Practice quiz Flashcards
Identify the joint that the yellow arrow is pointing to in the following image.
Atlantoaxial joint
Identify #4 in the following image.
Costochondral junction
Identify the bony prominence that the yellow arrow is pointing to in the following
Mamillary process
Identify the following muscle and the epaxial muscle system it belongs to.
Note: The splenius m. and semispinalis capitis m. have been removed/are not shown.
Longissmus cervicis m. and part of the longissimus system
Identify the two parts of the sternocephalicus m. in the carnivore and state one function
of this muscle.
- Pars mastoideus
- pars occipitalis
flexes the neck
Which of the following is NOT a boundary of the jugular groove in the ruminant?
a. Omohyoideus m.
b. Sternocephalicus m.
c. Brachiocephalicus m.
d. All of the above muscles are boundaries of the jugular groove in the ruminant.
Identify the following muscle.
Serratus dorsalis cranialis m.
The muscles of the abdominal wall have tendonous attachments that meet at the
ventral midline. What is this structure called?
linea alba
Which of the following serves to wash away odorants and allow rapid restimulation of
the epithelium it resides in? Where are they located?
a. Olfactory cells; Olfactory epithelium
b. Olfactory cells; Respiratory epithelium
c. Bowman’s glands; Olfactory epithelium
d. Bowman’s glands; Respiratory epithelium
The following image is a histological representation of which component of the larynx?
a. Arytenoid
b. Epiglottis
c. Thyroid
d. Cricoid
In mammals, gas exchange takes place in the alveoli. Where does gas exchange occur in
a. Alveoli
b. Air capillaries
c. Mesobronchus
d. Secondary bronchus
- Which of the following is NOT matched correctly?
a. Reuptake inhibitor; increases communication across a synapse
b. Autoreceptor agonist; decreases communication across a synapse
c. Autoreceptor antagonist; increases communication across a synapse
d. Postsynaptic receptor agonist; decreases communication across a synapse
Which of the following classes of medications increase synaptic 5-HT, NE, and DA by preventing their enzymatic degradation?
a. Benzodiazepines (BDZs)
b. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)
c. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
d. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
Which of the following statements is false about diffusion?
a. It is a slow.
b. It is high pressure.
c. It occurs in the arteries.
d. It occurs in the capillaries.
e. A and B
f. B and C
Where does the major pressure drop occur in the systemic circulation?
a. Arteries
b. Arterioles
c. Capillaries
d. Left atrium
e. Right atrium
In what phase of an action potential within the Purkinje fiber does potassium go OUT of
the cell?
a. Phase 0
b. Phase 1
c. Phase 2
d. Phase 3
e. Phase 4
Which of the following represent ventricular depolarization?
a. PR interval
b. PR segment
c. QRS interval
d. ST segment
e. QT interval
Which of the following is TRUE about category A animals?
a. The Purkinje fibers are on the endocardial surface.
b. Depolarization proceeds from the epicardium to endocardium.
c. Category A animals include horses, cows, sheep, goats, and camelids.
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Which of the following could be a type of cardiac arrythmia?
a. Abnormal impulse formation
b. Abnormal impulse conduction
c. Normal sinus impulse formation
d. Both A and B
e. Both B and C
f. All of the above
Which one of the following statements concerning the cardiovascular system is correct?
a) The cardiovascular system consists of a pump, fluid, and a circuit in an open system
b) The cardiovascular system plays a minor role in cellular homeostasis
c) The cardiovascular system delivers nutrients (such as CO2) and removes waste products
(such as O2) from cells in organ beds
d) The cardiovascular system must be energetically efficient with adequate reserve
If all the blood vessels in parallel are added together, which one of the following classes of
vessel has the greatest net cross-sectional area and consequently the slowest rate of flow?
a) Ascending aorta
b) Conduit arteries
c) Arterioles
d) Capillaries
e) Venules
Which cardiac valves would a red blood cell pass through as it flows from the pulmonary artery
through the lungs into the aorta?
a) Tricuspid (first) and pulmonary (second)
b) Pulmonary (first) and mitral (second)
c) Mitral (first) and aortic (second)
d) Aortic (first) and tricuspid (second)
During which phase of the action potential of a non-pacemaker myocyte in the left ventricle do sodium
ions enter the cell?
a) Phase 0 (rapid depolarization)
b) Phase 1 (partial repolarization)
c) Phase 2 (plateau)
d) Phase 3 (repolarization)
e) Phase 4 (resting)
Which cardiac valves would a red blood cell pass through as it flows from the pulmonary artery
through the lungs into the aorta?
a) Tricuspid (first) and pulmonary (second)
b) Pulmonary (first) and mitral (second)
c) Mitral (first) and aortic (second)
d) Aortic (first) and tricuspid (second)
TRUE or FALSE: The sino-atrial (SA) node is the only pacemaking tissue in the mammalian heart.
A. True
B. False
Which one of the following descriptions most accurately characterizes the arrhythmia in the ECG (lead II,
10 mm = 1 mV, 25 mm/sec) from a 5-year-old male Border Collie dog that loves to fetch tennis balls?
See image below.
A. Atrial escape complexes
B. Atrial premature complexes
C. Second degree AV block Mobitz type I
D. Ventricular premature complexes
E. Wandering pacemaker
Hyperkalemia is associated with several changes in the electrocardiogram. Which ONE of the following
changes to the base-apex electrocardiogram is most likely to be present in a diarrheic comatose calf
with severe hyperkalemia (plasma potassium concentration = 12.0 mmol/L; reference range is 3.9 to 5.4
A. Increased P wave amplitude
B. Decreased T wave amplitude
C. Increased QRS duration
D. Non detectable QRS complexes
Which one is incorrect: If a drug causes the release of a
neurotransmitter (NT) into the synapse, then
A) neurotransmission across the synapse will increase
B) less postsynaptic receptors will be bound by the NT
C) more NT will be cleared from the synapse by the
appropriate NT transporter
D) more NT will need to be repackaged into the synaptic vesicles
Drugs that either 1) inhibit NT synthesis, 2) are
postsynaptic receptor antagonists, or 3) are autoreceptor
agonists all reduce neurotransmission across the
True or false?
* A) True
* B) False
Choose the best correct choice: If a drug is an
autoreceptor agonist, then the result of its administration is that
A) neurotransmission across the synapse will decrease
B) reuptake of NT from the synapse will be inhibited
C) more NT will be released into the synapse
D) NT degradation will be inhibited
Which statement on benzodiazepines is correct ?
* A) Benzodiazepines bind to a-adrenergic receptors.
* B) Benzodiazepines bind to GABAA receptors, which are
the major excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in
the brain.
* C) Benzodiazepines never disinhibit aggressive
* D) Benzodiazepines are not ideal for long-term treatment as tolerance and dependence may develop.
Which statement on fluoxetine is correct ?
* A) Fluoxetine primarily inhibits reuptake of
* B) In contrast to benzodiazepines, clinical actions
develop within one hour of administration.
* C) Fluoxetine can be used to treat compulsive disorders
in dogs and cats.
* D) Fluoxetine is the drug of choice for treating phobias.
Which statement on dexmedetomidine is correct ?
* A) The a2-adrenergic agonist dexmedetomidine
increases anxiety and fear.
* B) Dexmedetomidine has strong anticonvulsant actions
for which it is used therapeutically.
* C) Dexmedetomidine is used in the treatment for noise
* D) Dexmedetomidine exerts its main effects via
postsynaptic a2-adrenergic receptors.
Which of the following terms refers to the volume of air left in the lungs after a maximal
a. Tidal volume
b. Vital capacity
c. Residual volume
d. Functional residual capacity
Which of the following muscles pulls the ribs down and in during expiration? What is
their innervation?
a. Internal intercostal m.; thoracic spinal nn.
b. Internal intercostal m.; thoracic and lumbar spinal nn.
c. External intercostal m.; thoracic spinal nn.
d. External intercostal m.; thoracic and lumbar spinal nn.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. Surfactant decreases lung compliance.
b. The larger the airway generation, the more resistance to airflow.
c. With surfactant present, alveoli will collapse and atelectasis will occur.
d. Alveoli at the top of the lung are less compliant than alveoli at the bottom of the
Which of the following is the driving force for diffusion?
a. Surface area
b. Gas solubility
c. Barrier thickness
d. Change in pressure