Body Fluids (Part 2) Flashcards
high fluid volume in maternal diabetes mellitus, multifetal pregnancy, anencephaly, or spina bifida
Low fluid volume in intrauterine growth retardation and anomalies of the fetal urinary tract
3 Amniotic fluid tests used to assess fetal distress
1 Bilirubin spectral scan (Liley Plot)
2 Alpha Fetoprotein
3 DNA analysis for chromosomal abnormalities
What is the significance of an abnormal Liley Plot and what does it look like?
There is a sharp peak at 450nm which indicates Bilirubin in amniotic fluid. This will tell us how bad HDN is.
assesses neural tube disorders; ex: spina bifida, anencephaly
Alpha Feto protein
Four tests used to assess fetal lung maturity
1 Lecithin/Sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio
2 Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and Phosphatidylinositol (PI)
3 Foam Stability Index
4 Lamellar Body Counts
An L/S ratio of >______ together with the presence of PG may suggest mature fetal lung development
performed by mixing equal volumes of amniotic fluid with ethanol, followed by vigorous shaking. If foam is produced adequate surfactants are present.
The shake test, foam stability test
An FSI greater than or equal to ______ correlates with fetal pulmonary maturity and is analogous to an L/S ratio of 2.0
Where surfactant is stored in cytoplasmic granules; counted on a hematology analyzer like platelets
Lamellar Body Counts
A value of _______ of lamellar body counts is considered “mature”
Performed to diagnose cystic fibrosis, a value >60 mEq/L is bad
Sweat Chloride Analysis
Purpose is to induce sweat on electrodes in order to analyze chloride
Used to detect organisms at the alveolar level; usually Pneumocystis jirovecii (carinii) in HIV pateints
Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL)
Color of stool
-upper gastrointestinal bleeding, iron therapy, charcoal, bismuth
Color of stool
-Lower gastrointestinal bleeding, pyridium compounds, beets and food coloring, rifampin
Color of stool
-Bile duct obstruction, barium
Pale yellow, white , gray
Color of stool
Steatorrhea; in pancreatic dysfunction or fat malabsorption
Intestinal constriction
Malignancy, colitis
Conditions which can cause neutrophils (polys) to be present in stool
Ulcerative colitis, bacillary dysentery, ulcerative diverticulitis, intestinal tuberculosis, abscesses or fistulae
Conditions which can cause the presence of muscle fibers in stool specimens
noted during fecal fat exam; correlates with impaired digestion and rapid intestinal transit time
Diagnostic use and and principle for fecal occult blood analysis
Detects hidden blood; screening for colorectal screeing and for GI bleed
Reagents used in fecal occult blood
peroxidase and pseudoperoxidase; Guaiac used as the most common indicator
increased reducing substances in this test indicate carbohydrate malabsorption (intolerance)
fecal Clinitest
The surface membrane which lines the organs
Visceral membrane
the surface membrane which lines the body wall
Parietal membrane
formed by the visceral and parietal membranes; the area between them contains the serous fluid
serous cavity
fluid from the thoracic area
pleural fluid
surgical puncture of the chest wall, done to obtain pleural fluid
pus in the pleural cavity
fluid secreted by cells of the peritoneum
peritoneal fluid
aspiration of fluid from a cavity (in general)
comes from the latin for “bag” and describes the bloated abdomen from patient affected with massive accumulation of peritoneal fluid
fluid around the heart
pericardial fluid
whole blood in the pleural cavities
accumulation of lymph (chyle) in the body cavities
chylous effusion
bloody fluid which can come from a traumatic tap, malignancy, pulmonary infarction, trauma, pancreatitis, TB, but usually malignancy.
Hemorrhagic fluid
Visceral membrance is also known as the ________
a medical procedure used in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal infections
membrane that covers the embryo and fills with amniotic fluid creating the amniotic sac
membrane that exists during pregnancy between developing fetus and mother
membrane enclosing the fetus; afterbirth; plexus in the ventricles of the brain where CSF is produced
choroid plexus
protein produced by fetal cells, found at the interface of the chorion and decidua; adhesive that binds the fetal sac to the uterine lining
Fetal fibronectin
this fluid is found in its highest concentration in the eyes and joints
hyaluronic acid