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بدیههگویی، بدیههسازی، حاضرجوابی، تعبیه، ابتکار
(noun) extemporary speech Synonyms: ad-libbing, autoschediasm, extemporization, speaking off the cuff, spontaneity, winging it
چیره، مسلط، حکمفرما، نافذ، غالب، برجسته، نمایان، عمده، مشرف، مقتدر، مافوق، برتر
(adjective) superior, controlling Synonyms: ascendant, assertive, authoritative, bossy, chief, commanding, demonstrative, despotic, domineering, effective, first, foremost, governing, imperative, imperious, leading, main, obtaining, outweighing, overbalancing, overbearing, overweighing, paramount, powerful, predominant, predominate, preeminent, preponderant, presiding, prevailing, prevalent, principal, regnant, reigning, ruling, sovereign, supreme, surpassing, transcendent Antonyms: humble, inferior, modest, reserved, retiring, unaggressive, unassuming, uncontrolling (adjective) main, primary Synonyms: capital, chief, influential, major, number one, outstanding, paramount, predominant, preeminent, prevailing, prevalent, principal, prominent, stellar Antonyms: inferior, secondary, subordinate
- a dominant hill - تپهی مسلط (بر اطراف)
- a dominant personality - (روانشناسی) شخصیت چیره (یا سلطهگر)
- They had been oppressed by a more dominant race. - آنان توسط نژاد چیرهتری مورد ظلم و جور قرار گرفته بودند. - one of the dominant states in Brazil - یکی از ایالتهای برتر در کشور برزیل - ... today you are great and dominant - ... که امروز سالار و سرپنجهای - the dominant eye - چشم غالب (قویتر) - the dominant hemisphere of the brain - نیمکرهی غالب (در مغز)
پیشرو، منادی، جلودار، قاصد
(noun) indication Synonyms: augury, forerunner, foretoken, herald, messenger, omen, portent, precursor, sign, signal - Blossoms are harbingers of spring. - شکوفهها نویدگر بهارند. - Their meeting was a harbinger of peace. - ملاقات آنان مقدمهی صلح بود.
نبوتی، مبنیبر پیشگویی
(adjective) telling of the future Synonyms: apocalyptic, augural, Delphian, divinatory, fatidic, foreshadowing, mantic, occult, oracular, predictive, presaging, prescient, prognostic, prophetical, pythonic, sibylline, vaticinal, veiled - prophetic writings - نوشتههای پیامبرانه - a prophetic statement - گفتهی آیندهنگرانه - Hamlet's prophetic soul - روح آیندهنگر هملت
یکنواخت، خستهکننده
(adjective) all the same, remaining the same Synonyms: banausic, blah, boring, colorless, dreary, droning, dull, dull as dishwater, flat, flat as pancake, ho-hum, humdrum, monotone, nothing, pedestrian, plodding, prosaic, puts one to sleep, recurrent, reiterated, repetitious, repetitive, samely, sing-song, soporific, tedious, tiresome, toneless, treadmill, unchanged, unchanging, uniform, uninflected, uninteresting, unrelieved, unvaried, unvarying, wearisome, wearying Antonyms: changing, ever-changing, exciting, lively, variable, versatile - He tried to keep his voice calm and monotonous as he spoke. - درحالی که صحبت میکرد، سعی داشت آرامی و یکنواختی صدای خود را حفظ کند. - the monotonous life of prisoners - زندگی یکنواخت و خستهکنندهی زندانیان - a monotonous landscape - منظرهی ملالتانگیز
نا مربوط، بی ربط
(adjective) beside the point Synonyms: extraneous, foreign, garbage, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inappurtenant, inapropos, inapt, inconsequent, inconsequential, insignificant, not connected with, not germane, not pertaining to, off the point, off the topic, out of order, out of place, outside, pointless, remote, trivial, unapt, unconnected, unimportant, unnecessary, unrelated, without reference Antonyms: appropriate, necessary, pertinent, related, relevant - His speech was padded out with irrelevant material. - نطق او پر از مطالب نامربوط بود. - If his work is good his age is irrelevant. - اگر کارش خوب باشد سن او مطرح نیست. - relevant and irrelevant - با مورد و بیمورد
خشن، زبر، شجاع، خشکوسرد (درمورد زمین)، شاق، قوی، کامل، سرراست، رک، صرف، مطلق، حساس، سفت، سرسخت، پاک، بهتمامی
(adjective) utter, absolute Synonyms: abrupt, arrant, bald, bare, blasted, blessed, blunt, complete, confounded, consummate, downright, entire, firm, flagrant, gross, infernal, out-and-out, outright, palpable, patent, pure, rank, severe, sheer, simple, stiff, unalloyed, unmitigated Antonyms: indefinite (adjective) bare, unadorned Synonyms: au naturel, austere, bald, barren, bleak, chaste, clear, cold, depressing, desolate, dreary, empty, forsaken, grim, harsh, naked, nude, plain, raw, severe, solitary, stripped, unclad, unclothed, uncovered, undraped, vacant, vacuous, void Antonyms: clothed, covered - Their bodies lay along the wall, stark and naked. - اجساد آنان در راستای دیوار افتاده بود، سفت و سرد و عریان. - stark discipline - انضباط شدید - one stark tree - درختی مثل خارچشم - a stark desert - صحرای برهوت - stark shelves - طاقچههای لختوپتی - stark realism - واقع نگری ناخوشایند - stark brutality - وحشیگری محض - stark nonsense - چرند به تمام معنی - stark terror - وحشت محض - stark mad - کاملاً دیوانه
اعتقاد به لزوم عملیات حاد و شدید، فرضیه فلسفه (عملی)
(noun) action for change Synonyms: advocacy, boycotting, championing, effecting change, influence peddling, involvement, logrolling, militancy, moving and shaking, picketing, striking
بیحسی، بیعاطفگی، خونسردی، بیعلاقگی
(noun) uncaring attitude, lack of interest Synonyms: aloofness, coldness, coolness, detachment, disinterest, dispassion, disregard, dullness, emotionlessness, halfheartedness, heedlessness, indifference, insensibility, insensitivity, insouciance, lassitude, lethargy, listlessness, passiveness, passivity, stoicism, unconcern, unresponsiveness Antonyms: care, concern, feeling, interest, passion, sensitivity, sympathy, warmth
- People’s apathy about politics leads to politicians’ corruption.
- بیتوجهی مردم نسبت به سیاست منجر به فساد سیاستمداران میگردد.
دلجویی، مهربانی، خوشرویی، مدارا
the quality of being pleasantly easy to approach and talk to; friendliness or warm politeness:Her affability and good nature endear her to all those acquainted with her, and put at ease anyone meeting her for the first time.
شایع، پر، مملو، فراوان، عادی، زیاد، عمومی
(adjective) overflowing Synonyms: abounding, abundant, alive, common, current, epidemic, extensive, frequent, general, many, multitudinous, numerous, pandemic, plentiful, popular, prevailing, prevalent, profuse, raging, rampant, regnant, replete, ruling, swarming, teeming, thronged, ubiquitous, universal, widespread Antonyms: low, scarce - to be rife - شایع بودن، فراگستر بودن - Corruption was rife in many ministries. - در بسیاری از وزارتخانهها فساد رواج داشت. - rife with error - پراز غلط
بدتر کردن، خراب کردن، روبهزوال گذاشتن
(verb) decay, degenerate Synonyms: adulterate, alloy, become worse, be worse for wear, break, corrode, corrupt, crumble, debase, debilitate, decline, decompose, degrade, deprave, depreciate, descend, disimprove, disintegrate, ebb, fade, fail, fall apart, flag, go downhill, go to pieces, go to pot, go to the dogs, hit the skids, impair, injure, languish, lapse, lessen, lose it, lose quality, lower, mar, pervert, regress, retrograde, retrogress, rot, sink, skid, slide, spoil, undermine, vitiate, weaken, wear away, worsen Antonyms: build, construct, develop, get better, improve - Wood deteriorates faster in damp places. - چوب در جاهای مرطوب زودتر خراب میشود. - The relations between the two countries have been deteriorating for sometime. - مدتی است که روابط بین دو کشور رو به خرابی میرود. - Aunt Turan's health is fast deteriorating. - سلامتی عمه توران به سرعت رو به وخامت است. - a deterioration of the weather conditions - بدتر شدن وضع آب و هوا
( phoney ) نادرست، غیرموثق، غلط، حقهباز، ساختگی
(adjective) fake, false Synonyms: affected, artificial, assumed, bogus, counterfeit, forged, imitation, pseudo, put-on, sham, spurious, trick Antonyms: genuine, real, sincere - a phony diploma - دیپلم قلابی - He spoke in a phony Esfahany accent. - او با لهجهی ساختگی اصفهانی حرف میزد. - a phony doctor - پزشک قلابی - a phony smile - لبخند دروغین - His brother is a phony. - برادر او دغلباز است.
اظهار، ادعا، بهانه، تأیید
(noun) assertion placing blame Synonyms: accusation, affirmation, asservation, avowal, charge, claim, declaration, deposition, overment, plea, profession, statement - the allegations concerning his taking bribes - اتهامات مربوط به رشوهگیری او - His allegations were unfounded. - ادعاهای او بیاساس بود.
(adjective) out of place; absurd Synonyms: alien, bizarre, conflicting, contradictory, disconsonant, discordant, disparate, distorted, divergent, extraneous, fantastic, fitful, foreign, illogical, improper, inappropriate, inapropos, inapt, incoherent, incompatible, incongruent, inconsistent, irreconcilable, irregular, jumbled, lopsided, mismatched, out of keeping, rambling, shifting, twisted, unavailing, unbalanced, unbecoming, unconnected, uncoordinated, uneven, unintelligible, unpredictable, unrelated, unsuitable, unsuited Antonyms: compatible, congruous, consistent, corresponding, fitting, harmonious, matched, suitable, uniform - incongruous desires - خواستههای ناهمخوان - an incongruous story - داستانی پرتناقص - incongruous colors - رنگهای ناجور (بههم نخور)
منصف، متساوی
(adjective) impartial Synonyms: candid, cricket, decent, disinterested, dispassionate, due, ethical, even-handed, even-steven, fair, fair and square, fair shake, fair-to-middling, honest, impersonal, just, level, moral, nondiscriminatory, nonpartisan, objective, proper, proportionate, reasonable, right, rightful, square, square deal, stable, unbiased, uncolored, unprejudiced Antonyms: biased, disproportionate, partial, prejudiced, unequitable, unfair, unjust, unreasonable - an equitable price - قیمت عادلانه - equitable treatment - رفتار منصفانه
اتفاقی، شانسی
(adjective) lucky, accidental Synonyms: arbitrary, casual, chance, contingent, fluke, fluky, fortunate, haphazard, happy, incidental, luck in, luck out, lucky-dog, odd, providential, random, serendipitous, unforeseen, unplanned Antonyms: calculated, deliberate, designed, intentional, planned, unlucky - a fortuitous meeting of two old friends - ملاقات تصادفی دو دوست دیرین - A series of fortuitous circumstances that helped advance her political career. - سلسله موقعیتهای فرخندهای که به پیشرفت کارهای سیاسی او کمک کرد.
verb (used without object), warred, war·ring.
to make or carry on war; fight: to war with a neighboring nation.
to carry on active hostility or contention: Throughout her life she warred with sin and corruption.
دستهبندی، حزب، انجمن، فرقه، نفاق
(noun) group sharing a belief or cause Synonyms: band, bloc, bunch, cabal, camp, caucus, cell, circle, clan, clique, club, coalition, combination, combine, combo, concern, conclave, confederacy, conspiracy, contingent, coterie, crew, crowd, design, division, entente, gang, guild, insiders, intrigue, junta, knot, lobby, machine, minority, mob, network, offshoot, outfit, partnership, party, pressure group, ring, schism, sect, section, sector, set, side, splinter group, team, unit, wing Antonyms: entirety, total, whole (noun) conflict, strife Synonyms: disagreement, discord, disharmony, dissension, disunity, division, divisiveness, friction, infighting,quarrelsomeness, rebellion, sedition, tumult, turbulence Antonyms: agreement, conformity, peace, unity
- warring factions within the party
- دستهبندیهای خصومتکننده در داخل حزب
گستاخ، جسور، فرضی، احتمالی
affording ground for belief or presumption: presumptive evidence.
based on likelihood or presumption: a presumptive title; the presumptive nominee.
regarded as such by presumption; based on inference; assumed: a presumptive case of pneumonia.
Embryology. pertaining to the part of an embryo that, in the course of normal development, will predictably become a particular structure or region.
- an heir presumptive - وارث احتمالی - presumptive evidence - قراین احتمالی، اماره
(noun) evenhandedness Synonyms: neutrality, probity, justice, equality, fairness
قلابی، ساختگی، دروغی، ریاکاری، وانمود کردن، به خودبستن، تظاهر کردن
(adjective) artificial, counterfeit Synonyms: adulterated, affected, assumed, bogus, dummy, ersatz, fake, false, feigned, fictitious, forged, fraudulent, imitation, lying, make-believe, misleading, mock, phony, plaster, pretend, pretended, pseudo, simulated, so-called, spurious, substitute, synthetic, untrue Antonyms: real, true (noun) hoax, trick Synonyms: burlesque, cant, caricature, cheat, counterfeit, cover-up, deceit, deception, facade, fake, fakery, false front, farce, feint, flimflam, forgery, fraud, hypocrisy, hypocriticalness, imitation, impostor, imposture, jive, mock, mockery, pharisaism, phoniness, pretend, pretense, pretext, pseudo, put-on, sell, smoke, snow job, spoof, travesty, whitewash (verb) trick; pull a hoax Synonyms: act, affect, ape, assume, bluff, copy, counterfeit, create, do a number, fake, fake it, feign, imitate, invent, lie, make like, mislead, mock, play possum, pretend, put on, put up a front, shuck and jive, simulate, sucker Antonyms: tell truth - That claim was a mere sham. - آن ادعا جز حقهبازی چیزی نبود. - a sham battle - جنگ زرگری - sham pearls - مروارید ساختگی - I shammed headache. - وانمود کردم که سردرد دارم.
نظر، عقیده، اعتقاد
وضع، حالت، طرز ایستادن
(noun) position, posture Synonyms: attitude, bearing, carriage, color, deportment, posture, say-so, slant, stand, standpoint, viewpoint - the crouching stance of a boxer - حالت خیزبرداشتهی بوکسور - a belligerant political stance - موضع سیاسی ستیزگرایانه
نتیجهگیری کردن، دریافتن (مطلب یا مفهوم)، پی بردن به، (عامیانه) حدس زدن، اشاره کردن بر
(verb) conclude Synonyms: arrive at, ascertain, assume, believe, collect, conjecture, construe, deduce, derive, draw, draw inference, figure, figure out, gather, glean, guess, induce, interpret, intuit, judge, presume, presuppose, reach conclusion, read between lines, read into, reason, reckon, speculate, suppose, surmise, think, understand Antonyms: misconceive, misunderstand - We see smoke and we infer fire. - ما دود میبینیم و به آتش پی میبریم. - As may be inferred from the picture, he was a happy man. - بهطوری که از عکس دریافت میشود او مرد شادی بود. - He was inferring that he had no room for all of us. - او داشت بهطور غیرمستقیم میگفت که جا برای همهی ما ندارد.
dispersion (def. 1).
- the dispersal of new life forms on (the planet) earth
- پراکنش شکلهای جدید زیست در کرهی زمین
دفع، مدفوع
(noun) the act of excreting Synonyms: elimination, urination, evacuation, discharge, discharging, secretion, defecation, expelling, expulsion, ejecting, ejection, voiding, leaving, perspiration, sweating, exudation Antonyms: accretion, eating, receiving (noun) the product of excretion Synonyms: waste matter, excreta, feces, excrement
اعتبار، قابلقبول بودن، باورکردنی، باورپذیری، قابلیت اعتماد یا اطمینان، وثوق، شایستگی
(noun) believeableness Synonyms: believability, chance, integrity, likelihood, plausibility, possibility, probability, prospect, reliability, satisfactoriness, solidity, solidness, soundness, tenability, trustworthiness, validity Antonyms: implausibility, improbability, unreasonableness
کلیه گیاهان یک سرزمین، گیاهنامه، الهه گل، گیا
(noun) vegetable life Synonyms: verdure, plants, vegetation - the flora of Africa - گونههای گیاهی افریقا - flora and fauna - گیا و زیا
تیزهوشی، تیزفهمی، فراست
(noun) ability to understand and reason Synonyms: acuity, acuteness, astuteness, awareness, brains, brilliance, cleverness, comprehension, cunning, discernment, discrimination, farsightedness, good taste, grasp, guile, ingenuity, insight, intellect, intelligence, intuition, judgment, keenness, perception, percipience, perspicacity, perspicuity, refinement, sagacity, sensitivity, sharpness, shrewdness, smartness, smarts, understanding, vision, wisdom, wit Antonyms: denseness, ignorance, inability, ineptness, obtuseness, stupidity - political acumen - شم سیاسی - business acumen - هوش تجاری
حرمت، احترام، تکریم، احترام گذاردن
(noun) high opinion of something Synonyms: admiration, adoration, apotheosis, approbation, approval, awe, bow, deference, deification, devotion, devoutness, esteem, fealty, fear, genuflection, high esteem, homage, honor, love, loyalty, obeisance, obsequiousness, piety, praise, prostration, religiousness, respect, veneration, worship Antonyms: disdain, disregard, disrespect, scorn (verb) have a high opinion of Synonyms: admire, adore, apotheosize, appreciate, be in awe of, cherish, defer to, deify, enjoy, esteem, exalt, hold in awe, honor, look up to, love, magnify, pay homage, prize, put on pedestal, regard, respect, think highly of, treasure, value, venerate, worship Antonyms: despise, disregard - Even strangers showed reverence toward the old professor. - حتی غریبهها استاد پیر را تکریم میکردند. - to hold in reverence - مورد تکریم قرار دادن - He made a slight reverence in passing. - هنگام عبور تعظیم مختصری کرد. - Pray with reverence. - با فروتنی نماز کن (دعا کن). - He attained great reverence among the merchants. - در میان بازرگانان عزت و احترام زیادی به دست آورد. - The best citizens were those who reverenced the laws of their country. - بهترین شهروندان آنهایی بودند که به قوانین کشور خود سخت احترام میگذاشتند.
عذاب دادن، تحریف کردن، به خود پیچیدن، تقلا کردن
(verb) suffer or cause another to suffer Synonyms: afflict, bleed, carry on, crucify, distress, disturb, eat heart out, excruciate, harrow, hurt, labor, lament, martyr, pain, rack, sing the blues, squirm, stew over, strain, strive, struggle, take it badly, torment, torture, try, wince, worry, writhe Antonyms: not worry - the prisoner's agonized moans - نالههای حاکی از درد و رنج زندانی - He agonized for hours whether or not to give the bad news to his mother. - ساعتها در تب و تاب بود که آیا خبر بد را به مادرش بگوید یا نه. - an agonizing feeling of shame and guilt - احساس زجرآور شرم و گناه - The decision to sell the ancestral home was an agonizing one. - تصمیم به فروش خانهی آبا و اجدادی جانگداز بود.
سختگیر، باریکبین، مشکلپسند، بیزار
(adjective) very careful, meticulous Synonyms: captious, choosy, critical, dainty, demanding, difficult, discriminating, easily disgusted, exacting, finical, finicky, fussbudgety, fussy, hard to please, hypercritical, nice, nit-picky, overdelicate, overnice, particular, persnickety, picky, punctilious, queasy, squeamish, stickling Antonyms: indifferent, indiscriminating, uncareful, uncouth, uncritical, undemanding
- Our teacher was fastidious about cleanliness.
- معلم ما درمورد نظافت سختگیر بود.
فن تعلیم، نوآموزی، هنر تعلیم
خروش، نعره، ورد، تکیه کلام، شعار، آرم
(noun) motto Synonyms: byword, catchphrase, catchword, expression, idiom, jingle, phrase, proverb, rallying cry, saying, shibboleth, trademark, war cry, watchword
- We reject the slogan “peace at any price.”
- ما شعار «صلح به هر قیمت» را رد میکنیم.
جدلی، مجادله آمیز
فریبنده، فریبا، گولزننده، فریبآمیز
(adjective) dishonest Synonyms: ambiguous, astucious, beguiling, bum, catchy, crafty, cunning, deceitful, deceiving, deluding, delusive, delusory, designing, disingenuous, fake, fallacious, false, fishy, foxy, fraudulent, illusory, imposturous, indirect, insidious, lying, misleading, mock, oblique, off, phony, plausible, rascal, roguish, scheming, seeming, serpentine, shifty, slick, slippery, sly, sneaky, snide, specious, spurious, subtle, treacherous, tricky, two-faced, underhand, underhanded, unreliable, wily Antonyms: forthright, frank, honest, open, truthful, upright - a deceptive appearance - ظاهر گولزننده - His deceptive words softened the girl's heart. - حرفهای فریبندهی او دل دخترک را نرم کرد.
تعویضشدنی، باهم عوضکردنی، معاوضهپذیر، مبادلهشدنی، تبادلپذیر
(adjective) identical, transposable Synonyms: changeable, commutable, compatible, converse, convertible, correspondent, equivalent, exchangeable, fungible, interconvertible, mutual, reciprocal, reciprocative, same, substitutable, synonymous, workalike Antonyms: different, dissimilar - car wheels are interchangeable. - چرخهای اتومبیل جابهجاشدنی هستند. - Matter and energy are equal and interchangeable. - ماده و انرژی برابر و تبادلپذیر هستند.
ناهمسان، ناهمانند
ناجور، بیشباهت، غیرمشابه، مختلف، دگرگون
(adjective) not alike; not capable of comparison Synonyms: antithetical, antonymous, contradictory, contrary, different, disparate, distant, divergent, diverse, far cry, heterogeneous, individual, like night and day, march to a different drummer, mismatched, mismated, not similar, offbeat, opposite, poles apart, unequal, unique, unlike, unrelated, unsimilar, various, weird Antonyms: alike, compatible, equal, matched, related, same, similar - two completely dissimilar cultures - دو فرهنگ کاملاً ناهمانند - Our military requirements are not so dissimilar from your economic ones. - الزامات نظامی ما فرق چندانی با الزامات اقتصادی شما ندارد.
تخم کاشتن، منتشرکردن
(verb) distribute, scatter Synonyms: advertise, announce, annunciate, blaze, blazon, broadcast, circulate, declare, diffuse, disject, disperse, dissipate, proclaim, promulgate, propagate, publicize, publish, radiate, sow, spread, strew Antonyms: collect, gather - the information disseminated by the radio - اطلاعات منتشرشده توسط رادیو - the dissemination of leftist political views - اشاعهی نظریات سیاسی (دست) چپی
پنداشتن، فرض کردن، خیال کردن
(verb) regard, consider Synonyms: account, allow, appraise, assume, be afraid, believe, calculate, conceive, conjecture, credit, daresay, divine, esteem, estimate, expect, feel, guess, hold, imagine, judge, know, presume, reckon, sense, set store by, suppose, surmise, suspect, think, understand, view - I deem it necessary to tell you that ... - لازم میدانم به شما بگویم که .... - It was not deemed advisable to invite him also. - صلاح دانسته نشد که از او هم دعوت به عمل آید.
جرات کردن، شهامت داشتن، به خود اجازه دادن
فرض کردن، مسلم دانستن، احتمال کلی دادن
اشاره کردن، رساندن، دلالت ضمنی کردن بر
(verb) make assumption; believe Synonyms: assume, bank on, be afraid, conclude, conjecture, consider, count on, depend, figure, gather, guess, infer, jump the gun, posit, postulate, predicate, premise, presuppose, pretend, rely, speculate, suppose, surmise, take for granted, take it, think, trust Antonyms: disbelieve (verb) dare; take the liberty Synonyms: go so far, have the audacity, impose, infringe, intrude, make bold, undertake, venture Antonyms: abstain - How can you presume to give me orders! - چطور به خودت اجازه میدهی به من دستور بدهی! - I did not presume to call her by her first name. - به خود اجازه ندادم او را به اسم کوچک صدا بزنم. - Why are you so late, if I may presume? - اگر جسارت نباشد، چرا اینقدر دیر کردهاید؟ - a village which was presumed to be under Vietcong control - دهکدهای که تصور میشد تحت کنترل ویتکنگها باشد - The accused is missing and presumed dead. - متهم مفقود شده است و احتمال میرود که مرده باشد. - An individual is presumed innocent unless the opposite is proven. - هر فرد بیگناه فرض میشود، مگر آنکه خلاف آن ثابت شود. - If he dosen't show up, I'll presume he is not interested in buying the house. - اگر نیاید چنین خواهم انگاشت که به خرید خانه علاقه ندارد. - to presume on someone's friendship - زیادی روی دوستی کسی حساب کردن
- A signed invoice presumes receipt of goods.
- بارنامهی امضاشده نشانهی دریافت کالا است.
قابل رسیدگی، قابل تصدیق و تأیید
قابل بازبینی، تحقیقپذیر
به دقت بررسی کردن
موشکافی کردن، مورد مداقه قرار دادن
(verb) examine closely Synonyms: analyze, burn up, candle, canvass, case, check, check out, check over, comb, consider, contemplate, dig, dissect, explore, eyeball, get a load of, go over with a fine-tooth comb, inquire into, inspect, investigate, look over, overlook, peg, penetrate, perlustrate, peruse, pierce, pore over, probe, put under a microscope, scan, scope, scrutinate, search, sift, smoke, stare, study, survey, take the measure of, view, watch, weigh - He scrutinized the Bisotoon inscription. - او کتیبهی بیستون را بادقت خواند. - She scrutinized the bill to make sure it is not forged. - خوب به اسکناس نگاه کرد تا مطمئن شود که تقلبی نیست.
هوسباز، دمدمیمزاج، هوسران
(مهجور) تخیلی، پرخواب و خیال
(adjective) given to sudden behavior change Synonyms: any way the wind blows, arbitrary, blowing hot and cold, careless, changeful, contrary, crotchety, effervescent, erratic, every which way, fanciful, fickle, fitful, flaky, flighty, freakish, gaga, helter-skelter, humorsome, impulsive, inconstant, kinky, lubricious, mercurial, moody, mutable, notional, odd, picky, punchy, queer, quirky, temperamental, ticklish, unpredictable, unreasonable, unstable, up and down, vagarious, variable, volatile, wayward, whimsical, yo-yo Antonyms: constant, dependable, sensible, staid, steadfast, steady - The people's support for him was very capricious. - حمایت مردم از او از روی هوس بود. - She capriciously decided to sell the house and buy jewellery. - او از روی هوسبازی تصمیم گرفت که خانه را بفروشد و جواهر بخرد. - in March the weather became capricious again. - در ماه مارس هوا دوباره متغیر شد. - a capricious market - بازار بیثبات
مؤید، تأییدکننده، اثباتکننده، بازنمودین، بازنمودگر (corraboratory هم میگویند)
(adjective) confirmatory Synonyms: supporting, collateral
- You need to present corroborative evidence for your accusations.
- شما باید مدارک و شواهدی در اثبات اتهاماتی که وارد میکنید، ارائه بدهید.
احساسات غلط و پوچ را از کسی دور کردن، کسی را آگاه و هدایت کردن، کمارزش کردن
verb) disprove, ridicule
Synonyms: cut down to size, deflate, demystify, discover, disparage, expose, lampoon, mock, puncture, show up, uncloak, unmask, unshroud
Antonyms: prove, uphold
- He spent his life debunking communism.
- او عمر خود را صرف پردهبرداری عیوب کمونیسم کرد.
ثمر دادن، واگذارکردن، ارزانی داشتن، بازده، محصول، حاصل، تسلیم کردن یا شدن
(noun) production of labor Synonyms: crop, earnings, harvest, income, output, outturn, produce, profit, return, revenue, takings, turnout (verb) produce Synonyms: accrue, admit, afford, allow, beam, bear, blossom, bring forth, bring in, discharge, earn, furnish, generate, give, give off, hold out, net, offer, pay, proffer, provide, return, sell for, supply, tender, turn out Antonyms: disallow, withhold (verb) give in, surrender Synonyms: abandon, abdicate, admit defeat, back down, bend, bow, break, buy, call it quits, capitulate, cave in, cede, collapse, come to terms, crumple, defer, fold, fold up, give oneself over, give up, give way, go, hand over, knuckle, knuckle under, lay down arms, leave, let go, part with, relax, relent, relinquish, resign, sag, submit, succumb, suffer defeat, throw in the towel Antonyms: deny, oppose, prevent, refuse, reject (verb) grant, allow Synonyms: accede, accept, acknowledge, acquiesce, admit, agree, assent, bow, break, comply, concede, concur, consent, defer, fail, fit in, go along with, go with the flow, permit, play the game, surrender, toe the line, toe the mark, waive Antonyms: counter, disallow, disapprove, veto - the door would not yield to their blows - درب در مقابل ضربههای آنها درهم شکسته نشد - His poetry does not easily yield itself to interpretation. - شعرش بهآسانی قابلتفسیر نیست. - The cool air of the mountains yielded to sweltering heat as they desended. - همین که به پایین حرکت کردند هوای خنک کوهسار تبدیل به گرمای طاقتفرسا شد. - Pavements yielded to dirt roads. - آسفالت جای خود را به جادهی خاکی داد. - Their mutton yields to ours but their beef is excellent. - گوشت گوسفند آنها بهخوبی گوشت گوسفند ما نیست؛ ولی گوشت گاو آنها عالی است. - I yield to no one in my respect for his genius. - هیچکس مثل من برای نبوغ او احترام قائل نیست. - average yield per acre of land - برداشت متوسط از هر جریب زمین - Mohsen was unwilling to yield the argument. - محسن مایل نبود که شکست استدلال خود را بپذیرد. - Ali yielded the point. - علی به آن نکته اذعان کرد. - Leily yielded her heart to Majnoon. - لیلی قلب خود را به مجنون سپرد. - Finally an Egyptian tomb yielded its secrets to the eyes of man. - بالأخره یک قبر مصری اسرار خود را به دیدگان بشریت ارزانی داشت. - Metals that yield under pressure and heat. - فلزاتی که تحت فشار و گرما خم میشوند. - An orchard that yielded a good crop. - باغ میوهای که محصول خوبی داد. - The new engine yields more power. - موتور جدید نیروی بیشتری تولید میکند. - a mine that has yielded poorly - معدنی که بازده خوبی نداشته است - Without fertilizers this soil will not yield. - بدون کود این خاک حاصل نخواهد داد. - They refused to yield the fortress to the enemy. - آنان از تسلیم کردن دژ به دشمن سرباز زدند. - to yield oneself to physical pleasures - خود را تسلیم لذایذ جسمی کردن - He yielded to our demands. - تسلیم خواستههای ما شد. - Suddenly the enemy yielded. - ناگهان دشمن تسلیم شد. - The election yielded one great surprise. - انتخابات موجب یک شگفتی بزرگ شد. - Jacob yielded up the ghost. - یعقوب جان داد. - An investment that yielded high profits. - سرمایهگذاریای که سود زیادی به بار آورد.
(adjective) counterfeit
Synonyms: artificial, dummy, ersatz, fake, false, fictitious, forged, fraudulent, imitation, not what it is cracked up to be, phony, pretended, pseudo, sham, simulated, spurious
Antonyms: authentic, genuine, real
- Her claims are all bogus.
- ادعاهای او همه نادرست است.
معاصر، همزمان، همدوره
(adjective) modern Synonyms: abreast, à la mode, au courant, contempo, current, existent, extant, hot off press, in fashion, instant, in vogue, just out, latest, leading-edge, mod, new, newfangled, now, present, present-day, recent, red-hot, state-of-the-art, today, topical, ultramodern, up, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, voguish, with it Antonyms: old, old-fashioned, past, preceding (adjective) existing, occurring at same time Synonyms: accompanying, associated, attendant, coetaneous, coeval, coexistent, coexisting, coincident, concomitant, concurrent, connected, contemporaneous, current, linked, present, related, simultaneous, synchronal, synchronic, synchronous Antonyms: future, past, preceding, succeeding - contemporary Iranian literature - ادبیات امروزی ایران - contemporary American literature - ادبیات معاصر آمریکا - Sa'di and Rumi were contemporaries. - سعدی و رومی همعصر بودند. - Most of his contemporaries are dead. - اکثر همسنهای او مردهاند.
فراوان، مفصل، زیاد، خیلی
(adjective) abundant Synonyms: alive with, a mess of, ample, aplenty, bounteous, bountiful, coming out of ears, crawling with, extensive, exuberant, full, galore, generous, heavy, lavish, liberal, lush, luxuriant, no end, overflowing, plenteous, plentiful, plenty, profuse, prolix, replete, rich, superabundant, thick with, verbose, wordy Antonyms: lacking, meager, needing, needy, poor, rare, scarce, wanting - He wrote copious letters. - او نامههای زیادی نوشت. - He presented copious evidence. - او شواهد فراوانی ارائه داد. - a copious painter - نقاش دارای آثار زیاد
ترش، ترش مزه، دبش، گس
(در مورد کلام و خلق و خو) تند، بددهان، بدخلق، ترشرو
(adjective) bitter, sharp, or sour Synonyms: acidic, acrid, astringent, caustic, harsh, sharp, tart - acerbic apples - سیبهای ترش
سوزان، داغدار
(adjective) nasty, critical in remarks Synonyms: belittling, biting, brutal, burning, caustic, cruel, cutting, harsh, mordacious, mordant, salty, sarcastic, scorching, scornful, searing, severe, sulphurous, trenchant, withering Antonyms: generous, kind, nice, praising - her scathing remarks - اظهارات بسیار تند او - the scathing scorn of Ahmad's stepmother - تحقیر خردکنندهی نامادری احمد
باریکبین، خیلی دقیق، وسواسی، ترسو، کمرو
(adjective) detailed, perfectionist Synonyms: accurate, cautious, conscientious, conscionable, crossing the t’s, dotting the i’s, exact, fastidious, fussy, heedful, microscopic, nitpicking, painstaking, particular, persnickety, picky, precise, punctilious, punctual, scrupulous, stickling, strict, thorough Antonyms: careless, messy, sloppy, undetailed - a meticulous researcher - پژوهشگر موشکاف - Her meticulous presentation of details impressed everyone. - ارائهی موشکافانهی جزئیات توسط او همه را تحتتأثیر قرار داد.
چشم تنگ، خسیس
(adjective) greedy, stingy Synonyms: abject, avaricious, beggarly, cheapskate, churlish, close, close-fisted, covetous, grasping, ignoble, illiberal, mean, parsimonious, penny-pinching, penurious, skinflint, sordid, tightfisted, ungenerous Antonyms: generous, giving, liberal
the state or condition of being reluctant to give or spend; miserliness:
The governor’s stinginess with public money, and his hard line on welfare spending, were two of the factors that led most liberals to back his opponent in the next election.As one might expect, Mother Nature’s stinginess with water has done a number on agricultural production in the region.
the state of being meager or barely sufficient in amount:Because of the stinginess of the aid payments, researchers found that welfare mothers still need to find other sources of income.
نداشتن اعتمادبهنفس، کمرویی، ترس بیم از خود
(noun) hesitancy; lack of confidence Synonyms: backwardness, bashfulness, constraint, doubt, fear, hesitation, humility, insecurity, meekness, modesty, mousiness, reluctance, reserve, self-consciousness, sheepishness, shyness, timidity, timidness, timorousness, unassertiveness Antonyms: boldness, confidence
- To succeed you must overcome diffidence!
- شرط موفقیت آن است که بر نداشتن اعتمادبهنفس چیره شوی!
صرفهجویی، کمخرجی
(noun) economizing Synonyms: avarice, avariciousness, carefulness, conservation, economy, forehandedness, good management, miserliness, moderation, niggardliness, parsimoniousness, parsimony, penuriousness, providence, prudence, saving, scrimping, stinginess, thrift, thriftiness Antonyms: generosity, lavishness, wastefulness
بیگذشت، کوتهفکر، متعصب، مخالف اصول آزادی
صرفهجویی، خانهداری، عقل معاش
(noun) economy Synonyms: austerity, carefulness, economizing, frugality, parsimony, providence, prudence, saving, stinginess, thriftiness Antonyms: extravagance, spending, waste
حریص، آزمند، مشتاق، آرزومند، متمایل
(adjective) enthusiastic Synonyms: ardent, athirst, avaricious, breathless, covetous, desirous, devoted, dying to, eager, fanatical, fervent, gotta have, grasping, greedy, hungry, impatient, insatiable, intense, keen, passionate, rapacious, ravenous, thirsty, voracious, zealous Antonyms: dispassionate, indifferent, unenthusiastic - avid for power - تشنهی قدرت - an avid reader - بسیار علاقهمند به خواندن - I am avidly awaiting the coming of Nowruz. - مشتاقانه در انتظار فرا رسیدن نوروز هستم.
ظریف، باریک، نازک، (هوا) رقیق
جزئی، کماهمیت، ناچیز، کم، اندک
(adjective) weak, thin Synonyms: aerial, airy, attenuate, attenuated, delicate, doubtful, dubious, ethereal, fine, flimsy, gossamer, insignificant, insubstantial, light, narrow, nebulous, questionable, rare, rarefied, reedy, shaky, sketchy, slender, slight, slim, subtle, twiggy Antonyms: healthy, significant, stable, strong, substantial, thick
- The police have only found a tenuous connection between the two robberies.
- پلیس فقط ارتباط اندکی بین دو سرقت پیدا کرد.
مفهوم ساختن، در تصور آوردن، مجسم کردن، زمینهسازی کردن، بسترسازی کردن
پوشیده از گل، پرگل، سلیس و شیوا، گلگون
(adjective) very elaborate Synonyms: aureate, baroque, busy, decorative, embellished, euphuistic, figurative, flamboyant, flowery, fussy, garnished, grandiloquent, high-flown, luscious, magniloquent, ornamental, ornamented, ornate, overblown, pretentious, rhetorical, rich, sonorous Antonyms: inelaborate, natural, plain, undecorated, unornate (adjective) flushed, ruddy Synonyms: blowzy, flush, glowing, high-colored, pink, reddened, rubicund, sanguine Antonyms: pale, pallid, white - the florid cheeks of Mehri's children - گونههای گلگون بچههای مهری - Some poets of the Indian style have florid poems. - برخی از شعرای سبک هندی اشعار پرتصنعی دارند. - the floridity of his style - تصنع زیاد از حد سبک او
نگاه داشتن، از دست ندادن، حفظ کردن، ابقا کردن
(verb) hold on to physically or mentally Synonyms: absorb, bear in mind, cling to, clutch, contain, detain, enjoy, grasp, hand onto, have, hold, hold fast, husband, keep, keep in mind, keep possession, maintain, memorize, mind, own, possess, preserve, put away, recall, recognize, recollect, remember, reminisce, reserve, restrain, retrospect, save, withhold Antonyms: free, let go, lose, release, spend (verb) hire Synonyms: commission, contract, employ, engage, maintain, pay, reserve Antonyms: fire, let go, pass up - She retained her shape even long after death. - او شکل خودش را حتی مدتها پس از مرگ هم از دست نداد. - These flowers retain their freshness for a long time. - این گلها تازگی خود را مدتها حفظ میکنند. - Hassan fired all his servants only retaining two gardeners. - حسن نوکرهای خود را بیرون کرد و فقط دو باغبان را نگاه داشت. - Ahmad has retained two lawyers. - احمد دو وکیل استخدام کرده است. - Cyrus grew old but still retained the memory of his first love. - سیروس پیر شد؛ ولی هنوز خاطرهی اولین عشق خود را به یاد داشت. - A lot of water can be retained behind dams. - آب فراوانی را میتوان پشت سدها اندوخت. - to retain heat - حرارت را نگه داشتن
( equalitarian ) طرفدار تساوی انسان، برابرگرای
(adjective) equal Synonyms: democratic, equitable, even-handed, impartial, just, unbiased
یکروزه، بیدوام، یومیه
زود گذر
(adjective) momentary, passing Synonyms: brief, episodic, evanescent, fleeting, flitting, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, short, short-lived, temporary, transient, transitory, unenduring, volatile Antonyms: enduring, eternal, everlasting, interminable, lasting, long, permanent, perpetual - ephemeral boundaries - مرزهای موقت - His fame was ephemeral. - شهرت او ناپایدار بود. - Youth is ephemeral. - جوانی زودگذر است. - the ephemeral glory of a contest winner as compared with the eternal glory of scientific and literary greats - افتخار کوتهزی برندهی یک مسابقه در برابر افتخار ابدی بزرگان علم و ادب - ephemeral insects - حشرات کوتهزی
مبنی بر بتشکنی یا شمایل ویرانکنی
(adjective) skeptical Synonyms: individualistic, nonconforming, dissident, irreverent, radical (adjective) irreligious Synonyms: heretical, fanatical, heathenish, impious, heathen
سیمابی، جیوهدار، چالاک، تند، متغیر، متلون
(adjective) flighty, temperamental Synonyms: blowing hot and cold, bubbleheaded, buoyant, capricious, changeable, effervescent, elastic, erratic, expansive, fickle, flaky, flip, fluctuating, gaga, gay, impulsive, inconstant, irregular, irrepressible, lighthearted, lively, lubricious, mad, mobile, movable, quicksilver, resilient, short-fuse, spirited, sprightly, ticklish, unpredictable, unstable, up-and-down, variable, volatile, yo-yo Antonyms: calm, tranquil, unchangeable, unperturbable, unvarying
اشرافی، پولدار
مراقب، هوشیار، گوشبهزنگ، بیدار، حساس
(adjective) careful, watchful Synonyms: acute, agog, alert, anxious, attentive, aware, cautious, circumspect, guarded, keen, looking for, looking to, observant, on alert, on guard, on the ball, on the job, on the lookout, on the qui vive, on toes, open-eyed, sharp, sleepless, unsleeping, waiting on, wakeful, wary, wide-awake, with eyes peeled, with weather eye open Antonyms: careless, impulsive, inattentive, indiscreet, negligent
- The soldiers were vigilant and were not taken by surprise.
- سربازان هشیار بودند و غافلگیر نشدند.
اسباب، آلت، وسیله، تمهید، اختراع، تعبیه
(noun) machine, usually with domestic purpose Synonyms: apparatus, device, gadget, implement, instrument, mechanism, tool
- Refrigerators, irons, etc. are household appliances.
- یخچال و اطو و غیره وسایل خانگی هستند.