Practice NBE Sciences Questions Flashcards
The first portion of the male urethra is…
Prostatic urethra
A reduction in white blood cell count is…
Infiltration and degeneration of the walls of the arteries by fatty compounds is called
A bacterial toxins confined within the body of a bacterium, freed only when the bacterium is broken down and found only in Gram-negative bacteria is called a…
A condition in which bacteria are present and multiply in the bloodstream is called
Another term for jaundice is…
Diabetes mellitus is associated with the malfunction of which gland?
The pancreas
A localized infection due to the reactivation of the dormant varicella zoster virus is termed…
Any surface, prominence, or a structure used for establishing the location of an adjacent structure or prominence is
Anatomical Guide
The primary purpose of embalming is…
Chemicals, creating an increased capability for embalmed tissues, to retain their moisture is termed…
Lockjaw is the common name for the disease…
Addison’s disease causes the skin to turn what color…
The height of a person is approximately X his or her head length
7 1/2-8?
The color combination of one dormant Hugh, with the two Hughes on either side of its complement is called a
Split Compliment
When viewed from below, the typical shape of the mandible is
Heavy metals are no longer using embalming chemicals, because…
They are forbidden
A colostomy is usually associated with
A post Mortem change in the human body that is classified as a chemical change is…
Formaldehyde demand is increased by
After death, the pH of human blood is generally…
Walling off action is caused by
What is thymol used for?
The fibula has no osseous attachment with the femur: true or false
If an individual is suffering from a right side heart disorder, how will this affect the make up of your arterial solution?
Discoloration resulting when formaldehyde reacts with hemoglobin in the tissues is
Formaldehyde gray
Which of the following conditions would require special attention during thoracic cavity embalming
Hydrothorax and Hydropericardium
Escape of blood serum from the intravascular to an extra vascular location immediately before death is
Agonal edema
Alternate drainage
Method of injection drainage which embalming solution is injected, and then injection is stopped while drainage is open
Intermittent drainage
Method of drainage in which the drainage is stopped at intervals, while the injection continues
An anti-enzyme is any substance which
Inactivated enzymes
Aliphatic compounds are
Straight or branched chains
Amino acids act as an acid or a base, such substances are
Amphoteric: consist of both acid and base parts
Amines are further reduced by putrefaction to
In comparing solutions, the one with a lower concentration is
Grave wax results from
The saponification of fatty acids
Wood alcohol is
Methanol/methyl alcohol
An anti-polymerizing agent in arterial fluids (helps arterial stay in liquid state)
Ptomaines are
Absorbed through the skin
An example of a hydrocarbon is
The type of fluid most likely to contain bleaching agents
Jaundice fluids
Which of the following has a pleasant odor?
Decay is caused by
Aerobic bacteria (no odor)
Anaerobic bacteria cause putrefaction (decay with an odor)
Proteins are held together by
Peptide bonds
Penetration and diffusion of embalming fluids is aided by
Surfactants: wetting agents/ penetrating agents
Which of the following is not a modifying agent?
Carbohydrates are
Ammonia will react with formaldehyde and will do what?
Neutralize the formalin solution
Organic bases are
A carbonyl group is
Carbon double bond Oxygen
Lipids hydrolyze to fatty acids and
EDTA works by
- sequestering (isolate) ions which coagulate blood
- EDTA is a sodium salt that combines with calcium ions to prevent blood coagulation (clotting) and also removes hardness from water (Dodge retifiant)
The shelf life of embalming fluids can be increased by
Storing them away from light
Phenol is
- carbolic acid
- hydroxyl benzene
- a disinfectant and preservative
When two pigment hues are placed together or one is placed on top of another, and both are viewed simultaneously, the arrangement is called:
How many colors are in the prang system?
The single intradermal suture is known as
Hidden suture
Sodium citrate when used in embalming fluid acts as
A surfactant
An inflammation of the lining of the uterus is
Inflammation of the nasal mucosa
A sebaceous gland would be classified as
inflammation of the bone marrow cavity is
Diminished amount of urine formation is called
The widest part of the face is measured between the
zygomatic arches
The head of a long bone could be also known as
Asphyxia as a result of an obstruction in the air passages is
Of the types of body compounds, the type that decomposes first are
Of the types of body compounds, the type that decomposes first are
Maxillary prognathism is a projection of the
upper jaw
What is a causative organism in amebic dysentery
entamoeba histolytica
The artery located along the inferior-medial border of the psoas major muscle is
external iliac
Most arboviral infections are transmitted by
mosquitos; biological vector
Sodium lauryl sulfate is
Diminished amount of urine formation is
Proteins are cross linked by a methylene bridge
Between O atoms on different proteins
A genus of gram-positive, nonmotile, opportunistic bacteria which tend to aggregate in irregular grapelike clusters is called:
A prion is an abnormal
The head of the femur articulates with the focal bones of the femur
The second cranial nerve is responsible for
Eosin is used as
A dye
An embalmer should consult a radiation officer before embalming an autopsied body with a radiation level higher than
5 mc
Of the types of body compounds, the type that decomposes first are
A mother decided to nurse her baby because she read that she could transfer the humoral antibodies to her baby. This type of immunity is called
Naturally acquired passive immunity
The anterior nares are located in the ____ of the base of the nose
Posterior 2/3’s
The endocrine gland found in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone
Lanugo is the technical term for
the facial hair of an infant
The general formula for an aldehyde is
The original scientific standard of color is
the spectrum
heavy metals are no longer used in embalming because
they are forbidden by law
The damage to which organ in an alcoholic individual will aid in the depletion of blood clotting?
Arteriosclerosis commonly first appears in which vessel
femoral artery
A general term for diseases characterized by excessive urination is
The number of natural facial markings
The number of acquired facial markings
With respect to the internal jugular vein, the common carotid artery
is lateral and deep
AN elongated depression in a relatively level surfaces
The virus responsible for rabies is considered to belong to this classification
Inflammation of the testis
Putrefaction is caused by
anaerobic bacteria
what does MSDS stand for?
Material Safety Data Sheet
Place the body compound in the order the break down
Carbohydrates, fats/oils, soft proteins, hard proteins, bones ???
Excessive production of urine is
The second cranial nerve is involved with
Diabetes mellitus is associated with the malfunction of which gland
The function of the thyroid gland is
to regulate metabolism
Which of the following is the first organs/tissues to decompose
lining of the trachea
Methyl salicylate is the chemical name for
oil of wintergreen
In the pang system, red-purple would be classified as an
intermediate color
Identify the considerations (not precautions) of the carotid arteries
- Direct distribution of fluid to the face
- close to the center of distribution
Documents signed by the authorizing agent _____ the funeral director will stay out of the court system and avoid legal action
do not guarantee
The embalmer identifies which of the following as signs of diffusion
Tissue fixation
Drying of tissues
A small, flat brush having soft hairs of uniform length
lip brush
Which of the following would be included in the routine maintenance schedule items for the basic crematory maintenance protocol
- Maintain a clean work environment
- Inspection of the external stack
- Inspection of refrigeration unit
It is possible to set the grave where?
- At the graveside, in the grave
- At the graveside, but outside the grave
- Indoors at the cemetery facility
When should an inspection take place
During normal hours
If you encounter someone who has extreme facial edema caused by a surgical repair, what does this tell you about potential fluid distribution and diffusion?
it is poor due to an aortic aneurysm
Protein Breakdown
amino acids
amines and organic acids
ammonia, mercaptans, etc
carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen
The center of embalming fluid distribution is the
ascending aorta/ or arch of the aorta
What should be done when arterial embalming has been delayed?
start with mild solution and strengthen as you proceed
Of the signs of fluid distribution and diffusion, the least reliable is…
tissue fixation (firming)
The structure of the ear that divides its length in half is the
crus of the helix
One of the ways to produce a grey pigment is to mix together equal amounts of
primary and secondary hues
To model the helix of the ear realistically, the inner edge of the helix must be
Another name for exophthalmic goiter
Grave’s Disease
The depression above the medial portion of the superior palpebra is the
Naso-orbital fossa
The protruding ridge of the nose is the:
Yellow and magenta make
In colored illumination, the blank
hues of the additive method are the blank hues of the subtractive method
Primary, Secondary
According to the classification of cases requiring restorative treatment, emaciation would be classified as:
Which of the following restorative art procedures will be affected by an exopthamalic goiter?
Closing the eyes
A badly swollen eyelid should be treated with:
a chemical cauterant
The concavities below the medial and lateral inferior margins of the zygomatic bones are known as:
Buccal Depressions
When restoring a sideburn, the application of hair should proceed:
inferior to superior
Which one of the following is NOT an imaginary horizontal line viewed on the face for restorative art purposes:
Lateral corner of the eye
When applying hair to a missing eyebrow, the hair should be applied:
From the lateral edge from the eye to the medial edge of the eye
Which of the following sutures would best be employed for an abdominal puncture wound:
Purse String
think of a trocar hole
The line of lip closure is what distance from the base of the nose to the base of the chin:
The mastoid process is found on the:
temporal bone
If the eyes swell during embalming, the swelling may be reduced by using:
When embalming an individual who died from an acute myocardial infarction, which of the following problems might the embalmer encounter?
Another name for liver mortis
Cadaveric lividity
First organ to decompose
Lining of the trachea and larynx
Which is an antemortem extra vascular blood discoloration
Tripod of Life
the three organs, the heart, lungs, and brain
Father of American Embalming
Dr. Thomas Holmes
Death beginning at the heart
What does corpulent mean?
Hematemesis, ascites, esophageal varices, and jaundice are associated with:
Body fluid discharges from orifices, lesions and biological vectors are:
Vehicles of exit
The line of color change at the junction of the wet and dry portions of a mucous membrane is called:
Weather line
Fever; Raised body temperature
The most common human profile is
To successfully treat a case of generalized edema, the best arterial fluid to use would be:
high index, dehydrating hygroscopic fluid
Decay is caused by:
Aerobic bacteria
Humectants are substances that are
Abnormal stiffening and immobility of a joint due to fusion of the bones
A type of arthritis that occurs when flexible tissue at the ends of bones wears down
A condition in which bones become weak and brittle
Sunken eyes may be raised to natural position by injecting tissue builder behind the:
When paster of paris is mixed with water and allowed to harden, it is anexample of
A rapidly forming blood clot, containing all the blood elements in a homogenous mass is termed:
a cruor clot
Plantar surface best describes:
Sole of the foot
Of the discolorations due to decomposition, the one that appears second in order is
Myxedema is caused by the low function of what gland?
- Cells ability to draw moisture from the surrounding area into itself
- Can cause post-Morten edema
a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions.
a flammable, syrupy solution of nitrocellulose in ether and alcohol.
Function of the thyroid gland
Gaseous ptomaine
Dry Gangrene
Causes dry red to black discoloration
conversion of fatty tissues of the body into a soapy waxy substance called adipocere
Location of the brachial artery
Bicipital groove
Optimum temperature for rigor mortis
98-100 degrees F
What chemicals will pass through the cell membrane
Right inguinal region contains:
cecum and appendix
Level of water hardness unsuitable for embalming
100 ppm
What does formaldehyde and bleach make?
BCME (bischloromethylether)
Why shouldn’t sodium hypochlorite and formaldehyde mix?
creates BCME and is poisonous
(sodium hypochlorite is bleach)
Briefly outline how formaldehyde acts on body proteins to bring about preservation
- Achieves preservation by cross-linking proteins at the peptide linkage.
- Formaldehyde causes Fixating, denaturing and coagulating of protein.
- Denaturing protein during the embalming process is done by inserting a methylene bridge (–CH2–) between the nitrogen’s in the amino groups of adjacent proteins.
- Formaldehyde combines with water to form methylene glycol, which is the source of the methylene bridge.
- The oxygen atom in formaldehyde links to a hydrogen atom from each of the 2 amino groups to form water.
-Proteins in living tissue are coiled and foiled in order to perform a specific function.
water-like blisters (from herpes I and II)
How long does it take for a cremation to take place?
2-3 hours
How many days is it suggested to wait until you cremate someone?
48 hours
Basic Steps for the Cremation Process
- Insert the metal disc into the retort
- Purge the system
- Preheat the retort
- Load body into retort
- Engage the primary burner
- Cool down period
Phases of Combustion
- primary combustion in ignition chamber (primary chamber)
- secondary combustion where products of combustion settle and are further combusted and remaining gases discharge from the stack
Cremation Process
-open charging door and inspect primary chamber
-start the purge cycle
-preheat secondary chamber
-transport container to loading area and log
-load container with loading device
-ignite primary burner
-monitor cremation process (do not open door for at least an hour into cremation process)
-remove cremated remains with a brush and rake
-remove non-ferrous metals
-place into clear plastic bag
Advantages of Formaldehyde
- 100% organic.
- It is broken down by sunlight and the soil it is broken down by bacteria in the soil and nitrogen
- it is inexpensive
- bactericidal
- Inhibits the growth of yeasts and molds.
- rapidly destroys autolytic enzymes and rapidly acts on the body proteins converting them to insoluble resins inhibiting tissue decomposition.
- only a small amount of formaldehyde is needed to act on a large amount of protein
- it produces rapid fixation which aids in positioning the dead human body and indicates that preservation is taking place.
- deodorizes the body amines formed during putrefaction.
What type of case should be inserted into the retort head first?
obese bodies
what dye is red?
there are more that produce red though
what does the suffix -us mean?
What does the suffix -osis mean
abnormal condition
ex. endometriosis
endo- within, inner
metri- uterus
-osis- abnormal condition
abnormal condition of the inner layer of the uterus
what does the suffix -itis mean?
inflammation of…
what does the suffix -ia mean