exercises at set stations
Can be designed to cover any aspect of fitness but usually for muscular endurance
Take into account:
- Number of stations
- time spent on exercise
- number of rest intervals
- layout of each exercise (ensure same body part not used continuously)
weight training
Used to develop muscular strength, involves series of resistance exercises through free weights or fixed weight machines, sets or reps.
Rep = number of time you do particular weight
Set = number of cycles of reps
Number of reps and sets + weight dependent on type of strength being improved.
1rep max = max weight that can be lifted in one rep
If max strength goal = high weight low rep
If muscular endurance goal = low weight, high rep
Choice of exercise need to relate to muscle groups used in sport
PNF training
Advanced stretching technique
Passive stretching, when position is held by something other than agonist muscles
PNF considered to be most effective forms of flexibility training for increasing range of movement