Funeral Directing Flashcards
Acknowledgment cards
Thank you cards
An altar attendant
Adaptive funeral rite
A funeral rite that is adjusted to the knees and once those directly involved
Those appropriate and helpful acts of counseling, personal and/or written contact that come after the funeral
Practical and ceremonial washing of a deceased Muslim
Alkaline hydrolysis
The reduction of a dead human body to essential elements through a water-based dissolution process, using alkaline chemicals, heat, agitation, and pressure to accelerate natural decomposition; the process of the hydromassage remains after removal from the alkaline hydrolysis vessel; placement of the process remains in a hydrolyze container; and release of the hydrolyzed remains to an appropriate part. Alkaline hydrolysis is a form of final disposition.
In the Islam, faith, the name of God
An elevated place or structure on which sacrifices are offered or at which religious rights are performed
- In the Christian faith, a table on which the Eucharist or holy communion is offered
Certification/legalization of a document for international use
(Under the terms of the 1961 Hague convention)
In the Roman catholic church, the head of an archdiocese
Hebrew meaning container; a casket made entirely of wood with no metal parts
Arrangement conference
The meeting between the funeral practitioner, and the client family, during which funeral arrangements are discussed, and may refer to preneed or at need situations
At need
When a death has occurred
Leader of multiple churches, in a particular denomination; in the Roman catholic faith, the head of the diocese; in the latter day, Saints, faith, Bishop of the word is leader of a single congregation
The title of the Buddhist priest
Book of dates
A term used in the Buddhist faith to describe a calendar that is used to determine an accurate time for cascading the deceased, services and disposition
In the Roman catholic faith, a man who is a member of a religious order without being ordained
Relating to a social or religious organization
The act of placing the dead human body in the ground
Burial transit permit/disposition permit
A legal document, issued by a governmental agency, authorizing transportation, and or disposition of a dead human body
Calling hours/visitation/visiting hours
Time set aside for friends and relatives to pay respect for the deceased prior to the funeral service
A religious figure who assist the clergy; one who assists the rabbi in the Jewish faith; or one who assist the priest in the eastern orthodox faith
In the Roman catholic faith, bishops, who have the right to participate in a papal election
Cash advance/accommodation/cash disbursement
An item obtained from a third-party and paid for by the funeral provider on the purchasers behalf
A rigid container, which is designed for the encasement of human remains in which is usually constructive would, metal, fiberglass, plastic, or like metal, and ornamented and lined with fabric
Casket bearer/pallbearer
One who actively bears, or carry the casket during the funeral service, and at the committal service
Cause of death
Diseases/illnesses, or complications that resulted in death
- A person who designs in officiates a personalized ceremony or rite;
- the efficient who celebrates the mass in the Roman Catholic Church
An area of ground set aside and dedicated for the final disposition of dead human remains
Cemetery Tent
A portable shelter employed to cover the grave area during a committal
Certified copy of a death certificate
A legal copy of the original death certificate
- The portion of the church surrounding the altar, usually enclosing the clergy
- Area behind the altar or communion rail
A person chosen to conduct religious exercises for the military, an institution, or fraternal organization
Chevrah Kadisha
- Hebrew meaning “ holy society”
- A group of men or women who care for the dead
- May be referred to as washers
- In the past, they took care of all funeral arrangements in preparation for Jewish funerals
Christian burial certificate/Christian burial permit/priest lines
A letter or form from a priest, stating the eligibility of the deceased for burial in a Roman Catholic cemetery
A structure, room or space in a mausoleum, or other building containing niches or recesses used to hold cremated remains
Committal service
The portion of the funeral conducted at the place of disposition of dead human remains
Common carrier
- Any carrier required by law to convey passengers or freight without refusal if they approved fair or charge is paid
- Airline, train, etc.
Usually in elected office or without medical training, who is chief of duty is to investigate questionable deaths
A portable stretcher commonly employed in a transfer a vehicle for the moving of the deceased
Cremated remains
The result of the reduction of a dead body to an organic bone fragments by intense heat
The reduction of a dead human body to inorganic bone fragments by intense heat in a specifically designed retort or chamber
- A furnace or report for cremating did human remains
- A building that houses a retort
A Christian symbol without the corpus
Crucifier/cross bearer
One who carries the crucifix or cross, during an ecclesiastical procession
A cross, with a figure or image represents in the body of Christ (corpus)
A chamber in a mausoleum, of sufficient size, generally used to contain the casketed remains of a deceased person
A subordinate officer in a Christian church
Death certificate
A legal document, containing vital statistics, decomposition, and final medical information pertaining to the deceased
Death notice
- A newspaper item publicizing the death of a person and giving service details
- In some parts of the United States, it can contain the same information as an obituary
A dead human body
False teeth
Department of Veterans Affairs/ VA
A federal agency, that administers benefits provided for veterans of the armed forces
In the Roman catholic faith, a geographical grouping of parishes under the jurisdiction of a bishop
Direct cremation
Disposition of human remains by cremation, without formal viewing, visitation or ceremony with the deceased present
Direct disposition
Any method of disposition of the dead human remains without formal viewing, visitation, or ceremony with the deceased present
Procedures or invitation intended to facilitate an organized departure
Divine liturgy
Liturgical celebration of the Eucharist in the eastern orthodox churches
Pertaining to the church or clergy
Song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation for the dead
Governing officer of a church, often having pastoral or teaching functions; specific duties dependent upon various denominations
El Malei Rachamin/ Malei
In the Jewish faith, a memorial service
- Literally means “God full of compassion”
- usually the last prayer of the funeral service
The placing of remains in a crypt, or in a mausoleum
A commemorative inscription on a tomb or cemetery marker
A leader of the procession, or guardian of the group, such as a military, escort, police, escort, etc.
The consecrated elements of holy communion
Eucharistic minister
A lay person sanctioned to administer holy communion in other assigned tasks
Inauguration praising an individual usually after death
Final commendation
In the Roman catholic faith, the ending portion of the funeral mass
First call
When the funeral establishment received notification of death
First viewing/preview
A private time for the family, to view the deceased prior to public visitation
Forwarding remains
- required to be itemized on GPL
- Transporting remains to another funeral home
The entryway into a church, funeral establishment, or other public building; entrance hall
Relating to a social organization
Funeral coach/hearse
Specialty vehicle designed to transfer casketed remains
Funeral procession
The movement of vehicles from the place of the funeral, to the place of disposition
Funeral Rite
Any funeral event performed
Funeral service
The rites held at the time of disposition of human remains with the deceased present
The first two and last two verses of a Buddhist hymn sung at the funeral service
General price list/GPL
- A printed list of goods and services offered for sale by funeral providers with retail prices
- is considered the Keystone of the funeral rule
The act of bending the right knee, as an indication of reverence, or as an act of humility
Gift or small sum of money tendered (tip) for a service provided
In excavation in the earth as a place for interment; an interment space
Graveside service
A ceremony or ritual religious or otherwise, conducted at the grave
Grave straps
Wedding, or similar material used for lowering the casket into the grave
Green burial
Disposition without the use of toxic chemicals or materials that are not readily biodegradable
Green cemetery
A place of interment that banned the use of metal caskets, toxic, embalming, and concrete bolts, and they also require the use of aesthetically natural monuments
Green funeral
Death cure that minimizes the use of energy in funeral service offerings/products and that banned the use of toxic or hazardous materials
Guaranteed contract
In agreement where the funeral establishment promises that the services in merchandise will be provided at the time of need for a sum, not exceeding the original amount of the contract, plus any accruals, regardless of the current price is associated with providing the services in merchandise at the time of the funeral
A eulogy or true evaluation of the deceased life that is a part of a Jewish funeral service
Holy water
Water blessed by a priest
Home funeral
If funeral that takes place within the residence of the deceased and was commonly done in the United States until the mid-20th century
Compensation or recognition for service performed
Honorary casket bears/honorary pallbearers
Friends of the family or members of an organization or group, who act as an escort or honor guard for the deceased
They do not carry the casket
Humanist funeral
A funeral rite that is devoid of religious connotations
In the eastern orthodox faith, a holy picture
Usually mosaic or painted on wood
The partition that extends across the front of an eastern orthodox church separating the sanctuary from the solea
In the Islam faith, the leader of the local congregation
Immediate burial
Disposition of human remains by burial without formal viewing, visitation or ceremony with the deceased present, except for a graveside service
One who supplies vital statistics information about the deceased
Initial notification of death
The first contact a funeral establishment receives regarding a death
To bury in the ground
Placing remains in an urn or place in cremated remains in a niche or grieve
Irrevocable contract
In agreement for funeral funeral services, which cannot be terminated or canceled prior to the death of the beneficiary
The religion of Muslims that begin at the time of Muhammad
- Muslims believe that Islam stands for purity, peace, submission to God’s (Allah’s) will, and obedience to his laws
In the Islam faith, the funeral or a funeral prayer
In the Jewish faith, a prayer recited for the deceased by the direct mourners for the first time at the conclusion of the interment service
- It is subsequently recited by children for parents at every service or 11 months on the yahreits
- All other mourners have the obligation to say the Kaddish for 30 days
Burial garments utilized by Muslims
One’s blood relatives (legally the surviving spouse is not kin)
Kingdom hall
The worship facility for Jehovah’s Witnesses
In the Jewish faith, the skullcap worn by males at temple and funeral services
Kneeler/prayer real/ prie dieu
A small bench placed in front of the casket, or earn to allow a person to kneel for prayer
Koran (Quran)
The holy book of the Islamic faith revealed to Mohammed by the angel Gabriel
Hebrew term meaning rendering or tearing; a symbol of grief; a tear in the upper corner of the garment or a tear in a symbolic ribbon which is worn by the survivors
Last Kiss
Physical contact with the deceased and the Icon during the final pass by the casket
In the Jewish faith, the funeral procession
Eucharist Centered Worship
A prescribed manner or form of worship specific to a particular denomination which will have the Eucharist or Holy Communion as its central element
A subdivision in a cemetery which consists of several graves or interment spaces
Lowering Device
A mechanical device used to lower a casket into the ground
Traditionally, in the Buddhist faith, a bedside prayer which may be performed by the Bonze just before funeral arrangements are made
Manner of Death
The mode of death, such as accident, homicide, natural, suicide, or unknown
Masjid (Mosque)
Local Islamic religious facility containing no icons, statutes, symbols, pews, chairs, or musical instruments
The liturgical celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church
Mass Card
Of the written request for a Mass for a specific intention
A building containing crypts or vaults for entombment
The holiest city in the Islamic faith; Muslims are buried facing this city
Medical Examiner
A forensically-trained physician who investigated questionable or unattended deaths (has replaced the coroner in some jurisdictions)
Memorial Book/Register Book
A book signed by those attending a visitation or service
Memorial Folder/Service Folder
A pamphlet made available at the funeral service giving details about the deceased and the funeral arrangements
Memorial Gathering
A scheduled assembly of family and friends following a death without the deceased present
Memorial Park
A cemetery, or section of a cemetery, with only flush to the ground type markers
Memorial Service
Funeral Rites without the remains present
In the Jewish faith. A candelabrum with a central stem bearing seven candles; the oldest symbol in Judaism
Military Escort
Military personnel assigned to accompany remains following an active duty death
Star of David/ Mogen David
In the Jewish faith, a hexagram formed by the combination of two triangles. May be called the Jewish Star. It symbolizes a new hope for the Jewish People
- A prophet of the Islam religion born in 571 CE
- Considered by Muslims to be God’s messenger but he is not worshipped or considered devine
An honorary title conferred upon a Roman Catholic priest
National Cemetery
A cemetery created and maintained under an act of Congress for burial of veterans of military service and their eligible family members
the seating or auditorium section of a church
A recess or space in a columbarium used for the permanent placing of cremated remains
The Buddhist idea of heavenly peace or Pure Land
Non-guaranteed Contact
An agreement in which the funeral establishment promises to apply the amount pre-paid plus any accruals to the balance due. However, the cost of the funeral will be based upon the current price for services and merchandise at the time death occurs
In the Roman Catholic faith, a woman who is a member of a religious order, especially one bound by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience
Traditionally, a news item concerning the death of a person which usually contains a biological sketch.
Can appear in media other than newspapers such as online sources and service programs. Is sometimes used interchangeably with death notice or funeral notice