GRE 300-400 Flashcards
متانت، خودداری، ملایمت، آرامی، قرار، قضاوت منصفانه، تعادل فکری، انصاف، عدالت
(noun) levelheadedness Synonyms: aplomb, assurance, ataraxia, ataraxy, calm, calmness, composure, confidence, cool, coolness, detachment, equability, imperturbability, patience, peace, phlegm, placidity, poise, presence of mind, sangfroid, self-possession, serenity, steadiness, tranquillity Antonyms: agitation, alarm, anxiety, discomposure, excitableness, upset, worry
- to face life’s problems with equanimity
- با مسائل زندگی با شکیبایی روبهرو شدن-
عقدکردن، عروسی کردن، نامزدکردن، شوهردادن، حمایت کردن از، عقیده داشتن به
(verb) stand up for; support Synonyms: accept, adopt, advocate, approve, back, champion, defend, embrace, get into, go in for, maintain, stand behind, take on, take up, uphold Antonyms: forsake, reject (verb) marry Synonyms: betroth, catch, take as spouse, unite, wed Antonyms: divorce - He has always espoused extremist ideas. - او همیشه از عقاید افراطی هواداری کرده است. - He espouses feminism. - او از حقوق زنان پشتیبانی میکند.
بیتوجه، محل نگذاشتن، بیاعتنا بودن، بیتوجهی، بیاعتنایی
بدخو، کجخلق، ننر، زودرنج
(adjective) grouchy, cross Synonyms: awkward, captious, crabby, disorderly, fretful, froward, huffy, indocile, indomitable, intractable, irritable, mean, ornery, peevish, perverse, pettish, petulant, querulous, recalcitrant, refractory, restive, scrappy, snappish, testy, thin-skinned, touchy, uncompliant, undisciplined, unmanageable, unruly, wayward, wild Antonyms: agreeable, complaisant, happy, nice, patient - fractious children - بچههای ننر - fractious co-worker - همکار زودرنج
درهموبرهم کردن، مختل کردن، بینظم کردن، تشکیلات چیزی را بر هم زدن
(verb) disrupt arrangement; make shambles of Synonyms: break down, break up, clutter, complicate, confound, confuse, demobilize, derange, destroy, disarrange, disarray, disband, discompose, discreate, dishevel, dislocate, disorder, disperse, disturb, embroil, jumble, litter, mess up, mislay, misplace, muddle, perturb, put out of order, scatter, scramble, shuffle, toss, turn topsy-turvy, unsettle, upset Antonyms: compose, neaten, order, organize, plan, systematize, tidy - After Ahmad's retirement, the school became badly disorganized. - پس از بازنشستگی احمد مدرسه بسیار نابهسامان شد. - They were trying to disorganize the government. - آنان میکوشیدند نظم دولت را بههم بزنند. - His article was very disorganized. - مقالهی او بسیار درهموبرهم بود.
مجازی، تمثیلی، رمزی، کنایهای، تصویری
(adjective) not literal, but symbolic Synonyms: allegorical, denotative, descriptive, emblematic, emblematical, fanciful, florid, flowery, illustrative, metaphoric, metaphorical, ornate, pictorial, poetical, representative, signifying, typical Antonyms: literal, real, straightforward - figurative meaning - معنی مجازی - In a figurative sense, civilization marches up and down. - بهطور تمثیلی، تمدن در سر بالایی و سرازیری گام بر میدارد. - a figurative description - توصیف پراستعاره
ضروری بودن، شامل بودن، فراهم کردن، متضمن بودن، دربرداشتن، حمل کردن بر، حبس یا وقف کردن، موجب شدن
(verb) require; result in Synonyms: bring about, call for, cause, demand, encompass, entangle, evoke, give rise to, impose, involve, lead to, necessitate, occasion, require, tangle - This project will entail great costs. - این طرح هزینهی زیادی در پی خواهد داشت. - Political democracy entails cultural democracy. - آزادی سیاسی مستلزم آزادی فرهنگی است.
بیعیب و نقص
(adjective) above suspicion; flawless Synonyms: accurate, aces, A-okay, apple-pie, clean, correct, errorless, exact, exquisite, faultless, fleckless, immaculate, incorrupt, infallible, innocent, irreproachable, nice, note-perfect, on target, perfect, precise, pure, right, sinless, stainless, ten, unblemished, unerring, unflawed, unimpeachable Antonyms: blemished, corrupt, defective, flawed, imperfect, suspicious, wrong
- His record is impeccable.
- سابقهی او بیعیب و نقص است.
خفه کردن، خفه شدن، خاموش کردن، فرونشاندن، سرکوب کردن، فرو خوردن، (از خود) نشان ندادن
(پای اسب و خر و سگ و غیره) بند بالای زانو، مفصل فوق زانو
(verb) prevent, restrain Synonyms: asphyxiate, black out, bring to screeching halt, burke, check, choke, choke back, clamp down, clam up, constipate, cork, cover up, crack down, curb, dry up, extinguish, gag, hold it down, hush, hush up, kill, muffle, muzzle, put the lid on, repress, shut up, silence, sit on, smother, spike, squash, squelch, stagnate, stop, strangle, stultify, suffocate, suppress, torpedo, trammel Antonyms: encourage, help, persuade - she had been stifled with a pillow. - با یک متکا او را خفه کرده بودند. - two of the firemen were almost stifled by the fumes. - نزدیک بود دود و بخار دو نفر از آتش نشانها را خفه کند. - to stifled a fire with a blanket - آتش را با پتو خفه کردن - to stifle one's resentment - آزردگی خود را بروز ندادن - to stifle a rebellion - شورش را سرکوب کردن - to stifle a sob - جلو گریهی خود را گرفتن - the stifling air of a crowded room - هوای خفقانآور اتاق شلوغ
( pragmatics ) عملی، فعال، واقعبین، فلسفه واقعبینی واقعیتگرایی
کاربسته، عملی، عملگرا
(adjective) sensible Synonyms: businesslike, commonsensical, down-to-earth, efficient, hard, hard-boiled, hardheaded, logical, matter-of-fact, practical, realistic, sober, unidealistic, utilitarian Antonyms: idealistic, unreasonable
فن تعلیم، نوآموزی، هنر تعلیم
خیره کردن، تابش یا روشنی خیرهکننده
(verb) confuse, amaze Synonyms: astonish, awe, bedazzle, blind, blur, bowl over, daze, excite, fascinate, glitz, hypnotize, impress, overawe, overpower, overwhelm, razzle-dazzle, strike dumb, stupefy, surprise Antonyms: bore - She was dazzled by the headlights. - نور چراغ اتومبیلها، او را خیره کرد. - her dazzling beauty - زیبایی خیرهکنندهی او - The palace's ornaments dazzled me. - تزیینات کاخ چشمهای مرا خیره کرد. - The children were transported by the dazzle of the fireworks. - درخشش آتشبازی بچهها را به عالم دیگری برد.
ستبر، تنومند، قوی، بیباک، مصمم، شدید
(adjective) strong, valiant Synonyms: athletic, bold, bound, bound and determined, brave, brawny, brick-wall, courageous, daring, dauntless, dead set on, dependable, fearless, forceful, gutsy, hanging tough, hefty, husky, indomitable, intrepid, lusty, muscular, nervy, powerhouse, redoubtable, robust, rugged, sinewy, solid, spunky, staunch, steamroller, stout, stouthearted, strapping, sturdy, substantial, tenacious, tough, unafraid, undaunted, valorous, vigorous Antonyms: cowardly, meek, weak
- one of the party’s stalwart supporters
- یکی از طرفداران پر و پا قرص حزب
کهنه، قدیمی، غیرمصطلح (بهواسطهی قدمت)
(adjective) very old Synonyms: ancient, antiquated, antique, bygone, obsolete, olden, old-fashioned, outmoded, out of date, passé, primitive, superannuated Antonyms: current, modern, new, present, young - the previous government and its archaic methods - دولت قبلی و روشهای کهنهی آن - Some of those archaic laws were in need of modification. - برخی از آن قوانین کهنه نیاز به تعدیل داشتند. - "Thou" is an archaic form of "you." - thou شکل قدیمی you است.
تسکین دادن، موقتاً آرام کردن
(verb) gloss over; cover up Synonyms: abate, allay, alleviate, apologize for, assuage, camouflage, cloak, conceal, condone, cover, diminish, disguise, dissemble, ease, exculpate, excuse, extenuate, gloze, hide, hush up, justify, lessen, lighten, make light of, mask, minimize, mitigate, moderate, mollify, prettify, put on a Band-Aid, qualify, quick fix, relieve, screen, soften, soothe, sugarcoat, temper, varnish, veil, veneer, vindicate, white, whiten, whitewash Antonyms: accuse, blame, condemn - The hot bath palliated my muscle. - حمام گرم درد عضلات مرا تسکین داد. - The mother used to palliate her daughter's faults. - مادر عیوب دخترش را کوچک جلوه میداد.
دست یافتن، رسیدن، راه یافتن، نائل شدن، نزدیک شدن، موافقت کردن، رضایت دادن، تن در دادن
(verb) agree or consent Synonyms: accept, acquiesce, admit, allow, assent, be game for, cave in, comply, concede, concur, cooperate, cry uncle, endorse, enter into, fold, give the go-ahead, give the green light, go along with, grant, let, okay, permit, play ball, roll over and play dead, subscribe, throw in the towel, yield Antonyms: condemn, demur, denounce, denounce, deny, protest, refuse - He acceded to the governorship. - او به مقام فرمانداری رسید. - He acceded to their request. - به درخواست آنها تن در داد. - They were invited to accede to the treaty. - از آنها دعوت شد که به قرارداد بپیوندند.
همسر، شریک، مصاحب، همنشین شدن، جور کردن
(noun) associate, partner Synonyms: accompaniment, companion, concomitant, friend, husband, mate, spouse, wife Antonyms: antagonist, enemy, foe (verb) be friendly with; fraternize Synonyms: accompany, associate, attend, bear, befriend, bring, carry, chaperon, chum together, chum with, clique with, company, conduct, convoy, gang up with, go around with, hang around with, hang out with, hang with, join, keep company, mingle, mix, pal, pal around with, pal with, run around with, run with, take up with, tie up with (verb) agree Synonyms: accord, coincide, comport, concur, conform, correspond, dovetail, harmonize, march, square, tally Antonyms: disagree - The Queen and her consort attended the banquet. - ملکه و شوهرش در ضیافت حضور یافتند. - His brother is consorting with thieves. - برادرش با دزدان نشست و برخاست میکند.
دشمن، خصومتآمیز، ستیزهجو، ضد
(adjective) antagonistic, mean Synonyms: adverse, alien, allergic, anti, argumentative, bellicose, belligerent, bitter, catty, chill, cold, competitive, contentious, contrary, disapproving, dour, hateful, ill-disposed, inhospitable, inimical, malevolent, malicious, malignant, militant, nasty, opposed, opposite, oppugnant, ornery, pugnacious, rancorous, scrappy, sour, spiteful, surly, unfavorable, unfriendly, unkind, unpropitious, unsociable, unsympathetic, unwelcoming, viperous, virulent, vitriolic, warlike Antonyms: agreeable, friendly, gentle, kind, nice, welcoming - hostile aircraft - هواپیماهای دشمن - a hostile glance - نگاه کینهآمیز - hostile to reform - مخالف اصلاحات - The Moon's atmosphere is hostile to life. - محیط ماه برای زندگی ناسازگار است. - a hostile takeover of the company - قبضه کردن خصمآمیز شرکت
حاضر، همهجا حاضر، موجود در همهجا
(adjective) ever-present Synonyms: all-over, everywhere, omnipresent, pervasive, ubiquitary, universal, wall-to-wall Antonyms: rare, scarce
- a ubiquitous insect, like the fly
- حشرهای که در همهجا هست، مثل مگس
اعتباردادن، سندیت یا رسمیت دادن، تصدیق کردن
(verb) establish as real, genuine Synonyms: accredit, attest, authorize, bear out, certify, confirm, corroborate, endorse, guarantee, justify, prove, substantiate, validate, verify, vouch, warrant - signature authentication - تصدیق امضا - to authenticate of a document - تاریخ یک سند را (رسماً) تأیید کردن - You need to get someone to authenticate this photograph. - باید کسی را پیدا کنی که اصالت این عکس را گواهی کند.
(به طعنه) (به زیر دست) لطف کردن، محبت کردن، عنایت کردن، مرحمت کردن، تفضل کردن، بنده نوازی کردن، سر فرود آوردن، تمکین کردن، خود را همتراز مادون خود کردن (از روی لطف)، فروتنی کردن
افاده کردن، (برتری خود را) به رخ کشیدن، (بهطور مصنوعی و زننده) رعایت ادب کردن
(verb) stoop, humble oneself Synonyms: accommodate, accord, acquiesce, agree, be courteous, bend, come down off high horse, comply, concede, degrade oneself, deign, demean oneself, descend, favor, grant, high hat, lower oneself, oblige, see fit, submit, talk down to, toss a few crumbs, unbend, vouchsafe, yield Antonyms: rise above - Once a year, she condescended to visit his slum-dwelling parents. - او سالی یک بار با فیس و افاده سراغ والدین کوخنشینش میرفت. - He looked at me condescendingly. - او نگاه عاقل اندر سفیه به من کرد. - condescend to somebody - منت سر کسی گذاشتن، کسی را ممنون خود کردن، کسی را رهین منت خود کردن، به کسی افتخار دادن
تمایل قبلی، رجحان، برگزیدگی، جانبداری
(noun) inclination, preference toward something Synonyms: bent, bias, cup of tea, dish, druthers, fancy, flash, fondness, groove, inclining, leaning, liking, love, mindset, partiality, penchant, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, propensity, taste, tendency, thing, type, weakness Antonyms: antipathy, disinterest, dislike, hate
مصغر، خرد، کوچک، حقیر
(adjective) tiny, petite Synonyms: bantam, bitsy, bitty, button, Lilliputian, little, midget, mini, miniature, minute, peewee, pint-sized, pocket, pocket-sized, small, teensy, teensy-weensy, teeny, teeny-weeny, undersize, wee, weeny Antonyms: big, huge, large, tall - Her diminutive figure made everybody laugh. - اندام ریزهپیزهی او همه را به خنده در میآورد. - a diminutive suffix - پسوند تصغیری
برجسته، نامی، درخشان، ممتاز، مجلل
(adjective) famous, prominent Synonyms: big league, brilliant, celeb, celebrated, distinguished, eminent, esteemed, exalted, famed, glorious, great, heavy, lofty, monster, name, noble, notable, noted, outstanding, remarkable, renowned, resplendent, signal, splendid, star, sublime, superstar, well-known Antonyms: infamous, lowly, unimportant, unknown, unremarkable
- two of the most illustrious figures in English literature
- دو تن از برجستهترین چهرههای ادبیات انگلیس
غیرمعقول، گزاف، خلاف وجدان، بیوجدان
(adjective) immoral, immoderate Synonyms: amoral, barbarous, conscienceless, criminal, dishonest, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, inordinate, knavish, outrageous, preposterous, sneaky, too much, uncivilized, undue, unethical, unfair, ungodly, unholy, unjust, unprincipled, unreasonable, unscrupulous, wanton, wicked Antonyms: decent, good, moral, principled
- unconscionable demands
- درخواستهای نامعقول
جزئی، ناچیز، ناقابل، کممایه، مبتذل
بدیهی، ناچیز، مبتذل
(adjective) not important Synonyms: atomic, beside the point, commonplace, diminutive, evanescent, everyday, flimsy, frivolous, immaterial, inappreciable, incidental, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, irrelevant, little, meager, mean, meaningless, microscopic, minor, minute, momentary, negligible, nonessential, nugatory, of no account, paltry, petty, piddling, puny, scanty, skin-deep, slight, small, superficial, trifling, trite, unimportant, valueless, vanishing, worthless Antonyms: consequential, important, significant, useful, valuable, weighty, worthwhile
جوجهای که هنوز پر درنیاورده، شخص بیتجربه و ناشی
(adjective) immature Synonyms: crude, green, guileless, inexperienced, infant, jejune, jellybean, juvenile, kid, low tech, naive, not dry behind ears, puerile, raw, sophomore, tenderfoot, unbaked, unfledged, unripe, unsophisticated, untrained, untried, young Antonyms: experienced, initiated, mature, sophisticated
- When he became king, he was no more than a callow youth.
- هنگامی که به سلطنت رسید جوانی بیتجربه بیش نبود.
عاری از جزئیات
سردستی، از روی عجله، ناقص، سطحی
(adjective) rough, incomplete Synonyms: coarse, crude, cursory, defective, depthless, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, insufficient, introductory, outline, perfunctory, preliminary, scrappy, shallow, skimpy, slight, superficial, uncritical, unfinished, vague Antonyms: complete, detailed, finished, full
- His knowledge of geography is sketchy.
- دانش او در جغرافی سطحی است.
گیج کردن، غرق افکار شاعرانه کردن، به فکر انداختن
(verb) confuse Synonyms: addle, amaze, bewilder, daydream, daze, gather wool, moon, muddle, overwhelm, paralyze, perplex, pipe dream, puzzle, stun, stupefy Antonyms: clear up, enlighten, explain, illuminate, tell
- He was bemused by the city’s traffic system.
- او اصلاً از وضع ترافیک شهر سر در نمیآورد.
بیگانه، عجیبوغریب، مرموز، خوشرنگ
(adjective) not native or usual; mysterious Synonyms: alien, alluring, avant garde, bizarre, colorful, curious, different, enticing, external, extraneous, extraordinary, extrinsic, far out, fascinating, foreign, glamorous, imported, introduced, kinky, outlandish, outside, peculiar, peregrine, romantic, strange, striking, unfamiliar, unusual, way out, weird Antonyms: familiar, normal, ordinary, usual - local customs as opposed to exotic customs - رسوم محلی در برابر رسوم بیگانه - several countries' ambassadors with exotic clothes and looks - سفیران چندین کشور با جامهها و قیافههای عجیبوغریب - the Near East and its exotic music - مشرقزمین و موسیقی شگفتانگیز آن - exotic fishes - ماهیهای غیربومی - exotic plants - گیاهان غیربومی
( intuitionalism ) عقیده به اینکه برخی حقایق را میتوان مستقیماً و بدون استدلال دریافت، شهودگرایی
اتفاقی ،ضمنی ،عارضی
(adjective) intermittent; composed of several tales Synonyms: anecdotal, digressive, disconnected, discursive, disjointed, incidental, irregular, occasional, picaresque, rambling, roundabout, segmented, soap opera, sporadic, wandering Antonyms: connected, lasting, permanent, regular, unbroken - This novel is episodic and the various incidents do not hang together well. - این رمان دارای قسمتهای مختلف است و حوادث گوناگون خوب با هم جور نیستند. - an episodic life - یک زندگی پررخداد
(especially of a person in public office) advocating peace, compromise, or a conciliatory national attitude:Mr. Weizman made his name as one of Israel’s most celebrated fighting men, yet he worked to transform himself into a dovish politician.
Economics. advocating low interest rates or other monetary policies aimed at reducing unemployment rather than inflation:With the jobless rate in double digits, the same dovish remarks can be expected from other Federal Reserve officials.
like or resembling a dove or any of the bird’s typical features or behaviors:The sofa fabric is a soft dovish gray.
قلمرو سلطان، متصرفات، مملکت، ناحیه
(noun) area of responsibility or rule Synonyms: branch, compass, country, department, dimension, domain, dominion, empire, expanse, extent, field, ground, kingdom, land, monarchy, neck of the woods, neighborhood, orbit, place, principality, province, purview, radius, range, reach, region, scope, sphere, state, stomping grounds, sweep, territory, turf, world, zone - the defence of the realm - دفاع از سرزمین سلطان - He extended his power throughout the whole realm. - او قدرت خود را در سرتاسر آن حوزه تعمیم داد. - the realm of Sa'di - (مجازی) قلمرو سعدی - within the realm of possibility - در محدودهی امکانات - the realm of science - قلمرو علم
رسول، خبرآورنده، پیشگو
مشخص، ممتاز، منشنما
(adjective) different, unique Synonyms: characteristic, cool, diacritic, diagnostic, discrete, distinguishing, excellent, extraordinary, far cry, gnarly, idiosyncratic, individual, like night and day, offbeat, original, outstanding, peculiar, perfect, poles apart, proper, separate, single, singular, special, superior, typical, uncommon, unreal, weird, wicked Antonyms: common, normal, resembling, same, similar, standard - a distinctive characteristic - خصوصیت مشخصکننده، ویژگی نمایانگر - actions distinctive of cruel men - اعمال نشانگر انسانهای ظالم - that writer's distinctive style - سبک ویژهی آن نویسنده - a talent for choosing distinctive clothes - استعداد انتخاب لباسهای تشخصآور
همراه، ملازم، پیوسته
(adjective) contributing, accompanying Synonyms: accessory, adjuvant, agreeing, ancillary, associated with, associative, attendant, attending, belonging, coefficient, coetaneous, coeval, coexistent, coincident, coincidental, collateral, complementary, concordant, concurrent, conjoined, conjoined with, connected, contemporaneous, contemporary, coordinate, corollary, coterminous, coupled with, fellow, incident, in tempo, in time, isochronal, isochronous, joint, satellite, synchronal, synchronous, synergetic, synergistic Antonyms: accidental, chance, unrelated - bureaucracy and its concomitant dangers of corruption and delay - دیوانسالاری و خطرات همآیند آن که عبارتاند از: فساد و تأخیر - Dissatisfaction is a common concomitant of adolescence. - ناخشنودی معمولاً با بلوغ همراه است.
مرتاض، ممسک در خورد و نوش و لذات، مخالف استعمال مشروبات الکلی.پرهیزکار، پارسامنش
(adjective) restraining behavior or appetite Synonyms: abstinent, ascetic, austere, continent, frugal, moderate, moderating, restrained, self-denying, self-restrained, sober, sparing, temperate Antonyms: gluttonous, greedy, hungry
تطبیقپذیر، همهکاره
دارای استعداد و ذوق، روان، سلیس، گردان، متحرک،متنوع و مختلط، چندسو گرد
(adjective) adjustable, flexible Synonyms: able, accomplished, adaptable, adroit, all-around, all-purpose, ambidextrous, conversant, dexterous, elastic, facile, functional, gifted, handy, ingenuous, many-sided, mobile, multifaceted, plastic, pliable, protean, puttylike, ready, resourceful, skilled, skillful, talented, variable, varied Antonyms: inflexible, limited, unadjustable - a versatile worker - کارگر چندکاره - a versatile artist - نقاش چندهنره - a versatile combat weapon - سلاح جنگی چندکاربردی - a man of versatile interests - مردی دارای علایق متعدد - versatile building materials - مصالح ساختمانی چندکاربردی - a versatile antenna - یک آنتن چندسویه - a versatile verb - فعل چندشقی - a versatile topacoat - یک پالتو چندکاربردی
دودل بودن، دل دل کردن، تردید داشتن، مردد بودن، نوسان کردن، جنبیدن، تلوتلو خوردن
(verb) go back and forth Synonyms: alternate, be indecisive, be irresolute, change, change mind, dither, fence-straddle, fluctuate, hedge, hem and haw, hesitate, hover, oscillate, pause, pussyfoot around, reel, rock, run hot and cold, seesaw, shilly-shally, stagger, straddle, sway, swing, waffle, waver, whiffle, yo-yo Antonyms: remain, stay
- She vacillated so long that the opportunity was lost.
- آنقدر این دست آن دست کرد که فرصت از دست رفت.
بیراهه، کج، غیرمستقیم، منحرف، گمراه
(adjective) dishonest, crafty Synonyms: artful, calculating, crooked, deceitful, double-dealing, duplicitous, errant, erring, evasive, faking one out, fishy, foxy, fraudulent, guileful, indirect, insidious, insincere, not straightforward, oblique, obliquitous, playing games, playing politics, put on, roundabout, scheming, shady, shifty, shrewd, sly, sneaking, sneaky, surreptitious, treacherous, tricky, underhanded, wily Antonyms: artless, frank, honest, open, straightforward, trustworthy, truthful (adjective) crooked; indirect Synonyms: ambiguous, bending, circuitous, confounding, confusing, curving, detouring, deviating, digressing, digressory, diverting, errant, erratic, excursive, flexuous, misleading, obscure, out-of-the-way, rambling, remote, removed, roundabout, serpentine, straying, tortuous, twisting, wandering Antonyms: direct, straight - He got rich by devious means. - او با نادرستی ثروتمند شد. - Deviousness cannot be concealed for too long. - حقهبازی را نمیشود برای مدت طولانی پنهان نگه داشت. - devious winds - بادهای منحرف (هر یک از طرفی میوزد) - a devious path along the river - راه پریپچ و خمی در راستای رودخانه - a devious coast - ساحل ناراست (پرپیچ و خم) - his devious arguments in opposition to peace - استدلالهای دغلبازانهی او در مخالفت با صلح
بس بودن، کفایت کردن، کافی بودن، بسنده بودن
(verb) be adequate, enough Synonyms: answer, avail, be good enough, be sufficient, be the ticket, content, do, do the trick, fill the bill, get by, go over big, hack it, hit the spot, make a hit, make the grade, meet, meet requirement, satisfy, serve, suit Antonyms: dissatisfy
- A hint will suffice.
- یک اشاره کافی خواهد بود.
زیرک، ناقلا، دانا، هوشیار، محیل، دقیق، موشکاف
(adjective) perceptive Synonyms: adroit, brainy, bright, calculating, canny, clever, crafty, discerning, foxy, insightful, intelligent, keen, knowing, not born yesterday, on the ball, perspicacious, quick on the uptake, sagacious, savvy, sharp, sharp as a tack, shrewd, sly Antonyms: asinine, idiotic, ignorant, imbecile, obtuse, shallow, stupid, thick, unintelligent - an astute politician - سیاستمدار زیرک - John astutely foresaw that the price of gold would go up. - جان با زیرکی پیشبینی کرد که قیمت طلا بالا خواهد رفت.
تخطی، غضب، هتک حرمت، از جا در رفتن، سخت عصبانی شدن، بیحرمت ساختن، بیعدالتی کردن
(noun) atrocity, evil Synonyms: abuse, affront, barbarism, damage, desecration, enormity, evildoing, harm, hurt, indignity, inhumanity, injury, insult, mischief, misdoing, offense, profanation, rape, rapine, ravishing, ruin, shock, violation, violence, wrongdoing Antonyms: delight, happiness (noun) anger Synonyms: blowup, flare-up, fury, huff, hurt, indignation, resentment, ruckus, shock, stew, storm, wrath Antonyms: cheer, glee, happiness, joy (verb) wrong, offend, abuse Synonyms: affront, aggrieve, boil over, burn up, defile, deflower, desecrate, do violence to, fire up, force, ill- treat, incense, infuriate, injure, insult, jar, kick up a row, madden, make hit the ceiling, maltreat, mistreat, misuse, oppress, persecute, raise Cain, rape, ravage, ravish, reach boiling point, scandalize, shock, spoil, violate, whip up Antonyms: delight, make happy, please - They had planned outrages and assassination. - آنها نقشهی کارهای زشت و آدمکشی طرح کرده بودند. - an outrage against not only newspapers but also the society itself - توهین بزرگی نه تنها به روزنامهها؛ بلکه به اجتماع - She was overcome by a sense of outrage. - احساس خشم شدید بر او مستولی شد. - An act that outraged human nature. - عملی که نهاد بشری را خوار و خفیف کرد. - He tied the helpless woman and outraged her. - زن بیچاره را بست و به او تجاوز کرد. - The sight of injustice outraged her. - دیدن ظلم او را سخت برآشفت.
توافق عام، رضایت وموافقت عمومی، وفاق، اجماع
(noun) general agreement Synonyms: accord, concord, concurrence, consent, harmony, unanimity, unison, unity Antonyms: disagreement
- consensus politics - پیروی از سیاستی که مورد حمایت اکثریت قریب به اتفاق مردم باش - There is broad consensus on this issue. - توافق گستردهای در این مورد وجود دارد. - The consensus was to abandon the project. - عقیدهی همگان این بود که اجرای طرح متوقف شود.
استعاره، مجاز
(هنر) سمبل، تصویر، ایماژ
(noun) figure of speech, implied comparison Synonyms: allegory, analogy, emblem, hope, image, metonymy, personification, similitude, symbol, trope Antonyms: plain speech - mix one's metaphors - مجازآمیزی کردن، استعارهها را به هم آمیختن، ترکیب دو یا چند استعاره - a mix metaphor - ترکیب استعاره/ استعارهی ترکیبی
پیش افتادن از، عقب گذاشتن، پیشی جستن از
کجخلق، زودرنج، گلهمند، ستیزجو، شکوهگر
(adjective) grouchy, hard to please Synonyms: bearish, bemoaning, cantankerous, captious, carping, censorious, complaining, critical, cross, crying, deploring, discontented, dissatisfied, edgy, fault-finding, fretful, grousing, grumbling, grumbly, huffy irascible, irritable, lamenting, out of sorts peevish, petulant, plaintive, scrappy, snappy, sour, testy, thin-skinned touchy, uptight, wailing, waspish, waspy, whimpering, whining, whiny Antonyms: cheerful, easy-going, happy
برجسته، نمایان، رو به بیرون، (بهزبان شوخی) جستوخیزکننده
(adjective) noticeable, important Synonyms: arresting, arrestive, conspicuous, famous, impressive, intrusive, jutting, marked, moving, notable, obtrusive, obvious, outstanding, pertinent, projecting, prominent, pronounced, protruding, remarkable, signal, significant, striking, weighty Antonyms: inconspicuous, unimportant, unnoticeable - a salient animal - جانور جهنده - a salient fish - ماهی جهنده - a salient spring - چشمهی جوشنده - Her nose was salient and pointed. - بینی او برآمده و نوکدار بود. - some of the salient features of her speech - برخی از نکات برجستهی نطق او - There are salients all along the front. - در تمام طول جبهه خطوط نفوذی قرار دارد. - salient point - نقطهی تیز - salient angle - زاویهی محدب
اوج، قله، حد اعلی
(noun) conclusion; climactic stage Synonyms: acme, all the way, apex, apogee, blow off, capper, climax, completion, consummation, critical mass, crown, crowning touch, finale, finish, height, limit, maximum, meridian, ne plus ultra, noon, payoff, peak, perfection, pinnacle, punch line, summit, top, zenith Antonyms: beginning, commencement, opening, start - the culmination of his achievements in the world of sports - اوج کامیابیهای او در عالم ورزش - the culmination of years of effort - سرانجام سالها کوشش
همراهی، همدمی، وفاداری، رفاقت
(noun) friendship Synonyms: cheer, companionability, companionship, comradeship, conviviality, esprit de corps, fellowship, gregariousness, intimacy, jollity, sociability, togetherness Antonyms: bad blood, dislike, hate
قلبی، صمیمی، مقوی
(adjective) friendly, sociable Synonyms: affable, affectionate, agreeable, amicable, buddy-buddy, cheerful, clubby, companionable, congenial, convivial, cozy, earnest, genial, glowing, gracious, happy, heartfelt, heart-to-heart, hearty, invigorating, jovial, mellow, neighborly, palsy-walsy, polite, red-carpet, responsive, sincere, social, sympathetic, tender, warm, warmhearted, welcoming, wholehearted Antonyms: aloof, cool, disagreeable, hostile, indifferent, inhospitable, uncordial, unfriendly, unpleasant, unsociable - He greeted us with a cordial tone. - با لحنی دوستانه به ما خوشامد گفت. - Akbar shook my hand cordially. - اکبر صمیمانه دست مرا فشرد. - to have a cordial dislike for something - از ته دل از چیزی بیزار بودن
باج، خراج، احترام، ستایش، تکریم
(noun) testimonial, praise Synonyms: accolade, acknowledgment, applause, appreciation, citation, commendation, compliment, encomium, esteem, eulogy, gift, gratitude, honor, laudation, memorial, offering, panegyric, recognition, recommendation, respect, salutation, salvo Antonyms: accusation, blame, criticism
- pay tribute to - ادای احترام کردن نسبت به، بزرگداشت کردن، قدردانی کردن - Two thousand soldiers marched in tribute to their fallen comrades. - دو هزار سرباز برای بزرگداشت همرزمان مقتول خود رژه رفتند. - Speakers paid tribute to the retired teacher and his devoted service. - سخنرانان نسبت به معلم بازنشسته و خدمات بیشایبهی او اظهار قدردانی کردند.
مراعاتکننده، مراقب، هوشیار
(adjective) alert, watchful Synonyms: advertent, alive, attentive, bright, clear-sighted, comprehending, considering, contemplating, correct, deducing, detecting, discerning, discovering, discriminating, eager, eagle-eyed, heedful, intelligent, intentive, interested, keen, mindful, not missing a trick, obedient, observative, on one’s toes, on the ball, penetrating, perceptive, questioning, quick, regardful, searching, sensitive, sharp, sharp-eyed, surveying, understanding, vigilant, wide-awake Antonyms: careless, inattentive, indifferent, thoughtless, unaware, unmindful, unobservant, unwatchful - observant of the rules of etiquette - پایبند آداب معاشرت - He is so observant that he does not miss the tiniest details. - او آنقدر دقیق است که کوچکترین جزئیات را هم نادیده نمیگیرد. - An observant passerby noticed the fire and awakened the inhabitants of the house. - عابری هوشیار متوجه آتشسوزی شد و اهل خانه را بیدار کرد.
اشتراک و تساوی اختیارات (بین همکاران)
(کلیسای کاتولیک) این اصل: اختیارات و صلاحیتها بین پاپ و اسقفها مشترک است
اندیشناک، متفکر، افسرده، پکر، گرفتار غم، محزون
(adjective) meditative, solemn Synonyms: absorbed, abstracted, attentive, cogitative, contemplative, dreamy, grave, musing, pondering, preoccupied, reflecting, reflective, ruminating, ruminative, serious, sober, speculative, thinking, thoughtful, wistful, withdrawn Antonyms: ignorant, shallow - She was in a pensive mood. - او حالت افسردهای داشت. - She became pensive. - سر به جیب تفکر فرو برد. - the pensive look in his eyes - نگاه فکورانهی چشمان او
توبه و طلب بخشایش، پشیمانی، ریاضت، وادار به توبه کردن
(noun) reparation for wrong Synonyms: absolution, atonement, attrition, compensation, compunction, confession, contrition, expiation, forgiveness, hair shirt, mortification, penalty, penitence, punishment, purgation, remorse, remorsefulness, repentance, retribution, rue, ruth, sackcloth and ashes, self-flagellation, shrift, sorrow, suffering
- to do penance
- توبه کردن
آزردن، متغییر کردن، مغشوش کردن، هم زدن
(verb) anger, upset Synonyms: acerbate, aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, disturb, exasperate, gall, get one’s goat, get under skin, grate, inflame, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, pique, provoke, put out, roil, rub one the wrong way, try one’s patience, vex Antonyms: make happy, please
( lambast ) تازیانه، شلاق، تازیانه زدن، زخم زبان زدن
(verb) punish, beat Synonyms: assail, attack, berate, blister, bludgeon, castigate, censure, criticize, cudgel, denounce, excoriate, flay, flog, hammer, hit, lash into, pan, pelt, pound, pummel, rake over the coals, read the riot act, rebuke, reprimand, rip into, roast, scathe, scold, scorch, scourge, shellac, slam, slap, slash, smear, smother, strike, thrash, trim, upbraid, wallop, whip Antonyms: praise, uphold - The people really lambasted the pickpocket. - مردم کتک جانانهای به جیببر زدند. - Newspapers lambasted him but he continued with his work. - روزنامهها سخت بر او تاختند؛ ولی او کار خود را پیگیری کرد.
به بهای کمتری (از دیگران) فروختن، به برش زیرین، از زیر بریدن
- The Chinese undercut their competitors and still make a profit.
- چینیها اجناس خود را ارزانتر از رقبای خود عرضه میکنند و با این حال سود میبردند.
چنگک زمین صافکن و ریشه جمعکن، کلوخشکن، با چنگک زمین را صاف کردن، آزردن، زخم کردن، جریحهدار کردن، غارت کردن، آشفته کردن
- harrow hell - (قدیمی - در مورد عیسی) وارد شدن به دوزخ و نجات دادن پیامبران و نیکان پیش از مسیحیت - They first plough the land and then harrow it. - اول زمین را شخم میزنند؛ سپس کلوخشکنی و صاف میکنند. - a harrowing experience - تجربهای دلخراش
الگو، آیه کتاب مقدس که مثالی را متضمن است، نمونه
(noun) example Synonyms: archetype, beau ideal, chart, criterion, ensample, exemplar, ideal, mirror, model, original, pattern, prototype, sample, standard
اختلاف عقیده داشتن، جداشدن، نفاق داشتن
(noun) disagreement, disapproval Synonyms: bone, bone of contention, bone to pick, clinker, conflict, contention, denial, difference, disaccord, discord, dissension, dissidence, disunity, far cry, flak, hassle, heresy, heterodoxy, misbelief, nonagreement, nonconcurrence, nonconformism, nonconformity, nope, objection, opposition, poles apart, protest, refusal, resistance, schism, sour note, spat, split, strife, unorthodoxy, variance Antonyms: agreement, approval, authorization, concurrence, endorsement, ratification, sanction (verb) disagree Synonyms: argue, balk, break with, buck, contradict, decline, demur, differ, disaccord, discord, divide, fly in the face of, object, oppose, pettifog, protest, put up a fight, put up an argument, refuse, say not a chance, say nothing doing, say no way, shy, stickle, vary, wrangle Antonyms: agree, approve, assent, authorize, concur, consent, endorse, ratify, sanction - He dissented from the idea that universities should get involved in politics. - او با این عقیده که دانشگاهها باید در سیاست دخالت کنند، مخالف بود. - He was tried for dissenting from the Church of England. - بهدلیل رویگردانی از کلیسای انگلیس محاکمه شد. - They did not tolerate religious dissent. - آنان مخالفت با مذهب را تحمل نمیکردند. - voices of dissent - سر و صدای حاکی از ناهماندیشی - political dissent - تضاد فکری سیاسی - dissenting opinions - عقاید متناقض
ابتکار کردن، وارد کردن، تازه وارد کردن، آغاز کردن، بنیاد نهادن، نخستین قدم را برداشتن
(verb) start, introduce Synonyms: admit, begin, break the ice, come out with, come up with, commence, dream up, enter, get ball rolling, get feet wet, get under way, inaugurate, induct, install, instate, institute, intro, invest, kick off, launch, make up, open, originate, pioneer, set in motion, set up, take in, take up, trigger, usher in Antonyms: close, conclude, end, finish, terminate (verb) teach Synonyms: brief, coach, edify, enlighten, familiarize, indoctrinate, induct, inform, instate, instruct, introduce, invest, train Antonyms: ignore, neglect - to initiate a new course of studies - برنامهی تحصیلی نوینی را آغاز کردن - the economic reforms which were initiated by the government - اصلاحات اقتصادی که توسط دولت آغاز شده بود - His master initiated him into the mysteries of Sufism. - مرشد او، وی را به رموز صوفیگری وارد کرد. - to initiate someone into the game of chess - (فوت و فن) بازی شطرنج را به کسی آموختن - Five other students were initiated into the fraternity. - پنج دانشجوی دیگر به عضویت انجمن اخوت پذیرفته شدند. - The master entered with three of his initiates. - مرشد با سه تا از نوچههایش وارد شد.
متقابل، دو جانبه
دوسره، از دو سره، دو طرفه
(adjective) shared, common Synonyms: associated, bilateral, collective, communal, conjoint, conjunct, connected, convertible, correlative, dependent, give-and-take, given and taken, interactive, interchangeable, interchanged, interdependent, intermutual, joint, partaken, participated, public, reciprocal, reciprocated, related, requited, respective, returned, two-sided, united Antonyms: detached, dissociated, distinct, separate, unshared - mutual respect - احترام متقابل - oh, how sweet it would be if love were mutual... - چه خوش بی مهربانی هر دو سر بی ... - mutual enemies - دو دشمن متقابل - our mutual friend - دوست مشترک ما - mutual effort - کوشش دوجانبه - mutual property - ملک مشاع
قوی هیکل، تنومند، ستبر، هیکلدار
خشن، زمخت، زننده
(کار و غیره) سخت، مستلزم قوت جسمی، شاق، دشوار
خوش طعم و قوی
(adjective) healthy, strong Synonyms: able-bodied, athletic, boisterous, booming, brawny, built, concentrated, fit, fit as fiddle, flourishing, full-bodied, hale, hardy, hearty, hefty, husky, in fine fettle, in good health, in good shape, in the pink, live, lusty, muscular, peppy, potent, powerful, powerhouse, prospering, prosperous, roaring, rough, rugged, sinewy, snappy, sound, stout, strapping, sturdy, thriving, tiger, tough, vigorous, well, wicked, zappy, zippy Antonyms: flabby, infirm, soft, unhealthy, weak - robust faith - ایمان قوی - a robust man - یک مرد تنومند - a robust joke - یک شوخی زننده - a robust story - داستانی زننده - robust work - کار سخت - robust game - بازی دشوار - robust wine - شراب خوشطعم و قوی - a robust cheese - پنیری خوشطعم
حاکی بودن از، دلالت کردن بر، دال بر امری
- This gift betokens our deep gratitude. - این هدیه گویای تشکر ژرف ما است. - The rain betokens a good crop. - باران محصول خوبی را نوید میدهد.
پنهان کردن، نهان کردن، نهفتن
(verb) hide, disguise Synonyms: beard, burrow, bury, cache, camouflage, cloak, couch, cover, cover up, dissemble, ditch, duck, ensconce, enshroud, harbor, hole up, keep dark, keep secret, lie low, lurk, mask, masquerade, obscure, plant, put in a hole, screen, secrete, shelter, skulk, slink, sneak, stash, stay out of sight, stow, tuck away, veil, wrap Antonyms: disclose, divulge, expose, lay bare, let out, open, reveal, show, tell, uncover - He tried to conceal his real identity. - او کوشید هویت واقعی خود را پنهان کند. - He was carrying a concealed weapon. - او سلاح نهفتهای را با خود حمل میکرد. - He concealed his hostility in order to be able to strike better. - او دشمنی خود را مخفی میکرد تا بتواند بهتر ضربه بزند.
از حیث شماره بیشتر بودن، افزون بودن بر، با تعداد زیادتر تفوق یافتن بر
- We outnumbered them by ten percent.
- تعداد ما ده درصد از آنها بیشتر بود.
سیار، دورهگرد
- an itinerant preacher - واعظ سیار - itinerant laborers - عملههای دورهگرد
(تبدیل به دیو یا روح خبیث کردن) دیو کردن
(زیر نفوذ ارواح خبیث درآوردن) دیوزده کردن، دیو سار کردن، جنزده کردن
هوشیار، میانهرو در آشامیدن مشروب الکلی
هوشیار بودن، بهوش آوردن، از مستی درآوردن
میانه رو، غیر افراطی، معتدل، اعتدال آمیز، ملایم
متین، جدی، باوقار، موقر، وزین
(رنگ و لباس و غیره) محافظه کارانه، سنگین
صریح، بی کم و کاست، بی مبالغه، بدون اغراق
عاقل، خردمند، هوشمند، هوشیار
(adjective) not partaking of alcohol Synonyms: abstaining, abstemious, abstinent, ascetic, calm, clear-headed, cold sober, continent, controlled, dry, moderate, nonindulgent, not drunk, on the wagon, restrained, sedate, self-possessed, serious, steady, temperate, took the pledge Antonyms: drunk, inebriated (adjective) calm, peaceful; dull Synonyms: abnegating, abstaining, clear-headed, cold, collected, composed, constrained, cool, dark, disciplined, dispassionate, down-to-earth, drab, earnest, eschewing, forgoing, grave, hard-boiled, imperturbable, inhibited, levelheaded, low-key, lucid, no-nonsense, pacific, plain, practical, quiet, rational, realistic, reasonable, reserved, restrained, sedate, serene, serious, severe, soft, solemn, somber, sound, staid, steady, subdued, toned down, unexcited, unimpassioned, unruffled Antonyms: excited, immoderate, irrational - amongst drinkers he is the only one who stays sober. - میان مشروبخوارها او یگانه کسی است که مست نمیشود. - Are you sober enough to drive? - به اندازهی کافی هوشیار هستی که رانندگی کنی؟
- defeat and the loss of his fortune sobered him down.
- شکست و از دست دادن ثروت او را سر عقل آورده است.
- his style is at once vivid and sober.
- سبک او سرزنده و درعین حال عاری از افراط است.
- their sober wishes never became unreasonable.
- خواستههای اعتدالآمیز آنان هرگز غیرمعقول نمیشد.
- a group of sober merchants
- گروهی بازرگان با وقار
- mourners were all clothed in sober garments.
- همهی عزاداران جامههای سنگین پوشیده بودند.
- the sober truth
- واقعیت بدون اغراق
- if you are wise and sober, my heart …
- دلا گر خردمندی و هوشیار …
( agitator =) آتشزا، آتشافروز
(adjective) causing trouble, damage Synonyms: dangerous, demagogic, dissentious, inflammatory, malevolent, provocative, rabble-rousing, seditious, subversive, treacherous, wicked Antonyms: peacemaking (noun) person who causes fire, trouble Synonyms: agitator, arsonist, criminal, demagogue, demonstrator, firebrand, insurgent, pyromaniac, rabble-rouser, rebel, revolutionary, rioter - an incendiary crime - جرم آتشافروزی - incendiary fires - حریقهای عمدی - incendiary bomb - بمب آتشزا - an incendiary grenade - نارنجک آتشزا - his incendiary speeches - سخنرانیهای فتنهانگیز او
سالم و مغذی، سلامتبخش، سودمند، درودی
(adjective) healthy Synonyms: aiding, beneficial, fit, good, healing, healthful, nourishing, nutritious, restorative, salubrious, sound, tonic, well, wholesome
کاملاً پر، لبریز، چاق، تکمیل، انباشته
(adjective) full, well-stocked Synonyms: abounding, abundant, alive, awash, brimful, brimming, charged, chock-full, complete, crammed, crowded, filled, full up, glutted, gorged, jammed, jam-packed, lavish, loaded, luxurious, overfed, overflowing, packed, plenteous, rife, sated, satiated, stuffed, swarming, teeming, thronged, well-provided Antonyms: empty, needy, wanting
پرافاده، مغرور، متکبر
(adjective) stuck-up, conceited Synonyms: aloof, arrogant, condescending, egotistic, haughty, high-and-mighty, high-flown, high-hat, ostentatious, overbearing, patronizing, persnickety, pompous, pretentious, putting on airs, remote, sniffy, snippy, snooty, snotty, supercilious, superior, swanky, tony, uppish, uppity Antonyms: accepting, benevolent, friendly, generous, sociable, welcoming
فتنهجویانه، فتنهگر
(adjective) rebellious Synonyms: anarchistic, bellicose, defiant, disloyal, disobedient, disorderly, dissident, factious, iconoclastic, insurgent, insurrectionary, mutinous, radical, rebel, resistant, revolutionary, riotous, subversive, treasonable, warring
- his seditious pamphlets
- رسالههای آشوبانگیز او
از کشور خود راندن، تبعید کردن، ترک کردن میهن، تبعیدی
(noun) person thrown out of a country Synonyms: departer, deportee, displaced person, emigrant, émigré, evacuee, exile, expellee, migrant, outcast, refugee (verb) throw out of a country Synonyms: banish, deport, displace, exile, expel, expulse, ostracize, oust, proscribe, relegate, transport Antonyms: allow, welcome - Most of the tribe members either died or expatriated. - بیشتر افراد قبیله یا مردند یا جلای وطن کردند. - This restaurant is the haunt of expatriate Iranians. - این رستوران پاتوق ایرانیان دور از وطن است.
خلاصه، مجمل، اجمال، مختصر
(noun) digest, summary Synonyms: abridgment, abstract, aperçu, breviary, brief, capsule, compendium, condensation, conspectus, epitome, outline, précis, recap, résumé, review, rundown, run-through, sketch
مثبت، خوشبین، امیدوار
(منطق) تصدیق، مثبت
واژهای که توافق را میرساند (مثل: آری)، واژهی مثبت، اظهار مثبت
(adjective) being agreeable or assenting Synonyms: acknowledging, acquiescent, affirmatory, affirming, approving, complying, concurring, confirmative, confirmatory, confirming, consenting, corroborative, endorsing, favorable, positive, ratifying, supporting Antonyms: dissenting, negative - an affirmative reply - پاسخ مثبت - affirmative people - اشخاص مثبت
(noun) a revision Synonyms: editing, revisal, correction, change (noun) improvement Synonyms: amendment, amelioration, betterment, correction
- a manuscript which is full of emendations
- دستنویسی که پر از حک و اصلاح است
بههم پیوسته، انبوه، اشتراکی، اجتماعی، جمعی
(adjective) composite Synonyms: aggregate, assembled, collated, combined, common, compiled, concentrated, concerted, conjoint, consolidated, cooperative, corporate, cumulative, gathered, grouped, heaped, hoarded, joint, massed, mutual, piled, shared, unified, united Antonyms: divided, separate - a collective decision - تصمیم همگانی (از سوی همه) - They were collectively responsible. - آنها جملگی مسئول بودند. - a collective effort - کوشش جمعی - a collective farm - مزرعهی اشتراکی - He worked in a collective farm. - او در مزرعهی اشتراکی کار میکرد. - The word "crowd" is a collective noun. - واژهی «crowd» اسم جمع است. - collective leadership - رهبری چندگانه (رهبری مشترک)
هممعنی، مترادف، دارای ترادف، دارای تشابه
(adjective) equivalent Synonyms: alike, apposite, coincident, compatible, convertible, correspondent, corresponding, equal, identical, identified, interchangeable, like, one and the same, same, similar, synonymic, tantamount Antonyms: different, dissimilar, opposite, polar, unequal - no two words are exactly synonymous. - هیچ دو واژهای کاملاً هممعنا نیستند. - Oscar Wilde's name is synonymous with wit. - نام اسکار وایلد هممعنی تعقل است.
مقدار کم، مقدار یا قسمت کوچک، اندک، ذره
(noun) bit, small amount Synonyms: atom, crumb, dash, drop, fraction, fragment, grain, inch, iota, jot, little, minim, mite, molecule, ounce, particle, pinch, scrap, shred, smidge, speck, tinge, touch, trifle, whit Antonyms: lot - a claim without even a modicum of truth in it - ادعایی که حتی یک ذره واقعیت نداشت - with a modicum of common sense - با اندکی عقل و شعور
مستحکمسازی، از نو سنگرسازی
(به کمک ذرهبین و غیره) بزرگنما کردن، بزرگ کردن، درشتنما کردن
غلو کردن، مبالغه کردن، گزافه گویی کردن، لاف زدن
(از نظر اندازه یا اهمیت یا مقام) بزرگتر کردن، ارجمند کردن، والا کردن
(قدیمی) ستودن، ستایش کردن
(verb) enlarge, intensify Synonyms: aggrandize, aggravate, amplify, augment, bless, blow up, boost, build up, deepen, dignify, dilate, distend, enhance, ennoble, eulogize, exalt, expand, extend, glorify, heighten, hike, hike up, increase, inflate, intensate, jack up, jump up, mount, multiply, pad, pyramid, redouble, rise, rouse, run up, step up, sweeten, swell Antonyms: decrease, diminish, lessen, miniaturize, weaken (verb) exaggerate, blow out of proportion Synonyms: aggravate, blow up, boost, color, dramatize, embellish, embroider, enhance, fudge, inflate, make mountain of molehill, overcharge, overdo, overdraw, overemphasize, overestimate, overplay, overrate, overstate, overstress, pad, puff up, pyramid Antonyms: diminish, play down, weaken - this microscope magnifies things one hundred times. - این میکروسکوپ چیزها را صد مرتبه بزرگتر میکند. - He tried to magnify the part he acted in the play. - او سعی کرد قسمتی را که در نمایش بازی کرده بود را بزرگنمایی کند. - to magnify one's sufferings. - سختیهای خود را بزرگتر از آنچه هست وانمود کردن. - they teach history mainly to magnify their own country. - تاریخ را بیشتر برای این درس میدهند که کشور خود را بزرگ کنند.
- …and the lord magnified him among the Jews.
- … و خداوند او را در میان جهودان عزت بخشید.
- they magnified the art but belittled the artist.
- آنان هنر را میستودند ولی هنرمند را تحقیر میکردند.
الزامی، الزامآور، فرضی، واجب، (حقوق) لازم، اجباری، خواهوناخواه
(adjective) essential, required Synonyms: binding, coercive, compulsatory, compulsory, de rigueur, enforced, imperative, imperious, mandatory, necessary, requisite, unavoidable Antonyms: nonessential, optional, unrequired, voluntary - a blood test is obligatory. - آزمایش خون الزامی است. - attendance at the meeting is obligatory. - حضور در گردهمایی اجباری است. - Obedience is obligatory for a soldier. - اطاعت برای سرباز الزامی است.
(adjective) adequate, corresponding Synonyms: appropriate, coextensive, comparable, compatible, consistent, due, equal, equivalent, fit, fitting, in accord, proportionate, sufficient, symmetrical Antonyms: inadequate, inappropriate, incommensurate, unacceptable, unfitting
- Salaries must be commensurate with the cost of living.
- حقوق باید با هزینهی زندگی متناسب باشد.
پرنفس (کسی که دیر خسته میشود یا به نفسنفس میافتد)، دراز نفس
(سخن یا نوشتار) طولانی و خسته کننده، مطول، روده دراز، پرحرف
(adjective) wordy Synonyms: bombastic, chatty, gabby, garrulous, loquacious, palaverous, prolix, rambling, talkative, verbose, voluble
- a long-winded horse
- اسب پرنفس
- The most long-winded speaker I’ve ever seen.
- روده درازترین ناطقی که در عمرم دیدهام.
لیز، لغزنده، بیثبات، دشوار، لغزان
(adjective) smooth, slick Synonyms: glacé, glassy, glazed, glistening, greasy, icy, like a skating rink, lubricious, lustrous, perilous, polished, satiny, silky, sleek, slimy, soapy, unctuous, unsafe, unstable, unsteady, waxy, wet Antonyms: dry, unslippery (adjective) uncertain, unreliable Synonyms: cagey, changeable, crafty, cunning, devious, dishonest, duplicitous, elusive, evasive, false, fly-by-night, foxy, inconstant, insecure, mutable, shifty, slick, slithery, smooth, sneaky, treacherous, tricky, two-faced, unpredictable, unsafe, unstable, unsteady, untrustworthy, variable Antonyms: certain, definite, reliable, stable - Snow and ice have made roads slippery. - برف و یخ جادهها را لیز کردهاند. - a slippery fish - ماهی لیز - a slippery situation - وضع دگرگونپذیر
قوی، سنگین
(adjective) big, bulky Synonyms: ample, awkward, beefy, brawny, burly, colossal, cumbersome, extensive, fat, forceful, heavy, hulking, husky, large, large-scale, major, massive, muscular, ponderous, powerful, robust, sizable, strapping, strong, sturdy, substantial, thumping, tremendous, unwieldy, vigorous, weighty Antonyms: slight, small, thin, tiny - a couple of big, hefty books - یک جفت کتاب بزرگ و سنگین - a hefty suitcase - چمدان سنگین - I delivered a hefty blow to his chin. - یک مشت جانانه به چانهی او زدم. - a hefty wrestler - کشتیگیر گردنکلفت - a hefty majority - اکثریت قابلملاحظه
زننده، نفرتانگیز، پسزننده، ناخوانده، نامطبوع، ترسناک، شوم، مهیب، اخمو، بدقیافه، نهیکننده
(adjective) ominous, daunting Synonyms: abhorrent, disagreeable, dour, foreboding, frightening, glowering, grim, hostile, menacing, odious, offensive, off-putting, repellent, repulsive, sinister, threatening, tough, ugly, unapproachable, unfriendly, unpleasant Antonyms: approachable, friendly, undaunting - His forbidding look caused us to turn back. - نگاه بازدارندهی او باعث شد که برگردیم. - a forbiddingly rocky coastline - ساحلی که دارای صخرههای خطرناک بود
extending over a large area; extensive or diversified in scope: wide-ranging lands; a wide-ranging discussion.
سختکوش، کوشا، کوشنده، پشت کاردار، ساعی
(adjective) persevering, hard-working Synonyms: active, assiduous, attentive, busy, careful, conscientious, constant, eager, eager beaver, earnest, grind, indefatigable, industrious, laborious, occupied, operose, painstaking, persistent, persisting, pertinacious, plugging, sedulous, steadfast, studious, tireless, unflagging, unrelenting, untiring Antonyms: inactive, indifferent, languid, lazy, lethargic, negligent - My uncle was a diligent student. - دایی من شاگرد کوشایی بود. - One diligent worker is better than two negligent ones. - یک کارگر سختکوش بهتر از دو کارگر مسامحهکار است. - her diligent efforts - کوششهای پیگیر او
دقیق، نکتهسنج، بسیار مبادی آداب
(adjective) careful, finicky Synonyms: ceremonious, conscientious, conscionable, conventional, exact, formal, formalistic, fussy, good eye, heedful, meticulous, nice, observant, overconscientious, overscrupulous, painstaking, particular, persnickety, precise, proper, punctual, right on, scrupulous, strict Antonyms: careless, easy-going, informal, uncaring
سرگرمکننده، مشغولکننده، جالب، دلکش
(adjective) charming Synonyms: agreeable, alluring, appealing, attractive, bewitching, captivating, enchanting, enticing, entrancing, fascinating, fetching, glamorous, interesting, intriguing, inviting, likable, lovable, magnetic, mesmeric, pleasant, pleasing, prepossessing, siren, sweet, winning, winsome Antonyms: boring, repulsive, tiresome, undesirable, unlikeable
- her engaging personality
- شخصیت دلپذیر او
محوشونده، ناپایدار
(adjective) transient Synonyms: brief, disappearing, fading, fleeting, momentary, passing, short-lived, temporary, tenuous, vanishing - evanescent like a spring storm - زودگذر همچون توفان بهاری - evanescent isotopes - ایزوتوپهای ناپایا - evanescent flowers - گلهای کمدوام - evanescent joys - خوشیهای ناپایدار - the evanescent wings of a butterfly - بالهای ظریف یک پروانه
(مسابقه و غیره که همه میتوانند در آن شرکت کنند) مسابقهی آزاد، هماورد آزاد
همگانی، برای همه
بزنبزن، المشنگه، کتککاری
(noun) fight Synonyms: affray, battle, brawl, broil, brouhaha, fracas, fray, knock-down-drag-out, melee, riot, row, ruction Antonyms: calm, harmony, peace
- After the game, there was a free-for-all among the spectators.
- بعد از مسابقه بین تماشاچیان بزنبزن شد.
ناقص، اولیه، بدوی، ابتدایی
(adjective) basic, fundamental Synonyms: abecedarian, basal, beginning, early, elemental, elementary, embryonic, immature, initial, introductory, larval, nuts-and-bolts, primary, primitive, simple, simplest, uncompleted, undeveloped, vestigial Antonyms: additional, advanced, derivative, developed, extra, nonessential - the rudimentary principles of physics - اصول بنیادی علم فیزیک - a rudimentary knowledge of German - سواد کم در زبان آلمانی
moving or acting with a great show of energy:I watched her preparing lunch in the kitchen—a compact, bustling woman of around forty with her hair in a tight bun.
abounding or teeming with people or activities that create an atmosphere of energy:This midwestern city is a bustling hub for business, education, recreation, and government.
the act or habit of moving or doing something with a great show of energy:They were getting ready to leave again—it always happened in the middle of the night, with much bustling and scurrying about.