Management of Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy GTG Flashcards
What % of twins are Monochorionic?
How common is TTTS in MCDA twins?
Stage 1TTTS
What is the name of the scoring system?
Discordance in amniotic fluid
Donor Oligo, DVP <2cm
Recipient Poly DVP >8cm if before 20/40, >20 if after 20/40
Quintero system
Stage 2 TTTS
Donor twin: Bladder not visible due to anuria
Stage 3 TTTS
Doppler studies are abnormal in either twin
Donor: Umbilical arterial doppler velocity
Recipents: Venous doppler velocity
Stage 4 TTTS
Ascites, pericardial effusion, scalp oedema ot overt hydros in recipient
Stage 5 TTTS
One or both babies died
How common is TAPs in MCDA
2% uncomplicated MCDA
13% MCDA after laser treatment
What is TAPs?
Donor: Signs of fetal anaemia, increased MCA PSV >1.5 median
Recipient: Polycythaemia, MCA PSV <1.0 median
Without - oligo/poly
How common is growth discordance of >20%?
10-15% of MCDA Twins
What us stage 1 sGR (selective growth restriction)
Growth discordance but +ve diastolic velocities in both fetal umbilical arteries
What us stage 2 sGR (selective growth restriction)
Growth discordance with absent or reversed end-diastolic velocities AREDV in 1 or both foetus
What us stage 3 sGR (selective growth restriction)
Growth discordance with cyclical umbilical artery diastolic waveforms
How common is TRAP sequence in MCDA twins
Was is TRAP sequence?
Acradiac twin being perfused by the anatomically normal twin through large artery-artery anastomnasis on placenta
How common is sGR in presence of TTTS?
When should USS be performed to assess number of placenta?
11-13+6 (CRL 45-84mm)
Rate of fetal loss before 24. weeks in MCDA and DCDA twins?
MCDA 14%
DCDA 2.6%
Risk of false +ve combined screening with MCDA twins?
10% false +ve
90% sensitivity
(singleton 2.5%, DCDA twins 5%)
Sensitivity and false +ve for quadruple test MCDA
80% sensitive
3% false +ve
How often should MCDA twins be scanned?
Every 2 weeks from 16 weeks until delivery
What symptoms can the mother experience in TTTS?
Sudden increase in abdominal size, breathlessness
A discordance of how much is associated with increased risk of perinatal mortality?
> 20%
What treatment can be offered for TTS?
Amnioreduction or selective laser ablation
If TTS before 26 offered?
Fetoscopic laser abaltion normally offered at severe stage 1 or stage 2
Following Fetoscopic laser abaltion how often should USS be performed?
Weekly USS and serial UAPI, MCA PSV and ductus enosis doppler velocity
After 2 weeks, then 2 weekly
How often can recurrence TTS occur?
15% of Tx by fetoscopic laser abaltion, Solomon technique reduces chance
When should MCDA twin with TTS be delivered?
34-36 weeks
Consider steroids, usually by CS
If early onset sGR, what should be considered?
Selective reduction
When should Type 1 sGR be delivered?
Deliver by 34-36 weeks
When should Type 2-3 sGR be delivered?
Planned delivery by 32 weeks
If death of one twin in MCDA, what is the risk of death to surviving twin?
If death of one twin in MCDA, what is the risk of neurological abnormality to surviving twin?
What test should be requested in event of death of 1 twin?
Fetal MRI 4 weeks after co-twin demise to detect neurological morbidity
What test assess fetal anaemia?
Fetal MCA PSV using dopplers
What % of MCDA twins will delivery before 37 weeks?
When is elective delivery of MCDA twin if no other indication for earlier delivery?
How much more likely is stillbirth in MCDA Vs DCDA
7 times
When should MCMA twins be delivered?
32-34 weeks
Risk cord entanglement
For selective reduction for MC twins, can selective fetocide be offered?
No - as placental anastomeses, offer intramural/umbilical cord abaltion