Failure (Fal) Flashcards


If a Controller SWS fails, the Controller shall?


Advise the GS and log on to a spare position re-allocating the levels for the failed position. All messages in the queue at time of failure and those received thereafter, will be transferred to the new position.

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When a CDO SWS fails, the CDO shall?


Advise the GS and the Planners and log onto a new position. The Planners shall send the clearances to the new CDO position, including the clearances not yet issued by the CDO at the failed position.

When the CDO returns to the original position, the messages at failure time may remain, the CDO shall
delete all messages and advise the Planner to hold all messages until they are ready to continue.

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If the GS advises of a NCGW failure, what are your actions?


Staff should be aware that all datalink systems to aircraft will be affected. Staff can expect increased workload. The effects include:

Flights will make requests on CDO, HF or through domestic as there will be no OCL functionality.

Ballygirreen will instruct all ADS flights to send HF reports. These flights do not get a system
indication that they are no longer logged on.

CPDLC will not be available and messages shall be sent using HF.

Flights subsequently attempting to log onto FANS will be informed of the system failure and will be instructed to continue with voice reports.

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If the SITA network becomes congested, how does this impact operations?


The GS will inform the Planners, CDO and EO. OCL will not pass clearances to aircraft, and will generate a MIS message to the Controller for each clearance that has
not been sent.

The Planner shall advise the CDO that a clearance is available and there is no need to input a new request.

The CDO shall use the SWS to verify the flight state and liaise with the Planner as necessary.

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Non receipt of an ADS position report will result in the output of an overdue warning message to the
Controller. Where there is a significant increase in the number of these messages being received, what should the controller do?


Advise the supervisor and, if considered appropriate, follow ADS failure procedures.

When FANS Failure procedures are in place, Controllers shall endeavour to re-establish standard
separation, or where possible request that an appropriate unit provide additional monitoring.

In the event of multiple failures the Controller shall:

‘CANCEL ALL CONTRACTS’ in the ADS contracts window for all flights not requiring ADS-C for
separation, this will reduce receipt of excessive failure messages.

Carry out board checks to identify all flights that are using separations that require the use of
ADS-C. The Controller may consider cancelling contracts with these flights also. This will result
in a GAATS+ standard conflict output.

Instruct all westbound flights using separations requiring the use of ADS-C which are east of
20W to “logon to CZQX” without logging off from EGGX.

Inform Gander that there has been an ADS failure in Shanwick.

Coordinate all westbound flights east of 30W and separated using reduced separations with Gander, requesting that they provide additional monitoring to ensure separations.

Request that Gander provide additional monitoring of eastbound flights using separations requiring the use of ADS-C from 30W to the Shanwick exit point.

Consider re-establishing standard separation.

Cease the issue of clearances requiring the use of ADS-C.

Use HF to advise flights using separations requiring the use of ADS-C to make voice reports together with any instruction or information. Ballygirreen will advise any future flights intending to use ADS-C to make voice reports as well as any flights that are overdue.

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Under some circumstances, engineering may advise the desk staff of a failure to the communications 
service provider (SITA/ARINC). If so, what procedures shall be followed?

When FANS Failure procedures are in place, Controllers shall endeavour to re-establish standard
separation, or where possible request that an appropriate unit provide additional monitoring.

In the event of multiple failures the Controller shall:

‘CANCEL ALL CONTRACTS’ in the ADS contracts window for all flights not requiring ADS-C for
separation, this will reduce receipt of excessive failure messages.

Carry out board checks to identify all flights that are using separations that require the use of
ADS-C. The Controller may consider cancelling contracts with these flights also. This will result
in a GAATS+ standard conflict output.

Instruct all westbound flights using separations requiring the use of ADS-C which are east of
20W to “logon to CZQX” without logging off from EGGX.

Inform Gander that there has been an ADS failure in Shanwick.

Coordinate all westbound flights east of 30W and separated using reduced separations with Gander, requesting that they provide additional monitoring to ensure separations.

Request that Gander provide additional monitoring of eastbound flights using separations requiring the use of ADS-C from 30W to the Shanwick exit point.

Consider re-establishing standard separation.

Cease the issue of clearances requiring the use of ADS-C.

Use HF to advise flights using separations requiring the use of ADS-C to make voice reports together with any instruction or information. Ballygirreen will advise any future flights intending to use ADS-C to make voice reports as well as any flights that are overdue.

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If Shanwick is notified of a FANS communications outage, what are the parameters for suspending reduced separations?


When notified that there will be an outage of more than 10 minutes, of any communications equipment
required in the use of reduced separations, the use of those separations shall be suspended.

The Controller shall not apply reduced separation between flights that will be within the Shanwick OCA from 30 minutes before until 30 minutes after the notified outage times.

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During a FANS communications outage, what does a controller have to inform the GS of?


When the difference between the MET model and the actual flight elapsed times exceeds 3 minutes.

When there is extreme weather.

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During FANS a communications outage, if it is not possible to re-establish standard separations, what should a controller do?


Instruct flight via HF voice to report any deviation from assigned speed, level or route, and issue Essential Traffic Information.

Where possible consider increasing the longitudinal spacing by Mach number changes.

Issue ATA/ATB time restrictions for the next significant waypoint, to maintain or increase the longitudinal spacing between the flights.

Controller may consider adopting alternative monitoring techniques, for example instruct
aircraft via HF voice, to report passing a common longitudinal point.

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How long after reduced separations are suspended can they be re-introduced?


Suspended separations shall be re-introduced no earlier than 1 hour after the original suspension, and
only when all system conditions are suitable for use again.

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If Gander suspend any reduced separations, what will the GS advise the controllers to do?


Establish appropriate standard separation with
westbound flights where possible, and where not possible, coordinate with Gander and:

Cease the issue of clearances to westbound flights, using the suspended separations.

Carry out board checks with Gander and coordinate all westbound flights east of 30W separated using the suspended separations, and where possible establish standard separation.

Note that Gander may request Shanwick to provide additional monitoring of ADS-C flights from
30W to Gander exit point should the suspension be for technical monitoring reasons.

Carry out board checks with Gander and coordinate all eastbound flights west of 30W using the suspended separation and if necessary be prepared to provide additional monitoring should the suspension be for technical monitoring reasons.

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When Gander informs Shanwick that they are suspending separations requiring ADS-C due to a datalink failure, what shall the supervisor request?


They will request that Ballygirreen instruct all westbound ADS flights routeing in to Gander airspace, to make voice reports after 30W.

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If ASEPS are being suspended, what may the GS request and how does the effect our sector?


The GS Shanwick can request that EO load the no_ASEPS table into GAATS+. Loading of this table will prevent any further ASEPS clearances and separation outputs will only refer to time.

Controllers shall apply loss of criteria procedures for flights already cleared utilising ASEPS. Controllers
may identify those flights from the Warning and Conflict window.

A conflict alert will be output when the next conflict probe is carried out; that is for the next ADS-B
report received for flights within the Shanwick area or eastbound from Gander within the SVA.

Flights outside of Shanwick will be alerted as conflicting when the ADS-B check is carried out. Flights which have already passed the ADS-B check will not alert until they are within 5 minutes of the
Shanwick boundary.

If controllers are advised that Gander is unable to accept flights utilising ASEPS, they shall issue
clearances utilising an alternative separation.

When ASEPS separations are reintroduced flights already in receipt of a clearance may not allow ASEPS
separation to be applied without the controller probing the flight again to force an update to the flight record.

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If an ASEPS suspension is planned, what information will the GS give to the controllers?


The impacted area(s).
When ASEPS suspension will commence.
If, and when, the no_ASEPS table will be loaded.

Without loading the no_ASEPS table, GAATS+ will continue to allow ASEPS to be applied.

To prevent there being any flights utilising ASEPS at the time of loading the no_ASEPS table, it is suggested that bullet point 2 occurs 1.5 - 2 hours earlier than bullet point 3.

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What are the controller actions is GNSS separations are suspended?


Under certain circumstances, e.g. VHF not available, ADS-B coverage issues etc, the GS Shanwick can
request that EO load the no_GNSS table into GAATS+.

Loading of this table will prevent further GNSS
separations being applied.

Controllers shall apply loss of criteria procedures for flights already cleared utilising GNSS separations.

Controllers may identify those flights from the antenna symbol in the Warning and Conflict window.

Good practise would be to note the flights prior to the no_GNSS table being loaded.

A conflict alert will be output when the next conflict probe is carried out. The conflict probe is carried
out when:

The next report received for flights within the Shanwick area.

The check that ADS-B reports are being received prior to entry to Shanwick.

The ADS-B report which updates the Shanwick entry time.

Where ADS-B is not present, any received ADS-C or HF position reports.

When GNSS separations are reintroduced, flights already in receipt of a clearance may not allow GNSS
separation to be applied without the controller probing the flight again to force an update to the flight

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If a GNSS suspension is planned, what information will the GS give to the controllers?


The GS Shanwick will notify controllers of planned/predicted GNSS suspensions. The details will include:

When GNSS suspension will commence.

If, and when, the no_GNSS table will be loaded.

Without loading the no_GNSS table, GAATS+ will allow GNSS to be applied in the planning phase.


When Shanwick Controllers are experiencing system issues affecting FANS, what may they request and how will this be implemented?


They may request that Gander provide Additional Monitoring of westbound flights which are utilising FANS for separation purposes. Relevant flights will be coordinated with Gander on an individual basis.

When Gander have agreed to provide Additional Monitoring, the relevant flight(s) will be instructed to
logon to CZQX immediately to enable periodic contracts to be issued.

Using the code ‘MON’ on the PAM function, the Shanwick Controller will indicate that gander have agreed to monitor the flight. Gander will advise Shanwick of any non-conformance or loss of separation affecting the monitored flight(s).

Gander cannot provide Additional Monitoring for eastbound flights within the Shanwick OCA.

Once advised that Shanwick have a FANS issue, Gander shall cease issuing new clearances which utilise FANS separations and will endeavour to provide non-FANS separation for flights which are already in receipt of a clearance.


When Shanwick controllers are experiencing system issues affecting ASEPS, what will Gander do?


Gander will provide Additional Monitoring of westbound flights which are utilising ASEPS for separation purposes, as they enter the Gander SVA.

Gander will advise Shanwick of any non-conformance or loss of separation affecting the monitored

Gander cannot provide Additional Monitoring for eastbound flights within the Shanwick OCA.

Once advised that Shanwick have an ASEPS issue, Gander shall cease issuing new clearances which utilise ASEPS separations and will endeavour to provide non ASEPS separation for flights which are already in receipt of a clearance.


When Gander are experiencing system issues affecting FANS, what may they request and how will this be implemented?


They may request that Shanwick provide Additional Monitoring of eastbound flights which are utilising FANS for separation purposes. Relevant flights will be coordinated with Shanwick on an individual basis.

When Shanwick have agreed to provide Additional Monitoring, Gander will instruct the relevant
flight(s) to logon to EGGX immediately. Using the code ‘MON’ on the PAM function, the Shanwick
Controller will indicate that they have agreed to monitor the flight.

Once the flight(s) are logged on to Shanwick, the Shanwick enroute Controller shall issue ADS-C
periodic contracts manually. The Shanwick enroute Controller shall advise Gander of any
non-conformance or loss of separation affecting the monitored flight(s) which are still in Gander

Shanwick cannot provide Additional Monitoring for westbound flights within the Gander OCA. Once
advised that Gander have a FANS issue, Shanwick Controllers shall cease issuing new westbound
clearances which utilise FANS separations and will endeavour to provide non-FANS separation for
westbound flights which are already in receipt of a clearance.


When Gander controllers are experiencing system issues affecting ASEPS, what will Shanwick do?


Shanwick will provide Additional Monitoring of eastbound flights which are utilising ASEPS for separation purposes, as they enter the Shanwick SVA.

Shanwick will advise Gander of any non-conformance or loss of separation affecting the monitored

Shanwick cannot provide Additional Monitoring for westbound flights within the Gander OCA.

Once advised that Gander have an ASEPS issue, Shanwick controllers shall cease issuing new westbound clearances which utilise ASEPS separations and will endeavour to provide a clearance providing an
alternative separation for westbound flights which are already in receipt of a clearance.


Regardless of the cause, when there is a total failure of the receipt of ADS-B data, the procedures are
the same. The failure will present differently, dependent on the cause, and the indications that ADS-B data is not being received by GAATS+ may include, what?


A large volume of coasting targets.

A large volume of ‘ADS-B contact lost’ messages.

‘SDP link lost’ displayed on the SiT and an audible alarm ‘SDP Malfunction’.


When there is a total failure of the receipt of ADS-B data, what are the controller actions?


Controllers shall advise the GS Shanwick if an increase in the number of coasting targets is observed
without any notification of an outage.

ADS-B equipage indications will be present and checks will continue to be carried out for flights entering the Shanwick area.

When ADS-B is required and the flight is not yet within the Shanwick OCA there will be no conflict
probe until the flight is approaching the boundary from domestic or within the SVA eastbound from

Controllers should make use of the warning and conflict window to identify flights that are
cleared utilising separations requiring ADS-B. Controllers shall employ loss of criteria procedures for
those flights.

GAATS+ will allow further clearances to be issued utilising ADS-B for separation based on flight plan
details. Controllers shall not plan to utilise those separations.

Gander will be advised and, as far as practicable, provide an alternative separation standard for
incoming flights, including those already in receipt of a clearance.


In what situation would you find an issue with satellite coverage within certain areas only?


Where there is an issue with satellite coverage only certain areas may be impacted. This will normally
be notified in advance.

The Aireon satellite network provides duplicate and triplicate coverage within the Shanwick SVA,
therefore the loss of an individual satellite due to failure or maintenance should have no impact on

When there is notification of issues with the availability of ADS-B data, for whatever reason, Controllers will be advised. The outage may be advised in advance and the GS will determine, and notify, any procedural changes that are required.

In the affected area there will be an increase in alerts and coasting targets. As satellites are continually
moving the affected area is likely to vary over a short period of time.


What does the Fusion line do?


The Fusion line carries flight plan data from the FDP to the Fusion system.


If the Fusion line fails, what can a controller expect to see, when would this happen and how would GAATS+ look?


There will be no indications of the outage to ATC; EO will advise the GS Shanwick.

GAATS+ will send a FPL to Fusion as follows:

25 minutes before entry to Shanwick OCA for flights cleared by the Planner.

25 minutes before entry to the SVA for all other flights.

If the flight plan has not yet been sent to Fusion, as the flight approaches the boundary there will be an alert message output to the Controller that ADS-B reports are not being received. ADS-B reports are present; however, the target will be uncorrelated as there is no flight plan data in Fusion to match with GAATS+.

Where this is considered a distraction, the GS Shanwick may elect to turn off the feed from Fusion and no ADS-B data will be received.

Flights that are correlated and are already in receipt of a clearance utilising ADS-B for separation can
continue as cleared. All other flights in receipt of a clearance utilising ADS-B shall be recleared using
an alternative form of separation that does not require ADS-B.

Gander will be advised and will endeavour to provide separation that does not require ADS-B on flights
not already notified to Shanwick.

If the tables to suppress the application of separation utilising ADS-B are loaded, conflicts will be
output where the separation has already been applied.


If a FEP (Front End Processor) or an ADT (Automatic Data Transfer) line fails, what happens?


The Front End Processor (FEP) is located between GAATS+ and the adjacent centres. If a problem occurs
with either an ADT line or the FEP, staff will be advised and the line will be diverted to the MECS position.

Immediately following notification of a failure, Controllers shall carry out board checks to identify
flights requiring coordination and coordinate as appropriate, advising MECS which flights have been
manually coordinated, so as to avoid any repetition.

Should a FEP/ADT line failure occur during a period of high traffic, it may be appropriate to open extra
MECS positions to ensure that individual workloads do not become excessive.


If Gander have a system failure, how will this impact our operations for both Eastbound and Westbound flights?


Westbound CPL messages will not be sent, the Controller with responsibility for the flight will ensure
the details are passed to Gander by phone. The Controller shall annotate the strip with the appropriate
coordination symbol.

Eastbound CPL messages will be received by phone at the MECS position. MECS shall forward details to
the Enroute Controller who has jurisdiction for the flight. The Controller shall update the FPL
details and complete all necessary coordination, including a full readback to Gander.


What happens if there is a failure of the NATCC Link / AFTN?


Centres using a NATCC are connected via AFTN.

For Centres connected via AFTN a failure of the receiving centre will result in coordination messages
not being acknowledged.

The GS shall instruct EO (Engineering Operations) to close the NATCC link to the affected centre. This will result in Controllers receiving a warning message when GAATS+ tries to send a message to the affected centre.


If Santa Maria / Reykjavik have a line failure, who coordinates what and how do we receive estimates?


Planners shall coordinate and obtain approval for all westbound flights to Santa Maria and Reykjavik
which enter from a domestic centre prior to issuing the clearance and annotate the strip with the appropriate coordination symbol.

Planners shall also coordinate eastbound flights routing HIDRA-PITAX.

Enroute Controllers shall coordinate and obtain approval for all eastbound flights to Santa Maria and
Reykjavik and all westbound flights entering Shanwick from Santa Maria and Reykjavik prior to fully
clearing the flight.

Estimates for both eastbound and westbound flights from Santa Maria and Reykjavik will be received
by phone at the MECS position. MECS will forward the details to the Controller with jurisdiction for the flight. The Controller shall coordinate the flight, including obtaining a full readback.