Pregnancy and Amniotic Fluid Flashcards
protein that stimulates the ovary to produce progesterone in order to protect the pregnancy
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Four functions of the placenta
1 keeps maternal and fetal circulation systems separate
2 nourishes the fetus
3 eliminates fetal waste
4 produces hormones vital to pregnancy
protein hormone that has potent growth and lactogenic properties
Placental Lactogen
these steroid hormones ensure appropriate development of endometrium, uterine growth, adequate uterine blood supply and preparation of the uterus for labor
estrogens (estradiol, estriol, estrone) and progesterone
two functions of amniotic fluid
1 cushions baby against possible injury
2 helps maintain a constant temperature
How many days after conception can hCG be detected in the serum?
between 8 and 11 days
When does normal doubling time of hCG in early pregnancy occur?
about two days in early pregnancy
When do hCG levels peak in a normal pregnancy?
near the end of the first trimester
Describe hCG levels and its doubling time in an ectopic pregnancy
hCG concentration less in ectopic pregnancies and the doubling time is nearly always greater than 2 days
serum _______ concentrations are often low in mothers with abnormal pregnancies
Symptoms of pre-eclampsia
hypertension, proteinuria, and edema
symptoms of eclampsia
convulsions, rapid and sustained rise in blood pressure, DIC, and intravascular deposition of fibrin with subsequent end-organ damage
What does HELLP stand for?
Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelet counts
Symptoms of HELLP Syndrome
thrombocytopenia, DIC, epigastric pain, malaise, nausea, vomiting, headache, LD/ALT/AST elevated; treatment is delivery
Chromosomal abnormality present in Down Syndrome
3 copies of chromosome 21 (Trisomy 21)
Chromosomal abnormality in Edward’s Syndrome
Extra copy of chromosome 18 (Trisomy 18)
Four tests in the “quad marker screen”
Alpha-Feto protein, hCG, unconjugated estriol (E3), and Dimeric Inhibin A (InA)
Relative estriol, hCG, and AFP quad marker results associated with Down Syndrome
Estriol- 25% lower; hCG- 2x higher; AFP- 25% Lower; Inhibin A- Lower
Relative estriol, hCG, and AFP quad marker results in Trisomy 18
all are lower
Anomaly detected via the detection of increased maternal serum AFP
Neural tube defects
Effect of surfactant in the lungs in fetal lung prematurity
Surfactant permits gaseous exchange; lack of surfactant produces neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
Reduces surface tension in the alveoli of the lungs
Without surfactant at the alveolar lining-air interface what happens to alveoli?
The alveoli would collapse with each inspiration before oxygen/carbon dioxide exhange can occur
Two screening tests for fetal lung maturity
FLM Test (Fetal Lung Maturity Test) and Lamellar Body Count
Two major surfactants in the human lung
Phospholipids: Lecithin (L) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG)
Where are Lecithin and PG stored?
In lamellar bodies
Risk of newborns that will have RDS according to FLM Test
if the amniotic fluid L/S ratio is <2%, 20-25% of newborns will have RDS
These are about the same size as platelets and can be counted using standard hematology analyzer
Lamellar bodies
A lamellar body count of >_________/mL in amniotic fluid is considered mature
This test is an indirect measurement of the bilirubin concentration in the amniotic fluid where the bilirubin has a max absorbance at 450nm; used as a marker of the severity of fetal hemolysis (HDN)
Delta A450 Test