Practical Situations On Watch & Controller Responses Flashcards
Flights that transit through UK OPCON areas often have something missing from their strip that we need to watch out for, what is often missing?
Their landfall fix is often missing from the strips.
2 flights entering Shanwick Eastbound from Reykjavik. They are showing a warning but based on the Mach number rule, this was okay - 1st aircraft M0.02 faster, therefore 9mins.
Reykjavik call and say the estimates were now only showing 8mins. What are your actions as a controller?
Ask Reykjavik if they can speed the 1st aircraft up to give a M0.03 differential and therefore allow 8mins. If approved by Reykjavik, mark as co-ordinated and ACCL up.
Where can a non-DLM aircraft fly at a DLM level?
DLM levels can be used by non-DLM aircraft if they are operating on a Tango route and they do not cross a track.
What is the ‘correct’ way to start a coordination by voice with another centre in regards to drawing the controllers attention to the correct aircraft in question?
When co-ordinating via voice with an adjacent Oceanic centre, LC – Level, Callsign,
When co-ordinating with a domestic centre, PLC. Point, Level, Callsign.
If Santa Maria call and ask us to restrict an aircraft for them, can we issue this to the aircraft?
Yes. Take details, tell them I will issue the restriction and simply issue it on either CPDLC or HF.
If Santa Maria call asking if we can accept a flight routing North East through 45N030W, what are the controller actions?
We can check the flight and tell them whether or not we would accept it, BUT, under no circumstance must we say that it is approved. Due to the fact that the aircraft if flying over 45N 030W, Santa Maria should have called Gander and asked them and Gander would have coordinated with us. We can tell Santa Maria that we are able to accept the flight but they should approve with Gander and get Gander to coordinate with us.
If aircraft are conflicting with each other due connectivity going Eastbound but are still in Gander’s airspace, what are your options as a controller?
consider calling gander and asking them to recycle.
Consider looking for ‘outs’ for the flights that we could apply straight after 30W.
In some cases a test message will work once the aircraft is in our airspace and it will connect up fine, just be aware that this may not always work.
If an aircraft at FL390 in our airspace asks for a turbulence report at FL350, what are your thoughts?
The flight is clearly not happy at FL390 so preempt a descent and probe, transfer if necessary and ensure the path is clear before responding.
Santa Maria called and asked if a flight that was going to enter their airspace could take higher. What are you to consider as a controller?
Tell them you’ll call them back. Speak to the flight and ask if it can go up if the path is free of conflict.
If there is traffic above, look below. Santa Maria are asking for a reason even if it is unclear what that reason may be. Advise Santa Maria of the next available levels that the flight could be moved to when calling back .
Aircraft reports NO HF / HF PROBLEMS close to Scottish airspace going East. What are your actions?
SDB FRE in VT window to bring up frequencies. Send message on HF saying “At exit point (ERAKA) contact EGPX on …..” If there is no response to this message, call Scottish and advise.
If you receive a climb warning that an aircraft is not at the required level, what should you do?
Take a copy and extend the climb to check it is conflict free.
Do flights from Santa Maria need restrictions against other flights from Santa Maria?
No. LPPO provide the separation.
If you receive a CPL with the message INVALID STATE TRANSITION, what should you do?
Check the details in the message match those on the strip and if it fits we can ACCL it up. If it doesn’t fit, we need to coordinate by voice.
What landfall and exit points would you expect to see on strips at FL280 and below?
If flight is FL280 or below and N of LAKES, expect to see a 40W, 50W, 60W, Montreal Boundary Point, Inland Reporting Point.
If South of LAKES, expect 40W, 50W Gander Oceanic Exit Point.
AVPUT – DORYY not included below FL280.
At FL290 and above flights should all show a 40W, 50W, GOEP whether N or S of LAKES.
What are the coordination rules for flights into Edmonton airspace?
Flights into Edmonton (ADSAM – EPMAN) A, B and C need a 60W coordinate, no mandatory routes. If the route on a strip shows only 50W DCT A, B or C, it will need coordination.
What should you watch out for when coordinating a flight electronically with 2 centres?
If actioning a request from an aircraft that requires coordination with more than one centre, both centres need to accept the coordination, if one accepts and one rejects, we need to call the one that accepted ASAP and explain that the flight will not be coming to them at the new coordination.
What is the difference between free text confirm assigned route responses and automated ones?
Free text is not conformance checked and is put to the controller to action.
When issuing HF re-routes what should you do after issuing?
Send a confirm assigned route message after the read back to check that the FMS matches the new clearance.
What actions can you consider if you see a duplicate point in a POS report?
Check history to see if correct POS report has been made. If it has, great, if not, demand contract. If this comes back incorrect, message via Ballygirreen and have the pilot confirm POS after last correct position.
If we have 2 aircraft coming in from Shannon Westbound with a warning showing on strips and no restriction on the second aircraft, what could we ask the planner?
The planner may have acquired a firm time for the boundary and that may be the reason that a restriction is not on the strip. Ask the planner if they have had a firm time.
What is the ‘best’ way to deal with ride report requests?
If asked for ride reports, the pilot is clearly not happy.
Look for aircraft on the same route at the same level. If there are none available, look for aircraft at a similar level (1,000ft up or down) on a similar route. If there are some available, message EIAA from the flight that you are getting the ride report FROM.
Say “For EIAA. Req ride report. Please pass to BAW123. Then go back to the original aircraft and reply on CPDLC (if requested this way) and say “EIAA will respond by voice. Expect report from aircraft at same level, 20 minutes ahead”.
How could you respond to an aircraft report of strong MED turbulence, or similar?
Check 1,000ft up and down and see if the aircraft fits. Then reply “roger, higher/lower level is available if requested, report your intentions”. For severe turbulence, remember to tell the desk.
If an aircraft requests a weather deviation and they are very close to exiting our airspace, what is the best way to deal with this?
If weather deviations are very close to other centres airspace when received, protect airspace and call the centre to see if they’re in contact. The you can simply release the aircraft for turns.
What do you need to remember about the ATC/ line and its capabilities?
Planner ATC/ line has a maximum character limit so you will sometimes receive calls to tell you about restrictions that have been put on flights that aren’t showing on the strip.
What are the controller actions if an aircraft makes an Oceanic request with us via OCL but the aircraft is in Madrid’s airspace?
Recognise the error, call Madrid and say “for information, Callsign has made their Oceanic request with us”.
If they require the details, pass them. They should chase the flight to do it in the correct way.
When receiving Iceland POS reports for aircraft not yet in our sector, what should we update GAATS+ with?
Update the system estimate to match the POS report.
When asking a Planner for a level, if you think there’s a chance that they may decline, what should you do prior to calling the Planner?
To save time, ensure you check other levels so that you have an out if they say no. IT will also allow you to give them a better picture of why you’re asking and the other options available.
When looking at time restrictions, if the flight is close to the point that you are looking to restrict at, what might you consider as a controller?
Ask the centre to confirm their estimate for that point. If we need a restriction and the time is a firm time, that’s fine, but if it’s out, use the next point or think about another solution, like speed, for example.
When accepting CDN’s that involve the flight in question being transferred to another sector, what should a controller be careful of?
Once transferred, accepted and ACCL’d, messages on the flight will go to the receiving controller. If you then need to amend the flight in any way, like a speed change for example, you will have to speak to the controller and explain the situation, checking that they are happy for you to amend the flight. the associated messages will go to the receiving controller.
When dealing with an MFS message on a flight which is routing into our airspace up through LPPO and the Madrid, what are your actions as a controller?
Search for the strip and take out any points prior to KOPAS, for example. Ensure that the time, speed and levels are correct, watching for the system inputting the time at the wrong position. you may have to do some mental maths to calculate the correct time. PC the strip and inform the controller that the flight will be entering, telling them to display it on their board.
If you are Enroute, forward the MFS message to the planner for actioning and advise them.
How would you go about passing the most accurate Traffic Information to an adjacent centre?
Use the RBL to give an accurate distance from the boundary that the aircraft is going to pass.
A tanker within a reservation requests a turnback at a specific flight level, rather than its altitude reservation block. How do you go about inputting this into the system and issuing the clearance?
Extract the present position and POS report the flight in at the lowest level of the reservation block at a flat level. Then input the copy profile with the climb or descent to the requested level but be sure not to read back the descent until the flight reports past the lowest level of the initial block.
If an estimate for a Next or Subsequent position is off, what should you think about as a controller and what are your actions?
Think about the level at which the flight is cleared. Could the weather be affecting the speed? Request an ADS demand to see if the estimate is still off. If it is, ask the flight to confirm their speed. If an incorrect speed is being flown, protect it in the system, issue the new speed if possible and tell the flight that they needed permission to deviate from their cleared speed!
When sending HF messages if the CPDLC has failed for any reason, how would you word a climb or descent?
For Westbound flights that have recently entered Shanwick from a domestic centre, what do you need to think about if issuing a climb on a flight that is showing a warning?
If the warning is on an aircraft behind and it is not yet in EGGX, we can’t issue the climb or descent because the following aircraft could still go early. We need to wait until we have a firm reported time.
When dealing with a request for a re-route or what to expect on Eastbound flights, who would you speak to and what would you say?
Into Shannon, speak to whoever answers.
Into Scottish, speak to the controller.
if a re-route is requested, use a significant point or a ADS return, put a boundary point in that is close to the destination for re-route and ask Shannon.
When passing estimates for reservations, what information should you pass?
Estimate at (POINT) for the (CALLSIGN).
Then pass: Time Level or Level Block What's in the formation Next position after (POINT)
If Reykjavik call regarding traffic at RATSU wanting deviation due weather into EGGX, how do we go about assessing and approving?
Take the level and time for RATSU. Assess against your strips.
Be careful if having to work out crossing points against traffic in EGGX, perhaps think about moving your traffic if possible.
If Reykjavik traffic is showing a warning on the Mach number technique, should you call BIRD and get them to ensure they are going to provide separation?
For traffic on the same routing, no.
For traffic on different routings, yes.
There’s no harm in calling and ensuring either way.
Low Level climb out from the UK OPCON area calls up with no details. What are the controller actions?
Take details so that we are able to create a flight plan. DEP, DEST, SPEED, TIME, LEVEL, EQUIPPAGE, TYPE, ROUTE. Confirm if the aircraft is operating under UK OPCON procedures. If not, we will need to inform Northwood immediately by voice. Once we have all the details, create a flight plan, issue traffic against anything we have between FL250 and FL270. ATC service at and above FL280. Remember to coordinate with the planner and the domestic agency, although the should get the estimate.
Fuel waxing occurs. What is it, what will aircraft want to do and how would we react?
Fuel waxing is when the cold temperature at high levels causes the fuel to become waxy and solidify more than it should do. for different fuel types, this happens at different temperatures. It is very dangerous as the engines will not be able to pull in the waxy fuel, meaning when the power is put on, the aircraft may not respond as the pilot expects it to. Aircraft reporting fuel waxing would be expected to want immediate descent. Try to issue a clearance or prepare for potential contingency procedures.
During an ADT failure, Eastbound aircraft will fail and go red within the CO-ORD window. MECS will receive a copy of this and they will pass the estimate to Domestic. Once they’ve done this, they will inform the controller who will mark the strip up. If for any reason the CO-ORD does not go red, what message will you receive as an En-route controller to alert you to the issue?
The message will say, flight has passed co-ordination point which is a trigger for the controller to chase the estimate up and pass it to Domestic.
What are the basics of SCRATCOH?
Maximum period of duty - 10hrs.
Minimum 12hrs between shifts.
11hrs once a month with prior agreement.
2hrs maximum working without a break.
1.5 maximum working without a break. Enhanced. (10:00 - 14:00)
We must have a minimum of 54hrs break after 2 consecutive nights.
A night shift is limited to a max of 9.5hrs with the latest finish of 07:30. The maximum is 2 consecutive.
After 6 consecutive periods of duty in 6 days, minimum 60hrs before next duty.
Within 30 days, no fewer than 3 duty intervals, total 180hrs, shortest can be 54hrs.
What is considered a Night Duty?
A shift that takes place within any part of 01:30 - 05:29.
What is considered a Morning Duty?
A shift that starts between 06:30 and 07:59. Maximum of 5 consecutive days, maximum of 8.5hrs each.
Do simulators or training days count towards periods of duty?
What are the rules around SCRATCOH and Annual Leave?
During a calendar year, no fewer than 10 days total holiday is to be taken in no less than 5 day periods. This excludes rostered days off.
When dealing with high level drone flights that are blocking levels, how should you handle the flight?
Remember to force through the CPL to the onward sector and follow up with a phone call to confirm that the flight is blocking levels.
A future conflict is showing against 2 flights into LPPO. One is within our airspace, one is within LPPO. What are the controller actions?
We can call and confimr that they’re happy to take the flights rather than moving our traffic. This is of course dependant on the position of the cross and distance in the future.
If a CPL fails to Santa Maria due to the flight exiting and then reentering the area, how would we become aware of this and what are the controller actions?
The CPL may fail and show a warning message. We need to call and confirm with Santa Maria that it is still approved crossing the re-entry point at the specified flight level.
If a flight has no DCPC on T9/T290, what phraseology would you use on the phone to EIAA?
EIAA aren’t talking to the flight unless a LASNO / ADVAT report is present. Therefore, phrase it as, are you in contact rather than has the flight been advised to monitor.
If a CPL from BIRD comes through and the route doesn’t extend to OEP what are you actions?
Check the flight plan, add the additional routing, call BIRD and ensure that you get a full readback on the information.
What is a LAM?
Logical Acknowledgement Message. LPPO get them to say that we’ve received their system messages.
If a flight is routing SW through Madrid and then Santa Maria at or South of KOPAS and their route stops at MUDOS, how does the flight receive the rest of their clearance?
Santa Maria issue the flight with their clearance after MUDOS. The flight will need to call LPPO on HF.
When an aircraft is weather deviating, what can we consider doing to ensure situations such as the catch up incident don’t occur?
Consider issuing a flight with a deviation clearance and state that once clear of weather, route direct…. Make sure this is protected in the system.
Use maintain present level rather than stating a FL.