Prenatal genomic testing for USS detected fetal structural anomalies TOG 2023 Flashcards
What proportion of FSA have a genetic or chromosomal abnormality?
- Associated increased morbidity/mortaility
What % of pregnancies are effected by fetal structural anomalies?
What proportion of underlying genetic or chromosomal abnormality can be detected with QF-PCR, G-banding karyotype and CMA (chromosomal microarray)
Cumulative diagnostic yield 25%
How can fetal DNA be obtained?
Invasive testing Amnio or CVS
With invasive testing
- Risk of miscarriage
- Risk of maternal contrimation
- O.5%
Which test is normally 1st carried out>
QF-PCR (replaced FISH) to detect aneuploidy 13, 18, 21, sex chromosomes
If QF-PCR detects aneuploidy 13, 18, 21, sex chromosomes, what test next?
G-banding karyotype ?inherited structural chromosomal rearrangement
If QF-PCR negative, what next test?
Chromosomal microarray (CMA)
(i) isolated nuchal translucency≥3.5 mm when thecrown-rump length measures from 45 mm to 84 mm (atapproximately 11+0weeks to 13+6weeks); (ii) one or moreFSAs identified on ultrasound scan; or (iii) fetuses with a sexchromosome aneuploidy that is unlikely to explain theultrasound anomaly (
3rd testing - NHS exome sequencing
How to obtain DNA if NND?
Umbilical cord blood @ delivery
Fresh frozen skin, liver, spleen
Placental biopsy
Or PM fetal blood → NGS
What is QF-PCR
average turnaround time
Markers to specific areas of chromosomes, amplified using DNA polymerase,
Detects aneuploidies
48 hours
What is G banding karyotyping
Giemsa staining to visulaise number and macrostructure
GS - Mosaicism, polyploidy and re-arrangments
Will not detect microdelevtions
What is chromosome mircoarray?
Average turn around time
Oligonucleotides probes -complimentry DNA sequences
Can detect microdeletions/duplications/loss of heterozygosity, copy number variant
Cannot detect balanced translocations, small deletions
Prenatally CMA has what % better diagnostic yield than QF-PCR/karyotype?
Most common copy number variant detected by CMA?
22q11.2 micro deletion (DiGeorge syndrome_
Exone sequencing codes what proportion of the genetic code?
1% 30 million base pairs
Additional Dx found in NGS?
Diagnostic genetic variant 8.5%
Uncertain significance 3.9%