L9: Carbohydrates Flashcards
*Describe how carbohydrates are classified as sugars or non-sugars
Give brief overview of CHO’s?
- CHO = sugars + fibres
- Major component of plant tissue
- General formula (CH2O)n (n = 3 or more)
- Major energy source for herbivores
- Classified as sugars or non-sugars
- Nutritionally classified as fibrous or non-fibrous
- CHO consist of 70-80% of feed consumed by grazing animal
*Describe how carbohydrates are classified as sugars or non-sugars
- Sugars are more simple, more digestible
- Monosaccherides
- Oligosaccherides
- Tri, Hex, Pent-oses, di, tri-saccherides
- Ribo, gluc, galact, lact, malt, suc, fruct -ose
- Non-sugars are more complex
- Polysaccherides
- Heteroglycans
- Glyco lipids & proteins
- starch, cellulose, hemicelluloses, glycogen
*Describe what is meant by soluble (non-fibrous) and insoluble (fibrous) carbohydrate
-structural component of plant (cell walls)
-Plant fibre increases w/ age and height
-animal emzymes unable to digest
* microbes able to do some fermentative digestion (rumen/hindgut) -
-easily digested energy source
-e.g. lactose or starch
What is an enantiomer?
- optical isomer
- same chemical structure
- same molecular order
- But rotate plane-polarised light in opposite direction
- often means different chemical reactions
- L and D isomers
Starch and glycogen are polymers of the alpha form of glucose.
T or F?
Cellulose is a polymer of which form of glucose?
- T
- Beta fo
Describe starch and its composition
- Reserve CHO in plants
- Large amounts of lactic acid are produced when it is digested
- Abundant in seeds and fruit
- Mix of amylose and amylopectin
Describe glycogen
- Main CHO storage in animals
- often called animak starches
- Found in liver and muscle
- Used as immediate energy source
-fight or flight - Mobilised by glucagon
-converted by liver into glucose - -ve feedback
< BG
-glucagon released, glycogen released
-enters blood, circulates to liver
-converted to glucose, then to pyruvate
-enters TCA cycle, returns to glucose
Describe cellulose
- Most abundant CHO
- plant stucture to cell walls, rigidity
- comprised of B-D-glucose
- Often found w/ lignin and hemicellulose
- influences digestibility through enzyme access
Describe the structure of the following monosaccheride derivatives:
Amino sugars
Deoxy sugars
How are they different to glucose?
- Amino sugars
- hydroxyl group of C2 replaced w/ amino group NH2
- Deoxy sugars
- hydroxyl (OH) group replaced w/ hydrogen
- Glycosides
- H ion at C1 is replaced w/ an alcohol or phenol
Describe heteroglycans
- Help give plant resistance
- Pectic substances
- found in primary cell walls (gelling properties)
- Exudate gums (saps)
- Hyaluronix acid
- present in skin, umbilical cord (joint lubricant)
- Chondroitin
- cartilage, tendon, bone
- Hemicelluloses
Describe hemicelluloses
- alkali soluble cell wall polysaccherides
- composed of mainky hexoses and pentoses
- joined by B glycosidic linkages
- [] increases w/ plant age
- Low digestibility
Describe lignin
- Plant tensile strength
- masking effect, major impact on nutritive value
- decreases digestibility by encrusting plant fibres rendering them inaccessible to digestion
*Describe the process of carbohydrate digestion in monogastrics
- Animal enzymes digest CHO in SI
- Enzymatic digestion
- simple sugars formed and absorbed into BS
- Specific enzymes for each type of polysaccheride
- all polysaccherides are digested to monosacch. before absorption
*Describe the process of carbohydrate digestion in monogastrics
Describe the process
- Dietary polysac. converted to disacc. by salivary and pancreatic amylases
- Disacch. converted to monosacc. by brush border enzymes
- Depending on chemical composition, some monosacc. absorbed across apical membrane by by actively attaching to a specific carrier (aldoses)
- Others absorbed by facilitated diffusion (ketoses; fructose)
_*Describe the process of carbohydrate digestion in monogastrics_
How is fibre digestion in MNG possible and what limits this?
- Possible by microbial digestion in large intestine
- caecum/colon
- VFA production
- energy but no protein digestion
- Large caecum = reasonably efficient fibre digestion
- small caecum = limited fibre digestion
- Type of monogastric animal determines how much fibre digested