Controllers Duties & Procedures (Con) Flashcards
What is the Planner Controller responsible for?
Issuing Oceanic clearances and coordination where appropriate for all aircraft entering Shanwick OCA from a domestic centre, including Eastbound flights entering from Madrid.
For flights routing on T9 / T213 in either direction, the planner is not required to coordinate a clearance at an enroute level if there are no conflicts or warnings shown.
Planner is also responsible for approving Eastbound flights that do not comply with FLAS.
What is the Enroute Controller responsible for?
Enroute Controllers are responsible for the provision of ATC, Flight Information and Alerting Services at and above FL55, in addition to Flight Information and Alerting Services to all known traffic below FL55.
Approving flights entering Shanwick from another OCA, both Eastbound and Westbound except those originating at RATSU. Coordination with the Planner may be necessary.
What is a controllers response if a message is received for a flight that is not within their jurisdiction?
Forward it to the relevant controller. If priority handling is required, they shall also verbally advise the relevant controller that the message is being forwarded.
In terms of Equipment Checking, how does GAATS+ apply separations?
If a flight is cleared prior to the issuing of FANS connections, GAATS+ will apply separations based on the flight plan data.
Flights within Shanwick and flights approaching the boundary are required to have active FANS connections to enable PBCS separations.
Where criteria is not met for applying PBCS, the controller may verify the details with the flight. In this case the controller shall ensure that the CNS window is updated and that the outgoing CPL contains the correct information.
Is a flights equipage status included in a CDN?
No. When a controller is notified of a change in equipage after the CPL has been sent, they shall advise the next unit by voice.
If a flight plan contains waypoints that are not at full degrees of latitude, what may a controller do?
A controller may leave them in the cleared route, however, reroutes to waypoints that are not at whole degrees can only be issued on CPDLC. Reroutes issued by any other means shall be at whole degrees only.
What are the rules surrounding ERAKA tracks?
Where Westbound tracks commence at or North of ERAKA, for flight planning purposes FL380 and FL390 will not be available Westbound until 13:00 UTC at 30W.
Explain Mandatory Readbacks of Control Data.
Controllers ensure they provide / receive a verbatim readback of all:
Instructions, or,
Amendments to control data that are exchanged verbally with ATC sectors or flights.
GAATS+ will output a warning message for all ISSUED clearances to aircraft that are not read back within 15 minutes of issue.
What shall Shanwick specify as the clearance limit?
Shanwick shall specify the destination airfield as the clearance limit.
Where the flight routes North of 61N, where should the flight be cleared to?
Cleared to destination with the route specified as follows:
Into Edmonton airspace the route should be terminated at a named point on the Edmonton / Reykjavik boundary. If no named point exists, then the first lat / long inside Edmonton airspace.
Into Bodo airspace to a NAT boundary position if one exists. if not, first flight planned waypoint inside domestic or last flight planned position at or West of 20E.
Reykjavik issue remainder of clearance.
Where the flight routes South of 40N / 43N, where should the flight be cleared to?
Shanwick specifies destination airfield as the clearance limit. For Westbound flights routing through Shanwick and Santa Maria, including flights that cross 45N at or East of PASAS and subsequently cross 13N North of KOPAS, Shanwick plan separation against known traffic.
For Westbound flights that cross 45N East of PASAS and enter Santa Maria at or South of KOPAS, Shanwick clear the flight to destination but only specify the route to 13W. Santa Maria issue the oceanic clearance from 13W.
For flights that re-enter Shanwick, what are the rules and steps to be taken when dealing with them?
A Planner or En-route controller may clear a flight so that it exits and re-enters Shanwick from another OCA.
Neither a Planner or En-route controller may clear a flight to exit and re-enter from a domestic ACC.
If the flight enters a domestic centre and then re-enters the Ocean, we should issue the first leg to domestic landfall and instruct the flight to request onward clearance when in domestic sector.
We should then check that the flight has entered the domestic centre and if so, unclear to UA and XFP. We then tell the support so that they can input the second leg of the flight plan.
Detail the authorised use of MANCL list.
Resolve a conflict where separation between aircraft has been eroded.
Opposite direction aircraft East of the OCA boundary where coordination has been effected.
Aircraft in emergency during descent, return or diversion where the path is in conflict.
Resolve a conflict involving Round Robins, return legs or turnbacks, where an offset coordinate has been input into GAATS+ but the flight has been cleared using whole degrees.
If the conflict occurs wholly within an adjacent sector and they state that the conflict will be resolved by the use of radar or other means.
Flights operating as part of the same reservation.
Two or more conflicting reservations which have been approved subject to MARSA.
When applying UK OPCON procedures.
Apply reduced NAT HLA separation standards between NAT HLA equipped aircraft and Stationary Reservations outside of NAT HLA.
Two or more non-MARSA reservations, where erroneous conflicts are generated in GAATS+ due to the over protection of complex flight profiles, provided that the controller has ensured that sufficient level / route separation exists between all flights.
When a prime flight profile is estimated to be within the Shanwick OCA and a time revision is received that would put the flight under the jurisdiction of the planner, what are the controller actions?
Forward the message to the appropriate Planner and advise the Planner accordingly.
What should be remembered regarding the Sondrestrom FIR?
Sondrestrom FIR is uncontrolled airspace below FL195.
Flights at FL190 or below shall be cleared to maintain assigned level “whilst in controlled airspace” to permit the flight to adjust level as required. This phrase should be added as free text by the Planner.