AN Steroids GTG Flashcards
When should you given AN steroids if imminent preterm birth anticipated according to GTG?
Extra point for NICE
24-34+6 (established preterm labour, PPROM, planned delivery)
NICE 2015 Discuss 22-23+6, Offer 24-33+6, Consider 34-35+6
Consider repeat <34 & ANS >7D, high risk delivery 48hr
What are the benefits of AN steroids?
Reduce - perinatal mortality, neonatal death, RDS
Likely reduced: IVH and neurodevelopment delay, NEC
What are the risk of of AN steroids if given with 7 days <35 weeks?
- Affects maternal glucose tolerance for 5 days.
- Reduction in birth weight
- Likely increase risk neonatal hypogylcaemia
- May increase risk of psychiatric and behavioural diagnosis if baby born at term (70000 children in Finland, 12% with ANS vs 6% in term-born children
- Exacerbate infection for women & baby
What are the common regimes given?
Dexamethasone 12mg 24 hours apart
12mg 24 hours apart
6mg 12 hours apart
Reaching total 24mg
What is the medium latency between PPROM and birth
7 days, decreases as gestational age of PROM advances.
What is the benefit of dexamethasone Vs Betamethasone
Reduced risk IVH
Lower risk CS
What is the benefit of betamethasone vs dexamethasone
Reduced risk chore
Lower SBP at 2 years
When is the maximum reduction of RDS following steroids
What benefits begin within the first 48 hours?
Cerebroventricular haemorrhage, significant reduction fetal and neonatal death
Are endogenous glucocorticoids from the mother cross the placenta?
No, the enzyme 11B-hydroxystreoid prevents this.
Synthetics glucocorticoids can bypass this enzyme.
When is the greatest benefit of AN steroids?
24-48 hours - 50% reduction in mortality
Repeat AN steroids? What are benefits and risks?
Repated course of steroids - Risk of mortality/morbidty are the same, no benefit
Lower birth weight
According to NICE when should tocolysis and ANS be given based on clinical examination?
<30 weeks, if clinical assessment suspects PTL, give both
According to NICE if > 30 weeks and suspected preterm labour what tests should be performed
If >30 weeks, consider cervical length USS. >15mm consider alternatives, <15mm steroids & toco
<50, alternative Dx
>50 steroids and tocolysis
If using QUiPP app, what is the threshold to treatment within 7 days?
What percentage of babies given ACS are born at term?
What % of preterm birth and planned/indicated?
What is the most common indication for preterm birth?
What did ASTECS trial find regarding ANS before ELCS?
Reduction in RDS and TTN (52%/55%) but lower quartile academically at 8-11years( 18% vs 8.5).
?Hypogylaecamia effect on Brian maturation