GRE 1-100 Flashcards
فاش کردن، افشا کردن، بروز دادن
(verb) make known; confess Synonyms: admit, betray, blab, blow the whistle, broadcast, communicate, cough up, declare, disclose, discover, exhibit, expose, fess up, give away, go public, gossip, impart, leak, let hair down, let slip, mouth, open up, own up, proclaim, promulgate, publish, reveal, spill, spill the beans, spring, tattle, tell, tip off, uncover Antonyms: conceal, hide, keep, secrete : (verb) to disclose or reveal (something private, secret, or previously unknown).
- He divulged their secrets to me. - او اسرار آنان را برایم فاش کرد.
- She did not divulge her age. - آن زن سن خود را افشا نکرد.
سهو، غیرعمدی
(adjective) accidental Synonyms: careless, chance, feckless, heedless, irreflective, negligent, not on purpose, reckless, thoughtless, uncaring, unconcerned, undesigned, undevised, unheeding, unintended, unintentional, unmindful, unplanned, unpremeditated, unthinking, unthought, unwitting Antonyms: advertent, attentive, deliberate, intentional, planned
- an inadvertent mistake- اشتباه غیرعمدی
ستایشآمیز، مدیحه، ستایش
noun. a formal eulogistic composition
(adjective) harsh
Synonyms: brutal, cruel, drastic, exorbitant, extreme, heavy-handed, oppressive, rough, severe, strict, very severe وابسته به Draco (دولتمرد سختگیر یونانی) و قوانین ظالمانهی منتسب به او، (با حرف کوچک) بسیار ظالمانه، بسیار ستمگر یا ستمگرانه، (قوانین) شدید - Draconian labor laws - قوانین ستمگرانه کار - He criticized the draconian measures taken by the police in controlling the demonstrators. - او از اقدامات پیشگیرانهی ظالمانهای که پلیس برای کنترل معترضان اتخاذ کرده بود انتقاد کرد.
خوراک همهچیز درهم، چیز درهموبرهم
(noun) mixture, mess Synonyms: collection, combination, goulash, hash, jumble, medley, mélange, miscellany, mishmash, mixed bag, olio, patchwork, potpourri, salmagundi Antonyms: singularity
غیر قابل بحث، بدون مناقشه، بی چونو چرا، بدون مباحثه، مسلم
(adjective) beyond dispute Synonyms: accurate, authentic, certain, established, incontestable, indisputable, indubitable, irrefutable, nailed down, no mistake, no two ways about it, positive, sure, surefire, sure thing, uncontestable, undeniable, unequivocable, unquestionable, unshakable Antonyms: changeable, controvertible, questionable, uncertain, variable - incontrovertible evidences - شواهد انکارناپذیر - incontrovertible facts - حقایق مسلم
بیطرف، بیغرض، بینظر، برابرنگر، داد ور، بیغرضانه، راست بین، عادل، منصفانه، منصف
(adjective) fair, unprejudiced Synonyms: candid, detached, disinterested, dispassionate, equal, equitable, evenhanded, fair-minded, impersonal, just, middle-of-the-road, neutral, nondiscriminating, nondiscriminatory, nonpartisan, objective, on-the-fence, open-minded, unbiased, unbigoted, uncolored, unslanted, without favor Antonyms: biased, discriminating, favoring, partial, prejudiced, unfair, unjust
- a judge ought to be impartial. - قاضی باید بیطرف باشد.
- an impartial teacher. - معلم برابرنگر (بیغرض).
- he acted impartially. - او با بیغرضی عمل کرد.
مختص یک دیار، بومی، بیماری همهگیر بومی، مخصوص آبوهوای یک شهر یا یک کشور
(adjective) native Synonyms: local, regional - Cholera was endemic in India and once in a while became epidemic in Europe. - وبا در هندوستان بومگیر بود و گاهی در اروپا همهگیر میشد. - The island has several interesting endemic species. - آن جزیره دارای چندین گونهی بومی جالبتوجه است. - the political extremism which was endemic in Spain - افراطگرایی سیاسی که مختص اسپانیا بود - It is difficult to eradicate endemics. - ریشهکنی بیماری بومگیر دشوار است.
کوچک، خرد ،حرف کوچک
(adjective) tiny, very small Synonyms: diminutive, dwarf, infinitesimal, itsy-bitsy, Lilliputian, little, meager, microscopic, mini, miniature, minute, pint-sized, puny, short, slight, small-scale, stunted, teensy, teeny, trivial, undersized, wee
- the minuscule wages of school janitors - دستمزد بسیار ناچیز پیشخدمتهای مدرسه
سودمند، پرمنفعت، سودآور، پرسود، پردرآمد، پرمنفعت، پولساز
(adjective) productive, well-paid Synonyms: advantageous, cost effective, fatness, fruitful, gainful, good, high-income, in the black, money-making, paying, profitable, remunerative, sweet, worthwhile Antonyms: poorly paid, unprofitable - a lucrative investment - سرمایهگذاری سودآور - She has a lucrative deal with a cosmetics company. - او معاملهای پرسود با یک شرکت آرایشی دارد.
تاوان دادن، پاداش دادن، عوض دادن، جبران کردن
استدلالی، برهانی، سرگردان
(adjective) rambling Synonyms: deviating, digressive, erratic, excursive, long-winded, meandering, prolix, roaming, roving, spreading, wandering
پیش پنداشتن، از پیش فرض کردن، دربرداشتن، متضمن بودن
- The belief in hell presupposes the existence of life after death. - اعتقاد به دوزخ بر این فرض استوار است که پس از مرگ هم زندگی وجود دارد. - An effect presupposes a cause. - معلول متضمن علت است.
میانجی، وساطتکننده، مداخلهکننده، وساطت، مداخله
(noun) person who negotiates Synonyms: agent, broker, channel, connection, cutout, delegate, emissary, entrepreneur, fixer, go-between, influence, instrument, interagent, interceder, intercessor, intermediate, mediator, medium, middle person, negotiator, organ, vehicle - intermediary between God and the people - رابط میان خداوند و انسانها - importing goods and other intermediary trades - وارد کردن کالا و واسطهکاریهای دیگر
باطل کردن، فسخ کردن (قسمتی از چیزی را)، کسر کردن، تخفیف دادن، کاستن، عمل سست و ضعیف انجام دادن
(verb) take away Synonyms: disparage, discredit, detract, humiliate, insult, slander, denigrate - His enemies are trying to derogate from his reputation as a good leader. - دشمنانش میکوشند از شهرت او به عنوان یک رهبر خوب بکاهند. - We must raise the value of a mother's position and not derogate from it. - ما باید ارزش مقام مادر را بالا ببریم نه آنکه از آن بکاهیم. - The aim of this article is to derogate the recent tendencies of some officials. - هدف این مقاله خردهگیری از تمایلات اخیر اولیای امور است.
مغرور، از خود راضی، منکوبگر، طاقتفرسا، غالب، قاطع
(adjective) arrogant, domineering Synonyms: ascendant, autocratic, bossy, cavalier, cocky, despotic, dictatorial, disdainful, dogmatic, egotistic, haughty, high-and-mighty, high-handed, imperative, imperial, imperious, insolent, magisterial, officious, oppressive, overweening, paramount, peremptory, predominant, preponderant, prevalent, proud, regnant, sniffy, snotty, sovereign, stuffy, supercilious, superior, tyrannical, uppity Antonyms: kind, modest, nice, unassertive - the overbearing problem of illiteracy - مسئله غامض بیسوادی - the overbearing attitude of some police officers - رفتار آمرانهی برخی افسران پلیس
فدایی، مجاهد، غیور، باغیرت، هواخواه
(adjective) enthusiastic Synonyms: afire, antsy, ardent, avid, burning, coming on strong, dedicated, devoted, eager, earnest, fanatic, fanatical, fervent, fervid, fireball, fired, frenetic, gung-ho, hot, impassioned, itchy, keen, obsessed, passionate, possessed, pushy, rabid, ripe, self-starting, spirited, wild-eyed Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent, lethargic, unenthusiastic
نامربوط، ناوابسته
1-(adjective) unneeded; irrevelant Synonyms: accidental, additional, adventitious, beside the point, extra, foreign, immaterial, impertinent, inadmissible, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, incidental, inessential, needless, nonessential, off the subject, peripheral, pointless, redundant, superfluous, supplementary, unconnected, unessential, unnecessary, unrelated Antonyms: appropriate, basic, essential, integral, necessary, needed, pertinent, relevant - extraneous events. - رویدادهای ناوابسته به هم (مستقل از هم). - her remark was unexpected and altogether extraneous. - اظهار او غیرمنتظره و کاملاً نامربوط بود. - extraneous information. - اطلاعات نامربوط.
برونی، خارجی، برونزاد، برونگاهی، از برون (به درون)، برون، خارج
2-(adjective) foreign
Synonyms: adventitious, alien, exotic, external, extrinsic, out of place, strange
Antonyms: national, native
- any extraneous light in the camera will ruin the film. - هرگونه نور برونی در دوربین موجب خراب شدن فیلم خواهد شد.
- protect the contents of the can from extraneous moisture. - محتویات قوطی را از رطوبت خارجی حفظ کنید.
غیراصلی، غیراساسی، فرعی، اضافی، نابنیادین، پیشامدی
- extraneous noises - صداهای فرعی - they considered art to be extraneous to reality. - آنان هنر را چیزی خارج از حوزهی واقعیات میپنداشتند.
تعمیر کردن، بحثهای قدیمی را دوباره بهصورت جدیدی مطرح کردن، تکرار مکررات، چیز تکراری
(verb) talk over again Synonyms: change, discuss, reiterate, repeat, rephrase, restate, reuse, rework, rewrite, say again, state differently Antonyms: deny, refuse - to rehash the same old arguments - همان استدلالهای کهنه را تکرار کردن - a rehash of an earlier book - سرهمبندی یک کتاب پیشین
باری به هر جهت، سرسری، بیمبالات
(adjective) automatic, unthinking Synonyms: apathetic, careless, cool, cursory, disinterested, going through the motions, heedless, impersonal, inattentive, indifferent, involuntary, lackadaisical, laid-back, mechanical, negligent, offhand, phoning it in, routine, sketchy, slipshod, slovenly, standard, stereotyped, stock, superficial, unaware, unconcerned, uninterested, usual, walking through it, wooden Antonyms: careful, precise, thoughtful - a perfunctory smile - لبخند زورکی - He read the letters perfunctorily and then closed his eyes. - او بهدلیل انجام وظیفه نامهها را خواند و سپس چشمانش را بست. - a perfunctory teacher - یک معلم بیعلاقه
مرکب، چند جزئی، جسم مرکب، لفظ مرکب، بلور دوتایی
ترکیب کردن، آمیختن
- (noun) combination, mixture
Synonyms: admixture, aggregate, alloy, amalgam, amalgamation, blend, combo, commixture, composite, composition, compost, conglomerate, fusion, goulash, medley, mishmash, soup, stew, synthesis, union - (verb) mix, combine
Synonyms: admix, amalgamate, associate, blend, bracket, coagment, coalesce, commingle, commix, concoct, connect, couple, fuse, immix, intermingle, join, link, make up, meld, mingle, synthesize, unite
Antonyms: divide, separate, unmix - (verb) make difficult; complicate
Synonyms: add to, aggravate, augment, confound, confuse, exacerbate, extend, heighten, intensify, magnify, make complex, make intricate, multiply, worsen
Antonyms: better, make easy, uncomplicate
- to compound various elements - عوامل مختلف را با هم ترکیب کردن - a chemical compound - ترکیب شیمیایی - a compound of nationalism and expansionism - آمیزهای از میهندوستی و توسعهطلبی - A butterfly has compound eyes. - پروانه دارای چشمان مرکب است. - to compound a problem - مسئلهای را بدتر کردن - He compounded his misfortune by losing his car key. - با گم کردن کلید ماشین، بدبیاری خود را تشدید کرد. - Interest is compounded semiannually. - بهرهی مرکب هر سال دو بار محاسبه میشود. - compounded interest - بهرهی مرکب، ربح مرکب - The prison compound was surrounded by barbed wire. - محوطهی زندان با سیم خاردار محصور شده بود.
رشک، حسد، حسادت، حسد بردن به، غبطه خوردن
- (noun) jealousy
Synonyms: backbiting, coveting, covetousness, enviousness, evil eye, green-eyed monster, grudge, grudging, grudgingness, hatred, heartburn, ill will, invidiousness, jaundiced eye, lusting, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignity, opposition, prejudice, resentfulness, resentment, rivalry, spite
Antonyms: comfort, confidence, contentedness, good will, kindness, pleasure - (verb) be jealous of another
Synonyms: be envious, begrudge, covet, crave, desire, die over, eat one’s heart out, grudge, hanker, have hard feelings, hunger, long, lust, object to, resent, thirst, turn green, want, yearn
Antonyms: be confident, be content
دفاعی، پدافندی، تدافعی
(adjective) protective, watchful Synonyms: arresting, averting, balking, checking, conservative, coping with, defending, foiling, forestalling, frustrating, guarding, in opposition, interrupting, opposing, preservative, preventive, protecting, resistive, safeguarding, thwarting, uptight, warding off, withstanding Antonyms: undefensive, unprotective, unwary, unwatchful - for purely defensive reasons - به دلایل صرفاً پدافندی - a break in the enemy's defensive positions - شکستی در مواضع دفاعی دشمن
خوشمنظر و بدنهاد، دارای ظاهر زیبا و فریبنده، درظاهر صحیح، بهطور سطحی درست، ظاهراً منطقی و درست، ولی واقعاً عکس آن
(adjective) misleading Synonyms: apparent, apparently right, beguiling, captious, casuistic, colorable, credible, deceptive, delusive, empty, erroneous, fallacious, false, flattering, hollow, idle, illogical, inaccurate, incorrect, likely, nugatory, ostensible, ostentatious, plausible, presumable, presumptive, pretentious, probable, seeming, sophistic, sophistical, sophisticated, spurious, unsound, untrue, vain, wrong Antonyms: real, true, valid
- specious logic - منطق ظاهراً مستدل
بیمقصد، بیمرام، بیاراده
(adjective) having no goal Synonyms: accidental, any which way, bits-and-pieces, blind, capricious, careless, casual, chance, desultory, directionless, drifting, erratic, fanciful, fickle, fits and starts, flighty, fortuitous, frivolous, goalless, haphazard, heedless, hit-or-miss, indecisive, indiscriminate, irresolute, objectless, pointless, purposeless, random, shiftless, stray, thoughtless, unavailing, undirected, unguided, unplanned, unpredictable, vagrant, wandering, wanton, wayward Antonyms: determined, directed, goal-oriented, motivated, pointed, purposeful, resolute - aimless violence - خشونت بدون هدف - He wandered aimlessly along the beach. - او بدون هدف در امتداد ساحل پرسه میزد. - her constant aimlessness - بیتصمیمی/ بیمقصدی همیشگی او
صافوساده، بیتزویر، رکگو، اصیل
(adjective) honest, trustful Synonyms: artless, candid, childlike, frank, green, guileless, innocent, like a babe in the woods, naive, natural, open, outspoken, plain, simple, sincere, square, straightforward, trusting, unaffected, unartful, unartificial, undisguised, unreserved, unschooled, unsophisticated, unstudied, up front Antonyms: deceitful, dishonest, sly
- the ingenuous boy said, “my father says he is not home” - پسر سادهدل گفت: «پدرم میگوید که خانه نیست.»
ذاتی، اصلی، باطنی، طبیعی، ذهنی، روحی، حقیقی، مرتب، شایسته
(adjective) basic, inborn Synonyms: built-in, central, congenital, connate, constitutional, constitutive, deep-seated, elemental, essential, fundamental, genuine, hereditary, inbred, indwelling, inherent, inmost, innate, intimate, material, native, natural, particular, peculiar, real, true, underlying Antonyms: accidental, acquired, extrinsic, incidental, learned - The intrinsic value of a gold coin is usually less than its nominal value. - ارزش واقعی یک سکهی طلا (ارزش فلز آن) معمولاً از ارزش اسمی آن کمتر است. - the wide gap between intrinsic feelings and the way they are expressed - شکاف عمیق میان احساسات درونی و چگونگی بیان آنها
ناچار، ناگزیر، اجتنابناپذیر، چارهناپذیر، غیرقابلامتناع، حتماً، حتمیالوقوع، بدیهی
(adjective) certain; cannot be avoided Synonyms: all locked up, assured, binding, compulsory, decided, decreed, destined, determined, doomed, fated, fateful, fixed, for certain, foreordained, imminent, impending, ineluctable, ineludible, inescapable, inexorable, inflexible, in the bag, irresistible, irrevocable, necessary, no ifs ands or buts, obligatory, ordained, pat, prescribed, settled, sure, unalterable, unavoidable, undeniable, unpreventable, without recourse Antonyms: avoidable, doubtful, escapable, fortuitous, preventable, uncertain, unlikely, unsure - Death is the inevitable end of life. - مرگ پایان اجتنابناپذیر زندگی است. - His defeat is inevitable. - شکست او حتمی است. - Those agressive acts made war inevitable. - آن اعمال پرخاشگرانه جنگ را گریزناپذیر کرد. - an inevitable result - نتیجهی اجتنابناپذیر، پیامد گریزناپذیر
سختگیر، سرسخت
- (adjective) uncompromising
Synonyms: tenacious, stubborn, obstinate, resolute, inflexible, adamant - (adjective) difficult, stubborn
Synonyms: awkward, bullheaded, cantankerous, contrary, hang tough, hard-line, headstrong, immovable, incompliant, incurable, indocile, indomitable, insoluble, locked in, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, pat, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, recalcitrant, refractory, resolute, self-willed, set in stone, tenacious, tough, tough-nut, unbending, uncompromising, uncooperative, undisciplined, ungovernable, unmanageable, unpliable, unruly, unyielding, wayward, wild, willful
Antonyms: amenable, easy, facile, manageable
- Owing to their intransigent attitude, the ceasefire agreement was not signed.- بهدلیل روش آشتیناپذیر آنان قرارداد آتشبس امضا نشد.
جدا، غیر ذیعلاقه
- (adjective) disconnected
Synonyms: alone, apart, discrete, disjoined, divided, emancipated, free, isolate, isolated, loose, loosened, removed, separate, severed, unaccompanied, unconnected
Antonyms: attached, combined, connected, coupled, linked, merged, united - (adjective) aloof, disinterested; neutral
Synonyms: abstract, apathetic, casual, cool, dispassionate, distant, impartial, impersonal, incurious, indifferent, laid-back, objective, out of it, poker-faced, remote, removed, reserved, spaced-out, spacey, staid, stolid, unbiased, uncommitted, unconcerned, uncurious, uninvolved, unpassioned, unprejudiced, withdrawn
Antonyms: biased, compassionate, engaged, interested, sympathetic
- detached retina - (پزشکی) شبکیهی جداشده - a detached building - ساختمان مجزا - a detached view of the problem - نگاهی بیطرفانه به مسئله - a detached mood - حالت حاکی از بیعلاقگی
دیرینه، ریشهکرده، معتاد، سرسخت، کینهآمیز
(adjective) long-standing, established Synonyms: abiding, accustomed, addicted, chronic, confirmed, continuing, customary, deep-rooted, deep-seated, dyed-in-the-wool, enduring, entrenched, fixed, habitual, habituated, hard-core, hardened, inbred, incorrigible, incurable, indurated, ineradicable, ingrained, innate, lifelong, long-lasting, long-lived, obstinate, old, perennial, permanent, persistent, persisting, set, settled, stubborn, sworn, usual Antonyms: short-lived - an inveterate enemy - دشمن دیرینه - his inveterate love of alcohol - عشق عمیق او به الکل
با پشت دست نوشتهشده (یازدهشده)، طعنهآمیز، چپ
(adjective) underhanded Synonyms: ambiguous, double-edged, equivocal, sarcastic, sardonic, two-edged - a backhanded compliment - تعارف کنایهآمیز - a backhanded slap - سیلی با پشت دست
مهربان، دلجو، خوشبرخورد، خوشخو
(adjective) friendly Synonyms: amiable, amicable, approachable, benevolent, benign, breezy, civil, clubby, congenial, cordial, courteous, genial, gentle, good-humored, good-natured, gracious, kindly, mild, nice, obliging, pleasant, polite, sociable, urbane, warm Antonyms: complaining, disdainful, grouchy, grumbling, impolite, miserable, reserved, surly, unfriendly - an affable old man - پیرمرد مهربان - an affable smile - لبخندی محبتآمیز - His affability was a pretense. - مهربانی او ساختگی بود.
بوالهوسی، هوس، تلون مزاج، وسواس noun, plural whimsies.
- capricious humor or disposition; extravagant, fanciful, or excessively playful expression: a play with lots of whimsy.
- an odd or fanciful notion.
- anything odd or fanciful; a product of playful or capricious fancy: a whimsy from an otherwise thoughtful writer.
سرسخت، محکم، چسبنده، سفت، مستحکم، استوار
- (adjective) strong, unyielding
Synonyms: adamant, bound, clinging, coherent, cohesive, determined, dogged, fast, firm, forceful, inflexible, intransigent, iron, meaning business, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, persevering, persistent, persisting, pertinacious, possessive, purposeful, relentless, resolute, retentive, set, solid, spunky, stalwart, staunch, steadfast, stout, strong-willed, stubborn, sturdy, sure, tight, tough, true, unforgetful, unshakable, unswerving
Antonyms: surrendering, weak, yielding - (adjective) sticky
Synonyms: adhesive, clinging, clingy, fast, firm, fixed, glutinous, gummy, inseparable, mucilaginous, resisting, retentive, secure, set, tacky, tight, viscid, viscose, viscous, waxy
Antonyms: loose, slack, unattached
- a tenacious grip - محکم در دست نگهداشتن - a tenacious memory - حافظهی قوی - a tenacious wood - چوب سخت - tenacious sputum - اخ و تف چسبناک - tenacious resistance - مقاومت پیگیر
(بهنحو تلخ یا تحقیرآمیز) کنایهدار، طعنهآمیز
(adjective) sarcastic Synonyms: acerbic, arrogant, biting, bitter, carping, caustic, cynical, derisive, disrespectful, evil, irascible, mean, mocking, mordant, nasty, offensive, salty, satirical, scorching, scornful, sharp, smart-alecky, sneering, taunting, wise - a sardonic smile - لبخند تلخ و تمسخرآمیز - He gave a brief, sardonic laugh. - او خندهای کوتاه و طعنهآمیز کرد.
رفتار زیرجلکی و خائنانه، تقلب
noun, plural skull·dug·ger·ies.
- dishonorable proceedings; mean dishonesty or trickery: They dealt in bribery, graft, and other such skullduggery.
- an instance of dishonest or deceitful behavior; trick.
حلالزاده، درست، برحق، قانونی، مشروع
(adjective) authentic, valid, legal Synonyms: accepted, accredited, acknowledged, admissible, appropriate, authorized, canonical, certain, cogent, consistent, correct, customary, fair, genuine, innocent, just, justifiable, lawful, licit, logical, natural, normal, official, on the level, on the up and up, orthodox, probable, proper, real, reasonable, received, recognized, regular, reliable, rightful, sanctioned, sensible, sound, statutory, sure, true, typical, usual, verifiable, warranted, well-founded Antonyms: illegal, illegitimate, invalid, unlawful, unwarranted - He claimed to be the legitimate son of the king. - او ادعا میکرد که پسر مشروع پادشاه است. - two legitimate daughters and one illegitimate son - دو دختر حلالزاده و یک پسر حرامزاده - a legitimate claim - ادعای قانونی - a legitimate business - کاسبی مشروع - a legitimate conclusion - نتیجهگیری درست
آثار ادبی دیگران را سرقت کردن
verb (used with object), pla·gia·rized, pla·gia·riz·ing.
- to take and use by plagiarism.
- to take and use ideas, passages, etc., from (another’s work) by plagiarism.
verb (used without object), pla·gia·rized, pla·gia·riz·ing.
- to commit plagiarism.
انکار، رد، نفی، ردکردن
(verb) reject Synonyms: abjure, contradict, deny, disacknowledge, disallow, disclaim, disown, drop out, forswear, gainsay, go back on word, impugn, negate, negative, refuse, renege, renig, repudiate, wash hands of, weasel out of, welsh, worm out of Antonyms: agree, approve, sanction, vouch for, vow - He disavowed any knowledge of the conspiracy. - او هرگونه اطلاع دربارهی توطئه را انکار کرد. - She disavowed the actions of her subordinates. - او مسئولیت اعمال زیردستان خود را به عهده نگرفت. - his disavowal of resposibility for the accident - حاشای او نسبت به داشتن مسئولیت در حادثه
تهی کردن، خالی کردن، به ته رسانیدن
(verb) consume, exhaust supply Synonyms: bankrupt, bleed, decrease, dig into, diminish, drain, draw, dry up, empty, evacuate, expend, finish, impoverish, lessen, milk, reduce, sap, spend, squander, suck dry, undermine, use up, wash up, waste, weaken Antonyms: add, augment, expand, fill, give, increase - Too much walking depleted our energy. - پیادهروی زیاد نیروی ما را تحلیل برد. - The world's oil reserves will be depleted in a few decades. - تا چند دههی دیگر ذخایر نفت جهان تحلیل خواهد رفت. - tissues depleted of vitamins - بافتهای فاقد ویتامین
استهزا، ریشخند، تمسخر کردن، دست انداختن
(noun) contemptuous laughter at someone or something Synonyms: badinage, banter, buffoonery, burlesque, caricature, chaff, comeback, contempt, derision, dig, disdain, disparagement, farce, foolery, gibe, irony, jab, jeer, laughter, leer, mockery, mordancy, needling, parody, parting shot, persiflage, putdown, put-on, raillery, rally, razz, rib, roast, sarcasm, sardonicism, satire, scorn, slam, sneer, swipe, taunt, taunting, travesty Antonyms: flattery, praise (verb) make contemptuous fun of something or someone Synonyms: banter, caricature, cartoon, chaff, deflate, deride, expose, fleer, gibe, haze, humiliate, jape, jeer, jive, jolly, josh, kid, lampoon, laugh at, make a fool of, make a game of, make a laughing-stock, make fun of, mimic, mock, needle, pan, parody, poke fun at, pooh-pooh, pull one’s leg, put down, quiz, rag, rail at, rally, raz, rib, ride, roast, run down, satirize, scoff, scorn, send up, show up, sneer, takeoff, taunt, travesty, twit, unmask Antonyms: flatter, praise - He could not stand their ridicule concerning his large nose. - تاب تحمل تمسخر آنها دربارهی دماغ بزرگش را نداشت. - They ridiculed his long ears. - آنها گوشهای دراز او را مورد تمسخر قرار دادند.
تحلیل بردن، از زیر خراب کردن، نقب زدن
(verb) weaken Synonyms: attenuate, blunt, clip one’s wings, corrode, cripple, debilitate, dig, dig out, disable, eat away, enfeeble, erode, excavate, foil, frustrate, hollow out, hurt, impair, knock the bottom out of, mine, poke full of holes, ruin, sabotage, sandbag, sap, soften, subvert, threaten, thwart, torpedo, tunnel, undercut, wear, whittle away, wreck Antonyms: strengthen - The recent flood has undermined the wall. - سیل اخیر پایهی دیوار را سست کرده است. - These activities undermine the minister's authority. - این فعالیتها قدرت وزیر را تضعیف میکند. - Debauchery undermined his health. - عشرتطلبی به سلامتی او صدمه زد.
خودخواه، خودپرست، نوکر منافع خود
نابودشدنی، هلاکشدنی، زودگذر، کالای فاسدشونده
(adjective) liable to spoil, rot Synonyms: decaying, decomposable, destructible, easily spoiled, short-lived, unstable Antonyms: continuation, endurance - perishable items such as butter and fruit - اقلام فاسدشدنی مانند کره و میوه - News is one of the perishable things that can lose its value by delay. - خبر یکی از چیزهای ناپایایی است که در اثر تأخیر ارزش خود را از دست میدهد. - Perishables such as milk must be refrigerated. - چیزهای فاسدشدنی مانند شیر باید در یخچال نگهداری شوند.
هوسباز، دمدمیمزاج، هوسران
(adjective) given to sudden behavior change Synonyms: any way the wind blows, arbitrary, blowing hot and cold, careless, changeful, contrary, crotchety, effervescent, erratic, every which way, fanciful, fickle, fitful, flaky, flighty, freakish, gaga, helter-skelter, humorsome, impulsive, inconstant, kinky, lubricious, mercurial, moody, mutable, notional, odd, picky, punchy, queer, quirky, temperamental, ticklish, unpredictable, unreasonable, unstable, up and down, vagarious, variable, volatile, wayward, whimsical, yo-yo Antonyms: constant, dependable, sensible, staid, steadfast, steady - The people's support for him was very capricious. - حمایت مردم از او از روی هوس بود. - She capriciously decided to sell the house and buy jewellery. - او از روی هوسبازی تصمیم گرفت که خانه را بفروشد و جواهر بخرد.
تخیلی، پرخواب و خیال
- in March the weather became capricious again. - در ماه مارس هوا دوباره متغیر شد. - a capricious market - بازار بیثبات
خودپرستی، منت، خودستانی، خودبینی، خودپسندی
(noun) self-centeredness Synonyms: arrogance, assurance, boastfulness, boasting, bragging, conceit, conceitedness, egocentricity, egomania, gasconade, haughtiness, insolence, megalomania, narcissism, ostentation, overconfidence, preoccupation with self, presumption, pride, self-absorption, self-admiration, self-confidence, self-importance, self-interest, selfishness, self-love, self-possession, self-regard, self-worship, superiority, swellheadedness, vainglory, vanity, vaunting Antonyms: altruism, humility, selflessness
فاقد شرایط لازم، فاقد صلاحیت، بیحدوحصر، نامحدود، کامل
- (adjective) not prepared, incompetent
Synonyms: amateur, bush, bush-league, disqualified, ill-equipped, inadequate, incapable, ineligible, inexperienced, not equal to, not up to, unequipped, unfit, unfitted, unprepared, unskilled
Antonyms: competent, prepared, qualified, ready - (adjective) outright, absolute
Synonyms: abiding, blasted, blessed, categorical, certain, clear, complete, confounded, consummate, downright, enduring, entire, explicit, express, firm, flat out, infernal, never-failing, no catch, no ifs ands or buts, out-and-out, perfect, positive, rank, sheer, simple, steadfast, steady, sure, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, unadulterated, unalloyed, unconditional, unfaltering, unlimited, unmitigated, unreserved, unrestrained, unrestricted, utter, wholehearted, without reservation
Antonyms: conditional, indefinite, temporary, tentative
- He is unqualified for this job. - او واجد شرایط لازم برای این شغل نیست. - an unqualified success - یک موفقیت کامل
امرانه، دیکتاتوروار، مطلق، دارای اختیار
1. of, relating to, or befitting a master; of importance or consequence; authoritative; weighty: a magisterial pronouncement by the director of the board.
2. imperious; domineering: a magisterial tone of command.
3. of or befitting a magistrate or the office of a magistrate: The judge spoke with magisterial gravity.
4. of the rank of a magistrate: magisterial standing.
میهن پرست متعصب
(noun) jingo Synonyms: jingoist, superpatriot, sexist, bigot, patriot
aggressively and blindly devoted to a certain system of beliefs, especially patriotism or nationalism:The study of historical colonialism reveals a chauvinistic attitude toward other cultures and an implicit assumption that the West was the standard of civilized life for the rest of the world.
believing that one gender is superior to another:These four remarkable women composers, whose work is largely unknown, were ignored until now because of the chauvinistic attitudes that prevailed in their time.
نرم، براق، صیقلی، صاف، شفاف، چرب و نرم، صیقلی کردن، صاف کردن
(adjective) smooth, glossy Synonyms: glassy, glistening, lustrous, polished, satin, shiny, silken, silky Antonyms: dull, raised, rough, ungroomed, unkempt - Her sleek blond hair shone under the sun. - گیسوی براق و طلایی او در آفتاب میدرخشید. - The floor was sleek with fresh blood. - خون تازه کف اتاق را لیز کرده بود. - He was driving a long sleek car. - او پشت یک ماشین دراز و شیک نشسته بود. - one of those sleek restaurants - یکی از آن رستورانهای شیک - a sleek brunette in a gray dress - یک خانم سبزهی شیک در لباس خاکستری - sleek pigeons - کبوترهای تروتمیز - the sleek style of advertisements - سبک پرتصنع آگهیهای تجارتی
گس، قابض، جمعکننده، سفت، داروی قابض، سختگیر،دقیق، طاقتفرسا، شاق، تند و تیز
(adjective) harsh Synonyms: acetic, acrid, biting, bitter, cutting, sharp, tonic Antonyms: bland, mild
- an astringent speech - نطقی شدیدالحن
ضد و نقیض، دوسویه، مردد، دارای دو احساس یا فکر متضاد، دوسوگرای، دوجنبهای، دمدمی
(adjective) conflicting Synonyms: clashing, contradictory, debatable, doubtful, equivocal, fluctuating, hesitant, inconclusive, irresolute, mixed, opposed, uncertain, undecided, unresolved, unsure, vacillating, warring, wavering Antonyms: certain, definite, resolved, settled, sure, unequivocal
بهتر کردن، اصلاح کردن، چاره کردن، بهتر شدن، بهبودی یافتن
(verb) make, become better Synonyms: alleviate, amend, help, improve, lighten, meliorate, mitigate, relieve, step up, upgrade Antonyms: worsen - The economic situation has ameliorated considerably. - وضع اقتصادی بهطورقابلملاحظهای بهتر شده است. - There has been no further amelioration in her condition. - حال او اصلاً بهتر نشده است.
نمونه، سرمشق، نظیر، مانند، مثال، مثل، نسخه
(noun) ideal Synonyms: archetype, copy, criterion, epitome, example, exemplification, illustration, instance, mirror, model, paradigm, paragon, pattern, prototype, specimen, standard, type
بیمیلی، اکراه، بیزاری، لج، کینه، غرض، غبطه، بخل ورزیدن، لجاجت کردن، غبطه خوردن بر، رشک ورزیدن به، غرغر کردن
- (noun) hard feelings
Synonyms: animosity, animus, antipathy, aversion, bad blood, bitterness, bone to pick, dislike, enmity, grievance, hate, hatred, ill will, injury, injustice, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignancy, peeve, pet peeve, pique, rancor, resentment, spite, spitefulness, spleen, venom
Antonyms: favor, forgiveness, good will - (verb) feel resentful; give unwillingly
Synonyms: begrudge, be reluctant, be stingy, complain, covet, deny, envy, hold back, mind, pinch, refuse, resent, stint
Antonyms: favor, forgive
- to grudge a person his success - نسبت به کامیابی کسی رشک بردن - He grudged his dog its food. - او با بیمیلی به سگش خوراک میداد. - He congratulated us grudgingly. - او از روی بغض به ما تبریک گفت. - He has a grudge against me. - او با من غرض دارد.
جامع، بیاستثنا، فراگیرنده، شامل، تند، بنیانکن
(adjective) wide-ranging Synonyms: across-the-board, all-around, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, all-out, bird’s-eye, blanket, broad, complete, comprehensive, exaggerated, exhaustive, extensive, full, general, global, inclusive, indiscriminate, out-and-out, overall, overdrawn, overstated, radical, thorough, thorough-going, unqualified, vast, wall-to-wall, whole-hog, wholesale, wide Antonyms: exclusive, narrow - the sweeping curve of the bay - انحنای گستردهی خلیج - a sweeping generalization - عمومیت دادن سرسری - sweeping economic reforms - اصلاحات همهجانبهی اقتصادی
از بن کندن، ریشهکن کردن، از بین بردن، بهکلی نابودکردن
(verb) destroy; uproot Synonyms: abate, abolish, annihilate, blot out, cut out, demolish, deracinate, efface, eliminate, eradicate, erase, excise, expunge, exsect, exterminate, extinguish, kill, raze, remove, root out, wipe out Antonyms: help, leave alone - an ignorance which even religion has not been able to extirpate - جهالتی که حتی مذهب هم نتوانسته است آن را ریشهکن کند - the extirpation of illiteracy - ریشهکنسازی بیسوادی
برابری، تساوی، زوج بودن، تعادل، جفتی
(noun) equality, balance Synonyms: adequation, affinity, agreement, analogy, approximation, closeness, coequality, conformity, congruity, consistency, correspondence, equal terms, equivalence, equivalency, likeness, nearness, par, parallelism, paraphernalia, resemblance, sameness, similarity, similitude, uniformity, unity Antonyms: dissimilitude, imbalance, inequality - Parity must exist between authority and responsibility. - باید میان اختیار و مسئولیت موازنه برقرار باشد. - We must try to achieve parity with our industrial competitors. - باید سعی کنیم با رقبای صنعتی خود همتراز شویم. - Everywhere, women are demanding parity with men. - در همهجا زنها خواهان برابری با مردها هستند. - parity checking - بررسی همسنگی (توازن)
مطلوبیت چیزی بهدلیل سودمندی آن، معتقد به اصل اخلاقی سودمندگرایی، سودمندگرا
(adjective) practical Synonyms: commonsensical, down-to-earth, effective, efficient, functional, hard, hardheaded, matter-of-fact, nuts and bolts, pragmatic, pragmatical, realistic, sensible, serviceable, unidealistic, unromantic, useful Antonyms: impractical, unnecessary
- to subordinate the aesthetic aspects of a library to its utilitarian aspects- جنبههای زیباشناسی کتابخانه را نسبت به جنبههای عملی آن در درجهی دوم اهمیت قرار دادن
بیرون کشیدن، استخراج کردن، استنباط کردن
(verb) draw out Synonyms: arm-twist, badger, bite, bring, bring forth, bring out, bring to light, call forth, cause, derive, educe, evince, evoke, evolve, exact, extort, extract, fetch, give rise to, milk, obtain, put muscle on, put the arm on, rattle, shake, shake down, squeeze, wrest, wring Antonyms: cover, hide, keep, repress, supress - My words elicited his angry reply. - سخنان من پاسخ خشمگین او را برانگیخت. - His jokes elicited laughter. - شوخیهای او موجب خنده شد. - She elicited harmonious sounds from that old instrument. - صداهای موزونی را از آن ساز قدیمی بیرون می آورد. - The questionnaire elicited more aspects of his personality. - پرسشنامه جنبههای بیشتری از شخصیت او را آشکار ساخت.
مست کردن، کیف دادن، سرخوش کردن
1. verb (used with object), in·tox·i·cat·ed, in·tox·i·cat·ing.
to affect temporarily with diminished physical and mental control by means of alcoholic liquor, a drug, or another substance, especially to excite or stupefy with liquor.
to make enthusiastic; elate strongly, as by intoxicants; exhilarate: The prospect of success intoxicated him.
Pathology. to poison.
2. verb (used without object), in·tox·i·cat·ed, in·tox·i·cat·ing.
to cause or produce intoxication: having the power to intoxicate.
3. adjective
Archaic. intoxicated.
- Strong drinks intoxicate a person quickly. - مشروبهای قوی زود انسان را مست میکند. - He was completely intoxicated. - او کاملاً مست شده بود. - Success has intoxicated him. - موفقیت، او را سرمست کرده است.
آغاز کردن، بنیاد نهادن، تازه بهوجود آمده، نیمهتمام
(adjective) undeveloped, beginning Synonyms: amorphous, elementary, embryonic, formless, immature, imperfect, inceptive, incipient, just begun, nascent, preliminary, rudimentary, shapeless, unfinished, unformed, unshaped Antonyms: developed, grown, mature - inchoate ideas - عقاید تازه ایجادشده، اندیشههای نوپا - The general plan is inchoate and vague. - نقشهی کلی ناقص و مبهم است. - an inchoate right of dower - حق مشروط به جهیزیه
جلوگیری کردن، رد کردن، منع، رد، دفع
(noun) turning away; ignoring Synonyms: brushoff, check, cold shoulder, cut, defeat, denial, discouragement, go-by, hard time, insult, kick in the teeth, nix, nothing doing, opposition, rebuke, refusal, rejection, reprimand, repulse, slight, snub, thumbs down, turndown Antonyms: inclusion, welcome (verb) turn away; give the cold shoulder* Synonyms: beat off, brush off, check, chide, cross, cut, decline, deny, disallow, discourage, dismiss, disregard, fend off, hold off, ignore, keep at a distance, keep at arm’s length, keep at bay, lash out at, neglect, not hear of, oppose, pass up, push back, put in one’s place, put off, rebuke, refuse, reject, repel, reprove, repudiate, repulse, resist, send away, slight, snub, spurn, stave off, tell off, turn down, ward off Antonyms: hug, include, take in, welcome - Javad rebuffed our invitation. - جواد دعوت ما را رد کرد. - They rebuffed the enemy attack. - آنان حملهی دشمن را دفع کردند.
تفسیر کردن، تعبیر کردن، استنباط کردن
(verb) deduce; explain Synonyms: analyze, decipher, define, explicate, expound, figure it to be, infer, interpret, one’s best guess, parse, read, render, spell out, take, translate, understand - They construed my words as critical and hostile. - آنها حرفهای مرا انتقادی و خصومتآمیز تعبیر کردند. - Her silence was construed as agreement. - سکوت او را حمل بر توافق کردند.
سفسطه، دلیل سفسطهآمیز، استدلال غلط
(noun) illusion, misconception Synonyms: aberration, ambiguity, artifice, bias, casuistry, cavil, deceit, deception, deceptiveness, delusion, deviation, elusion, equivocation, erratum, erroneousness, error, evasion, falsehood, faultiness, flaw, heresy, illogicality, inconsistency, inexactness, invalidity, misapprehension, miscalculation, misconstrual, misinterpretation, mistake, non sequitur, notion, paradox, perversion, preconception, prejudice, quibbling, quirk, solecism, sophism, sophistry, speciousness, subterfuge, untruth Antonyms: certainty, evidence, fact, honesty, reality, right, surety, truth - Their religious reasoning is full of fallacies and deliberate lies. - استدلالهای دینی آنها از سفسطه و دروغ عمدی پر است. - a fallacy of the senses - اشتباه حسی - a fallacy of the eye - خطای بصری، رمژک چشمی - It is a total fallacy that physical punishment is necessary for children. - این باور که تنبیه بدنی برای بچهها لازم میباشد، اشتباه محض است.
افزایش، ترقی، سود، بهره، منفعت، بازدهی، اضافه حقوق
(noun) small step toward gain Synonyms: accession, accretion, accrual, accrument, addition, advancement, augmentation, enlargement, increase, profit, raise, rise, supplement Antonyms: decrease, loss - an annual increment of $300 in salary - افزایش سالیانهی دستمزد به میزان 300 دلار - a negative increment - والش منفی
بدتر کردن، خراب کردن، روبهزوال گذاشتن
(verb) decay, degenerate Synonyms: adulterate, alloy, become worse, be worse for wear, break, corrode, corrupt, crumble, debase, debilitate, decline, decompose, degrade, deprave, depreciate, descend, disimprove, disintegrate, ebb, fade, fail, fall apart, flag, go downhill, go to pieces, go to pot, go to the dogs, hit the skids, impair, injure, languish, lapse, lessen, lose it, lose quality, lower, mar, pervert, regress, retrograde, retrogress, rot, sink, skid, slide, spoil, undermine, vitiate, weaken, wear away, worsen Antonyms: build, construct, develop, get better, improve - Wood deteriorates faster in damp places. - چوب در جاهای مرطوب زودتر خراب میشود. - The relations between the two countries have been deteriorating for sometime. - مدتی است که روابط بین دو کشور رو به خرابی میرود. - Aunt Turan's health is fast deteriorating. - سلامتی عمه توران به سرعت رو به وخامت است. - a deterioration of the weather conditions - بدتر شدن وضع آب و هوا
ظاهرا مجلل، عالی نما، متظاهرانه، پر زرق وبرق، خودنمایانه، مغرورانه، واهی، بلندپروازانه، خودبزرگ بینانه
(adjective) theatrical, extravagant Synonyms: affected, ambitious, august, bombastic, cosmic, egotistic, flamboyant, fustian, grand, high-falutin’, high-flown, imposing, impressive, lofty, lordly, magnificent, majestic, monumental, noble, ostentatious, overwhelming, pompous, pretentious, purple, royal, showy, splashy, stately, unfathomable, vast Antonyms: calm, moderate, small, unpretentious - the grandiose palace of the corrupt vizier. - کاخ مجلل وزیر فاسد. - He's always producing grandiose plans that never work. - او همیشه طرحهایی باشکوه میریزد که هیچگاه بهکار نمیآیند. - he has grandiose ideas about himself. - او خیلی به خودش مینازد.
بیسر کردن، شاخه زدن، ناقص کردن، بریدن، کوتاه کردن
(verb) shorten Synonyms: abbreviate, abridge, clip, crop, curtail, cut, cut off, cut short, lop, pare, prune, shear, top, trim Antonyms: elongate, expand, lengthen, stretch
اتفاقی، برحسب تصادف، اتفاقاً
(adjective) without plan or organization Synonyms: accidental, aimless, all over the map, any old way, any which way, arbitrary, careless, casual, chance, designless, desultory, devil-may-care, disorderly, disorganized, erratic, fluke, helter-skelter, hit-or-miss, incidental, indiscriminate, irregular, loose, offhand, purposeless, random, reckless, slapdash, slipshod, spontaneous, sudden, unconcerned, unconscious, unconsidered, uncoordinated, unexpected, unmethodical, unorganized, unpremeditated, unsystematic, unthinking, willy-nilly Antonyms: careful, designed, intentional, methodical, organized, planned, straight, systematic, thought-out - The selection of the team members was haphazard. - گزینش اعضای تیم بدون حساب و کتاب انجام شد. - They met by the haphazard of chance. - آنان از روی تصادف روزگار با هم آشنا شدند. - Books were piled on shelves haphazardly. - کتابها را بدون نظم و ترتیب روی میز انباشته کرده بودند.
عجیب و غریب، شوخ، مبهوت، مات
(adjective) appearing confused or curious Synonyms: amusing, aporetic, arch, bantering, derisive, disbelieving, eccentric, incredulous, inquiring, inquisitive, mocking, odd, probing, quaint, queer, questioning, sardonic, searching, show-me, skeptical, supercilious, suspicious, teasing, unbelieving, unusual Antonyms: certain, understanding
- a quizzical look - نگاه پرسشآمیز
استانی، ایالتنشین، کوتهفکر، ایالتی
(adjective) countrified; limited Synonyms: bigoted, bucolic, country, hidebound, homegrown, homespun, insular, inward-looking, local, narrow, narrow-minded, parochial, pastoral, petty, rude, rural, rustic, sectarian, small-minded, small-town, uninformed, unpolished, unsophisticated Antonyms: citified, liberal, metropolitan, modern - provincial prime ministers of Canada - نخستوزیری استانهای کانادا - provincial elections - انتخابات ایالتی - a provincial accent - لهجهی شهرستانی - provincial interests - علایق کوتهبینانه
بیحس، بیعاطفه، جامد، کساد، غیرحساس، کرخت
(adjective) indifferent, callous Synonyms: aloof, bloodless, coldhearted, crass, feelingless, hard, hard as nails, hard-boiled, hardened, hardhearted, heartless, imperceptive, incurious, obtuse, stony, tactless, thick-skinned, tough, uncaring, unconcerned, unfeeling, unkind, unresponsive, unsusceptible Antonyms: caring, concerned, feeling, impressionable, mindful, responsive, sensitive (adjective) numb Synonyms: anesthetized, asleep, benumbed, dead, deadened, immune to, impervious to, insensible, nonreactive, senseless, unfeeling Antonyms: aware, feeling, sensate, touched
- He was insensitive to the needs of his aged father.
- او نسبت به خواستههای پدر پیرش بیاعتنا بود.
پابند، دستبند، قید، مانع، پابند زدن
(noun) restraint Synonyms: bracelet, chain, cuff, electronic ankle bracelet, fetter, handcuff, irons, leg-iron, manacle, rope, trammel (verb) restrain Synonyms: bind, chain, confine, cuff, fetter, handcuff, hog-tie, hold, hold captive, manacle, put a straitjacket on, secure, tie up, trammel - the shackles of ignorance - قید و بند ناشی از جهالت - a group of people shackled by poverty and superstition - گروهی از مردمی که فقر و خرافات دامنگیر آنان شده بود
سخت کاربرد، دست و پا گیر، گت و گنده، دشوارکار، ثقیل، دیرحرکت، کند، (آدم) لندهور
(adjective) clumsy, awkward Synonyms: bulky, burdensome, clunker, clunking, clunky, cumbrous, embarrassing, galumphing, heavy, hefty, incommodious, inconvenient, leaden, massive, oppressive, ponderous, tiresome, unhandy, unmanageable, unwieldy, wearisome, weighty Antonyms: graceful - It was an angry and cumbersome bear. - خرس خشمناک و گت و گندهای بود. - Her suitcases were old and cumbersome. - چمدانهای او قدیمی و حمل آنها مشکل بود.
آهسته، بطئی، سنگین و بد کار، (ماشینآلات) بدقلق
- cumbersome administrative procedures. - روشهای مدیریت وقتگیر و کمسود. - cumbersome technical terms. - واژههای فنی قلمبه سلمبه.
ثنا، ستایش
noun, plural en·co·mi·ums, en·co·mi·a [en-koh-mee-uh].
a formal expression of high praise; eulogy: An encomium by the president greeted the returning hero.
از سرعت چیزی کاستن، آهسته کردن
verb (used with object), de·cel·er·at·ed, de·cel·er·at·ing.
to decrease the velocity of: He decelerates the bobsled when he nears a curve.
to slow the rate of increase of: efforts to decelerate inflation.
verb (used without object), de·cel·er·at·ed, de·cel·er·at·ing.
to slow down: The plane decelerated just before landing.
قدرت و زندگی تازه دادن (به)، باز زنده ساختن
verb (used with object), re·vi·tal·ized, re·vi·tal·iz·ing.
to give new life to.
to give new vitality or vigor to.
- revitalizing the country’s industries - پویاسازی مجدد صنایع کشور
بیچونوچرا، مسلماً، بیگفتوگو، بهطورغیرقابل بحث، بهطور مسلم
(adjective) beyond doubt Synonyms: absolute, accurate, actual, certain, double-checked, evident, incontestable, incontrovertible, indubitable, irrefutable, no ifs ands or buts about it, no mistake, open and shut, positive, real, sure, that’s a fact, true, unassailable, undeniable, undoubted, unfabled, unquestionable, veridical Antonyms: disputable, doubtful, dubious, indefinite, questionable, refutable, uncertain, unreliable, unsure, vague
- the indisputable master of the universe - سرور بیچونوچرای عالم
نشیمنگاه پرنده، لانه مرغ، جای شب به سر بردن، شب به سر بردن، بیتوته کردن، منزل کرن
a perch upon which birds or fowls rest at night.
a large cage, house, or place for fowls or birds to roost in.
a place for sitting, resting, or lodging.
verb (used without object)
to sit or rest on a roost, perch, etc.
to settle or stay, especially for the night.
- The hens' roost consisted of a long metal pipe. - استراحتگاه مرغان از یک لوله دراز فلزی تشکیل شده بود. - Our roost contained ten beds. - استراحتگاه ما دارای ده تختخواب بود. - The loud noise put the whole roost into flight. - صدای بلند دستهی پرندگان را کلاً فرار داد. - At night, the farm chickens roost on this tree. - شبها مرغهای مزرعه روی این درخت مینشینند. - Finding no hotel rooms, my brothers and I roosted on the platform of a shop. - چون اتاق هتل گیرمان نیامد، من و برادرانم روی سکوی یک دکان بیتوته کردیم.
تأیید کردن، تقویت کردن، اثبات کردن
(verb) back up information, story Synonyms: approve, authenticate, bear out, certify, check on, check out, check up, confirm, declare true, document, double check, endorse, establish, give nod, justify, okay, prove, ratify, rubber-stamp, strengthen, substantiate, support, sustain, validate, verify Antonyms: contradict, deny, disallow, disclaim, refute, reject - to corroborate one's authority - اختیارات خود را بسط دادن - He did not offer any evidence to corroborate his claims. - او مدرکی برای اثبات ادعاهای خود ارائه نداد. - Laboratory tests also corroborated Einstein's theory. - آزمونهای آزمایشگاهی نیز نظریهی انشتین را تأیید کردند.
تمایل طبیعی به چیز بد
(noun) inclination, tendency Synonyms: bent, bias, cup of tea, disposition, druthers, facility, flash, groove, inclining, leaning, liableness, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proneness, propensity, thing for, type, weakness Antonyms: disinclination
تشنج، حمله، غش یا بیهوشی و حمله در زنان، هیجان زیاد، هیستری، حمله عصبی
(noun) state of extreme upset Synonyms: agitation, delirium, excitement, feverishness, frenzy, hysterics, madness, mirth, nervousness, panic, unreason Antonyms: calm, control, sereneness
- mass hysteria - برانگیختگی همگانی
اندیشیدن، تفکر کردن، معاملات قماری کردن،احتکارکردن، سفتهبازی کردن
(verb) think about deeply and theorize Synonyms: beat one’s brains, brainstorm, build castles in air, call it, call the turn, cerebrate, chew over, cogitate, conjecture, consider, contemplate, deliberate, dope, dope out, excogitate, figure, figure out, guess, guesstimate, have a hunch, hazard a guess, head trip, hypothesize, kick around, meditate, muse, pipe-dream, psych out, read, read between lines, reason, reflect, review, ruminate, run it up flagpole, scheme, size up, study, suppose, surmise, suspect, weigh, wonder Antonyms: ignore, neglect (verb) gamble, risk Synonyms: dare, hazard, make book, margin up, play, play the market, plunge, pour money into, spec, stick neck out, take a chance, take a flier, take a fling, venture, wildcat Antonyms: abstain - to speculate about the origin of the universe - دربارهی اصل کائنات گمانپردازی کردن - to speculate in land - زمین بازی کردن - to speculate on the stock market - در بازار سهام خرید و فروش کردن
موجبشونده، سودمند، مساعد، منجرشونده
(adjective) favorable for Synonyms: accessory, calculated to produce, contributive, contributory, helpful, leading, productive of, promotive, tending, useful Antonyms: adverse, discouraging, hindering, unconducive, unfavorable, unhelpful - This noise is conducive to a headache. - این سروصدا باعث سردرد میشود. - This lifestyle will not be conducive to physical and spiritual health. - این روش زندگی منجر به سلامتی جسمی و روحی نخواهد شد.
آزردگی، رنجش، آزار، تغییر، حالت تحریک
the act of vexing.
the state of being vexed; irritation; annoyance: vexation at missing the bus.
something that vexes; a cause of annoyance; nuisance: Rush-hour traffic is a daily vexation.
- I have found continual vexation in my work. - در کارم دائماً با دردسر روبهرو بودهام.
اهانت، استغنا، عار (دانی)، تحقیر، خوار شمردن
(noun) hate; indifference Synonyms: antipathy, arrogance, aversion, contempt, contumely, derision, despisal, despisement, despite, dislike, disparagement, hatred, haughtiness, hauteur, insolence, loftiness, pride, ridicule, scorn, sneering, snobbishness, superbity, superciliousness Antonyms: admiration, esteem, favor, like, love, praise, respect (verb) scorn Synonyms: abhor, be allergic to, belittle, chill, contemn, deride, despise, disregard, hate, ignore, look down nose at, look down on, misprize, pooh-pooh, put down, refuse, reject, scout, slight, sneer at, spurn, undervalue Antonyms: admire, approve, esteem, favor, praise, respect - They disdained to accept the offer of peace. - آنان پذیرفتن پیشنهاد صلح را تحقیرآمیز دانستند. - They rejected my proposal with disdain. - آنان با تحقیر پیشنهاد مرا رد کردند. - to feel disdain for someone - از کسی بیزار بودن
جیغ کشیدن (مانند گربه)، صدای شیون گربه
(verb) make screeching, crying noise Synonyms: bawl, bicker, howl, quarrel, scream, screech, shriek, squall, wail, yell, yowl
ثمربخش، نتیجهبخش، مؤثر، مفید
(adjective) efficient, productive Synonyms: active, adequate, capable, competent, effective, effectual, energetic, influential, operative, potent, powerful, puissant, serviceable, strong, successful, useful, virtuous Antonyms: incapable, inefficacious, inefficient, unproductive, unsuccessful, useless - an efficacious drug - داروی ثمربخش (مفید) - Example is always more efficacious than precept. - عبرت همیشه ثمربخشتر از پند اخلاقی است.
انتقال دادن، بیگانه کردن، منحرف کردن
(verb) cause unfriendliness, hostility Synonyms: break off, come between, disaffect, disunite, divide, divorce, estrange, make indifferent, part, separate, set against, turn away, turn off, wean, withdraw the affections of Antonyms: be friendly, disarm - She had no right to alienate such a large sum from the children's account. - او حق نداشت چنین پول هنگفتی را از حساب بچهها انتقال بدهد. - The country youth went to town and became alienated from his kin. - جوان روستایی به شهر رفت و با خویشان خود بیگانه شد. - The government's policy has alienated the people. - سیاست دولت مردم را بیزار کرده است. - alienated - (از خود یا دیگران) بیگانه، بیزار
(noun) pain remover Synonyms: anesthetic, anodyne, painkiller, soother
کالبدشناسی کردن، تشریح کردن، قطعه قطعه کردن، تجزیه کردن
verb (used with object), a·nat·o·mized, a·nat·o·miz·ing.
to cut apart (an animal or plant) to show or examine the position, structure, and relation of the parts; display the anatomy of; dissect.
to examine in great detail; analyze minutely: The couple anatomized their new neighbor.
ممنوعیت، تحریم، مانع، قدغن
(noun) prohibition, restriction Synonyms: ban, bar, barrier, blockage, check, hindrance, impediment, interdict, interdiction, proscription, restraint, stoppage - The American embargo against Cuba has been in effect for many years. - امریکا سالهاست کوبا را تحریم اقتصادی کرده است. - They embargo all meat shipments until the source of contamination is found. - تا یافتن منبع آلودگی اصلاً اجازهی تخلیهی محمولههای گوشت را نمیدهند.
تفکر کردن، درنظر داشتن، اندیشیدن
(verb) think about seriously; plan Synonyms: aim, aspire to, brood over, chew over, consider, cool out, deliberate, design, envisage, excogitate, expect, foresee, intend, kick around, mean, meditate on, mind, mull over, muse over, observe, percolate, perpend, ponder, propose, purpose, reflect upon, ruminate, size up, speculate, study, take in, think of, weigh Antonyms: discard, disregard, forget, neglect, scorn, slight (verb) gaze at Synonyms: audit, behold, consider, examine, eye, inspect, notice, observe, peer, penetrate, peruse, pierce, pore over, probe, pry, regard, scan, scrutinize, see, stare at, study, survey, view, witness Antonyms: disregard, look away, scorn - He spent hours contemplating the creation. - او ساعتها دربارهی خلقت تعمق میکرد. - He stood there and contemplated the river landscape. - او آنجا ایستاد و در عمق منظرهی رودخانه فرو رفت. - He is contemplating a trip to Shiraz. - او در فکر سفر به شیراز است.
جزمی، متعصب، کوتهفکر
(adjective) dictatorial, opinionated Synonyms: arbitrary, arrogant, assertive, bigoted, bullheaded, categorical, cocksure, confident, definite, despotic, determined, dictative, doctrinaire, domineering, downright, egotistical, emphatic, fanatical, fascistic, formal, high and mighty, imperious, intolerant, magisterial, narrow-minded, obdurate, obstinate, one-sided, overbearing, peremptory, pigheaded, prejudiced, stiff-necked, stubborn, tenacious, tyrannical, unequivocal, wrong-headed Antonyms: amenable, doubting, flexible, indecisive, manageable, obedient, questioning, skeptical, submissive (adjective) based on absolute truth Synonyms: a priori, as a matter of course, assertive, authoritarian, authoritative, axiomatic, by fiat, by natural law, by nature, canonical, categorical, deducible, deductive, derivable, doctrinaire, doctrinal, eternal, excathedra, formal, imperative, inevitable, on faith, oracular, orthodox, peremptory, positive, pragmatic, prophetic, reasoned, systematic, theoretical, unchangeable, unerring, unqualified Antonyms: ambiguous, doubtful, dubious, equivocal, fluctuating, indecisive, not positive, uncertain, vacillating - the dogmatic writings of the early church fathers - نوشتارهای اصولی اولیای آغازین کلیسا - a dogmatic writer - نویسندهی خشک متعصب - dogmatic statements - اظهارات تعصبآمیز - dogmatic philosophy - فلسفهی جزمی
سفت کردن، با شفته اندودن یا ساختن، بههم پیوستن، ساروج کردن, واقعی، بههم چسبیده، سفت، بتون، ساروج شنی، اسم ذات
(adjective) actual, factual Synonyms: accurate, corporeal, definite, detailed, explicit, material, objective, particular, precise, real, sensible, solid, specific, substantial, tangible Antonyms: abstract, ideal, immaterial, intangible (adjective) hardened Synonyms: caked, calcified, cemented, compact, compressed, congealed, conglomerated, consolidated, dried, firm, indurate, monolithic, petrified, poured, precast, set, set in stone, solid, solidified, steeled, strong, unyielding Antonyms: bending, flexible, pliable - a concrete bridge - پل بتونی - We decided to concrete the road. - تصمیم گرفتیم راه را با بتون بپوشانیم. - concrete evidence - شواهد عینی - concrete object - اشیای پرماسپذیر (قابل لمس) - concrete and abstract noun - اسم ذات و اسم معنی
منصف، متساوی
(adjective) impartial Synonyms: candid, cricket, decent, disinterested, dispassionate, due, ethical, even-handed, even-steven, fair, fair and square, fair shake, fair-to-middling, honest, impersonal, just, level, moral, nondiscriminatory, nonpartisan, objective, proper, proportionate, reasonable, right, rightful, square, square deal, stable, unbiased, uncolored, unprejudiced Antonyms: biased, disproportionate, partial, prejudiced, unequitable, unfair, unjust, unreasonable - an equitable price - قیمت عادلانه - equitable treatment - رفتار منصفانه
باحرارت، باحمیت، پرشور وشعف، ملتهب
(adjective) enthusiastic Synonyms: animated, ardent, blazing, burning, devout, dying to, eager, earnest, ecstatic, emotional, enthused, excited, fervid, fiery, glowing, gotta have, gung ho, heartfelt, hearty, hopped up, hot, hot for, hot-blooded, impassioned, intense, passionate, perfervid, pious, religious, responsive, serious, sincere, tender, unfeigned, vehement, warm, warmhearted, wholehearted, zealous Antonyms: apathetic, cool, dispassionate, dispirited, indifferent, unenthusiastic, unexcited (adjective) enthusiastic, excited Synonyms: animated, ardent, blazing, burning, devout, dying to, eager, earnest, ecstatic, emotional, enthused, falling all over oneself, fiery, glowing, go great guns, heartfelt, hearty, hot, hot-blooded, impassioned, intense, passionate, perfervid, pious, religious, responsive, serious, sincere, unfeigned, vehement, warm, warmhearted, wholehearted, zealous Antonyms: cool, discouraged, dispirited, impassive, uncaring, unenthusiastic, unexcited - the fervent heat of the desert sun - گرمای سوزان آفتاب صحرا - then he began setting fervent kisses upon her hands - سپس شروع کرد به دادن بوسههای آتشین بر دستان او - fervent patriotism - وطندوستی پرشور - fervent love - عشق سوزان