Exercise in pregnancy TOG 2015 Flashcards
What proportion of women exercise the recommended amount?
How much does the following change in pregnancy?
Stroke volume
Heart rate
Cardiac output
Systemic resistance
Stroke volume 10%
Heart rate 20%
Cardiac output 30-50%
Systemic resistance decrease
MAP Decrease 5-10mmHg
How many extra calories a day needed by end off 1st trimester?
What proportion of pregnancy women experience lower back pain?
Lumbar lordosis
Laxity in ligaments
NICE guidance of exercise in pregnancy
At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day.
Women who exercised regularly before pregnancy should be able to continue with no adverse effects.
Women who haven’t exercised routinely should begin with 15 minutes of continuous exercise three times weekly, increasing to daily 30-minute sessions.
Most recreational exercise including swimming or brisk walking and strength conditioning exercise is safe and beneficial.
Sports that may cause abdominal trauma, falls or excessive joint stress, and scuba diving, should be avoided.
NICE guidance postpartum exercise
Mild exercise programmes with walking, pelvic floor exercises and stretching can begin immediately
High impact exercise should not begin too soon.
A clinician should advise at 6–8 weeks in the case of more complicated deliveries.
According to ACOG absolute contraindications to aerobic exercise?
Haemodynamically significant heart disease
Incompetent cervix/cerclage
Multiple gestation at risk of preterm labour
Persistent 2nd/3rd trimester bleeding
Placenta praevia after 26 weeks of gestation
Premature labour during current pregnancy
Pregnancy induced hypertension