GRE 200-300 Flashcards
توهین کردن به، بیاحترامی کردن به، خوار کردن، فحش دادن، بالیدن، توهین
(noun) hateful communication Synonyms: abuse, affront, aspersion, black eye, blasphemy, cheap shot, contempt, contumely, derision, despite, discourtesy, disdainfulness, disgrace, disrespect, ignominy, impertinence, impudence, incivility, indignity, insolence, invective, libel, mockery, obloquy, offense, opprobrium, outrage, put-down, rudeness, scorn, scurrility, shame, slam, slander, slap, slap in the face, slight, snub, superciliousness, taunt, unpleasantry, vilification, vituperation Antonyms: compliment, flattery, praise (verb) abuse, offend Synonyms: abase, affront, aggravate, annoy, blister, curse, cut to the quick, debase, degrade, deride, dishonor, disoblige, dump on, flout, gird, humiliate, injure, irritate, jeer, libel, mock, outrage, pan, provoke, put down, revile, ridicule, roast, scoff, slam, slander, slight, sneer, snub, step on one’s toes, taunt, tease, underestimate, vex Antonyms: compliment, flatter, praise - I cannot bear his insults any longer. - بیش از این تاب تحمل توهینهای او را ندارم. - He considers it an insult to his intelligence. - او آن را نوعی اهانت به عقل و شعور خود تلقی میکند. - to add insult to injury - علاوهبر آسیب رساندن توهین هم کردن، صدمه زدن و اهانت هم کردن - He insulted me by turning his back to me and not answering my greeting. - او با پشت کردن به من و پاسخ ندادن به سلام و تعارفم به من توهین کرد. - repeated acute vascular insults - آزردگیهای شدید و مکرر رگها - any insult to the constitution of a patient suffering from tuberculosis - هرگونه افگار به بنیهی بیمار مبتلا به سل - a thermal insult - حملهی حرارتی (ناشی از حرارت زیاد)
تندی، شدت، رنجش
(noun) nasty behavior, speech Synonyms: acerbity, animosity, antipathy, asperity, astringency, belligerence, bitterness, churlishness, crankiness, harshness, ill will, irascibility, malevolence, malice, mordancy, peevishness, rancor, rudeness, sarcasm, spite, tartness, unkindness, virulence Antonyms: civility, courtesy, diplomacy, flattery, kindness, politeness, sweetness
- His acrimony was uncalled for.
- خشونت او بیدلیل بود.
تصور غلط
(noun) wrong idea, impression Synonyms: delusion, error, fallacy, fault, misapprehension, misconstruction, misinterpretation, mistake, mistaken belief, misunderstanding Antonyms: comprehension, perception, understanding
عادی، معمولی، پیشپاافتاده، مثل همیشه
دنیوی، این جهانی
(adjective) ordinary Synonyms: banal, commonplace, day-to-day, earthly, everyday, humdrum, lowly, normal, prosaic, routine, workaday, workday, worldly Antonyms: exciting, extraordinary, heavenly, supernatural, wonderful - it's a mundane book. - کتاب پیشپاافتادهای است. - Be willing to do even mundane tasks. - آماده باش، حتی وظایف پیشپاافتاده انجام بدهی. - the problems of mundane life. - مسائل زندگانی این جهانی.
مبهم، (کلام) دوپهلو، چندپهلو، دارای دو یا چند معنی، گنگ
(adjective) having more than one meaning Synonyms: clear as dishwater, cryptic, doubtful, dubious, enigmatic, enigmatical, equivocal, inconclusive, indefinite, indeterminate, inexplicit, muddy, obscure, opaque, puzzling, questionable, tenebrous, uncertain, unclear, unintelligible, vague Antonyms: clear, definite, explicit, lucid - She gave an ambiguous nod. - سرش را به طور مبهمی تکان داد. - the diplomat's ambiguous remarks - سخنان دوپهلوی دیپلمات
به طمع انداختن، تطمیع کردن، شیفتن
(noun) appeal Synonyms: attraction, bedroom eyes, charisma, charm, come-hither look, come-on, enchantment, enticement, glamor, inveiglement, lure, magnetism, seductiveness, temptation, the jazz (verb) entice Synonyms: attract, bait, beguile, bewitch, cajole, captivate, charm, coax, come on, decoy, draw, enchant, entrap, fascinate, hook, inveigle, lead on, lure, magnetize, persuade, pull, seduce, suck in, sweep off feet, tempt, turn on, wile, win over Antonyms: deter, discourage, dissuade, prevent, repel, threaten, turn off, warn - Weak men are allured by the promise of wealth. - نوید ثروت مردان ضعیفالنفس را اغوا میکند. - the allure of wealth and power - تطمیع ثروت و قدرت
بااحتیاط، زیرکانه
(adjective) tricky Synonyms: cagey, careful, circumspect, crafty, cunning, leery, secretive, shrewd, sly, wary, wily
کفر، از دین برگشتن، ارتداد، بدعتکاری
(noun) unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters Synonyms: agnosticism, apostasy, atheism, blasphemy, defection, disbelief, dissent, dissidence, divergence, error, fallacy, heterodoxy, iconoclasm, impiety, infidelity, misbelief, nonconformism, nonconformity, paganism, revisionism, schism, sectarianism, secularism, sin Antonyms: orthodoxy - They found him guilty of heresy and burned him alive. - او را محکوم به ارتداد کردند و زنده زنده سوزاندند. - The church rejected his opinions as utter heresy. - کلیسا اندیشههای او را کفر محض و مردود شناخت. - political heresy - دگراندیشی سیاسی - What used to be considered as scientific heresy is now scientific truth. - آنچه که در گذشته ارتداد علمی محسوب میشد، اکنون واقعیت علمی است.
خست، امساک، صرفهجویی، کمخرجی
extreme or excessive economy or frugality; stinginess; miserliness.
زیرک، مکار، حیله باز، ماهر، زیرکی، حیلهگری
(adjective) devious Synonyms: acute, artful, astute, cagey, canny, crafty, crazy like fox, deep, fancy footwork, foxy, guileful, insidious, keen, knowing, Machiavellian, sharp, shifty, shrewd, slick, slippery, sly, sly boots, smart, smarts, smooth, street-smart, streetwise, subtle, tricky, wary, wily Antonyms: gullible, kind, naive, shy (adjective) imaginative Synonyms: able, adroit, canny, clever, crackerjack, deft, dexterous, ingenious, intelligent, masterful, skillful, slighty, sly, smart, smooth, subtle, well-laid, well-planned Antonyms: unclever, unimaginative - a cunning old man - پیرمرد حیلهگر - He achieved his aim by lying and cunning. - او با دروغگویی و نیرنگبازی به هدف خود رسید. - In his films he makes cunning use of colors and sounds. - او در فیلمهای خود رنگ و صدا را هنرمندانه به کار میگیرد. - a cunning little baby - بچهی ریزهمیزه و جذاب
بخش پرنورتر (هرچیز)، بخش درخشان
بخش جالب، نکتهی مهم، نکتهی برجسته، اوج
(noun) memorable part Synonyms: best part, climax, feature, focal point, focus, high point, high spot, main feature, peak
- the highlights on the cheeks
- درخشندگی گونهها
- the highlights of her speech
- برجستهترین نکات سخنرانی او
- The highlight of our trip was the visit to Takht-Jamsheed.
- بهترین بخش سفر ما بازدید از تختجمشید بود.
دارای قوه قضاوت سلیم
(adjective) wise, thoughtful Synonyms: accurate, acute, astute, calculating, careful, cautious, circumspect, clear-sighted, considerate, considered, diplomatic, discerning, discreet, discriminating, efficacious, enlightened, expedient, far-sighted, informed, judicial, keen, perceptive, perspicacious, politic, profound, prudent, quick-witted, rational, reasonable, sagacious, sage, sane, sapient, seasonable, seemly, sensible, sharp, shrewd, skillful, sober, sophisticated, sound, thorough, wary, well-advised, well-judged, worldly-wise Antonyms: foolish, hasty, idiotic, injudicious, irrational, nonsensical, reckless, senseless, thoughtless, unwise - a judicious man - مردی دارای عقل سلیم - His judicious investments made him rich. - سرمایهگذاریهای عاقلانه او را پولدار کرد.
تغییر قیافه دادن، جامه مبدل پوشیدن، نهان داشتن، پنهان کردن، لباس مبدل، تغییر قیافه
(noun) covering, makeup for deception Synonyms: beard, blind, camouflage, charade, cloak, color, coloring, concealment, costume, counterfeit, cover-up, dissimulation, dress, facade, face, faking, false front, fig leaf, front, get-up, guise, illusion, make-believe, mask, masquerade, pageant, pen name, pretense, pretension, pretentiousness, pseudonym, put-on, red herring, screen, semblance, smoke screen, trickery, veil, veneer (verb) mask; misrepresent Synonyms: affect, age, alter, antique, assume, beard, belie, camouflage, change, cloak, color, conceal, counterfeit, cover, cover up, deceive, dissemble, dissimulate, doctor up, dress up, fake, falsify, feign, front, fudge, garble, gloss over, hide, make like, make up, masquerade, muffle, obfuscate, obscure, pretend, put on a false front, put on a front, put on an act, put up a front, redo, screen, secrete, sham, shroud, simulate, touch up, varnish, veil, wear cheaters, whitewash Antonyms: expose, open, represent, reveal, uncover, unmask
- a blessing in disguise
- توفیق اجباری، به ظاهر زحمت به باطن رحمت (چیزی که ابتدا خوشایند نیست؛ ولی بعداً معلوم میشود که خوب بوده)
- توفیق اجباری
- to disguise one's voice - صدای خود را عوض کردن - Disguised as a woman, Akbar slipped through the border. - اکبر درحالی که خود را بهشکل زن درآورده بود، از مرز فرار کرد. - The mother was unhappy about the untimely marriage of her son, but she disguised her feelings. - مادر از ازدواج بیموقع پسرش خرسند نبود؛ ولی احساسات خود را پنهان کرد. - Everyone thought she was an old woman, but when her disguises were removed, she was found to be a ten-year old girl! - همه میپنداشتند پیرزن است؛ ولی وقتی نقابش را برداشتند، معلوم شد دختر بچهای ده ساله است! - a king in disguise - پادشاهی با جامهی مبدل - He spoke with disguise. - در لفافه صحبت میکرد.
دور، دور و دراز، زورکی، از دور آمده
(adjective) hard to believe Synonyms: bizarre, doubtful, dubious, eccentric, fantastic, fishy, forced, hard to swallow, illogical, implausible, improbable, incoherent, inconsequential, incredible, labored, preposterous, queer, recondite, strained, strange, suspicious, unbelievable, unconvincing, unlikely, unnatural, unrealistic Antonyms: believable, natural, plausible, realistic
- I could not believe his far-fetched claims.
- نمیتوانستم ادعاهای غیرمنطقی او را باور کنم.
گرفتگی، گرفت، کسوف یا خسوف، تحتتأثیر قرار دادن
(noun) shadowing of the sun Synonyms: concealment, darkening, decline, diminution, dimming, extinction, extinguishment, obliteration, obscuration, occultation, penumbra, shading, shroud, veil (verb) obscure, veil Synonyms: adumbrate, becloud, bedim, blot out, cloud, darken, dim, extinguish, murk, overshadow, shadow, shroud Antonyms: clear, explain, lay out (verb) surpass achievement Synonyms: exceed, excel, outdo, outshine, overrun, surmount, tower above, transcend Antonyms: fall behind - the eclipse of the Romans empire - افول امپراطوری روم - Soon Byron's fame eclipsed everyone else's. - کمی نپایید که (شهرت) بایرون، شهرت همه را تحتتأثیر قرار داد. - The moon eclipsed the sun for one minute. - ماه جلوی نور خورشید را برای یک دقیقه گرفت.
(کسی که از روی هوس کار میکند) هوسی، دله، ناگه خواه، ویری، پیش رانشی، درون رانشی
(adjective) tending to act without thought Synonyms: abrupt, ad-lib, automatic, careless, devil-may-care, emotional, extemporaneous, flaky, gone off deep end, hasty, headlong, hot-and-cold, impetuous, instinctive, intuitive, involuntary, jumping the gun, mad, offhand, passionate, precipitate, quick, rash, spontaneous, sudden, swift, unconsidered, unexpected, unmeditated, unpredictable, unpremeditated, unprompted, up-and-down, violent, winging it Antonyms: cautious, considering, heedful, premeditative, thoughtful, wise - an impulsive person - آدم ویری - an impulsive remark - اظهارنظر بدون پیشاندیشی
بیگناه شمردن، پاککردن، روسفیدکردن، بخشوده داشتن
(verb) forgive Synonyms: absolve, acquit, amnesty, clear, condone, discharge, disculpate, dismiss, excuse, exonerate, explain, free, justify, let off, pardon, rationalize, release, remit, vindicate, wipe slate clean Antonyms: blame, condemn, sentence
- Subsequent events thoroughly exculpated him.
- رویدادهای بعدی بیگناهی او را کاملاً نشان داد.
وزیدن، وزاندن
(موسیقی - ساز بادی) بلندتر از حد معمول نواختن
verb (used with object), o·ver·blew, o·ver·blown, o·ver·blow·ing.
to give excessive importance or value to: to overblow one’s own writing.
to overinflate.
to blow over the surface of, as the wind, sand, or the like: dead leaves overblowing the yard.
to blow (a wind instrument or an organ pipe) in such a way as to produce overtones.
verb (used without object), o·ver·blew, o·ver·blown, o·ver·blow·ing.
to overblow a wind instrument.
گیج کردن، مبهم و تاریک کردن
(verb) confuse Synonyms: baffle, becloud, befuddle, bewilder, cloud, complicate, conceal, confound, darken, fog, fuddle, muddle, obscure, perplex, puzzle, rattle - Don't obfuscate the main issue by giving unimportant details. - مطلب اصلی را با آوردن جزئیات کماهمیت مبهم نکن. - to obfuscate one's reader - خوانندهی خود را دچار سردرگمی کردن
خندهآور، مضحک، مسخرهآمیز، لودگی کردن
(adjective) amusing, farcical Synonyms: absurd, camp, campy, clownish, comic, comical, crack-up, diverting, eccentric, entertaining, for grins, funny, gagged up, gelastic, humorous, jocular, joshing, laffer, laughable, ludicrous, odd, preposterous, quaint, queer, quizzical, ridiculous, riot, risible, waggish, whimsical Antonyms: dramatic, serious, traumatic, unfunny - He says droll things. - او حرفهای بامزهای میزند. - Charlie Chaplin, that droll little man - چارلی چاپلین، آن مرد کوچک و خندهدار
غیرقاطع، مجمل، ناتمام، بینتیجه، بیپایان
(adjective) up in the air Synonyms: ambiguous, deficient, incomplete, indecisive, indeterminate, lacking, open, uncertain, unconvincing, undecided, uneventful, unfateful, unfinished, unsatisfactory, unsettled, vague Antonyms: certain, conclusive, decisive, definite, sure
- a long and inconclusive war
- جنگی طولانی و بینتیجه
پراکنده کردن، متفرق کردن
(verb) distribute; scatter Synonyms: banish, besprinkle, break up, broadcast, cast forth, circulate, deal, diffuse, disappear, disband, disburse, discharge, dislodge, dismiss, dispel, disseminate, dissipate, dissolve, divvy, dole out, eject, intersperse, measure out, partition, propagate, radiate, rout, scatter, scramble, send off, separate, shed, sow, split up, spray, spread, strew, take off in all directions, vanish Antonyms: arrange, assemble, collect, garner, gather - Our regiment was dispersed by the enemy attack. - حملهی دشمن هنگ ما را تار و مار کرد. - They dispersed the news throughout the state. - آنان خبر را در سرتاسر ایالت پخش کردند. - The sun kept dispersing morning mists. - خورشید مه صبحگاهی را پراکنده میکرد. - The crowd dispersed at the first shot. - با اولین تیراندازی جمعیت متفرق شد. - A prism disperses light. - منشور نور را تجزیه میکند. - The tourists left the bus and dispersed themselves in various hotels. - توریستها اتوبوس را ترک کردند و در هتلهای مختلف ولو شدند.
وسعت دادن، بزرگ کردن، مفصل کردن، مفصل گفتن یا نوشتن، (برق) افزودن، بالابردن، بزرگ شدن، تقویت کردن (صدا)
(verb) increase in size or effect Synonyms: add, augment, beef up, boost, build up, deepen, develop, elaborate, enlarge, exaggerate, expand, expatiate, extend, flesh out, heighten, hike up, inflate, intensify, jack up, lengthen, magnify, pad, pyramid, raise, soup up, strengthen, stretch, supplement, swell, up, widen Antonyms: abridge, compress, condense, contract, curtail, decrease, lessen, reduce, shorten, summarize - The death of his rival further amplified Nasser's political influence. - مرگ رقیب نفوذ سیاسی ناصر را بیشتر کرد. - to amplify a point in a debate - در مناظره نکتهای را شرح و بسط دادن
اغراقآمیز کردن، بیشازحد واقع شرح دادن، مبالغه کردن در، گزافهگویی کردن
(verb) overstate, embellish Synonyms: amplify, blow out of proportion, boast, boost, brag, build up, caricature, color, cook up, corrupt, distort, embroider, emphasize, enlarge, exalt, expand, fabricate, falsify, fudge, go to extremes, heighten, hike, hyperbolize, inflate, intensify, lay it on thick, lie, loud talk, magnify, make too much of, misquote, misreport, misrepresent, overdo, overdraw, overemphasize, overestimate, pad, pretty up, puff, put on, pyramid, romance, romanticize, scam, stretch, up Antonyms: depreciate, minimize, play down, reduce, understate - She exaggerated her own daughter's virtues. - او صفات نیک دختر خود را بزرگ میکرد. - Don't exaggerate! - غلو نکن! - Their propaganda machine exaggerates everything grossly. - دستگاه تبلیغاتی آنها در همهچیز سخت مبالغه میکند. - The striped dress exaggerates her shortness. - پیراهن خطدار قدش را بیشازحد کوتاه نشان میدهد.
بیخبر، بیاطلاع، بیتوجه، بیهوش، غیرعمدی
(adjective) without fully realizing Synonyms: accidental, aimless, chance, comatose, forgetful, haphazard, ignorant, inadvertent, incognizant, inconversant, innocent, involuntary, numb, oblivious, senseless, unacquainted, unaware, unconscious, undesigned, unfamiliar, uninformed, uninstructed, unintended, unintentional, unknowing, unmeant, unmindful, unplanned, unsuspecting, unthinking Antonyms: conscious, intentional, realizing, witting
شامل، مشمول
(adjective) all-encompassing, all-embracing Synonyms: across-the-board, all-around, all the options, all together, ball-of-wax, blanket, broad, catchall, comprehensive, encyclopedic, full, general, global, in toto, overall, sweeping, umbrella, wall-to-wall, whole, without exception Antonyms: exclusive, incomprehensive, narrow - The length of time, holidays inclusive, will be twenty days. - طول مدت، با افزودن روزهای تعطیل، بیست روز خواهد بود. - The price, inclusive of tax, is ten thousand dollars. - قیمت، با احتساب مالیات ده هزار دلار است.
سخن سخت، انتقاد تلخ، زخم زبان
(noun) harangue, criticism Synonyms: abuse, castigation, denunciation, disputation, invective, jeremiad, objection, onslaught, philippic, reviling, screed, stricture, tirade, vituperation Antonyms: praise, recommendation - His diatribes aroused the king's wrath. - نکوهشهای شدید او خشم پادشاه را برانگیخت. - diatribe against government - انتقاد شدید از دولت
اعلام کردن، انتشار دادن، ترویج کردن
(verb) make known Synonyms: advertise, announce, annunciate, broadcast, call, circulate, communicate, declare, decree, disseminate, drum, issue, make public, notify, pass the word, proclaim, promote, publish, sound, spread, toot, trumpet Antonyms: conceal, hide
- to promulgate education
- آموزش و پرورش را اشاعه دادن
احساساتی، پر هیجان، با حرارت، گرم، جوشان
(adjective) enthusiastic Synonyms: agitated, bouncy, brash, buoyant, chipper, chirpy, effervescent, effusive, elated, excited, exhilarated, exuberant, frothy, gushing, high-spirited, in high spirits, irrepressible, vivacious, zestful, zippy Antonyms: apathetic, disinterested, unenthusiastic
بالش، متکا، تیری که بهطور عمودی زیرپایه گذارده شود، با بالش نگه داشتن، پشتی کردن، تکیه دادن، تقویت کردن
(verb) help Synonyms: aid, assist, bear up, boost, brace, buck up, bulwark, buoy, buttress, carry, cushion, help, hold up, maintain, pick up, pillow, prop, reinforce, shore up, stay, strengthen, support, sustain, uphold Antonyms: hinder, not support, obstruct, prevent, undermine - to bolster one's morale - روحیهی کسی را تقویت کردن - to bolster one's courage - به کسی جرئت دادن - The government borrowed money from banks in order to bolster up the economy. - با هدف تقویت اقتصاد کشور، دولت از بانکها وام گرفت.
جدال کردن، مباحثه کردن
ستیزه، مشاجره، نزاع
(noun) argument Synonyms: altercation, beef, bickering, bone of contention, brawl, broil, brouhaha, commotion, conflict, contention, controversy, debate, difference of opinion, disagreement, discord, discussion, dissension, disturbance, embroilment, falling-out, feud, fireworks, flare-up, fracas, friction, fuss, hubbub, miff, misunderstanding, polemic, quarrel, row, rumpus, squabble, squall, strife, tiff, uproar, variance, words, wrangle Antonyms: agreement (verb) argue Synonyms: agitate, altercate, bicker, brawl, bump heads, canvass, challenge, clash, confute, contend, contest, contradict, controvert, debate, deny, disaffirm, discept, discuss, disprove, doubt, gainsay, hassle, have at, impugn, jump on one’s case, kick around, lock horns, moot, negate, pick a bone, quarrel, question, quibble, rebut, refute, squabble, take on, thrash out, toss around, wrangle Antonyms: agree, give in, go along
- beyond dispute
- غیرقابل بحث، قطعی، واضح، بیچون و چرا
- in dispute
- قابل بحث، مورد بحث، مورد مذاکره، تحت بررسی
- a bitter old man much given to disputing over any suggestions made by others - پیرمرد تندخویی که عادت دارد هرگونه پیشنهاد دیگران را مورد بحث و جدل قرار دهد - We will dispute every inch of our ground. - ما برای هر وجب از خاکمان ستیز خواهیم کرد. - the philosophers' dispute over the meaning of justice - بحث فلاسفه دربارهی معنی عدالت - a philosophical dispute - بحث فلسفی - The two countries submitted their border dispute to an international court. - دو کشور مناقشات مرزی خود را به دادگاه بینالمللی ارجاع کردند.
شرح، بیان، تفسیر، عرضه، نمایشگاه
(noun) written description Synonyms: account, analysis, annotation, article, comment, commentary, composition, construal, construction, critique, delineation, details, discourse, discussion, disquisition, dissertation, editorial, elucidation, enucleation, enunciation, essay, exegesis, explanation, explication, exposé, expounding, history, illustration, interpretation, monograph, paper, piece, position paper, presentation, report, review, statement, story, study, tale, text, theme, thesis, tract, tractate, treatise (noun) fair Synonyms: bazaar, circus, county fair, demonstration, display, exhibition, expo, marketplace, mart, pageant, presentation, production, show, showing - This article consists of a clear exposition of Jung's ideas. - این مقاله شرح روشنی از نظریات یونگ را دربردارد. - the Paris art exposition of 1929 - نمایشگاه هنری سال 1929 در پاریس
نیمپزکردن، آهسته جوشاندن یا پختن، بادقت زیاد بهکاری دست زدن، نازپرورده کردن، نوازش کردن
(verb) indulge, pamper Synonyms: baby, caress, cater to, cosset, cotton, favor, humor, make much of, make over, mollycoddle, nurse, pet, play up to, spoil Antonyms: ignore, turn away (verb) boil lightly, usually eggs Synonyms: brew, cook, poach, simmer, steam
فرق جزئی، اختلاف مختصر، نکات دقیق و ظریف
(noun) slight difference; shading Synonyms: dash, degree, distinction, gradation, hint, implication, nicety, refinement, shade, shadow, soupçon, subtlety, suggestion, suspicion, tinge, touch, trace - a rich artistic performance, full of nuance - برنامهی هنری سرشار از ریزهکاری - Words that have the same meanings with different nuances. - واژههایی که هممعنی هستند؛ ولی از نظر فحوا با هم فرق دارند. - uances of language - فحوای کلام
عجیبوغریب، دارای اخلاق غریب، ویژه
(adjective) characteristic, distinguishing Synonyms: appropriate, diacritic, diagnostic, distinct, distinctive, endemic, exclusive, idiosyncratic, individual, intrinsic, local, particular, personal, private, proper, restricted, special, specific, typical, unique Antonyms: abnormal, uncharacteristic (adjective) bizarre, odd Synonyms: abnormal, bent, creepy, curious, eccentric, exceptional, extraordinary, flaky, freakish, freaky, funny, idiosyncratic, kinky, kooky, oddball, offbeat, off-the-wall, outlandish, quaint, queer, singular, strange, uncommon, unconventional, uncustomary, unusual, wacky, way-out, weird, wonderful Antonyms: normal, ordinary, regular, standard, usual - the peculiar character of the U.S. government - خصوصیت ویژهی دولت ایالاتمتحده - the peculiar responsibility of this teacher - مسئولیت خاص این معلم - This problem is peculiar to the south of the city. - این مسئله ویژهی جنوب شهر است. - a matter of peculiar importance - موضوعی که از اهمیت خاص برخوردار است - peculiar behavior - رفتار عجیب و غریب - Many great artists have been peculiar. - بسیاری از هنرمندان بزرگ غیرعادی بودهاند. - I feel peculiar today. - امروز یک جوریم میشه.
طرفدار تساوی انسان، برابرگرای
(adjective) equal Synonyms: democratic, equitable, even-handed, impartial, just, unbiased
خشم را فرو نشاندن، استمالت کردن، تسکین دادن
verb (used with object), pro·pi·ti·at·ed, pro·pi·ti·at·ing.
to make favorably inclined; appease; conciliate.
- sacrifices made to propitiate gods
- قربانیانی که برای خشنود کردن خدایان ایثار میشدند
بیهوده، پوچ، بیفایده، باطل، عبث، بیاثر، بیحاصل، بیثمر، هرز، یاب، لغو
(adjective) hopeless, pointless Synonyms: abortive, barren, bootless, delusive, empty, exhausted, forlorn, fruitless, hollow, idle, impracticable, impractical, ineffective, ineffectual, insufficient, in vain, no dice, nugatory, on a treadmill, otiose, out the window, profitless, resultless, save one’s breath, sterile, to no avail, to no effect, to no purpose, trifling, trivial, unavailing, unimportant, unneeded, unproductive, unprofitable, unreal, unsatisfactory, unsubstantial, unsuccessful, useless, vain, valueless, worthless Antonyms: fruitful, hopeful, productive, profitable - a futile effort - کوشش بیهوده - he kept making futile remarks and offending the people. - او مدام حرفهای ناشیانه میزد و مردم را میرنجاند.
فروتن، بیادعا، افتاده، بیتصنع، بیتکلف، ساده
(adjective) shy Synonyms: backward, bashful, diffident, humble, lowly, meek, modest, mousy, plain, prim, quiet, reserved, retiring, self-effacing, simple, unambitious, unassertive, unobtrusive, unostentatious, unpretending, unpretentious Antonyms: bold, brave, confident, presumptuous
موافق، دوست، دوستانه
(adjective) friendly, especially regarding an agreement Synonyms: accordant, agreeing, amiable, civil, clubby, concordant, cordial, courteous, cozy, empathic, good-humored, harmonious, kind, kindly, like-minded, mellow, neighborly, pacific, peaceable, peaceful, polite, regular, right nice, sociable, square shooting, sympathetic, understanding Antonyms: hostile, unfriendly - amicable discussions - مذاکرات دوستانه - As they couldn't get along, they decided to separate amicably. - چون با هم نمیساختند تصمیم گرفتند با صلح و صفا از هم جدا شوند.
بیاساس، بیپایه، بیاصل
(adjective) not based on fact Synonyms: baseless, bottomless, deceptive, fabricated, fallacious, false, foundationless, gratuitous, groundless, idle, illogical, mendacious, misleading, off-base, spurious, trumped up, uncalled-for, unjustified, unproven, unreal, unsubstantiated, untrue, untruthful, unwarranted, vain, without basis, without foundation Antonyms: founded, justified, proven, substantiated, supported
پلاستیکی، مصنوعی، قالبپذیر، نرم، تغییرپذیر .
(adjective) flexible, soft; made of manufactured, treated compounds Synonyms: bending, ductile, elastic, fictile, formable, moldable, molded, pliable, pliant, resilient, shapeable, supple, workable Antonyms: hard, inflexible, stiff (adjective) easily influenced Synonyms: amenable, bending, compliant, docile, ductile, flexible, giving, impressionable, influenceable, malleable, manageable, moldable, pliable, pliant, receptive, responsive, suggestible, supple, susceptible, tractable, yielding Antonyms: inflexible, unflappable (adjective) artificial; made of manufactured compounds Synonyms: cast, chemical, ersatz, false, manufactured, phony, pseudo, substitute, synthetic, unnatural - Clay is plastic. - گل رس تغییرپذیر است. - the plastic quality of concrete before it hardens - خاصیت دیسپذیری بتون قبل از سفت شدن - ... human nature is plastic - ... خوپذیر است نفس انسانی - the plastic personality of a child - شخصیت شکلپذیر کودک - a plastic bag - کیسهی پلاستیکی - Plastic products have made life easier. - فرآوردههای پلاستیکی زندگی را آسانتر کردهاند. - a plastic smile - لبخندی مصنوعی - plastic money - کارت اعتباری - plastic surgery - جراحی پلاستیک
مکاشفه، الهام
کتاب مکاشفات یوحنا
(noun) mass destruction Synonyms: annihilation, Armageddon, cataclysm, catastrophe, decimation, devastation, end of the world, holocaust
مقتدر، قدرتمند، توانا، با اقتدار
(منبع، عقیده، قرارداد، نسخه، چاپ) معتبر، قابل اعتماد، موثق
(adjective) recognized as true, valid Synonyms: accurate, attested, authentic, authenticated, circumstantiated, confirmed, definitive, dependable, documented, factual, faithful, learned, legit, proven, reliable, righteous, scholarly, sound, straight from horse’s mouth, supported, trustworthy, truthful, validated, verified, veritable Antonyms: democratic (adjective) domineering Synonyms: assertive, authoritarian, autocratic, commanding, confident, decisive, dictatorial, doctrinaire, dogmatic, dominating, imperative, imperious, imposing, masterly, officious, peremptory, self-assured Antonyms: democratic (adjective) official, authorized Synonyms: administrative, approved, bureaucratic, canonical, departmental, ex cathedra, executive, ex officio, imperial, lawful, legal, legitimate, magisterial, mandatory, ruling, sanctioned, sovereign, supreme Antonyms: democratic - He said authoritatively, "get out!" - با لحن تحکمآمیزی گفت: «برو بیرون!» - an authoritative biography - زندگینامهی موثق و اصیل - an authoritative young officer - یک افسر جوان پر عتاب و خطاب - an authoritative decision - تصمیم مقتدرانه
مصر، خروشان، پرخروش، جیغودادکن، پرسروصدا
(adjective) noisy Synonyms: uproarious, vociferous, importunate, loud - The clamorous crows woke him up. - کلاغهای پرسروصدا او را (از خواب) بیدار کردند. - the clamorous voices of his political opponents - صداهای پرشور و فغان مخالفین سیاسی او
آرام کردن، تسکین دادن، آشتی کردن
(verb) soothe, pacify Synonyms: appease, assuage, calm, cheer, comfort, conciliate, humor, make peace, make up, mollify, pacify, play up to, pour oil on, propitiate, reconcile, satisfy, soft-pedal, soothe, stroke, sweeten, tranquilize, win over Antonyms: agitate, upset, worry
- He tried to placate the offended guests.
- او کوشید تا از مهمانان رنجیده دلجویی کند.
دوررس، وسیع ،شامل (بسی چیزها)، گسترده، دارای اثر زیاد
(adjective) broad, widespread Synonyms: extensive, far-ranging, important, momentous, pervasive, significant, sweeping, wide Antonyms: incomprehensible, insignificant, narrow, trivial, unimportant - The revolution had far-reaching consequences. - انقلاب دارای پیامدهای دور رسی بود. - the far-reaching influence of Ferdowsi on the Persian language - اثر ژرف فردوسی بر زبان پارسی
بیعلاقه، بیغرض، بیطرف، بیطمع، بیغرضانه
(adjective) detached, uninvolved Synonyms: aloof, candid, casual, dispassionate, equitable, even-handed, impartial, impersonal, incurious, indifferent, just watching the clock, lackadaisical, negative, neutral, nonpartisan, not giving a damn, outside, perfunctory, remote, unbiased, unconcerned, uncurious, unprejudiced, unselfish, withdrawn Antonyms: biased, concerned, interested, involved, passionate, prejudiced - He showed strict disinterest in all of his court rulings. - در همهی قضاوتهای خود در دادگاه بیغرضی کامل را رعایت میکرد. - His cold and disinterested way of teaching dampened the students' enthusiasm. - روش تدریس سرد و بیتفاوت او شوق شاگردان را از بین میبرد.
جرئت دادن، جسور کردن
(verb) encourage Synonyms: boost, buoy, cheer, energize, enhearten, exhilarate, give courage, give pep talk, goad, inspire, inspirit, invigorate, psyche up, push, rally, reassure, refresh, revitalize, spur, stir, sway
- Shah Sultan Hossein’s weakness emboldened the Afghans.
- ضعف شاهسلطان حسین افغانها را جسورتر کرد.
ناسازگار، ناموافق، ناجور، نامناسب، (پزشکی) غیرقابلکاربرد با یکدیگر
(adjective) antagonistic, contradictory Synonyms: adverse, antipathetic, antipodal, antithetical, clashing, conflicting, contrary, counter, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, disparate, factious, inadmissible, inappropriate, incoherent, inconformable, incongruous, inconsistent, inconsonant, inconstant, irreconcilable, jarring, marching to a different drummer, mismatched, night and day, offbeat, opposed, opposite, poles apart, unadapted, uncongenial, unsuitable, unsuited, warring, whale of difference Antonyms: compatible, consonant, harmonious, loving, suited, well-matched - An incompatible couple that were always arguing. - زن و شوهر ناسازگاری که مرتب با هم بحث میکردند. - Their incompatibility was obvious. - ناسازگاری آنها آشکار بود. - behavior that is incompatible with the dignity of teaching - رفتاری که مغایر شان معلمی است - incompatible colors - رنگهای ناجور - politically incompatible - از نظر سیاسی ناسازگار
پرزور و کهنه (مثل آبجو)، کهنه، بیات، مانده، بوی ناگرفته، مبتذل، بیات کردن، تازگی و طراوت چیزی را از بین بردن، مبتذل کردن
(adjective) old, decayed Synonyms: dried, dry, faded, fetid, flat, fusty, hard, insipid, malodorous, musty, noisome, parched, rank, reeking, smelly, sour, spoiled, stagnant, stenchy, stinking, tasteless, watery, weak, zestless Antonyms: fresh, new (adjective) overused, out-of-date Synonyms: antiquated, banal, bent, cliché, clichéd, cliché-ridden, common, commonplace, corny, dead, drab, dull, dusty, effete, flat, fusty, hackneyed, insipid, like a dinosaur, mawkish, moth-eaten, out, passé, past, platitudinous, repetitious, shopworn, stereotyped, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, unoriginal, well-worn, worn-out, yesterday’s, zestless Antonyms: current, fresh, new, underused - stale bread - نان بیات - stale water - آب مانده - stale food - خوراک مانده - stale beer - آبجو خراب - stale coffee - قهوهی بدمزه شده - stale air - هوای خفه - a stale joke - شوخی بارها شنوده - stale news - خبر از تازگی افتاده - a stale debt - قرض مشمول مرور زمان
مورد توجه زیاد قرار گرفتن، شیر کردن
(verb) celebrate Synonyms: acclaim, adulate, aggrandize, eulogize, exalt, glorify, hero-worship, honor, idolize, immortalize, praise, roll out the red carpet, show respect, worship
- He was lionized in New York and Paris.
- در نیویورک و پاریس مورد تجلیل و تکریم قرار گرفت.
adjective, preach·i·er, preach·i·est.
tediously or pretentiously didactic.
گمراهکننده، مشتبه سازنده، وهمی، غیرواقعی
(adjective) deceptive Synonyms: apparent, Barmecidal, blue sky, chimerical, deceitful, delusive, delusory, fallacious, false, fanciful, fantastic, fictional, fictitious, fictive, float, hallucinatory, ideal, illusive, imaginary, misleading, mistaken, ostensible, pipe dream, seeming, semblant, sham, suppositious, supposititious, unreal, untrue, visionary, whimsical Antonyms: genuine, real (adjective) deceptive, false Synonyms: apparent, blue-sky, chimerical, deceitful, delusive, delusory, fake, fallacious, fanciful, fantastic, fictional, fictitious, fictive, hallucinatory, ideal, imaginary, misleading, mistaken, ostensible, pseudo, seeming, semblant, sham, suppositious, unreal, untrue, visionary, whimsical Antonyms: certain, factual, real, sure, true - My hopes proved illusory. - امیدهای من نابهجا بود. - a tense period of illusory peace - دوران پرتنش صلح واهی
بهموقع، بجا، درخور، بههنگام، شایسته، مناسب
خوشبیان، بلیغ، فصیح، گزیدهگوی
(adjective) appropriate, suitable Synonyms: applicable, apposite, apropos, apt, convincing, fit, fitting, germane, happy, inspired, just, meet, neat, opportune, pat, pertinent, proper, propitious, relevant, seasonable, telling, timely, well-chosen, well-timed Antonyms: improper, inappropriate, infelicitous, inopportune, unfitting, unsuitable, untimely
- felicitous remarks
- اظهارات بجا
- Say little, say felicitously, like pearls….
- کم گوی و گزیده گوی چون در …
بیزار، مخالف، متنفر، برخلاف میل
(adjective) opposing Synonyms: afraid, allergic, antagonistic, antipathetic, contrary, disinclined, disliking, having no use for, hesitant, hostile, ill-disposed, indisposed, inimical, loath, nasty, perverse, reluctant, uneager, unfavorable, unfriendly, unwilling Antonyms: caring, liking, loving, sympathetic - He is not averse to joking during class. - او با شوخی سر کلاس مخالفتی ندارد. - She was averse to reporters and the press. - او از خبرنگاران و روزنامهها بیزار بود.
ماشه اسلحه، گیره، سنگ زیر چرخ، چرخ نگهدار، ماشه (چیزی را) کشیدن
ماشه، رها کردن، راه انداختن
(verb) cause to happen Synonyms: activate, bring about, cause, elicit, generate, give rise to, produce, prompt, provoke, set in motion, set off, spark, start Antonyms: block, check, halt, stop
- quick on the trigger
- (عامیانه) 1- تند دست در تیراندازی 2- هشیار، فرز، تندکار، زرنگ، زبل
- trigger mechanism
- ساز و کار (مکانیسم) برانگیزنده
- He put his finger on the trigger and got ready to fire. - انگشت خود را روی ماشه گذاشت و آمادهی تیراندازی شد. - to pull the trigger - ماشه را کشیدن - to use an A-bomb as trigger for an H-bomb - یک بمب اتمی را بهعنوان واکنشانگیز بمب هیدروژنی به کار بردن - The smell of food can be a trigger for salivation. - بوی خوراک میتواند موجب ترشح آب دهان بشود. - His speech triggered the riot. - سخنرانی او موجب شورش شد. - to trigger an atomic reaction - واکنش اتمی را انگیزاندن
درستی، امانت، راستی، تمامیت، بیعیبی، کمال، استحکام، یکپارچگی، همبستگی
(noun) honor, uprightness Synonyms: candor, forthrightness, goodness, honestness, honesty, honorableness, incorruptibility, incorruption, principle, probity, purity, rectitude, righteousness, sincerity, straightforwardness, virtue Antonyms: corruption, disgrace, dishonesty, dishonor (noun) completeness Synonyms: absoluteness, coherence, cohesion, entireness, perfection, purity, simplicity, soundness, stability, totality, unity, wholeness Antonyms: incompleteness - a country's territorial integrity - تمامیت ارضی یک کشور - The emphasis should always be on the integrity and beauty of the poem. - تأکید باید همیشه روی انسجام و زیبایی شعر باشد. - the structural integrity of an aircraft - استحکام ساختاری هواپیما - a man of integrity - مردی درستکار - His integrity would not allow him to steal. - امانتداری به او اجازه نمیداد که دزدی کند.
نگهداری، حفاظت، حفظ منابع طبیعی
(noun) preservation Synonyms: attention, care, cherishing, conservancy, conserving, control, custody, directing, economy, governing, guardianship, guarding, keeping, maintenance, management, managing, preserval, preserving, protecting, protection, safeguarding, safekeeping, salvation, saving, stewardship, storage, supervising, supervision, sustentation, upkeep Antonyms: destruction, neglect, spending, squandering, waste - The conservation of the environment is one of the most important duties of the present generation. - نیکداشت محیط زیست (زیست بوم) یکی از بزرگترین وظایف نسل حاضر است. - an attempt toward the conservation of electricity - کوشش برای صرفهجویی در مصرف برق - the conservation of mass - پایستگی (پایندگی یا بقا) جرم - conservation law - قانون پایستگی
خودبهخود، خودانگیز، بیاختیار، فوری
(adjective) impulsive, willing Synonyms: ad-lib, automatic, break loose, casual, down, extemporaneous, extempore, free, free spirited, from the hip, impetuous, impromptu, improvised, inevitable, instinctive, involuntary, irresistible, natural, offhand, off-the-cuff, off top of head, simple, unartful, unavoidable, unbidden, uncompelled, unconscious, unconstrained, uncontrived, uncontrolled, unforced, unintentional, unplanned, unpremediated, unprompted, unsophisticated, unstudied, up front, voluntary Antonyms: deliberate, intended, planned, premeditated - His reaction was spontaneous rather than premeditated. - واکنش او خودبهخود بود نه ازپیشتعیینشده. - spontaneous abortion - سقط جنین خودآیند - spontaneous nosebleed - خون دماغ خودبهخود - spontaneous laughter - خندهی خودآیند - spontaneous recovery from a disease - بهبودیابی خودانگیخته از بیماری - a spontaneous expression of affection - اظهار محبت بیشایبه - spontaneous obedience - اطاعت بیچون و چرا
کار آسان، کار بیدردسر، سهل، مثل آب خوردن
زود باور، زود تسلیم، گولو، مطیع، هالو
(noun) something or someone easily influenced Synonyms: breeze, child’s play, chump, cinch, duck soup, easy game, easy mark, easy pickings, fool, kid stuff, picnic, piece of cake, setup, snap, soft touch, stooge, sucker, victim, walkover
جامع، فراگیرنده، وسیع، محیط، بسیط
(adjective) inclusive Synonyms: absolute, across the board, all-embracing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, catholic, compendious, complete, comprising, containing, discursive, encircling, encyclopedic, exhaustive, expansive, extensive, far-reaching, full, general, global, in depth, infinite, lock stock and barrel, of great scope, overall, sweeping, synoptic, the big picture, the whole shebang, the works, thorough, umbrella, wall-to-wall, whole, wide, widespread Antonyms: exclusive, incomprehensive, particular, selective, specific - a comprehensive history of America - تاریخ مبسوط امریکا - She has had a comprehensive training in the field of computers. - او در زمینهی کامپیوتر آموزش گستردهای دیده است. - a comprehensive student of racial affairs - یک پژوهشگر دانا در امور نژادی - My daughter Julie will take her M.A. comprehensives in May. - دخترم جولی امتحانات جامع کارشناسی ارشد خود را در ماه مه خواهد داد.
تحملناپذیر، تندرندادنی، غیرقابل تحمل، سخت
(adjective) horrible, intolerable Synonyms: detestable, distressing, dreadful, impossible, insupportable, outrageous, painful, unacceptable, unbearable, unendurable, unspeakable Antonyms: delightful, endurable, happy, pleasant, sufferable, tolerable
مداوم، دائمی، پیدرپی، متوالی، پیرفتی
(adjective) occurring in an order Synonyms: consecutive, constant, continuous, following, incessant, later, next, persistent, regular, sequent, serial, steady, subsequent, subsequential, succedent, succeeding, successive Antonyms: nonsequential
نهانی، زیرجلی، پنهان، محرمانه
(adjective) sneaky, secret Synonyms: clandestine, covert, fraudulent, furtive, hidden, hole-and-corner, hush-hush, on the QT, on the sly, private, skulking, slinking, sly, sneaking, stealthy, sub-rosa, unauthorized, undercover, underhand, under-the-table, under wraps, veiled Antonyms: aboveboard, authorized, honest, open
- a surreptitious look
- یک نگاه دزدکی
بیغرضی، بیطرف، بیتعصب، خونسرد
(adjective) unfeeling, impartial Synonyms: abstract, aloof, calm, candid, cold-blooded, cold-fish, collected, composed, cool, cool cat, couldn’t care less, detached, disinterested, fair, iceberg, impersonal, imperturbable, indifferent, judicial, just, laid back, moderate, neutral, nondiscriminatory, nonpartisan, objective, poker-faced, quiet, serene, sober, temperate, tough, unbiased, unemotional, unexcitable, unexcited, unflappable, uninvolved, unmoved, unprejudiced, unruffled Antonyms: biased, emotional, excited, feeling, involved, moved, partial, passionate, prejudiced, subjective - The judge listened dispassionately but with utmost attention to both sides' claims. - قاضی با بیطرفی، ولی با کمال دقت به ادعاهای طرفین گوش کرد. - a dispassionate observer of the recent disputes - یک ناظر بیغرض مباحثات اخیر
زودگذر، ناپایدار، فانی، کوتاه، تند، فراگذر
(adjective) temporary Synonyms: brief, changeable, deciduous, emigrating, ephemeral, evanescent, flash, fleeting, flitting, fly-by-night, flying, fugacious, fugitive, going by, impermanent, insubstantial, migrating, momentary, moving, passing, provisional, short, short-lived, short-term, temporal, transitory, transmigratory, unstable, vacating, volatile Antonyms: enduring, lasting, permanent (adjective) temporary, brief Synonyms: changeable, deciduous, emigrating, ephemeral, evanescent, flash, fleeting, flitting, fly-by-night, flying, fugacious, fugitive, going by, impermanent, insubstantial, migrating, momentary, moving, passing, provisional, short, short-lived, short-term, temporal, transmigratory, unstable, vacating, volatile Antonyms: enduring, incessant, lasting, long-lasting, neverending, permanent, persistent, undying - a transient electrical current - یک جریان ناپایدار برق - transient pain - درد زودگذر - transient agricultural workers - کارگران سیار کشاورزی
خالی، اشغالنشده، بیمتصدی، بیکار
(adjective) empty; unoccupied Synonyms: abandoned, available, bare, clear, deserted, devoid, disengaged, free, idle, not in use, stark, tenantless, to let, unemployed, unengaged, unfilled, uninhabited, unlived in, untaken, untenanted, unused, void, without contents Antonyms: full, occupied, overflowing (adjective) absent-minded; expressionless Synonyms: abstracted, blank, daydreaming, deadpan, dreaming, dreamy, empty-headed, foolish, idle, inane, incurious, inexpressive, silly, stupid, thoughtless, unexpressive, unintelligent, unthinking, vacuous, vapid, witless Antonyms: aware, cognizant, comprehending - a vacant room - اتاق خالی - a vacant seat in a bus - صندلی خالی در اتوبوس - a vacant position in his company - یک پست خالی در شرکت او - vacant land - زمین خالی (بایر) - vacant hours - اوقات فراغت - She sat on the chair with a vacant look on her face. - با چهرهای بیحالت روی صندلی نشست. - hungry children vacantly staring out of the window - کودکان گرسنه که با حالت منگ از پنجره به خارج خیره شده بودند
در قوطی کنسروشده، مست باده
(adjective) preserved Synonyms: bottled, conserved, kept (adjective) recorded or prepared in advance Synonyms: prerecorded, taped, filmed
- Canned commercials frequently seen on T.V.
- آگهیهای پیشساخته که بهطورمرتب در تلویزیون دیده میشود.
(بهویژه در پیانو) رکاب ملایم ساز را بهکار بردن، (صدا را) ملایم کردن
(عامیانه) معتدل کردن، ملایم کردن، خفیف کردن
(verb) play down Synonyms: blue-pencil, euphemize, hush-hush, mitigate, moderate, palliate, put on the soft pedal, shush, subdue, tone down
وانمود کردن، بهخود بستن، جعل کردن
(verb) pretend Synonyms: act, affect, assume, bluff, counterfeit, devise, dissemble, dissimulate, do a bit, fabricate, fake, forge, four-flush, give appearance of, imagine, imitate, invent, make show of, phony up, play, play possum, put on, put on act, put up a front, sham, simulate, stonewall Antonyms: be true - She feigned herself to be sick. - او خود را به مریضی زد. - to feign a limp - خود را به شلی زدن - She feigned to be asleep. - وانمود کرد که خواب است.
دلهرهآور، ترسناک، رعبآور، ترسانگیز، هولناک، وحشتناک، تشویشزا، مضطربکننده، اضطرابآور
causing fear or discouragement; intimidating
صرفاً، محض، خالص، مطلق، (مجازاً) رک، ساده
(adjective) thorough, absolute Synonyms: blatant, blunt, categorical, certain, clear, complete, damned, explicit, flat, gross, honest, indubitable, open, out-and-out, outright, plain, positive, simple, sincere, straight, straightforward, sure, thoroughgoing, total, undisguised, unequivocal, unmitigated, unqualified, unquestionable, utter, whole - I was downright ashamed of the way she acted. - از طرز رفتار او کاملاً خجل بودم. - a downright liar - یک دروغگوی تمام عیار - The sunset was downright lovely. - غروب آفتاب واقعاً زیبا بود. - a downright answer - پاسخ روراست - He was kind but too downright. - او مهربان، ولی خیلی رک بود. - a downright insult - توهین محض
دارای حکومت مستقل، خودمختار، (زیستشناسی) دارای زندگی مستقل، (گیاهشناسی) خودکاربهطور غیرارادی، (روانشناسی) واحد کنترل داخلی
(adjective) independent Synonyms: free, self-determining, self-governing, self-ruling, sovereign, uncontrolled Antonyms: dependent, subject
- This organization is governmental but autonomous.
- این سازمان دولتی، ولی خودمختار است.
نامعین، پادر هوا، نامشخص، بینتیجه
(adjective) uncertain, vague Synonyms: borderless, general, imprecise, inconclusive, indefinite, indistinct, inexact, undefined, undetermined, unfixed, unspecified, unstipulated Antonyms: certain, definite, determined, exact, fixed, measurable, sure
- an indeterminate amount
- مبلغ نامعلوم
(بسیار) دارا، غنی، ثروتمند، توانگر، نفیس، گرانمایه
سرشار، وافر، خرم، انبوه
(adjective) rich, luxurious, profuse Synonyms: abundant, affluent, copious, deluxe, extravagant, exuberant, frilly, lavish, luscious, luxuriant, moneyed, ostentatious, palatial, plentiful, plush, pretentious, prodigal, profusive, prolific, prosperous, rich, riotous, showy, sumptuous, swank, upholstered, velvet, wealthy, well-heeled, well-off, well-to-do Antonyms: depressed, destitute, poor - opulent decorations - آذینهای نفیس - opulently furnished rooms - اتاقهای آراسته به تجملات
- an opulent garden
- باغ سبز و خرم
فراگیر، نافذ، فراگیرنده
(adjective) extensive Synonyms: all over the place, can’t get away from, common, general, inescapable, omnipresent, permeating, pervading, prevalent, rife, ubiquitous, universal, wall-to-wall, widespread Antonyms: light, limited, narrow - a pervasive odor that clings stubbornly to clothes - بوی نافذی که مدتها در لباس میماند - a pervasive mood of pessimism - حالت بدبینی همهجانبه
چاپ افست، جابهجاسازی، مبدأ، نقطه شروع مسابقه، چین، خمیدگی، انحراف، وزنه متعادل، رقم متعادلکننده، متعادل کردن، جبران کردن، خنثی کردن، چاپ افست کردن
جبران کردن، افست
(verb) counterbalance, compensate Synonyms: account, allow for, atone for, balance, be equivalent, cancel out, charge, counteract, counterpoise, counterpose, countervail, equal, equalize, equipoise, make amends, make up for, negate, neutralize, outweigh, recompense, redeem, requite, set off - The offset of a century of industry was no less than universal ugliness. - پیامد یک قرن صنعت چیزی جز زشتی گسترده نبود. - to offset items of deposit and withdrawal - اقلام به حساب گذاشته شده و از حساب برداشت شده را موازنه کردن - Higher costs are offset by our higher income. - درآمد بیشتر ما زیادشدن هزینهها را جبران میکند.
حاضر در همهجا
(adjective) all-present Synonyms: everywhere, infinite, pervading, pervasive, ubiquitary, ubiquitous, universal
گرفتارکردن، گیرانداختن، پیچیده کردن
(verb) involve, mix up Synonyms: bewilder, burden, catch, clog, come on, complicate, compromise, confuse, corner, dishevel, duke in, embarrass, embrangle, embroil, enchain, enmesh, ensnare, entrap, fetter, hamper, hook, impede, implicate, intertangle, intertwine, interweave, jumble, knot, lead on, mat, muddle, perplex, puzzle, ravel, rope in, set up, snag, snare, snarl, swindle, tangle, trammel, trap, twist, unsettle Antonyms: disentangle, exclude, explain, untangle, untwist - to entangle a ball of yarn - کلاف ریسمان را درهم پیچاندن - The elk's antlers got entangled in the branches of the tree. - شاخ گوزن در شاخههای درخت گیر کرد. - a bird entangled in the coils of a net - پرندهای که در حلقههای تور گیر افتاده است - They entangled the country in civil war. - آنان کشور را گرفتار جنگهای داخلی کردند.
اتساعی، ورمی، تأخیری، کند، بطی
(adjective) procrastinating Synonyms: backward, behindhand, dallying, delaying, deliberate, laggard, late, lax, lazy, leisurely, lingering, loitering, moratory, neglectful, negligent, putting off, remiss, slack, slow, sluggish, snail-like, tardy, tarrying, time-wasting, unhasty, unhurried Antonyms: diligent, eager, enthusiastic, hard-working, ready, zealous - dilatory tactics - تدبیرهای تأخیر جویانه - He is very dilatory in answering letters. - او در پاسخ دادن به نامه بسیار کاهل است.
نوعی، جنسی، عمومی، عام، کلی، وابسته به تیره
(adjective) common, general Synonyms: all-encompassing, blanket, collective, comprehensive, inclusive, nonexclusive, sweeping, universal, wide Antonyms: exclusive, individual, particular, specific
شورانگیز، مهیج، احساساتی، مؤثر، حسی
(adjective) startling, exaggerated Synonyms: amazing, arresting, astounding, breathtaking, coarse, colored, conspicuous, dramatic, electrifying, emotional, excessive, exciting, extravagant, hair-raising, horrifying, juicy, livid, lurid, marked, melodramatic, noticeable, outstanding, piquant, pointed, prominent, pungent, remarkable, revealing, rough, salient, scandalous, sensationalistic, shocking, signal, spectacular, staggering, stimulating, sultry, tabloid, thrilling, vulgar, X-rated Antonyms: ordinary, run-of-the-mill, unexceptional, usual (adjective) excellent, superb Synonyms: agitating, astonishing, breathtaking, cool, dandy, divine, dramatic, eloquent, exceptional, exciting, fabulous, first-class, glorious, impressive, incredible, keen, marvelous, mind-blowing, most, moving, out of this world, smashing, spectacular, stirring, surprising, thrilling, zero cool Antonyms: bad, inferior, poor - the lovers' sensational reunion at the end of the book - به هم رسیدن شورانگیز عشاق در پایان کتاب - The food was sensational. - خوراک معرکه بود.
(adjective) explainable Synonyms: solvable, intelligible, understandable Antonyms: incomprehensible
زیانآور، مضر، کشنده، نابودکننده، مهلک
(adjective) bad, hurtful Synonyms: baleful, damaging, dangerous, deadly, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, devastating, evil, fatal, harmful, iniquitous, injurious, killing, lethal, maleficent, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, miasmatic, miasmic, mortal, nefarious, noisome, noxious, offensive, pestiferous, pestilent, pestilential, poisonous, prejudicial, ruinous, sinister, toxic, venomous, virulent, wicked Antonyms: helpful, innocuous, kind, lovable, loving - pernicious habits - عادات مضر - a pernicious influence - اثر مهلک - pernicious restraints - محدودیتهای زیانبار
بههمپیچیده، بههمتابیده، حلقوی، پیچاپیچ
رعایت تشریفات اداری بهحد افراط، تأسیسات اداری،حکومت اداری، مجموع گماشتگان دولتی، کاغذپرانی، دیوانسالاری
(noun) system which controls organization Synonyms: administration, authority, beadledom, city hall, civil service, directorate, government, management, ministry, officialdom, officials, powers that be, red tape, regulatory commission, the Establishment, the system
- Bureaucracy is the biggest obstacle to economic progress.
- دیوانسالاری بزرگترین مانع پیشرفت اقتصادی است.
شایع، متداول، گسترده، رایج، باز، فراوان
(adjective) extensive Synonyms: across the board, all over the place, boundless, broad, common, comprehensive, current, diffuse, epidemic, far-flung, far-reaching, general, on a large scale, outspread, overall, pandemic, pervasive, popular, prevailing, prevalent, public, rampant, regnant, rife, ruling, sweeping, universal, unlimited, unrestricted, wall-to-wall, wholesale Antonyms: concentrated, limited, local, narrow - The use of this drug is very widespread in Africa. - مصرف این دارو در افریقا بسیار رایج است. - one of the most widespread diseases - یکی از شایعترین بیماریها
آماده انجام، قبولکننده ،فروتن، تسلیمشونده
complying; obeying, obliging, or yielding, especially in a submissive way: a man with a compliant nature.
manufactured or produced in accordance with a specified body of rules (usually used in combination): Energy Star-compliant computers.
ناچیز، جزئی
(adjective) insignificant, worthless Synonyms: banal, dinky, empty, forget it, frivolous, hollow, idle, idling, inane, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insipid, jejune, loitering, measly, minuscule, negligible, niggling, no big deal, no big thing, nugatory, paltry, petty, picayune, piddling, puny, shallow, silly, slight, small, tiny, trivial, unimportant, vain, valueless, vapid Antonyms: important, significant, useful, worthwhile
پشیمانی، ندامت، رحم
(noun) regret, sorrow Synonyms: attrition, conscience, contrition, misgiving, penitence, penitency, pity, punctiliousness, qualm, reluctance, remorse, repentance, rue, ruth, second thoughts, shame, stab of conscience, sympathy Antonyms: defiance, meanness, no remorse
- They had no compunction about executing people without a trial.
- آنها از اعدام بدون محاکمهی مردم ابایی نداشتند.
بدگمان نسبت به درستی و نیکوکاری بشر، غرغرو، عیبجو، کلبی
(adjective) nonbelieving; doubtful Synonyms: contemptuous, derisive, ironic, misanthropic, misanthropical, mocking, pessimistic, sarcastic, sardonic, scoffing, scornful, skeptical, sneering, suspicious, unbelieving, wry Antonyms: believing, hopeful, optimistic, trusting, undoubting - He is cynical about finding his watch. - او امیدی به یافتن ساعت خود ندارد. - He was cynical about marriage. - او نسبت به ازدواج بدبین بود. - Don't be so cynical! - اینقدر غرغرو مباش! - Bankruptcy made him cynical about everything and everyone. - ورشکستگی، او را نسبت به همهچیز و همهکس دژمان کرد.
پرمدعا، پرجلوه، پر ادعا ومتظاهر
(adjective) snobbish, conceited Synonyms: affected, arty, assuming, aureate, big, bombastic, chichi, conspicuous, euphuistic, exaggerated, extravagant, feigned, flamboyant, flashy, flaunting, flowery, gaudy, grandiloquent, grandiose, highfaluting, high-flown, high-sounding, hollow, imposing, inflated, jazzy, la-di-da, lofty, magniloquent, mincing, ornate, ostentatious, overambitious, overblown, pompous, puffed up, put-on, rhetorical, showy, specious, splashy, stilted, swank, too-too, tumid, turgid, utopian, vainglorious Antonyms: humble, modest, unconceited - a pretentious fraud who has attached himself to poets and artists - شیاد متظاهری که خود را به شعرا و هنرمندان چسبانده است - a pretentious house - خانهای پرزرق و برق (پرجلوه)
عادی، مرسوم
(adjective) usual, established Synonyms: accepted, according to Hoyle, accustomed, acknowledged, by the numbers, chronic, common, confirmed, conventional, established, everyday, familiar, fashionable, frequent, general, habitual, household, in a rut, in the groove, normal, ordinary, orthodox, playing it safe, popular, prescriptive, recognized, regular, regulation, routine, same old, SOP, standard, standard operating procedure, stipulated, traditional, understood, universal, wonted Antonyms: abnormal, different, irregular, occasional, rare, sometime, unusual - It is customary with him. - برای او جنبهی عادت دارد. - It is customary for the groom to kiss the bride. - رسم این است که (چنین مرسوم است که) داماد عروس را ببوسد.
تهمت زدن، افترا بستن، بهتان زدن، بدگویی کردن، سعایت کردن، بدنام کردن
(verb) criticize very harshly Synonyms: abuse, asperse, assail, attack, bad-mouth, berate, blister, call down, caluminate, censure, curse, cuss, damn, debase, decry, defame, denigrate, denounce, dig, disparage, dress down, dump on, give a black eye, jinx, knock, libel, malign, mistreat, mudsling, pan, put a whammy on, put down, rag on, rap, revile, rip up, roast, run down, scorch, skin alive, slam, slander, slur, smear, speak ill of, tear down, tear into, traduce, vituperate, voodoo Antonyms: compliment, praise - they vilified him in front of the king. - نزد شاه از او بدگویی کردند. - some people vilify what they can't comprehend. - برخی از مردم از آنچه که نمیتوانند درک کنند، بدگویی میکنند.
برابر، معادل، همکف، همپایه، بهمثابه، بهمنزلهی، در حکم
(adjective) same Synonyms: alike, as good as, commensurate, duplicate, equal, equivalent, identical, indistinguishable, like, parallel, same as, selfsame, synonymous, uniform, very Antonyms: different, opposite, polar, reverse - any violent crossing of the border will be tantamount to a declaration of war. - هرگونه عبور خشونتآمیز از مرز به منزلهی اعلان جنگ خواهد بود. - negotiating with them is tantamount to a de facto recognition of their government. - مذاکره با آنها درعمل به منزلهی به رسمیتشناسی دولت آنها است. - among them, shaking hands was tantamount to a pledge of marriage. - در میان آنان دست فشردن به منزلهی قول ازدواج بود.
ثابتقدم، پایدار، مصمم
not flinching; unshrinking: unflinching courage.