Pre-Test Flashcards
Commander s role during the operation process?
The commander drives the operation process through UVDDLA
Understand Visualize Describe Direct Lead Assess
What is a specified task, implied task, and an essential task
Specified: Assigned to your unit by Higher HQs
Implied: not assigned by higher HQ but support specified tasks and mission
Essential: must be executed to accomplish the mission
What is the primary purpose of mission planning?
Create a share understanding and translate the commander’s visualization into a course of action.
Why do we conduct a mission analysis brief?
To create a common operation picture
What are the COA screening criteria, and what purpose does employing COA screening serve in MDMP?
Evaluate different COA. 5 principles SFADC
Identify and explain the Army s three planning methodologies?
Army Design Methodology
What is a course of action?
Broad potential solution to an identified problem.
What are constraints?
Restrict freedom of action or inaction. Imposed by higher HQ.
What is the Army’s framework for exercising Mission Command?
The operation process
In MDMP step 4 COA analysis, explain what a turn is during war-gaming?
Three part cycle: action, reaction, and counter action.
When conducting COA comparisons, what are COAs compared against?
The COAs are compared to a set of criteria that have been developed by the commander (SFADC + commander s evaluation criteria).
What are the seven steps of the MDMP?
Receive the order Mission analysis COA development COA analysis COA comparison COA approval Orders production, dissemination, transition
What is the synchronization matrix?
Tool used to record the results of war gaming.
What are the three recommended war-gaming methods?
Avenue in-depth
During mission analysis, the focus is on understand the operational environment, your mission, and the purpose. What is the focus of COA?
The war-gaming of each COA by the red cell (rules and steps)