GRE 100-200 Flashcards
سبک کردن، آرام کردن، کم کردن
(verb) relieve; lessen Synonyms: allay, assuage, ease, lighten, mitigate, mollify, pacify, pour oil on, soft-pedal, take the bite out, take the edge off, take the sting out Antonyms: aggravate, heighten, increase, intensify, magnify - a drug to alleviate a toothache - دارویی برای تسکین دندان درد - When a fever is alleviated and its alleviation is through a fragrant and clean distillation. - چون تب بگسارد و گساریدن آن به عرقی خوشبوی و پاکیزه باشد. (ذخیرهی خوارزمشاهی) - to alleviate poverty - کم کردن فقر - to help alleviate the food shortage in Africa - برای کمک به برطرف کردن کمبود غذا در افریقا
واگیردار، مُسری
(adjective) communicable Synonyms: catching, deadly, endemic, epidemic, epizootic, impartible, infectious, inoculable, pestiferous, pestilential, poisonous, spreading, taking, transmissible, transmittable Antonyms: noncommunicable - Cancer is not contagious. - سرطان واگیردار نیست. - contagious laughter - خندهی واگیر مانند، خندهی القایی
وابسته به عالمنمایی و فضلفروشی
(adjective) bookish, precise Synonyms: abstruse, academic, arid, didactic, doctrinaire, donnish, dry, dull, egotistic, erudite, formal, fussy, hairsplitting, learned, nit-picking, ostentatious, overnice, particular, pedagogic, pompous, priggish, punctilious, scholastic, schoolish, sententious, stilted Antonyms: imprecise, informal
سنگین، گنده، بدهیکل، دیرجنب، صعب
(adjective) awkward, bulky Synonyms: burdensome, clumsy, cumbersome, cumbrous, encumbering, gross, hefty, inconvenient, lumbering, massive, onerous, ponderous, uncontrollable, ungainly, unhandy, unmanageable, weighty Antonyms: convenient, handy
پرصدا، بلند، پرسروصدا
(adjective) loud, insistent Synonyms: boisterous, clamant, clamorous, distracting, loud-mouthed, noisy, obstreperous, ranting, shouting, shrill, strident, uproarious, vehement, vociferant Antonyms: quiet, silent - a vociferous crowd - جمعیت پرسروصدا - The people were vociferous for reforms. - مردم با صدای بلند خواهان اصلاحات بودند.
ادعا کردن، اظهارکردن، تدریس کردن، ابراز ایمان کردن
(verb) declare, assert Synonyms: acknowledge, act as if, admit, affirm, allege, announce, asseverate, aver, avouch, avow, blow hot air, certify, claim, come out, confess, confirm, constate, croon, cross heart, depose, dissemble, fake, feign, get off chest, get on soapbox, maintain, make out, open up, own, own up, predicate, pretend, proclaim, purport, say so, sing, soapbox, spiel, spout, state, stump, swear on bible, swear up and down, talk big, vouch Antonyms: conceal, hide - to profess one's love - عشق خود را ابراز کردن - They profess Islam. - اعلام میکنند که مسلمان هستند.
کرنش، احترام، تواضع، تعظیم
(noun) salutation Synonyms: allegiance, bending of the knee, bow, curtsy, deference, fealty, genuflection, homage, honor, kowtow, loyalty, praise, respect, reverence, salaam Antonyms: bad manners, disobedience, disregard, disrespect
منتشرشده، پراکنده، پخششده، افشانده، افشاندن، پخش کردن، (مجازاً) منتشر کردن
(adjective) spread out Synonyms: broadcast, catholic, circulated, diluted, dispersed, disseminated, distributed, expanded, extended, general, prevalent, propagated, radiated, scattered, separated, strewn, thin, unconcentrated, universal, widespread Antonyms: compact, compressed, concentrated, confined, limited, restricted (adjective) wordy Synonyms: circumlocutory, copious, diffusive, digressive, discursive, dull, exuberant, lavish, lengthy, long, long-winded, loose, meandering, palaverous, profuse, prolix, rambling, random, redundant, vague, verbose, waffling, windy Antonyms: abbreviated, abridged, brief, short, succinct - a drop of dye diffused through water - قطرهای رنگ که در آب پخش شده است - Iranian culture had been diffused over a large part of Asia. - فرهنگ ایرانی در بخش بزرگی از آسیا پراکنده شده بود. - A gas diffuses from a region of greater to one of less concentration. - گاز از ناحیهی پرتراکم به ناحیه کمتراکم پخش میشود. - the old tree's diffuse branches - شاخههای پراکندهی درخت کهن - diffuse sclerosis - سختینگی (تصلب) پراکنده، تصلب منتشر - diffuse radiation - تابش منتشر پرتوها، برتابش پخشیده - a diffuse writer - نویسندهای که برای بیان موضوع بیش از حد لزوم واژهپردازی میکند. (نویسندهی درازگو) - a diffuse style - سبک پر اطناب
رعدوبرق زدن، غریدن، منفجر شدن، محترق شدن، باتهدید سخن گفتن، دادوبیداد راه انداختن، اعتراض کردن
(verb) criticize harshly Synonyms: animadvert, berate, blow up, bluster, castigate, censure, condemn, curse, declaim, denounce, denunciate, execrate, explode, fume, intimidate, inveigh against, menace, protest, rage, rail, reprobate, swear at, thunder, upbraid, vilify, vituperate Antonyms: compliment, defend, flatter, praise, support
- The priest fulminated against sinners.- کشیش گناهکاران را سخت مورد پرخاش قرار داد.
پرحرف، روان، سلیس، چرب و نرم، خوشزبان
(adjective) talkative Synonyms: articulate, bigmouthed, chattering, chatty, fluent, full of hot air, gabby, garrulous, long-winded, loquacious, mouthy, multiloquent, prolix, rambling, running on, slick, smooth, talky, verbal, windy, wordy
دارای عیار قانونی، تمام عیار، ظاهر و باطن یکی، واقعی، لیره استرلینگ
(adjective) high-quality Synonyms: admirable, choice, excellent, exquisite, fine, first-rate, grand, magnificent, marvelous, outstanding, pure, splendid, stunning, superior, the best, very best
- a sterling personality- یک شخصیت ممتاز
بالا قرار گرفتن، غالب آمدن بر، برطرف کردن، از میان برداشتن، فائق آمدن
(verb) overcome, triumph over Synonyms: best, better, cap, clear, conquer, crest, crown, defeat, down, exceed, hurdle, leap, lick, negotiate, outdo, outstrip, over, overpower, overtop, pass, prevail over, rise above, subdue, surpass, throw, top, vanquish, vault Antonyms: give in, surrender, yield - to surmount a temptation - بر وسوسهای چیره شدن - to surmount obstacles - از موانع گذشتن - to surmount difficulties - مشکلات را پشت سرگذاشتن - The house surmounts a high hill. - خانه بر فراز تپهی بلندی قرار دارد.
(بهطور ناخوشایند) کنجکاو، فضول، کنجکاوانه
that pries; looking or searching curiously.
impertinently or unnecessarily curious or inquisitive.
باز داشتن و نهی کردن، منع کردن، مانع شدن، از بروز احساسات جلوگیری کردن
(verb) restrict, prevent Synonyms: arrest, avert, bar, bit, bridle, check, constrain, cramp, curb, discourage, enjoin, faze, forbid, frustrate, hang up, hinder, hog-tie, hold back, hold down, hold in, impede, interdict, keep in, obstruct, outlaw, prohibit, put on brakes, repress, restrain, sandbag, stop, stymie, suppress, taboo, ward, withhold Antonyms: aid, allow, approve, assist, free, help - A heavy tax load inhibits investment. - بار سنگین مالیات جلو سرمایهگذاری را میگیرد. - a people long inhibited by superstition - مردمی که مدتها خرافات آنان را از پیشرفت بازداشته بود - Shyness inhibited her from laughing. - کمرویی او را از خنده بازمیداشت. - He is so inhibited that he wouldn't take his clothes off even in the bathroom. - او آنقدر کمرو است که در حمام هم لخت نمیشود.
انتقاد، سرزنش، سرزنش کردن، بازبینی، ممیزی
(noun) severe criticism Synonyms: admonishment, admonition, blame, castigation, condemnation, disapproval, dressing down, objection, obloquy, rebuke, remonstrance, reprehension, reprimand, reproach, reproof, stricture Antonyms: approval, compliment, encouragement, endorsement, praise, ratification, recommendation, sanction (verb) condemn; criticize severely Synonyms: abuse, admonish, animadvert, asperse, attack, backbite, berate, blame, carp at, castigate, cavil, chastise, chide, contemn, cut up, denigrate, denounce, deprecate, disapprove, discipline, disparage, exprobate, find fault with, get after, impugn, incriminate, judge, knock, lecture, look askance, ostracize, pick apart, pull apart, read out, rebuff, rebuke, remonstrate, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprove, scold, take to task, tear apart, tell off, upbraid Antonyms: allow, approve, compliment, endorse, laud, permit, sanction - Their actions received the public censure of the church. - اعمال آنها مورد توبیخ کلیسا قرار گرفت./ کلیسا کارهای آنها را توبیخ کرد. - Some deputies brought a motion to censure the government. - برخی از نمایندگان در خواست استیضاح دولت را کردند. - a resolution on the floor to censure the government - لایحهی مورد بحث (در مجلس) دربارهی استیضاح از دولت - A writer should not censure other writers. - یک نویسنده نباید نویسندگان دیگر را سرزنش کند.
وابسته به فلسفه ارسطو، راهرونده، گردشکننده، سالک، دورهگرد، پیادهرو
(adjective) constantly traveling Synonyms: ambulant, itinerant, itinerate, migrant, mobile, nomadic, perambulant, roaming, roving, vagabond, vagrant, wandering, wayfaring Antonyms: fixed, settled
سخت، دقیق، غیر قابل کشش، کاسد، تند وتیز، سختگیر،خسیس، محکم بسته شده
(adjective) rigid, tight Synonyms: acrimonious, binding, brick-wall, by the book, by the numbers, compelling, confining, convincing, dead set on, demanding, draconian, drawing, dyed-in-the-wool, exacting, forceful, hard, hard-nosed, harsh, inflexible, ironclad, iron-fisted, picky, poignant, powerful, rigorous, rough, set, severe, stiff, strict, tough, unpermissive, valid Antonyms: flexible, inexact, tolerant
- a stringent money market- بازار پول دچار تنگنا
رفتهرفته کوچک شدن، بهتدریج کاهش یافتن، کم شدن، تحلیل رفتن
(verb) waste away; taper off Synonyms: abate, bate, become smaller, close, contract, decay, decline, decrease, die away, die down, die out, diminish, drain, drop, ebb, fade, fall, grow less, lessen, peter out, pine, shrink, shrivel, sink, slack off, subside, taper, wane, weaken, wither Antonyms: develop, enlarge, expand, extend, grow, increase, save, swell - dwindling incomes - درآمدهای روبه کاهش - The boat gradually dwindled to a speck on the horizon. - قایق کمکم به نقطهای در افق تبدیل شد. - The city's population is dwindling. - جمعیت شهر رو به کاهش است. - This project dwindles all other projects to insignificance. - این طرح بقیهی طرحها را تحتالشعاع قرار میدهد.
چیزی را کمتر از قیمت واقعی نرخ گذاشتن، ناچیز شمردن، دست کم گرفتن
to rate or evaluate too low; underestimate.
تاخت و تاز، تهاجم، تاراج و حمله، تعدی
(noun) invasion Synonyms: aggression, attack, foray, infiltration, inroad, intrusion, irruption, penetration, raid Antonyms: retreat - the incursion of water through leaky dikes - تراوش آب از سدهای روزنهدار - the inevitable incursion of new ideas from abroad - ورود اجتنابناپذیر اندیشههای نو از بیرون مرز - the Mongolian incursions into eastern Europe - یورشهای مغولان در اروپای شرقی
تقلید ادبی یا صنعتی از آثار استادان فن
(noun) work of art formed from disparate sources Synonyms: assortment, collage, collection, compilation, copy, hodgepodge, imitation, mishmosh, paste-up, patchwork, potpourri, reappropriation, reproduction, synthesis
دلسرد کردن، نومید کردن
(verb) depress, ruin one’s hopes Synonyms: cast down, chill, crush, damp, dampen, dash, daunt, deject, demoralize, deter, discourage, disincline, dismay, disparage, dispirit, get down, humble, humiliate, indispose, put a damper on, put down, shake, throw a pall over Antonyms: encourage, hearten, inspirit
- The news that the commander had been shot disheartened the soldiers.- خبر تیر خوردن فرمانده سربازان را دلسرد کرد.
چشمهمچشمی کردن با، رقابت کردن با، برابری جستن با، پهلو زدن، تقلید کردن
(verb) copy the actions of Synonyms: challenge, compete, compete with, contend, contend with, ditto, do, do like, follow, follow in footsteps, follow suit, follow the example of, go like, imitate, make like, mimic, mirror, outvie, pattern after, rival, rivalize, take after, vie with - She tried to emulate her elder brother in sports. - کوشید که در ورزش از برادر ارشد خود پیشی بگیرد. - Some Protestants emulated this practice. - برخی از پروتستانها از این روش پیروی کردند. - Book covers which one way or another emulate leather. - جلدهای کتاب که به طرق گوناگون به تقلید از چرم ساخته شده است.
استشهاد کردن، شاهد آوردن، بهعنوان دلیل ذکر کردن، برهان آوردن، برای اثبات ذکر کردن، استناد کردن، برای مثال گفتن، اقامهی دلیل کردن
(verb) affirm Synonyms: cite, illustrate, point out, prove, show - Darwin adduced the fossil record as proof for his theory. - داروین از تاریخ فسیلها برای اثبات نظریهی خود استفاده کرد. - Then he adduced new evidence. - سپس گواه جدیدی را اقامه کرد.
مشعر، حاوی، نشانه، حاکی، کنایهدار، رمزی
pertaining to, of the nature of, or serving as an emblem; symbolic.
- The crown is emblematic of monarchy. - تاج نشانهی سلطنت است. - a free discussion which is emblematic of democracy... - بحث آزاد که نمایشگر آزادی است ...
علیه کسی ادعانامه تنظیم کردن، اعلام جرم کردن، متهم کردن، تعقیب قانونی کردن
(verb) accuse Synonyms: arraign, censure, charge, criminate, face with charges, finger, frame, impeach, incriminate, inculpate, prosecute, summon, tax Antonyms: absolve, acquit, exonerate - He was indicted for murder. - او را متهم به قتل کردند (و به دادگاه بردند). - He indicted the people for not resisting tyranny. - او مردم را بهدلیل اینکه در برابر بیدادگری مقاومت نکرده بودند، مقصر دانست.
ادامه ندادن، بس کردن، موقوف کردن، قطع کردن
(verb) prevent activity from going on Synonyms: abandon, bag it, blow off, break off, call it quits, cease, close, desist, disconnect, disjoin, dissever, disunite, drop, end, finish, give over, give up, halt, interpose, interrupt, intervene, kill, knock off, leave off, part, pause, put an end to, quit, refrain from, scrub, separate, stop, surcease, suspend, terminate Antonyms: carry on, continue, restart, retry - Bus service between these two cities has been discontinued. - خدمات اتوبوسرانی بین این دو شهر قطع شده است. - I am planning to discontinue my subscription. - خیال دارم آبونمان خود را قطع کنم. - She wanted to discontinue her education. - او میخواست از تحصیل دست بکشد. - After the death of her partner, she discontinued the firm. - پس از مرگ شریکش تجارتخانه را تعطیل کرد. - The delivery of mail to homes was discontinued for two days. - تحویل پست به منازل دو روز متوقف شد.
بسیار محتاط، با ملاحظه، هشیار
(adjective) careful, cautious Synonyms: alert, attentive, cagey, calculating, canny, chary, circumspect, considerate, discreet, distrustful, doubting, frugal, gingerly, guarded, handling with kid gloves, heedful, keeping on one’s toes, leery, on guard, on the lookout, on the qui vive, provident, prudent, safe, saving, sly, sparing, suspicious, thinking twice, thrifty, unwasteful, vigilant, walking on eggs, watchful, watching one’s step, watching out, wide-awake Antonyms: careless, foolish, heedless, incautious, indiscreet, rash, reckless - a wary politician - یک سیاستمدار محتاط - She cast a wary look at me. - نگاه محتاطانهای به من کرد.
رسوایی، ننگ، خفت، زشتی، ناسزایی
(noun) disgrace Synonyms: black eye, blemish, debasement, debasing, degradation, discredit, dishonor, disrepute, disrespect, humiliation, ignominy, ill repute, infamy, loss of honor, obloquy, shame, stain, stigma, tarnish - His evil deeds incurred opprobrium. - اعمال بد او رسوایی به بار آورد. - Ignorance of grammar has always been a cause for opprobrium. - جهل در مورد دستور زبان همیشه موجب تحقیر بوده است.
وابسته به زیبایی، مربوط به علم (خوبیها و زیباییها)، ظریفطبع
(adjective) beautiful Synonyms: artful, artistic, creative, esthetic, gorgeous, inventive Antonyms: displeasing, ugly, unattractive (adjective) beautiful or artful Synonyms: artistic, creative, gorgeous, inventive Antonyms: displeasing, ugly
تسریع کردن در، پیش بردن، شتابان
(verb) make happen faster Synonyms: accelerate, advance, assist, cut the red tape, dispatch, facilitate, fast track, forward, grease wheels, hand-carry, handle personally, hand-walk, hasten, hurry, precipitate, press, promote, quicken, railroad, run interference, run with the ball, rush, shoot through, speed, speed up, urge, walk it through Antonyms: block, cease, check, delay, halt, hinder, slow, stop - in order to expedite the dam building project - با هدف پیشبرد برنامهی سدسازی - We want to expedite the enemy's withdrawal. - میخواهیم عقبنشینی دشمن را تسریع بکنیم. - This road will expedite traffic. - این راه رفتوآمد را تسهیل میکند. - He expedited a letter under the cover of night to Amir Arsalan. - او شبانه نامهای برای امیر ارسلان فرستاد.
شیفتن، فریفتن، اسیر کردن
(verb) attract, enchant Synonyms: allure, beguile, bewitch, charm, dazzle, delight, draw, enamour, enrapture, enslave, ensnare, entertain, enthrall, entrance, fascinate, gratify, grip, hold, hook, hypnotize, infatuate, intrigue, lure, magnetize, make a hit with, mesmerize, please, rope in, seduce, spellbind, sweep off one’s feet, take, turn one on, vamp, wile, win Antonyms: disgust, disillusion, offend, repel, repulse He was a captivating speaker. - او سخنران مسحورکنندهای بود. - At the age of eighteen, I was captivated by a woman named Parivash. - در هجدهسالگی شیفتهی زنی به نام پریوش شدم.
باطلنکردنی (یا نشدنی)، برگشتناپذیر، غیرقابلپژوهشخواهی، تغییرناپذیر، برنگشتنی
پشت و رو نکردنی (یا نشدنی)، دو رو نکردنی، وارون نکردنی یا نشدنی
not reversible; incapable of being changed: His refusal is irreversible.
- this court's verdict is irreversible. - حکم این دادگاه قابلپژوهشخواهی نیست. - irreversible engine. - موتوری که دندهی عقب ندارد.
وابسته به احساسات
characterized by or pertaining to emotion: the emotive and rational capacities of humankind.
productive of or directed toward the emotions: Artistic distortion is often an emotive use of form.
- the emotive side of her nature - جنبهی عاطفی نهاد او - the emotive use of language - استفاده عاطفی از زبان
پالودن، تصفیه کردن، خالص کردن، تهذیب کردن، پاکشدن، تصحیح کردن
(verb) purify Synonyms: clarify, cleanse, distill, filter, process, rarefy, strain Antonyms: corrupt, dirty, pollute (verb) perfect, polish Synonyms: better, civilize, clarify, cultivate, elevate, explain, hone, improve, make clear, round, sleek, slick, smooth, temper Antonyms: damage, ruin - Oil is refined in several places in Iran. - در چندین جای ایران نفت پالایش میشود. - refined sugar - شکر پالایششده - Actually, much of the nutritive material was refined out of the food. - بخش عمدهی مواد مغذی عملاً از غذا بیرون آورده میشود. - criminals who were refined by faith and good deeds - تبهکارانی که ایمان و اعمال خیر آنها را تزکیه کرده بود - She was sent to a special school to refine her taste and manners. - او را به مدرسهی ویژه فرستادند تا سلیقه و رفتارش پیراسته شود. - He further refined his poetic style. - سبک شعری خود را نابتر کرد. - to refine one's method of analysis - روش تجزیه و تحلیل خود را دقیقتر و بهتر کردن - The design of the new engine needs to be refined further. - طراحی موتور جدید نیاز به اصلاح بیشتری دارد.
نشاط دادن، شادمان کردن، روح بخشیدن
(verb) make very happy Synonyms: animate, boost, buoy, cheer, commove, delight, elate, enliven, exalt, excite, gladden, inspire, inspirit, invigorate, juice, lift, pep up, perk up, pick up, put zip into, quicken, rejoice, send, snap up, stimulate, thrill, turn on, uplift, vitalize Antonyms: agitate, depress, discourage, sadden, upset, worry - Swimming in the cool lake was exhilarating to him. - برای او شنا در آن دریاچهی خنک کیف داشت. - The bright sunshine and the variegated flowers exhilarated him. - آفتاب درخشان و گلهای رنگارنگ او را سرحال آورد.
تنها، مجرد، گوشهنشین، منزوی، پرت
(گیاهشناسی) تکرست، (جانورشناسی) تکزی، غیراجتماعی
راهبه، راهب، تارک دنیا، گوشهنشین
(adjective) alone, single; unsociable Synonyms: aloof, antisocial, cloistered, companionless, deserted, desolate, distant, eremetic, forsaken, friendless, hermitical, hidden, individual, introverted, isolated, lone, lonely, lonesome, lorn, misanthropic, offish, only, out-of-the-way, particular, reclusive, remote, reserved, retired, secluded, separate, sequestered, singular, sole, solo, stag, standoffish, unaccompanied, unapproachable, unattended, uncompanionable, unfrequented, unique, unsocial, withdrawn Antonyms: accompanied, combined, sociable, together - a solitary traveler - یک مسافر تنها - On the hill, a solitary figure was busy chopping down trees. - شخصی تنها در دره مشغول بریدن درختها بود.
بلونی، کوزه دهنگشاد، سبو، خم، شیشه دهنگشاد، تکان، جنبش، لرزه، ضربت، لرزیدن صدای ناهنجار، دعوا و نزاع، طنین انداختن، اثر نامطلوب باقی گذاردن، مرتعش شدن، خوردن، تصادف کردن، ناجور بودن، مغایربودن، نزاع کردن، تکان دادن، لرزاندن
(noun) container Synonyms: basin, beaker, bottle, burette, can, chalice, crock, cruet, decanter, ewer, flagon, flask, jug, pitcher, pot, tun, urn, vase, vat, vessel (noun) shocking hit Synonyms: bump, clash, collision, concussion, crash, impact, jolt, jounce, rock, smash, succussion, thud, thump (verb) shock, jolt Synonyms: agitate, bang, bounce, bump, clash, convulse, crash, disturb, grate, grind, hit, irritate, jerk, jiggle, jounce, jump, offend, quake, rasp, rattle, rock, shake, slam, thump, tremor, vibrate, wiggle, wobble (verb) clash, disharmonize Synonyms: annoy, bicker, contend, disaccord, disagree, discompose, discord, grate, grind, interfere, irk, irritate, jangle, mismatch, nettle, oppose, outrage, quarrel, shock, wrangle Antonyms: agree, harmonize - I winced as the iron door jarred against the sidewalk. - صدای ناهنجار کشیده شدن در آهنی بر روی پیادهرو باعث چندش من شد. - Some old tapes produce a jarring sound. - برخی نوارهای کهنهی موسیقی صدای گوشخراشی میدهند. - The kind of modern music that jars on unaccustomed ears. - آنگونه موسیقی مدرن که برای گوشهای ناآموخته خوشایند نیست. - The laborers jarred at each other and the police came. - عملهها با همدیگر دادوبیداد کردند و پلیس آمد. - His testimony jarred with his former statements. - گواهی او با اظهارات قبلیاش اختلاف داشت. - His father's harsh words jarred him into action. - حرفهای ناخوشایند پدرش او را تکان داد و وادار به کار کرد. - Falling down the stairs jarred every bone in my body. - افتادن از پلهها همهی استخوانهای بدنم را لرزاند. - The car hit the tree with a tremendous jar. - ماشین با یک تکان شدید به درخت خورد. - The harsh words which are exchanged in a family jar. - حرفهای خشنی که در یک برخورد خانوادگی رد و بدل میشود.
از قید رها شدن، از زنجیر آزاد شدن
released from physical or mental bonds; unrestrained
فرنی وحریره ومانند ان، ژله، سخن پوچ
noun, plural flum·mer·ies.
oatmeal or flour boiled with water until thick.
fruit custard or blancmange usually thickened with cornstarch.
any of various dishes made of flour, milk, eggs, sugar, etc.
complete nonsense; foolish humbug.
سنگدل، کینهتوز
(adjective) merciless, cruel Synonyms: grim, inexorable, inflexible, intractable, ironfisted, mortal, pitiless, rancorous, relentless, remorseless, ruthless, unappeasable, unbending, uncompromising, unflinching, unforgiving, unrelenting, unyielding, vindictive Antonyms: kind, merciful, nice, placable - an implacable enemy - دشمن سرسخت - implacable hatred - کینهی از بین نرفتنی
دشوار، پرزحمت، پرالتهاب، صعبالصعود
(adjective) difficult, hard to endure Synonyms: backbreaking, burdensome, exhausting, fatiguing, formidable, grueling, harsh, heavy, labored, laborious, murder, no picnic, onerous, painful, punishing, rigorous, rough, severe, strenuous, taxing, tiring, toilsome, tough, troublesome, trying, uphill Antonyms: easy, facile, motivating - Working 12 hours a day in a mine is arduous. - روزی دوازده ساعت در معدن کارکردن طاقت فرساست. - the arduous task of rebuilding war-torn cities - کار دشوار بازسازی شهرهای جنگزده - The way to Tochal is quite arduous. - راه توچال بسیار صعبالصعود است.
مسالمتآمیز، صلحآمیز، آشتیآمیز، آشتیجویانه، دلجویانه، استمالتآمیز
(adjective) placid, yielding Synonyms: appeasing, assuaging, calm, civil, disarming, irenic, mollifying, pacific, peaceable, placating, placatory, propitiative, quiet, willing Antonyms: antagonistic, fighting, refusing, stubborn - He had a conciliatory meeting with his opponents. - با مخالفان خود ملاقات آشتی جویانهای کرد. - conciliatory attitude - روش مسالمتآمیز
فلسفه خوشبینی، نیکبینی
(noun) state of having positive beliefs Synonyms: anticipation, assurance, brightness, buoyancy, calmness, certainty, cheer, cheerfulness, confidence, easiness, elation, encouragement, enthusiasm, exhilaration, expectation, good cheer, happiness, hopefulness, idealism, looking on bright side, positivism, rose-colored glasses, sanguineness, sureness, trust Antonyms: doubt, gloom, hopelessness, pessimism
- I prefer optimism to pessimism.- من خوشبینی را به بدبینی ترجیح میدهم.
حمایت کردن از، پشتیبانی کردن از، دفاع کردن از،محقق کردن، اثبات بیگناهی کردن، توجیه کردن
(verb) prove one’s innocence Synonyms: absolve, acquit, advocate, argue, assert, bear out, claim, clear, confute, contend, corroborate, defend, disculpate, disprove, do justice to, establish, exculpate, excuse, exonerate, extenuate, free, free from blame, guard, justify, maintain, plead for, protect, prove, rationalize, refute, rehabilitate, second, shield, substantiate, support, uphold, warrant, whitewash Antonyms: accuse, blame, convict, punish, sentence - The testimony of three students vindicated him completely. - شهادت سه نفر از دانشجویان حق را کاملاً به او داد. - His negative attitude vindicated his resentmen. - نگرش منفی او دلخوری او را نشان میداد. - He vindicated his right to criticise the party's policies. - او از حق خود نسبت به انتقاد از روشهای حزب دفاع کرد.
ناخوشی، فاسدشدگی، بیماری، مرض
(noun) disease Synonyms: ache, affection, affliction, ailment, attack, blight, bug, cancer, complaint, condition, contagion, debility, disability, disorder, distemper, epidemic, fever, flu, ill health, illness, infection, infirmity, inflammation, plague, sickness, syndrome, virus - The malady of today's youth is the lack of faith, that's all. - بیماری جوانان امروز بیایمانی است و بس. - social maladies caused by ignorance - بیماریهای اجتماعی ناشی از جهالت
سند عندالمطالبه، گواهی کردن، تضمین کردن، گواهی، حکم
(noun) authorization Synonyms: accreditation, assurance, authentication, authority, basis, carte blanche, certificate, commission, credential, credentials, ducat, earnest, foundation, go-ahead, green light, guarantee, license, official document, okay, pass, passport, pawn, permission, permit, pledge, right, sanction, security, shingle, sticker, subpoena, summons, tag, testimonial, ticket, token, verification, warranty, word Antonyms: breach, break (verb) guarantee, justify, authorize Synonyms: affirm, answer for, approve, argue, assert, assure, attest, avouch, back, bear out, call for, certify, claim, commission, contend, declare, defend, delegate, demand, empower, endorse, ensure, entitle, excuse, explain, give grounds for, guaranty, insure, license, maintain, necessitate, permit, pledge, privilege, promise, require, sanction, secure, sponsor, stand behind, state, stipulate, swear, take an oath, undertake, underwrite, uphold, vindicate, vouch for, vow - a warrant on the city treasurer - حواله به خزانهدار شهر - a search warrant - حکم بازرسی خانه (یا اداره و غیره) - a warrant for your arrest - حکم بازداشت شما - His worth is warrant for his welcome hither. - (شکسپیر) ارجمندی او ایجاب میکند که در اینجا به او خوشامد گفته شود. - His actions were completely without warrant. - اعمال او به هیچوجه قابلتوجیه نبودند. - I warrant he will come when summoned. - اطمینان میدهم که هرگاه احضار شود خواهد آمد. - We hereby warrant that the said carpet is made in Kashan. - بدینوسیله تضمین میکنیم که قالی مذکور بافت کاشان است. - a pill warranted to cure measles - قرصی که ضمانت شده سرخک را درمان کند - The law warrants this procedure. - قانون این طرز عمل را مجاز میشناسد. - These strange events warrant further attention. - این رویدادهای عجیبوغریب توجه بیشتری را ایجاب میکند.
سوراخ، پنچر، سوراخ کردن، پنچر شدن
(noun) hole, rupture Synonyms: break, cut, damage, flat, flat tire, jab, leak, nick, opening, perforation, prick, slit, stab (verb) poke hole in Synonyms: bore, cut, cut through, deflate, drill, go down, go flat, knife, lacerate, lance, nick, open, penetrate, perforate, pierce, prick, punch, riddle, rupture Antonyms: close, sew (verb) deflate someone’s idea, feelings Synonyms: blow sky high, discourage, discredit, disillusion, disprove, explode, flatten, humble, knock bottom out, knock props from under, poke full of holes, shoot full of holes, take down a peg, take wind out of sails Antonyms: build up - The dagger punctured his lungs. - خنجر ریهی او را سوراخ کرد. - The bicycle tire was punctured. - تایر دوچرخه پنچر شد. - Those defeats punctured his pride. - آن شکستها غرور او را فرونشاند.
نسبت دادن، اسناد دادن، دانستن، حمل کردن (بر)، کاتب، رونویسبردار
(verb) assign to source Synonyms: accredit, attribute, charge, credit, hang on, impute, lay, pin on, refer, reference, set down - It is wrong to ascribe all our problems to the war. - اشتباه است که همهی مشکلات خود را به جنگ وابسته کنیم. - headaches which may be ascribed to stress - سردردهایی که ممکن است ناشی از فشار روانی باشد - The virtues ascribed to Fatima. - فضیلتهایی که به فاطمه نسبت داده میشوند. - the poetry ascribed to Daghighi - اشعار منتسب به دقیقی
مخفی، غیرمشروع، زیرجلی
(adjective) secret, sly Synonyms: artful, cloak-and-dagger, closet, concealed, covert, foxy, fraudulent, furtive, hidden, hush-hush, illegitimate, illicit, in holes and corners, on the Q. T., on the quiet, private, sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious, undercover, underground, underhand, under-the-counter, under wraps Antonyms: aboveboard, forthright, open, truthful - a clandestine radio station - ایستگاه رادیوی سری - They shipped their publications clandestinely into the country. - آنها نشریات خود را پنهانی به داخل کشور میفرستادند.
دارای دو معنی، دارای ابهام، دو پهلو، نامعلوم
(adjective) doubtful, uncertain Synonyms: ambiguous, ambivalent, amphibological, borderline, clear as mud, clouded, disreputable, dubious, evasive, fishy, fuzzy, hazy, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, misleading, muddled, muzzy, oblique, obscure, open, problematic, puzzling, questionable, suspect, suspicious, tenebrous, unclear, undecided, unexplicit, unintelligible, vague, with mixed feelings Antonyms: certain, clear, definite, determined, obvious, plain, sure, unequivocal, unquestionable - an equivocal reply - پاسخ چندپهلو - an equivocal outcome - نتیجهی نامعلوم - equivocal conduct - رفتار مشکوک
روشن کردن، توضیح دادن، شفاف، روشن
(verb) explain in detail Synonyms: annotate, clarify, clear, clear up, decode, demonstrate, draw a picture, enlighten, exemplify, explicate, expound, get across, gloss, illuminate, illustrate, interpret, make perfectly clear, make plain, make see daylight, prove, shed light on, spell out, throw light on, unfold Antonyms: be vague, confuse, distract, make ambiguous, mix up, mystify, obscure
- to elucidate a difficult text
- متن دشواری را توضیح دادن
تبلیغ، تبلیغات، پروپاگاند
(noun) information that is designed to mislead or persuade Synonyms: advertising, agitprop, announcement, brainwashing, disinformation, doctrine, evangelism, handout, hogwash, hype, implantation, inculcation, indoctrination, newspeak, promotion, promulgation, proselytism, publication, publicity Antonyms: truth - political propaganda - تبلیغات سیاسی - propaganda against smoking - تبلیغ ضداستعمال دخانیات
مشهور، قلمدادشده، مفروض، موردقبول عامه
(adjective) commonly believed Synonyms: accepted, alleged, assumed, conjectural, hypothetical, imputed, presumed, presumptive, reported, reputed, supposed, suppositional, suppositious Antonyms: proven, real, true
- the putative ancestor of the Romans- نیای فرضی رومیان
حدس، ظن، گمان، تخمین، حدس زدن، گمان بردن
(noun) speculation, assumption Synonyms: conclusion, fancy, guess, guesstimate, guesswork, hunch, hypothesis, inference, notion, opinion, perhaps, presumption, shot in the dark, sneaking suspicion, stab in the dark, supposition, surmise, theorizing, theory Antonyms: fact, proof, reality, truth (verb) speculate Synonyms: assume, believe, conceive, conclude, deem, estimate, expect, fancy, feel, figure, gather, glean, guess, guesstimate, hazard a guess, hypothesize, imagine, infer, judge, presume, pretend, suppose, surmise, suspect, take a shot, take a stab, take for granted, theorize, think Antonyms: prove - political ideas based on conjectures - عقاید سیاسی مبتنی بر اوهام - an article full of conjectures - مقالهای مملو از حدسیات - Do you really know or are you conjecturing? - آیا واقعاً میدانی یا داری حدس میزنی؟ - He was right in his conjectures. - حدسیات او درست درآمد.
بههم آمیختن، یکی شدن، منعقد شدن
(verb) blend, come together Synonyms: adhere, amalgamate, associate, bracket, cleave, cling, cohere, combine, commingle, commix, conjoin, connect, consolidate, fuse, hook up with, incorporate, integrate, join, join up with, link, merge, mingle, mix, relate, stick, tie in with, unite, wed Antonyms: divide, separate - Various economic thoughts coalesced to form a single formula. - اندیشههای اقتصادی مختلف در هم ادغام شدند و بهصورت فرمول واحدی درآمدند. - the coalescence of various ethnic groups - یکپارچگی (یا ادغام یا همآمیخت) گروههای نژادی مختلف
رامشو، رامکردنی، سربهراه، نرم، سست مهار
(adjective) manageable Synonyms: acquiescent, amenable, biddable, complaisant, compliant, controllable, docile, ductile, facile, flexible, game, going along with, governable, hanging loose, malleable, meek, obedient, persuadable, plastic, pliable, pliant, putty in hands, rolling with punches, subdued, submissive, tame, tractile, willing, workable, yielding Antonyms: intractable, obstinate, stubborn, uncontrollable, unmanageable, unruly
سراییدن، چهچه زدن، سرود، چهچه
verb (used without object), war·bled, war·bling.
to sing or whistle with trills, quavers, or melodic embellishments: The canary warbled most of the day.
to yodel.
- early in the morning when birds were warbling in the bushes - در صبح زود هنگامی که پرندگان در بتهها چهچه میزدند - choirboys warbling the praises of God - گروه پسران آوازخوان که خدا را با ترنم تمجید میکردند - our canary's warble - آواز قناری ما
گرهدار، غامض
(adjective) troublesome Synonyms: baffling, complex, complicated, difficult, effortful, elaborate, formidable, Gordian, hard, intricate, involved, labyrinthine, mazy, mystifying, perplexing, problematical, puzzling, ramified, reticular, rough, rugged, sophisticated, sticky, terrible, thorny, tough, tricky, uphill Antonyms: simple, uncomplicated, untroublesome - a knotty board - تختهی پرگره - a knotty old oak tree - درخت بلوط کهنسال و گرهگره - a knotty problem - مسئلهی بغرنج
دورستگی، دوگانگی تقسیم به دو بخش، انشعاب به دو شعبه، دو حالتی
(noun) division Synonyms: difference, difference of opinion, disagreement, disunion, separation, split - the dichotomy between truth and falsehood - تفاوت میان راستی و نادرستی - a dichotomy into good and evil - دو شاخگی خوبی و بدی
کلهشق، رامنشو، بیقرار، سرکش، چموش
(adjective) impatient, nervous Synonyms: agitated, balky, contrary, edgy, fidgety, fractious, fretful, froward, ill at ease, jittery, jumpy, nervy, obstinate, on edge, ornery, perverse, recalcitrant, refractory, restless, stubborn, tense, uneasy, unruly, unyielding, uptight Antonyms: calm, collected, patient, relaxed
باادب، مؤدب، فروتن، مؤدبانه
(adjective) gentle, mannerly Synonyms: affable, attentive, ceremonious, civil, civilized, complaisant, considerate, courtly, cultivated, debonair, elegant, gallant, genteel, gracious, polished, polite, refined, respectful, soft-spoken, suave, thoughtful, urbane, well-behaved, well-bred, well-mannered, well-spoken Antonyms: bad-mannered, discourteous, impolite, rude, uncivil, uncourteous, unmannerly, unrefined
- The hotel employees were very courteous.- کارکنان هتل خیلی مؤدب بودند.
نیرو دادن، قوت دادن، روح بخشیدن، پرزور کردن، تقویت شدن، خوشبنیه شدن
(verb) stimulate Synonyms: activate, animate, brace, buck up, energize, enliven, excite, exhilarate, fortify, freshen, galvanize, harden, inspirit, liven up, nerve, pep up, perk up, pick up, quicken, rally, refresh, reinforce, rejuvenate, renew, restore, revitalize, rouse, snap up, stir, strengthen, trigger, turn on, vitalize, vivify, zap Antonyms: bore, depress, dishearten, dull, enervate - The fresh morning air was invigorating. - هوای تازهی بامدادی نیروبخش بود. - A good night's rest invigorated him. - استراحت کامل در تمام شب او را سرحال آورد.
وحشی، خشن، بیرحم، قصیالقلب
(adjective) belligerent, hateful Synonyms: abusive, aggressive, antagonistic, bad-tempered, barbarous, bellicose, browbeating, brutal, bullying, caustic, combative, contentious, contumelious, cowing, cross, defiant, ferocious, fierce, frightening, harsh, hostile, inhuman, inhumane, intimidating, invective, mean, militant, mordacious, mordant, obstreperous, opprobrious, ornery, pugnacious, quarrelsome, rude, savage, scathing, scrappy, scurrilous, sharp, sullen, terrifying, terrorizing, trenchant, violent, vituperative, vituperous Antonyms: cooperative, gentle, mild, nice, tame - truculent criticism - نقد بیرحمانه - truculent and angry - وحشی و عصبانی - truculent and angry - ,وحشی و عصبانی
همخو، هممشرب، دارای تجانس روحی، همسلیقه
(adjective) friendly, compatible Synonyms: adapted, affable, agreeable, amical, clubby, companionable, compatible, complaisant, congruous, consistent, consonant, conversable, convivial, cooperative, cordial, delightful, favorable, fit, genial, good-humored, gracious, happy, harmonious, jovial, kindly, kindred, like-minded, mellow, pleasant, pleasing, regular fellow, right neighborly, sociable, social, suitable, sympathetic, well-suited Antonyms: disagreeable, ill-suited, incompatible, uncongenial, unfriendly, unsympathetic - congenial friends - دوستان همدل - congenial tastes - سلیقههای سازوار (متوافق) - a congenial job - شغل دلخواه (مطابق سلیقه)
بیپروایی، بیقیدی، سهلانگاری، بیاعتنایی، لاابالیگری
the quality of being insouciant; lack of care or concern; indifference.
ویران کردن، خراب کردن، تاراج کردن
(verb) demolish, destroy Synonyms: depredate, desecrate, desolate, despoil, devour, do one in, lay waste, level, pillage, plunder, raid, ravage, raze, ruin, sack, smash, spoil, spoliate, stamp out, take apart, total, trash, waste, wipe off map, wreck Antonyms: build, construct, enrich, help, improve - Each one of these bombs can devastate a city. - هر یک از این بمبها میتواند شهری را با خاک یکسان کند. - a country devastated by war - کشوری که جنگ آن را ویران کرده است - a devastating enmity - دشمنی خانمانسوز - the teacher's devastating criticism - انتقاد خردکنندهی معلم
تیز، پرزور، تند، حاد، شدید، تیز
زیرک، باهوش
نوحه سرایی کردن
(adjective) enthusiastic Synonyms: agog, alert, animate, animated, anxious, appetent, ardent, athirst, avid, breathless, devoted, dying to, eager, earnest, ebullient, fervent, fervid, fierce, fond of, gung ho, impassioned, impatient, intense, intent, interested, lively, perfervid, spirited, sprightly, thirsty, vehement, vivacious, warm, zealous Antonyms: reluctant, unenthusiastic, uninterested (adjective) sharp, piercing Synonyms: acid, acute, caustic, cutting, edged, extreme, fine, honed, incisive, intense, observant, penetrating, perceptive, pointed, quick-witted, razor-sharp, sardonic, satirical, strong, tart, trenchant, unblunted Antonyms: blunt, dull, obtuse, pointless (adjective) intelligent Synonyms: astute, bright, brilliant, canny, clever, discerning, discriminating, Einstein, nobody’s fool, perceptive, perspicacious, quick, sagacious, sapient, sensitive, sharp, sharp as a tack, shrewd, whiz, wise Antonyms: idiotic, ignorant, obtuse, stupid
خصلت،منش، فروزه، ویژگی (فردی یا گروهی)، خصیصه، فرهنگ، خلقیات، عادات
Sociology. the fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of a group or society; dominant assumptions of a people or period: In the Greek ethos the individual was highly valued.
the character or disposition of a community, group, person, etc.
the moral element in dramatic literature that determines a character’s action rather than his or her thought or emotion.
آشکار، برملا، انگشتنما، رسوا، وقیح، زشت
(adjective) flaunting, blatant; without shame Synonyms: arrant, atrocious, awful, bare-faced, bold, brazen, capital, conspicuous, crying, disgraceful, dreadful, egregious, enormous, flagitous, flaming, flashy, glaring, grody, gross, hanging out, heinous, immodest, infamous, noticeable, notorious, obvious, open, ostentatious, out-and-out, outrageous, rank, scandalous, shameful, shameless, shocking, stick out like sore thumb, striking, undisguised, wicked Antonyms: concealed, disguised, hidden, mild, moral, restrained, secret
- flagrant violation of the law- تخلف فاحش از قانون
تنهایی، انفراد، خلوت، جای خلوت
(noun) aloneness Synonyms: confinement, desert, detachment, emptiness, isolation, loneliness, loneness, lonesomeness, peace and quiet, privacy, quarantine, reclusiveness, retirement, seclusion, separateness, silence, solitariness, waste, wasteland, wilderness, withdrawal Antonyms: companionship, friendship, togetherness
- the solitude of a hermit- انزوای یک صومعهنشین
دادن تاریخ عوضی، اشتباه در ترتیب حقیقی وقایع و ظهور اشخاص، انتساب رویداد به زمانی قبل از زمان واقعی، نابهنجاری تاریخی
(noun) error in time placement Synonyms: chronological error, metachronism, misdate, misplacement, postdate, prolepsis, solecism - He has recorded historical events anachronistically. - او واقعیات تاریخی را پس و پیش ذکر کرده است. - Showing Rustam with a gun is an anachronism. - نشان دادن رستم با هفت تیر یک جابهجایی در تاریخ است.
گلآلود، تیره، کدر، درهموبرهم، مهآلود
not clear or transparent because of stirred-up sediment or the like; clouded; opaque; obscured: the turbid waters near the waterfall.
thick or dense, as smoke or clouds.
confused; muddled; disturbed: The real reason for the impenetrability of certain writing is often the turbid minds of the writers.
- the turbid waters of Karoon River - آبهای گلآلود رود کارون - the turbid thoughts of an alcoholic - افکار پریشان یک آدم الکلی
حد، محدوده
محدود کردن، منحصر کردن، محبوس کردن
(verb) enclose, limit Synonyms: bar, bind, bound, cage, circumscribe, constrain, cool, cool down, cramp, delimit, detain, enslave, fix, hem in, hinder, hog-tie, hold back, ice, immure, imprison, incarcerate, intern, jail, keep, put a lid on, put away, put on ice, repress, restrain, restrict, send up, shorten, shut up Antonyms: free, let go, liberate, release - beyond the confines of human knowledge - آن سوی مرزهای دانش بشری - within the confines of the university - در محدودهی دانشگاه - Confine your talk to ten minutes. - صحبت خود را به ده دقیقه محدود کن. - Their report is not just confined to economic matters. - گزارش آنها تنها به امور اقتصادی منحصر نیست. - to confine oneself with ... - خود را به ... محدود کردن - They had confined the lions in small cages. - شیرها را در قفسهای کوچک محبوس کرده بودند. - He was confined to bed for two weeks. - او را دو هفته بستری کردند.
ستایش و احترام کردن، تکریم کردن
(verb) revere Synonyms: admire, adore, apotheosize, appreciate, be in awe of, cherish, deify, esteem, exalt, hallow, hold in awe, honor, idolize, look up to, love, put on a pedestal, regard, respect, reverence, think highly of, treasure, value, worship
- We venerate our ancestors who founded this city.- ما به نیاکان خود که این شهر را بنیان نهادند حرمت میگذاریم.
قبلاً فکر چیزی را کردن، مطالعه قبلی کردن
verb (used with object), pre·med·i·tat·ed, pre·med·i·tat·ing.
to meditate, consider, or plan beforehand: to premeditate a murder.
- That crime was not accidental; it was premedi- tated. - آن جنایت اتفاقی نبود؛ عمدی بود. - a premeditated murder - قتل عمد
وابسته به جزیره، جزیرهای، منزوی، غیرآزاد، تنگنظر
(adjective) narrow-minded Synonyms: bigoted, circumscribed, closed, confined, contracted, cut off, detached, illiberal, inward-looking, isolated, limited, narrow, parochial, petty, prejudiced, provincial, restricted, secluded, separate, separated, sequestered Antonyms: broad-minded, unbiased, unprejudiced - insular climate - آب و هوای آبخستی - the insular circumstances of that tribe - موقعیت دورافتادهی آن قبیله - an insular house - خانهی دورافتاده - the insular views of the natives - عقاید کوتهبینانهی بومیان
محکم کردن، یکی کردن، یک رقم کردن
(verb) combine; make firm Synonyms: add to, amalgamate, amass, band, bind, blend, build up, bunch up, cement, centralize, compact, compound, concatenate, concentrate, condense, conjoin, connect, densen, develop, federate, fortify, fuse, harden, hitch, hitch on, hook up with, incorporate, join, league, mass, meld, mix, plug into, pool, reinforce, render solid, secure, set, slap on, solidify, stabilize, strengthen, tack on, tag on, team up with, thicken, throw in together, tie in, tie up with, unify Antonyms: disjoin, disperse, divide, part, separate - to consolidate a number of small schools - چند مدرسهی کوچک را ادغام کردن - The two companies consolidated. - دو شرکت به هم پیوستند. - The troops consolidated their positions. - سربازان مواضع خود را مستحکم کردند. - consolidated fund - صندوق (یا اعتبار) تلفیقی
تغییر فاحش، تحول، انقلاب، (زیستشناسی) برخاست، بالا آمدن
(noun) major change Synonyms: about-face, alteration, cataclysm, catastrophe, clamor, commotion, convulsion, disaster, disorder, disruption, disturbance, eruption, explosion, ferment, flip-flop, new ball-game, new deal, outbreak, outburst, outcry, overthrow, revolution, shakeout, stirring, switch, temblor, tremor, tumult, turmoil, turnaround, upturn Antonyms: stagnation - the economic upheaval in the world - زیرورو شدن وضع اقتصادی جهان - a political upheaval - دگرگونی شدید سیاسی - The birth of a child caused great upheaval in the family. - تولد کودک موجب دگرگونی بزرگی در خانواده شد.
سرکش، گردنکش
(adjective) steadfast, resolute Synonyms: adamant, dead set on, determined, firm, fixed, hard, hard-core, hardheaded, hard-line, hard-nosed, headstrong, immalleable, immovable, implacable, impliable, inexorable, inflexible, intractable, locked in, merciless, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, pertinacious, pigheaded, refractory, relentless, rigid, ruthless, single-minded, solid, staunch, stiff, stiff-necked, stubborn, tough, unbending, uncompliant, uncompromising, unmovable, unrelenting, unswayable, unwavering Antonyms: flexible, irresolute, surrendering, yielding
دروغگو، کاذب
(adjective) dishonest Synonyms: deceitful, deceptive, duplicitous, equivocating, erroneous, fallacious, false, fibbing, fraudulent, insincere, lying, paltering, perfidious, perjured, prevaricating, shifty, spurious, untrue, untruthful, wrong Antonyms: frank, honest, sincere, truthful
صدادار، طنینانداز، قلنبه، بلند، پرصدا
(adjective) resonant Synonyms: booming, full-voiced, loud, loud-voiced, powerful, resounding, reverberating, rich, ringing, rotund, thundering - sonorous metals - فلزات آواساز - a sonorous waterfall - آبشار پر سر و صدا - a herald with a sonorous voice - جارچی با صدای پرطنین - a sonorous bell - ناقوس پر طنین - Sa'di's sonorous prose - نثر موزون و غرای سعدی
حاصلخیز، پرثمر، بارور، برومند، پربرکت
(adjective) ready to bear, produce Synonyms: abundant, arable, bearing, black, bountiful, breeding, breedy, bringing forth, childing, fecund, feracious, flowering, flowing with milk and honey, fruitful, generative, gravid, hebetic, loamy, lush, luxuriant, plenteous, plentiful, pregnant, procreant, producing, productive, proliferant, prolific, puberal, pubescent, rank, rich, spawning, teeming, uberous, vegetative, virile, with child, yielding Antonyms: barren, fruitless, impotent, infertile, sterile, unproductive, useless - the fertile soil of Khuzestan - خاک بارور خوزستان - This apple tree is very fertile. - این درخت سیب بسیار پربار است. - a fertile egg - تخممرغ نطفهدار - Overly fertile families add to overpopulation. - خانوادههای بسیار پربچه (مسئلهی) ازدیاد جمعیت را تشدید میکنند. - the sun's fertile warmth - گرمای گشنآور خورشید - the fertile mind of a genius - فکر آفرینندهی یک نابغه
رو به نابودی، رو به زوال، نابودشده، پست، رو به فساد رونده
(adjective) corrupt, self-indulgent Synonyms: debased, debauched, decaying, declining, degenerate, degraded, depraved, dissolute, effete, evil, gone bad, gone to the dogs, immoral, lost, moribund, overripe, perverted, wanton, wicked Antonyms: benevolent, good, humble, kind, moral - decadent art - هنر منحط - a decadent person - آدم فرومایه
بایسته، ضروری، بایا، لازم، واجب، حتمی، چارهناپذیر، ناگزیر، صرفنظر نکردنی، لازمالاجرا
کنارنگذاشتنی، قصور نکردنی، اجتناب ناپذیر، پرهیز ناپذیر
(adjective) necessary Synonyms: basal, basic, cardinal, crucial, essential, fundamental, imperative, key, necessitous, needed, needful, prerequisite, primary, required, requisite, vital Antonyms: dispensable, needless, nonessential, redundant, superfluous, unnecessary - Their assistance is indispensable. - کمک آنها ضروری است. - freedom of expression is one of the indispensable conditions of democracy. - آزادی بیان یکی از شرایط واجب دموکراسی است. - it was his indispensable duty to help them.- وظیفهی اجتنابناپذیر او بود که به آنها کمک کند.
نهان، راز، پناهگاه، پوشیده، پوشپر
(adjective) clandestine, underhanded Synonyms: buried, camouflaged, cloaked, concealed, disguised, dissembled, furtive, hidden, hush-hush, incog, incognito, masked, obscured, private, privy, QT, secret, shrouded, stealthy, sub rosa, surreptitious, ulterior, undercover, underhand, under-the-table, under wraps, unsuspected, veiled Antonyms: aboveboard, candid, frank, honest, open, overt, public, unconcealed - covert operations - عملیات مخفی - covert threat - تهدید نهانی
غریزه، شعور حیوانی، هوش طبیعی جانوران
(noun) gut feeling, idea Synonyms: aptitude, faculty, feeling, funny feeling, gift, gut reaction, hunch, impulse, inclination, intuition, knack, know-how, nose, predisposition, proclivity, savvy, sense, sentiment, sixth sense, talent, tendency, urge Antonyms: knowledge, reason - Suckling is an instinct in mammals. - شیر خوردن از پستان (مادر) غریزهی جانوران پستاندار است. - Birds have the instinct to fly. - پرندگان غریزهی پرواز دارند. - ... it is its instinct. - ... اقتضای طبیعتش این است. - the religious instinct of primitive peoples - شم مذهبی انسانهای آغازین - He has an instinct for politics. - او شم سیاسی دارد. - a look instinct with pity - نگاهی که ترحم از آن میبارد
تشخیص دادن، تمیز دادن
(verb) catch sight of; recognize and understand Synonyms: anticipate, apprehend, ascertain, behold, descry, detect, determine, difference, differentiate, discover, discrepate, discriminate, distinguish, divine, espy, extricate, figure out, find out, focus, foresee, get a load of, get the picture, get wise to, judge, know, make distinction, make out, note, notice, observe, perceive, pick out, read, remark, rubberneck, secern, see the light, see through, separate, severalize, spot, take in, view Antonyms: disregard, neglect, overlook - In the darkness, I could only discern shadows. - در تاریکی فقط سایهها را تشخیص میدادم. - A convoy of ten trucks was discerned by our soldiers this morning. - کاروانی مرکب از ده کامیون امروز صبح توسط سربازان ما شناسایی شد. - to discern right from wrong - درست را از نادرست تمیز دادن - He discerned the quiet sobbing of a woman in the next room. - به زاری آرام زنی در اتاق مجاور پی برد. - I soon discerned her true intention. - بزودی به نیت واقعی او پی بردم.
آشنایی، راهنمایی، جهتیابی
(noun) introduction, adjustment Synonyms: acclimatization, adaptation, assimilation, bearings, breaking in, coordination, direction, familiarization, fix, lay of the land, location, position, sense of direction, settling in Antonyms: disorientation, mix-up - the orientation of a telescope - جهت تلسکوپ - These two nations are very different in their political orientation. - این دو ملت از نظر سوگیری سیاسی خیلی تفاوت بسیار دارند. - an orientation course - کلاس آشناسازی - I had a hard time regaining my orientation. - به سختی توازن خود را به دست آوردم.
سوراخسوراخ کردن، غربال کردن، سرند، معما، چیستان، لغز، رمز، جدول معما، گیج و سردرگم کردن، تفسیر یا بیان کردن
(noun) brain-teaser Synonyms: bewilderment, brain-twister, charade, closed book, complexity, complication, confusion, conundrum, cryptogram, dilemma, distraction, doubt, embarrassment, enigma, entanglement, intricacy, knotty question, labyrinth, maze, mind-boggler, mystery, mystification, perplexity, plight, poser, predicament, problem, puzzle, puzzlement, quandary, question, rebus, sixty-four dollar question, stickler, strait, stumper, teaser, tough nut to crack, tough proposition, twister (verb) perforate, permeate Synonyms: bore, corrupt, damage, honeycomb, impair, infest, mar, pepper, pervade, pierce, pit, puncture, spoil - to speak in riddles - معما وار حرف زدن - to ask a riddle - چیستان پرسیدن - to know the answer to a riddle - پاسخ معما را دانستن - Scientists have not yet been able to understand the many riddles of cancer. - دانشمندان هنوز نتوانستهاند اسرار فراوان سرطان را درک کنند. - I used a riddle for separating earth from stone. - برای جدا کردن خاک از سنگ سرند بهکار بردم. - I riddled the charcoal and separated its dust. - زغال را سرند کردم و خاکهی آن را جدا کردم. - The door had become badly riddled by termites. - موریانهها در را بدجوری سوراخسوراخ کرده بودند. - The guard riddled the car with bullets. - پاسدار اتومبیل را با گلوله سوراخسوراخ کرد. - Your writing is riddled with grammatical and spelling errors. - نوشتهی شما پر از لغزشهای دستوری و املایی است. - The lawn is riddled with weeds. - چمن پر از علف هرزه است. - The police department is riddled with corruption. - ادارهی پلیس پر از فساد است.
بیهوده، نارس، تهی، خشک، بیمزه، بیلطافت
without interest or significance; dull; insipid: a jejune novel.
juvenile; immature; childish: jejune behavior.
lacking knowledge or experience; uninformed: jejune attempts to design a house.
deficient or lacking in nutritive value: a jejune diet.
- a jejune lecture - سخنرانی پوچ و بیمزه - The story is jejune and its style offensive. - آن داستان خستهکننده و سبک آن زننده است. - the jejune diets of the poor - خوراک نامغذی فقیران - the jejune behavior of the groom - رفتار بچهگانهی داماد
لوده وار، دارای رفتار زمخت وبدون اداب
a comic performer, as in a circus, theatrical production, or the like, who wears an outlandish costume and makeup and entertains by pantomiming common situations or actions in exaggerated or ridiculous fashion, by juggling or tumbling, etc.
a person who acts like a clown; comedian; joker; buffoon; jester.
a prankster; a practical joker.
Slang. a coarse, ill-bred person; a boor.
a peasant; rustic.
verb (used without object)
to act like a clown.
خونسرد، لاقید،بیطرف، بیتمایل، جزئی، بیاثر، ناچیز، نه چندان خوب
(adjective) unfeeling, uninterested Synonyms: aloof, apathetic, blasé, callous, cold, cool, detached, diffident, disinterested, dispassionate, distant, equitable, haughty, heartless, heedless, highbrow, impartial, impervious, inattentive, listless, neutral, nonchalant, nonpartisan, objective, passionless, phlegmatic, regardless, scornful, silent, stoical, supercilious, superior, unaroused, unbiased, uncaring, uncommunicative, unconcerned, unemotional, unimpressed, uninvolved, unmoved, unprejudiced, unresponsive, unsocial, unsympathetic Antonyms: caring, compassionate, concerned, feeling, interested, involved, sympathetic - an indifferent judge - قاضی بینظر (بیطرف) - They were indifferent to the suffering of the poor. - آنان به رنج مسکینان توجهی نمیکردند. - The girl was indifferent toward love. - آن دختر نسبت به عشق بیاعتنا بود. - hills of indifferent height - تپههایی با ارتفاع متوسط - The opinion of others is indifferent to him. - نظر دیگران برای او علیالسویه است. - He does indifferent work at the office. - کارش در اداره تعریفی ندارد.
بیحال، سست
(adjective) lazy, sluggish Synonyms: apathetic, blah, comatose, debilitated, dilatory, dopey, dormant, draggy, drowsy, dull, enervated, having spring fever, heavy, idle, impassive, inactive, indifferent, inert, lackadaisical, laggard, laid-back, languid, languorous, listless, moony, nebbish, out of it, passive, phlegmatic, sleepy, sleepyhead, slothful, slow, slumberous, snoozy, somnolent, spiritless, stolid, stretchy, stupefied, supine, torpid, wimpy Antonyms: active, busy, energetic, lively, vital, vivacious
- Hot,humid weather makes me lethargic.- هوای گرم و مرطوب مرا کسل میکند.
دسته، گروه، محفل
(noun) group of friends Synonyms: bunch, cabal, camarilla, camp, circle, clan, club, coterie, crew, crowd, crush, faction, gang, in-group, insiders, lobby, Mafia, mob, organization, outfit, pack, posse, ring, set, society
- Ahmad and his clique of poetasters did not pay attention to anyone else.- احمد و دار و دستهی نوچه شاعران او به هیچکس دیگر محل نگذاشتند.
قابل تبدیل به پول، تبدیلپذیر، معاوضهپذیر، پایاپا
Law, Commerce. (especially of goods) being of such nature or kind as to be freely exchangeable or replaceable, in whole or in part, for another of like nature or kind: Appliances are usually fungible—that is, they can be replaced with cash or a similar item of equal value.
capable of being exchanged or interchanged; interchangeable: Neither ethanol nor biodiesel is fully fungible with petroleum-based fuels.Large corporations are likely to view both customers and employees as fungible, replaceable commodities.
- fungible goods such as petroleum or wheat are different from non-fungible goods such as rugs or paintings. - کالاهای تعویضشدنی مانند نفت و گندم با کالاهای تعویضنشدنی مانند فرش و نقاشی فرق دارند. - This good cannot be traded to third parties, and it is not entirely fungible. - این کالا نمیتواند با طرف سومی مبادله شود و کاملاً قابلتعویض نیست.
تعریفآمیز، تعارفی، بلیط افتخاری
(adjective) flattering Synonyms: adulatory, appreciative, approbative, approbatory, approving, celebrating, commendatory, congratulatory, courtly, encomiastic, encomiastical, eulogistic, fair-spoken, fawning, highly favorable, honeyed, honoring, laudatory, panegyrical, plauditory, polite, praiseful, respectful, sycophantic, unctuous, well-wishing, with highest recommendation, with high praise Antonyms: blaming, censuring, critical, denouncing, disparaging, insulting, reproachful, unflattering (adjective) free Synonyms: as a perk, chargeless, comp, costless, courtesy, donated, free lunch, free of charge, gratis, gratuitous, honorary, on the house Antonyms: for sale - complimentary remarks - اظهارات ستایشآمیز - a complimentary ticket - بلیط افتخاری (اهدایی)
(adjective) practical Synonyms: empiric, experient, experiential, experimental, factual, observational, observed, pragmatic, provisional, speculative Antonyms: conjectural, hypothetical, impractical, theoretic, theoretical, unobserved, unproved (adjective) practical; based on experience Synonyms: experient, experiential, experimental, factual, observational, observed, pragmatic, provisional Antonyms: hypothetical, impractical, speculative, theoretical, unobserved - an empirical remedy - درمان تجربی - an empirical fact - بودهی آروینی، واقعیت تجربی
همنوایی کردن، مطابقت کردن، وفق دادن، پیروی کردن
(verb) adjust, adapt Synonyms: accommodate, attune, be guided by, clean up act, comply, coordinate, don’t make waves, don’t rock the boat, fall in with, fit, follow, follow beaten path, follow the crowd, go by the book, go with the flow, harmonize, integrate, keep, make room, meet halfway, mind, move over, obey, observe, play the game, proportion, quadrate, reconcile, reconciliate, roll with punches, run with the pack, shape up, square, straighten up, suit, tailor, tailor-make, toe the line, tune, yield Antonyms: differ, fight, refuse (verb) correspond, match Synonyms: accord, agree, assimilate, be regular, dovetail, fit in, fit the pattern, go, harmonize, jibe, square, suit, tally Antonyms: mismatch, not correspond - If you would shun disgrace, conform (yourself to the people) - خواهی نشوی رسوا، همرنگ جماعت شو - His ideas do not conform with the norms of the society. - عقاید او با معیارهای اجتماع سازگار نیست. - The building must conform with the municipal regulations. - ساختمان باید با مقررات شهرداری مطابقت داشته باشد.
مشتاق، آرزومند، مایل، نگران، دلواپس
(adjective) worried Synonyms: anxious, appetent, apprehensive, ardent, athirst, attentive, avid, beside oneself, careful, caring, concerned, devoted, eager, earnest, heedful, impatient, keen, loving, mindful, raring, regardful, tender, thirsty, troubled, uneasy, worried sick, worried stiff, zealous Antonyms: easy-going, laid-back, unafraid, unworried - solicitous for her children's welfare - علاقهمند به سعادت فرزندانش - solicitous of his sick wife's health - نگران سلامتی همسر بیمارش - solicitous to make friends with her - خواهان دوست شدن با او