Practical Feedlot Nutrition Flashcards
Describe differnces between domestic and export market specifications and suitable diets to achieve these
Describe domestic trade specifications
- Hot Standard Carcass Weight (HSCW) = 160-250kg
- Fat depth = 6-9mm@P8
- Feeding period = 60d (heifers), = 70d (steers) up to 90d
- Entry LW = 220-300kg
- Entry age = 6-12 months
Describe differences between domestic and export market specifications and suitable diets to achieve these
Describe domestic trade DIET specifications
- High ME
- low cost high ME source (wheat, triticale, barley)
- **Low cost protein source
- but may need to consider UDP**
- In Australia, need cheap, high quality roughage
- E.g. maize silage (contains grain)
- avoid high carotene diets
- Green & yellow coloured plants needed for vitamin A synthesis but taints meat and discolours fat
- Better to add vitamin A to diet
Describe differences between domestic and export market specifications and suitable diets to achieve these
Describe export trade specifications
- HSCW = 280-390kg
- Fat depth = 16-20mm@P8
- Sex = steers
- Feeding period = 120-150d, over 200d
- Entry LW = 300-500kg
- Entry age = 16-20 months
Describe differences between domestic and export market specifications and suitable diets to achieve these
Describe export trade DIET specifications
- **In Japan, slow growth rate of 1 kg/d over 300-500d
- up to 75% concentrate
- cattle fed ad lib**
Describe differences between domestic and export market specifications and suitable diets to achieve these
Preparing for feedlot entry
- what diet should be fed?
- how much kg ADG is preferable?
- feeding high roughage (forage) diet
- common to start with 20% concentrate
- Build up to 40% concentrate
- typically obtain approximately 1kg ADG
Describe differences between domestic and export market specifications and suitable diets to achieve these
What do introductory feedlot diets aim to achieve?
What % concentrate and what % roughage should be fed?
- Aims to adjust rumen to high grain
- introduce to cereal grain over 3 weeks
- lupins can be used to improve daily gain in introductory phase
- expect low consumption in the first week
- Common to start with 20% concentrate
- can start with 50% for young cattle
Describe differences between domestic and export market specifications and suitable diets to achieve these
What do feedlot finishing diets consist of?
- feeding cattle to an endpoint suitable for slaughter
- feed a high concentrate ration to increase ration energy density
- increases rate of gain, decreases cost of gain
- promotes fattening to achieve desired quality grade
- *-typical finishing ration is
- 90-95% concentrate, 5-10% roughage**
List ways in which protein deposition can be altered
How can you control growth through nutrition?
- Repartitioning agents
- Sex hormones/analogues
- Growth hormones (GH)
- Growth promoting medications (Bacitracin (BMD))
- agonists (Ractopamine & ZH) Muscle promotants
- MGA - melengestrol acetate
- Progestogen-like compound that inhibits oestrus in heifers
- Promote muscle growth
- Quiet cattle gain more rapidly and efficiently
- For lean production, protein supply must be in balance with energy
- Compensatory growth effects
- Nutritional phasing
maximised to provide as much as NEg as possible
-11 + MJME/kg DM
typically fed at 12-14% of ration DM
- Ca is usually deficient in typical feedstuffs
- Added at 1% diet
- Grains are high in phosphorus but low in calcium (Ca:P ratio)
- Sulphur sometimes added (microbes)
- Trace minerals are usually mixed in ration
- Zinc & cobalt
- Salt is usually mixed in ration at 0.2% of diet (Sodium)
- Urea at 1% of diet (N source)
- Only major concern is Vit. A, maybe D
- vit. E
- thiamin
Energy concentrates?
- Cereal grains
- Fat (no more than 7%)
• By products
-E.g. oilseed meal, cotton seed meal
Protein concentrates?
- Oilseed meals
• By products
-E.g. Distillers and brewers grains
- Corn or sorghum silage
- additional benefit: contains additional grain
- Lucerne hay
- additional benefit: contains protein
- Grass hay
- Straw