Practical: Gross Brain Flashcards
Identify the highlighted structure

Anterior Cerebral A.
Identify the highlighted structure

Corpus Callosum
Anterior: Genu
Middle: Body
Posterior: Splenium



Lateral Ventricle

Posterior Cerebral A.

Identify the structure marked A

Subparietal sulcus
Identify B

Parietooccipital sulcus
Identify C

Calcarine Sulcus
Identify D

Occipitotemporal Sulcus
Identify E

Collateral Sulcus
Identify F

Callosal Sulcus
Identify G

Cingulate Sulcus
ID 1

Longitudinal Fissure
ID 2

Precentral Gyrus
ID 3

Central Sulcus
ID 4

Postcentral Gyrus
ID 5

Supramarginal Gyrus
ID 7

Middle Frontal Gyrus
ID 8

Superior Frontal Gyrus
ID 1

Pars Opercularis
ID 2

Pars Triangularis
ID 3

PArs Orbitalis
ID 4

LAteral Sulcus
ID 5

Olfactory Bulb
ID 6

Superior Temporal Gyrus
ID 7

Angular Gyrus
ID 8

Supramarginal Gyrus
ID 1

Olfactory bulb
ID 2

Optic Tract
ID 3

Interpeduncular Fossa
ID 4

Crus Cerebri
ID 5

Substantia Nigra
ID 6

Superior Colliculi
ID 7

Lingual Gyrus
ID 8

Collateral Sulcus
ID 9

Parahippocampal Gyrus
ID 10

Mammillary body
ID 11

ID 12


ID 1

ID 2

Trigeminal N.
ID 3

NOTE: the location of the glossopharyngeal N. and Vagus N.
ID 4

ID 5

Abducens N.
ID 6

Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
ID 1
What nerve exits here?

Preolivary Sulcus
Hypoglossal N.
ID 2

ID 3

Anterior Median Fissure
ID 4

Hypoglossal N.
ID 5
A lesion in this structure can affect what cranial n.?

Superior Cerebellar A.
Occulomotor N.
ID 1

Paracentral Gyrus
ID 2

Cingulate Gyrus
ID 4

Parahippocampal Gyrus
also look at the uncus I forgot to cover it and ask you to ID it
ID 5

Lingual Gyrus
ID 6

Calcarine Sulcus
ID 7

Cuneus Gyrus
ID 8

Parieto-occipital sulcus
NOTE: this sulcus marks the transition from ACA supply to PCA supply
ID 1

ID 2

Not a typo just be general
ID 3

Cerebellar Tonsil
ID 4

ID 1

Septum Pellucidum
ID 2

Interventricular Foramen
ID 3

Column of Fornix
ID 4

Anterior Commissure of the Brain
ID 5

Supraoptic Recess
found superior to the optic chiasm
ID 6

ID 7

inferior to the optic chaism kind of
ID 8

Infundibular Recess
ID 9

Mammillary Body
ID 10

Oculomotor N.
ID 11

Interpeduncular Fossa
ID 12

Posterior Inferior Cerebellar A.
ID 13

Anterior Medullary Velum
ID 14

Quadrigeminal Cistern
space between the pineal gland and cerebellum
ID 15

Pineal Gland
ID 16

ID 17
Interthalamic Adhesion
ID 18

Body of Fornix
ID 1

Pineal Gland
ID 2

Medial Geniculate Nucelus of THalamus
ID 3

LAteral Geniculate Nucleus
ID 4

Crus Cerebri
ID 5

Trochlear N
ID 6

Anterior Medullary Velum
ID 7

Sulcus Limitans
ID 8

Restiform Body of Medulla
ID 9

Vagal trigone
ID 10

Vagal Trigone
ID 11

Trigeminal Tubercle
ID 12

Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
ID 13

Superior Cerebellar Peduncle
ID 14

Brachium of Inferior Colliculus
ID 15

BRachium of Superior Colliculus
Blood Supply of the brainstem and thalamus
