Prehistoric Flashcards
What are the two main sources of subject matter for prehistoric art?
Survival; Hunting and Gathering
Why was there such an emphasis on the female form?
The female form represented fertility images; sense of survival
What is the importance of prehistoric nomadic culture?
This is when people finally started settling down in one area and prospering in that area instead of moving around and being hunter-gatherers
How did the prehistoric nomadic culture influence the materials and size of artwork?
Paleolithic pieces were smaller because communities moved around a lot more. Neolithic sculpture became bigger because it didn’t have to be carried around anymore; pottery became more popular bc it was used to store food harvested from farms
What were the possible functions of the works of art?
The functions of art were to represent fertility; tell a narrative; store food (pottery); astronomical observatory or solar calendar
Describe Venus of Willendorf
- oldest sculpture ever discovered
- fertility image
- represent the female form in general, not a specific woman
- paleolithic age
Describe Hall of the Bulls, Lascaux Cave
- possibly first narrative work of art
- many animals depicted, not just bulls
- purpose was to represent the animals, not to locate them in a specific place
- composite view of the animals
- paleolithic age
Describe Stonehenge
- in England
- arrangement of megalithic stones with ditch around it
- post and lintel structure
- rough cut sandstone and bluestone
- possible astronomical observatory or solar calendar
- neolithic age
What is a mural?
a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall
What is a sculpture?
the art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster
What is a profile?
The outline of something as seen from the side
What is a composite view?
When something is depicted part in profile and part in frontal view
What is a fertility figurine?
A sculpture depicting a woman with exaggerated breasts compared to rest of the body; representation of fertility and survival
What is post and lintel construction?
a building system where strong horizontal elements are held up by strong vertical elements with large spaces between them (Stonehenge)
What is the definition of nomadic?
anything that involves moving around a lot