practical Flashcards
simple interrupted suture
one way through and knot
one handed tie
figure 4 cross over
karate crop cross over
two handed tie
wrap in thumb down
white over thumb- form 4
pincher through and grab
cross hands
pointer over
white up and over
pinch pull through cross
one handed tie
pointer figure 4
cross right over left
karate chop
simple interrupted
vertical mattress interrupted
near far far near
intervting parallel to incision
use back hand to tie knot
ford interlocking suture
back hand through other side and tie with loop
inverting pattern
all on surface
use back hand and loop to tie
horizontal mattress interrupted
subcuticular or intradermal
how to bury knot
deep sup, sup deep
aim needle toward end on incision, leave loop
backhand superficial to deep aiming toward middle of incision, tie using 1st loop, parallel to incision
simple continuous