PQ 7 Flashcards
185) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Cheeses made from raw milk may pose higher microbiological risk than those made from
pasteurised milk
Cheeses made from raw milk may pose lower microbiological risk than those made from
pasteurised milk
Cheeses made from raw milk may pose higher microbiological risk than those made from
pasteurised milk
186) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The D value is the time needed to a decimal reduction of the live cell count
The D value is the temperature increase necessary for a tenfold reduction of the thermal death
The D value is calculated using the length and the girth of the shaft
The D value is the time needed to a decimal reduction of the live cell count
187) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Cold smoking is more effective against moulds than against bacteria
Cold smoking is less effective against moulds than against bacteria
Cold smoking is more effective against moulds than against bacteria
188) Choose the CORRECT answer!
For preservation of food with a pH <4.5, a heat treatment at 121.1 degree celsius is
For preservation of foods with a pH <4.5, a heat treatment of <100 degree celsius is sufficient
For preservation of food with a pH <4.5, a heat treatment at 121.1 degree celsius is
189) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Dioxins accumulate in the adipose tissues of the consumer
Dioxins accumulate in the kidneys of the consumer
Dioxins accumulate in the adipose tissues of the consumer
190) Choose the CORRECT answer!
At the slaughterhouse, pigs shall only be bled in a suspended position
In a small capacity slaughterhouse, pigs can also be bled in a horizontal position
At the slaughterhouse, pigs shall only be bled in a suspended position
191) Choose the CORRECT answer!
As a part of the routine meat inspection of cattle >8 months old, the heart shall be
opened lengthways
As a part of the routine meat inspection of pigs, the heart shall be opened lenghtways
As a part of the routine meat inspection of cattle >8 months old, the heart shall be
opened lengthways
192) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Evisceration is a critical step of poultry slaughter in terms of HACCP
Chilling is a critical step of poultry slaughter in terms of HACCP
Chilling is a critical step of poultry slaughter in terms of HACCP
193) Which statement is true?
The shellfish may become poisonous due to ingestion of biotoxin-producing planktons
The shellfish may become poisonous due to ingestion of mycotoxin-producing planktons
The shellfish may become poisonous due to ingestion of biotoxin-producing planktons
194) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The rules of small-scale production of foods of animal origin are regulated on EU level
The rules of small scale production of foods of animal origin shall be determined
The rules of small scale production of foods of animal origin shall be determined
195) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Wholesale distribution of foodstuffs is regulated on EU level
Wholesale distribution of foodstuff shall be regulated nationally
Wholesale distribution of foodstuffs is regulated on EU level
196) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Salmonellae are mesophilic organisms
Salmonellae are thermophilic organism
Salmonellae are mesophilic organisms
197) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Abnormal prions are heat sensitive proteins that can be inactivated at 80 degree celsius within
10 minutes
Abnormal prions are heat resistant peptides that can be destroyed at 133 degree celsius
and 3 bar pressure only
Abnormal prions are heat resistant peptides that can be destroyed at 133 degree celsius
and 3 bar pressure only
198) Choose the CORRECT answer!
After bleeding, the pH of the muscle tissue of cattle decreases faster to the final pH than in pigs
After bleedings, the pH of the muscle tissue of pigs decrease faster to the final pH than in cattle
After bleedings, the pH of the muscle tissue of pigs decrease faster to the final pH than in cattle
199) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Pigs can be health marked before the results of the Trichinella test are available
Pigs must not be health-marked before the results of Trichinella test are available
Pigs can be health marked before the results of the Trichinella test are available
200) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Nitrites can enter into reaction with amines forming nitrosamines
Nitrates can enter into reaction with amines forming nitrosamines
Nitrites can enter into reaction with amines forming nitrosamines
201) Choose the CORRECT answer!
The primary objective of pasteurisation is to destroy all forms of pathogenic bacteria
The primary objective to pasteurisation is to destroy the vegetative form of pathogenic
The primary objective to pasteurisation is to destroy the vegetative form of pathogenic
202) Choose the CORRECT answer!
In protective atmosphere packaging, carbon dioxide is partly replaced by oxygen and nitrogen
In protective atmosphere packaging, oxygen is partly replaced by carbon dioxide and
In protective atmosphere packaging, oxygen is partly replaced by carbon dioxide and
203) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Pyretroids are persisting compounds in the environment
Pyretroids do not persist in the environment
Pyretroids do not persist in the environment
204) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Chlorinated hydrocarbons are highly lipid soluble compounds with a tendency to persist
in the environment
Organophosphates are highly lipid soluble compounds with a tendency to persist in the
Chlorinated hydrocarbons are highly lipid soluble compounds with a tendency to persist
in the environment
205) Choose the CORRECT answer!
In the EU, chloramphenicol is prohibited for growth promotion, but can be used for therapy in
food producing animals
In the EU, chloramphenicol is not allowed for use in food producing animals
In the EU, chloramphenicol is not allowed for use in food producing animals
206) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Nitrosamines can get into the organism of the consumer with foods, but can also be
generated in the stomach
Nitrosamines can get into the organism of the consumer with foods, but can also be generated
in the intestines
Nitrosamines can get into the organism of the consumer with foods, but can also be
generated in the stomach
207) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Caseins are produced in the udder
Caseins originate from the blood
Caseins are produced in the udder
208) Which microorganisms are characteristic to spoilage of food which have neutral pH and
high water activity?
bacteria (?)
209) For which species is the annual sample number of residuum monitoring determined based
on the production figures of the previous year?
Broiler chicken
Broiler chicken
210) What does the term “facultative anaerobic bacteria” mean?
The bacterium grows only in the presence of oxygen
The bacterium also grows in the presence and absence of oxygen
The bacterium also grows in the presence and absence of oxygen
211) Choose the CORRECT answer!
As a part of the routine meat inspection of pigs, the submaxillary lymph nodes not be
inspected by incision
As a part of the routine meat inspection of pigs, the submaxillary lymph nodes shall be sliced to
exclude tuberculosis
As a part of the routine meat inspection of pigs, the submaxillary lymph nodes not be
inspected by incision
212) Choose the CORRECT answer!
After slaughter, the carcasses of poultry should be chilled to a temperature of <4 degrees
After slaughter, the carcasses of poultry should be chilled to a temperature of <7 degrees
After slaughter, the carcasses of poultry should be chilled to a temperature of <4 degrees
213) Choose the CORRECT answer!
In the inra-community trade, the fresh meat of pigs or cattle shall be marked with an
identification marking
In the inra-community, the fresh meat of pigs or cattle shall be health marked (meat
In the inra-community, the fresh meat of pigs or cattle shall be health marked (meat
214) Choose the CORRECT answer!
Pasteurisation is a heat treatment performed at temperatures below 100 degrees celsius
Pasteurisation is a heat treatment performed at temperatures above 100 degrees celsius
Pasteurisation is a heat treatment performed at temperatures below 100 degrees celsius